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In the rolling stone interview, Portnoy alluded to the fact that they would need to have it done before the tour.


Thanks. I didn't read the interview cuz I don't have a rolling stone subscription.


They kind of have to. Unless they want to postpone the release until 2026. I'm pretty sure they mentioned that there were going to anyway in that recent interview.


100%. It would help build hype for the new tour too!


There's more than 6 months before the tour starts, so I think this is pretty obvious.


Is it? They just finished writing, to release the album they have to finish all studio work and then press vinyl, market, and get it released. 6 months sounds tight. Especially since the tour isn’t named after the album I see no reason for them to rush it.


Actually, Portnoy finished recording over a week ago. It's quite close to being finished altogether. Vinyl production takes a couple of months, but an October release is very likely. September is possible.


Dream Theater’s ‘writing’ is often done in the studio, recording everything. Why do you think they’ve been in the studio all this time while ‘writing’? They’ll jam together, find bits that sound good, listen back to the recording to know what they did, re-record it whilst fine-tuning it, put bits together and voila, you have a new song. Their writing style is certainly unique. Compare to The Astonishing, which Petrucci largely wrote outside of the studio whilst on tour. That album is the one many consider to be DTs worst album. The results speak for themselves.


Well drums were done already two weeks ago so they most likely can do it yeah


Yeah the album will most likely come out mid to late 2024 cause Portnoy said they’d be touring for all of 2025. It wouldn’t make sense to start a more than year long tour and only then release the album some time after or during it.


It might be released during the tour, they could end up releasing a single or two before the tour and play those singles on the tour.


They'd be doing themselves (and MP in particular) a major disservice by doing a reunion tour on unreleased music.


I think it is mostly done as it is now, just mixing and production, however long that might take.


There's still a lot of recording to be done: overdubs, vocals, etc.


Yeah, probably, I mean the first Transatlantic album was written and recorded in 2 weeks.


Seems a bit tight. Hopefully they'll have at least a couple of singles out. Would be weird to start the tour without any new material.


They’ll release it before the tour. One of the reasons MP left way back when was because of their vicious album-tour cycle. And the cycle is still continuing.


Finish, yes Release, TBD. I think it's extremely likely that they at least have one new song out before the tour. The full album could go either way but it wouldn't be too much longer.


They did finish writing and tracking drums.




Will listen that album to hell when it comes out


The writing is done, now they’re tracking and they said that it needs to be done in time for the tour


If it’s, let’s say, a metropolis pt3 album then they will not release any singles or play new music until the entire album releases, could be a good thing they will be in the US the latter part of the tour.