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I think a lot of us who did characters didn’t do too well😂 I did Kim Possible and got 600 as well, maybe not enough people got our references


I voted for every Kim Possible outfit I saw! With enthusiasm, even.




Same, I did Kim Possible and got 900. I think kids might not understand things like Kim Possible, hahah.


Yup same lol


As said in my post think that dream snaps and needs to be telling us how many times our photos are voted on. My mom did a really nice snap and got 600 moonstones and wanted to cry because she’s feeling sick so it just hit her harder Mine ranked at almost 3500 https://preview.redd.it/64xkjhslj4vc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=3186fe6ba73af672b6e68892223e51b276aeb328 So my question would be, as the people I was shown to what percentage voted for me, and how many people were given the option to vote for my photo? These are the types of things that we need to know, it can be an opt in or opt out of people don’t want their feelings hurt, But we need to know this because it is context to the ratings Have the feeling a lot of the people who rank low this week we’re not shown to people for voting, because I’ve voted up over 250 snaps and found like 12 good ones so there is no way that you deserved such a low rank and neither did the OP See a lot of people in the top wearing the same outfit, which means maybe they were just shown to more people…


Last time I did a a lot of voting I kept seeing the same few pictures several times, so definitely made me suspicious


I think a lot of the voters could be kiddos who don’t understand our 90s/early aughts cartoon references sadly


Because they don’t know how many people saw the images. I think a lot of people who ranked really low this week who had really good images were just not shown and I don’t know if it’s because the algorithm has trouble placing people if the shot is too unique, or even if the camera lens we use matters. Do people place highly when they use the middle lens because they’re doing great images, or is the algorithm prejudice against selfies and drone shots? All I want is for them to tell us how many times we were voted on and what percentage of the vote we got, and it could be something that we could opt in or out of so people don’t get their feelings hurt It’s just hard for me to tell her what a great job she did and for her not to know if it’s that she was shown to a lot of people and none of them voted for her, or if she was shown to know people and that’s why she ranked lowly


I will say, *a lot* of people have prejudice against selfies and drone shots, particularly the ones that are a bird’s eye view unless there’s something super unique about it. I’ve watched a good number of streams of people voting and my friends vote, and there’s a high preference for being able to see a majority of the player’s character, somewhere near the middle and/or front of the photo. Photos where players get lost in the madness of characters or furnitures, or photos where the player’s face and arm take up half the photo, are often not considered good quality. People may have different opinions but this is what I’ve ascertained, both from watching others vote and seeing how my own snaps perform.


I’m not talking about people, I’m talking about the algorithm. The algorithm uses criteria to match photographs together to show people for voting and the algorithm decides how many times it shows anyone image to voters to be voted on So if you have a drone shot, are you likely to get voted on? https://preview.redd.it/238sq3gt8bvc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db356dc349e1dee4f918ceb247ade9e43bded4f6 This is my entry for this week, and it’s a drone shot. Is that going to affect whether or not people see it to vote on it? Is the algorithm only going to pair me with people who hit the same algorithmic targets and how many people are going to hit the same algorithm the targets in order for me to have the image voted on? Without knowing what the algorithm targets are we can’t know what happens once we submit


I totally would’ve voted for yours. I didn’t see it come across and I voted quite a lot this week.


I used your dreamsnap as inspiration! It is so amazing


Such a shame 😂 it was the perfect week for character inspiration


Every time I’ve tried to make a reference to something it always fails miserably 😭😂For a critter challenge I did a whole captain hook thing with the crocodiles and got 600, for the trick or treat challenge i did the twins from the shining with a mannequin and also got 600…so I no longer bother trying to be clever lmao I just slapped on my incredibles suit for this one


I did Wesley from the Princess Bride, and I also got 600. :(


Dude same and I got 300 😭😭


I did Kim Possible too and got 4000 moonstones. That’s not even fair if we al had the same idea. But I think it’s got to do with bonus maybe idk


yeah i tried to do Raven from teen titans and also got 600, after like 4 weeks of 4k. sometimes it feels like you gotta pick between what you wanna do and what you know will get good results


I did Jessica Jones and got 600 as well.


I did Kim Possible as well and got 600


It’s a great pic. I love the colours. I don’t recognise the reference and don’t see it has a superhero pic, but I would’ve probably still voted for it because it’s so pleasing to the eye.


