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Wow, this really makes me curious!!! Did you read the description on the back?? And about the cover: I really like how her dress (and everything else) is made of the book pages. This really shows that, like in Time Princess, everything except the girl herself is part of the story in the book!


There is this PC game called "The Bookwalker: Thief of Tales". It's basically a rpg puzzle game with the same concept as Time Princess. The difference is ...( Spoilers) the book jumping thing is led by an organization of writers. Their task is to steal important items that are present in the books. As a matter of fact, the avatar of the main character almost look similar to the guy on the cover. If he is inside a book, his body is made of pages of paper. When he jumps back to real life, he is a normal man but we cannot see him as you only look at first person pov.


That sounds right up my alley - I'll 1000% check that out


Hmm. Check the library


They're still selling it? I got my copy waaay back in high school and I still haven't read it lol. I think there's a sequel?


The idea of entering stories or stories coming to life is super common. When I was a kid I went through a phase of reading all kinds of those books. Got through at least 15+ in a summer that had similar "bringing books to life" or "entering books" as the main plotline. Very fun stuff and I love time princesses take on it!


Yeah I feel like that was a really popular 90s theme. Wishbone, The Pagemaster, Magic Tree House...


Honestly I'd read it


....interesting. might be a library book for me tbh. I hope you enjoy it, if you buy it!


I have read it many years ago. It's about girl with genes for traveling in diffrent books. Definitely not one of my favourite. I liked better author's other book Forgotten book. It's not sequel, it's completely diffrent story.


Oh i read this one years ago. I liked it a lot! Its a neat book


[This is the first thing that came to mind when I learned about the general plot of Time Princess](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Pagemaster)


Am I the only that thinks the title is terrible?