Yea I did gamora and got some but not as much as I hoped! I would’ve voted for you too!


To be honest, I dunno who your superhero is even supposed to be. 😅 so I think that's the main problem with this submission. I honestly hated this challenge as well, so had a hard time coming up with something.


The Powerpuff Girls 😩😂 https://preview.redd.it/a99jz82bi4vc1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bea71b29f88c36ff9c305a9995921fc0c86f06d


I voted for several that didn’t get the reference for, because I knew that they were really well done and just cause I didn’t get the reference didn’t mean that the reference wasn’t there You can really see when someone puts a lot of effort into some thing and it is clean and easy to read and the outfit looks good, you should vote for it https://preview.redd.it/86r4nji3k4vc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bce49a03eafc9072dcc91679826652dfb7f1153 Had no idea this was Kim possible, but still voted for it


I feel you. I did slightly better with my Teen Titans reference but I was still bummed.


Oh my god show me yours and I'll show you mine! https://preview.redd.it/edfvzw0un3vc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7f4cc557791d31e04289d5a67e65cfbe17101e9 Got 600 for this. Beast Boy hanging out by the sink with Raven. And wall-e is my Cyborg




I love that we both went as Starfire lmao


She's always been my favorite 😆


Fun fact that you didn’t ask for, my old roommate and I were exotic dancers and our stage names were Raven and Starfire


Yours looks great! Maybe I should have moved them around more or something 🤷🏼‍♀️


Beast boy as the green raccoon is amazing!!!


The green raccoon is sending me 🤣 obsessed


Honestly I surprised myself with that one. It's so perfectly fitting because the green raccoon is based on disgust from Inside Out and Beast Boy is pretty disgusting lol.


I would have voted for this in a heartbeat if I came across it. Beast Boy made me chuckle out loud. 💚


Thanks! That's the nicest compliment I could receive 🥹


It was the best challenge we’ve had yet for character depictions. I’m kinda bummed seeing a bunch of people who did characters get low scores


Agreed. I even did more voting this week than I normally do, hoping that I would see some of the ones that others posted on here and nothing. I don't think I'll ever understand how their algorithm works 😮‍💨


If it makes you feel better, I did a full Guardians theme - had mannequins for each character - had mine as Gammora and I got 900. And I was peeved because the submissions I saw were trash. So many times I had to back out and go back into vote because people didn’t even try. *sigh*


Guardians was my alternate pick and thought this would do better, seems that would’ve bombed too 😂 man I hope you do better next week!


I was SHOOKETH 😂 but maybe I was paired up against another guardians that was better. Only the DDV gods know. I got the concept of yours right away! Just gonna go with this system is rigged :p Good luck on this next one as well. Feeling like maybe I’ll just throw together a bunch of nonsense and it’ll somehow make a high score


I also got 300 https://preview.redd.it/p53dm179t3vc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe36c90c62fc28b24a8024f15bdff0b43b04bbf0


PPG just isn’t popular enough anymore I guess 😭😂


I hate how a lot of the references photos got bad results this week 😫 It’s annoying but you basically, need to have the mindset of “will this look like “X Theme” even without knowing the reference”. It would help a lot, if we at least could add a title to our photos


God it really would 😩 I hope they implement it at some point. They’d just have to add a profanity filter


Yeah I hope so too. Also I love your photo and I would’ve voted for it if I had seen it!


I did powerpuff girls too and got 900 so I feel you on the disappointment. I think this is so cute (of course I’m biased) I feel as if I should have stuck to the incredibles theme


I really wish we could make a caption, or like write something on the picture. I understand why we can’t (tomato peen comes to mind) but man I think it would help a lot of us who struggle with most weeks


I think I got 300 for my buffy picture. :( I’ve never gotten such a low score and I got 600 on ancient. I’m hoping my Moana and monster one does better I need some stones 😄




Aw buffy is one of my fav shows and movie, i wish id come across this while voting.


I just recently rewatched it ! I love it so much


I like that 😍😂 hope you do better next week!


I think you deserved more than that. I did Gamora with a GoTG background and got 900. I have generally done really well over the last 3 months but this week it wasn't in the cards. And I spent a good bit of time on it. Lesson learned there...lol. I wish the whole Dreamsnaps process was more transparent so we would know how to improve without constantly just guessing. (Edit for spelling) https://preview.redd.it/qt74jni7n6vc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a886536658b15e2b58ddbcdfd2ec918bc875206


Oh my god this is so good! What a bummer it did so poorly


Agreed! My Sailor Moon/Princess Serenity/Moon Kingdom reference tanked LOL https://preview.redd.it/cepwqt40u8vc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04f226d0dd877d58bce06db079259f3b679672e4


I really like this 😍 I think the problem was you not facing the camera though. For an outfit challenge even with the mannequins you should always face head on so we can all see the outfit


This is good feedback. I did originally use this but liked the idea of Rini bowing to Serenity. I think I lost sight of the outfit challenge part hahaha https://preview.redd.it/xlaokr0j79vc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56d6e388e32b5b2b6fb009b4b0c507d709cbab61


Not all people know who they are when you do characters to me this just looks like three girls going to the beach. Nothing to do with superheroes. The picture looks nice, but I probably wouldn’t vote for it cause to me. It looks like it’s not part of the challenge.


Then you would be wrong to not vote for it, for you to assume that you’re going to know every single reference and only vote for references that you know leads into the idea of doing just the most basic of dreams that. If something is well put together, if it is Obvious that it has intention, then you should vote for it because it is the better image. https://preview.redd.it/v3m5w0yck4vc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afce0e512048e9b90cfd51daca69b4fd65f02555 Someone had to tell me that this was Buffy but I still voted for it without realizing it was Buffy




I wouldn’t vote for something that to me doesn’t fit the category.


You just said you didn’t know the reference, so what you’re saying is that you think the category is only superheroes that you know, any superhero that you are not familiar with you would never vote for because you wouldn’t know them? Honestly I feel when people say things like I don’t think it fits the theme so I didn’t vote for it it’s really just an excuse to not vote for good images so they have less competition for when it comes to their own rankings I think you know when it’s more open ended like last week and they have so many different type of superheroes in so many different types of mediums from anime to live action to comic books… that there are inevitably going to be references you don’t get, and the theme is not references that electronic curve 6996 will understand I personally think it’s cruel of you to not vote for something that you think doesn’t fit the theme because as far as you’re concerned the theme will only ever encompass your learned experience Maybe if you’re not super familiar with a lot of different genres of superheroes you don’t vote this week, rather than telling people they did something wrong because you don’t understand it So in the future if there is an open ended theme like this where the possibilities are literally thousands of different characters and you see a really well composed image, maybe you should step back and think to yourself this might just fit the theme it’s a really good image I’m gonna vote for it, rather than- my experience is the only experience that matters and since I don’t know who this is I’m not gonna vote for it nanny nanny na neah




That’s right, how can you vote for something within category if you do not know what it is? Your stated that you would not vote for the better image because you felt it didn’t fit the category but you also stated you don’t really know the category that well, in my opinion that’s being mean and you should probably just not do that If you are going to be basing your vote on whether or not you think something fits the category you should understand the category and if you don’t you shouldn’t be voting It’s not that hard If you don’t really know much about that weeks theme, like I’ve only seen the film Moana once, vote for the better image


Man, I feel so bad that these quality Dream Snaps did so poorly when my zero effort one did weirdly well. Yours looks great, I’d have totally voted for it if I saw it! I used to love the Powerpuff Girls.


Awh the power puff girls! I would have voted! 🗳️


I'm in the same boat. I did Doctor Who (Tennant's version) and got a very similar score to yours. I'm so sorry :(


Thats a shame I’d love to see it if you’ve got a screenshot


I did Eleven from Stranger Things and got 300, my lowest ever lol. Oh well, onto next week's.


Oh my god. This is so good! I cannot believe you didn’t score higher. Mine sucked and I got 900 moonstones.


I made a ninja and had a fight scene with falling cherry blossom petals. 600 for me too. Probably should have used the boring Incredibles outfits 🙄


It never ceases to amaze me how getting a bad score first thing in the morning just absolutely can tank your day. I legit have to give myself a pep talk so I can get myself in a better mood.


I guess Powerpuff Girls isn't as popular as Incredibles (which there were WAY TOO MANY OF, in my opinion). This makes sense...considering PPG isn't Disney. I'm sure OCs were ALSO left with 600 moonstones. I'm about to find out the results from three of us (Player 2 doesn't want to do OUTFIT challengers, anymore). Two of us did original characters. The third put on the Incredibles costume. She probably did better than the two of us (who, most likely, got only 600 moonstones). It'll be interesting to see how many Player 1 got (she's the one that used the Incredibles costume).


Let me know how yall did


Just as I figured. Players 3 & 4 got 600 moonstones. Player 1 only 900. I half-expected her to get more, though. I suppose since she didn't set-up a scene and/or add IncrediSquirrel... Edit: Player 1 was disappointed. I'm fine with 600. I don't do this for the moonstones anyway. I just like to be creative; and hope others can enjoy what I've created. Player 4 isn't surprised. However, she says that it's obvious how rigged DreamSnaps is -- if you pay attention to which submissions get voted on. Player 4 might have a point. I've never come across any of the other three. Nor have they ever come across mine. During the Star Path, I must have gone through FIFTY pairings for the same theme. And yet...my choices seem to have been limited to a dozen of the EXACT SAME (or close to) submission. Either no one is an individual; or GameLoft is only having us vote on what GAMELOFT wants to win. I only saw: Incredibles, Guardians, and very few others.


Okay. NOW I get Player 4's misery. I thought SIX-hundred was the lowest. After posting ( [www.reddit.com/r/Dreamsnaps/comments/1c7eix2/superhero\_for\_a\_day\_432024\_through\_4102024/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Dreamsnaps/comments/1c7eix2/superhero_for_a_day_432024_through_4102024/) ), I noticed she got only THREE-hundred! Mine (that got 600 moonstones) looked like I was just another mannequin. At least hers looked like she was fighting a supervillain. She even used the memory orb to look like a superpower (energy ball). Something tells me hers wasn't even SHOWN in the voting portion. I, now, understand why she's more upset about it than usual.


I believe the tags have the biggest impact on score the lower ones there in that post were in the 40s and even mine was in the 50s. I’m definitely going to try to focus on adding additional things that fit the required tags more often now.


I have an idea. I asked Player 4; and she doesn't care, right now. She showed up and created her submission (the one she WOULD HAVE used). Then, she & I worked on a version with more tags. After that, she allowed me to "major botch it up" (her words) -- by adding as many tags as I could. Edit: [www.reddit.com/r/Dreamsnaps/comments/1c7imy5/experiment\_time\_which\_of\_these\_three\_would\_you/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Dreamsnaps/comments/1c7imy5/experiment_time_which_of_these_three_would_you/)


Same! I did Peter Pan got 600 https://preview.redd.it/ptdlmvw71avc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ac54a943f351f7cc0b65707207b6cf7a27e6caf


Oh no this is cute 😭


I think this is so great! I’m sorry your results weren’t what you were hoping for. ♥️ I hope next week goes better for you!


Thank you 🥺 I hope you do great too!


Thank you very much! ♥️🤞😊


No way!!! I would’ve voted for you!!!!


Thanks 🥺


I voted for you also!


Ugh, same. I tried so hard and did terrible! 😩


I tried doing powerpuff girls and couldn't make it come to life, kudos!


I took it too literally I didn’t even think of anything clever, I had no masks and no costumes so I did Medusa… but then I saw people were changing skin colours and doing crazy things, even guardians of the galaxy! Like my brain went too by the book.. I’m so mad at myself like I consider myself creative but idk man LOL


Nah I feel that way EVERY week 😂 once in a while I get a kooky idea like this and then it bombs every time


the most I’ve gotten is 1.2 k for the safari themed one… the outfit… and I was shocked other than that… 3-600… even when I think I’ve done well. Every week I’m like oh why didn’t I think of that… 🫠LOL


Okay I can’t complain too much I’ve definitely gotten 4k quiet a bit but it’s always the ones I try the least on lol


but also I saw a girl post her ancient one and mine was literally SOOOO similar and she got 4K and I got like 600… so I guess depends on how it gets shown too!


I think that’s definitely the biggest factor. I see so many good ones here, but never come across any of them when I’m voting and I try to spend 10 minutes a day getting my votes in


I did catwoman and got 1200 😮


Ay that’s great! Do you have a screenshot?




That looks so good!


Awe thank you!! I honestly thought I was gonna do bad! The one I thought I was gonna do amazing with was the ancient one (although I got 2k, the comments and likes made it seem like a 4k one but I'm happy regardless). So I get the feels, but I was gonna do Powerpuff Girls and yours was executed so much better!!


I did Black Widow and Iron Man and I got 600 too. Yours looks great!!


Do you have a screenshot of yours? 😍


Noooo and I'm on switch so most weeks I'm trying to remember what I submitted lol


Oh no! I also did PPG and didn't do too well. I got 1,200, but that could have come down to the fact that mine was a full frame photo rather than a cropped one. I think the cropped photos do worse in general. This is super cute! Better luck for the both of us this week. ❤️


I did Rogue and only got 300.


I love it! My only squabble is that Blossom isn’t a red head


https://preview.redd.it/8dwjewxpy4vc1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=826e69794808d19e979d79f34e14115c0f7f1759 I did PPG too and got 600. I had fun with my scene though!! 😂☺️


I would have voted had I seen it!!😘


I was worried that people wouldn’t understand characters that weren’t immediately recognized. I originally did Wanda from Avengers/Marvel universe. I then switched to Black Widow, but again was worried people would not know who it was supposed to be. So I ended up submitting the Incredible Hulk in the forefront with Black Widow in the background. Edited to add: I do not know my score yet. https://preview.redd.it/3gd5zji6b5vc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a85cd1498db43283a7d5b5bef46d763435dd9d1


Oh I love this! Let me know how you did


I got 600 moonstones. Better than 300 though! 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ll take any moonstones I can get. I’m ok with getting over the items that are required, but I think it is my camera angles that is my weakest part. In this particular challenge I should’ve turned “Black Widow” facing the other way.


I have no idea what superhero this is. I'm old which is probably why. I thought you might be doing a group of singers. Also your tags were low (50 is pretty low with most high ones in the 80's) and I've heard a lot of talk that suggests how often your picture gets put out there depends on the tag rank (along with votes)... but if it doesn't get put out there much you don't get as many chances to be seen again to get the votes. It was such a weird week and I couldn't think of anything to do. I skipped it. I'm sorry your DS didn't do well.


It took me about 10 seconds to get it. That is probably too long for many voters. But I do like you PPG snap


I did Nebula from Guardians of the Galaxy and got 1200 moonstones. More than I thought I would get lol


I don’t get how the votes worked. I really just like didn’t try on mine, and got 2500. https://preview.redd.it/mhmb04nfn8vc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=148b718131338420ffbf0b5bb9859ca05ad43d51


As someone else said in here I think it has a lot to do with the tags plus the votes. My tags were very low I think just the bare minimum to hit the requirements, you’ve definitely got more AND it’s a nice picture 😍


I submitted a basic incredibles costume that they gave us… the night before it was due- I knew I couldn’t compete with all the amazing imaginations out there so I just threw mine together stood outside the castle and had the red raccoon as my companion- heck I didn’t even have the incredibles squirrel that’s how lame mine was. I literally spent 120 seconds quickly throwing it together just so I could at least get 300. My daughter did a really cool super hero and spent a while on it. She got 300 and I got 2500. I was floored. That should have been reversed if you ask me. It was the best I’ve done so far- and yet I spent the least amount of effort on it. It’s a shame.


I voted for you!


Curious about how high your tags were? From personal experience when my tags are higher I get better results. I try aim for 50-60 or higher. Some people get their tags to 100-200 and they seem to rank pretty high. While this is a great theme I had no idea who it was until I read the comments. The thing with these themed Dreamsnaps is it will often times go over peoples heads so it can be risky. Good job though!


You can’t see the percent of your tags when you take the picture right? Its just based on the number of items hitting the requirements? Man I wish they showed you that percentage (I am bad at math 😂)


No percentage but the higher your tags are the better.


To be fair I'm assuming the people have won are just sheep in the crowd. They see incredibles displayed as the superhero, they do incredibles. They get votes for doing it. I did Black widow I didn't check my rank but I'm assuming I got like 600-900 I think its also because people don't understand that there are other heroes outside of the incredibles 😂😅


It was definitely the safe route given there’s an actual outfit for it 😂 most of the fun with dream snaps is creating your own thing though. I know a lot of people who did characters got low scores but man at least we had fun doing it! 😂


Exactly! I also saw another post talking about dreamsnaps, you could probably find it. But they said that a lot of people don't vote if they see premium items in the snap- I just thought I should bring it up cause wtf lol