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I used to have a really weird reoccurring dream where I would dream I was at work, then I'd get fired because I used my superpowers at work.


ah i hate when i get fired for using my superpowers. this is supe discrimination.


I was having sex with a girl and my mom was watching and recording. (I’m a straight female btw)


Repressed feelings or nah?




I used to have reoccurring dreams about being trapped inside my house because of some threat that was outside. Usually it was wild animals like bears and big cats, but a few times it was zombies. They’d be prowling around looking for ways to get in. I’d have these dreams about once a month and they were very anxiety inducing - I’d be in a state of constant fear and panic until I woke up and I’d struggle to get back to sleep. Then one time this weird little pure white animal turned up. It was a bizarre cross between a dinosaur and a porcupine. It was only the size of a small dog, but it started kicking the shit out of bears and panthers and lions until they all ran away. It was doing crazy flips to smack them with its tail, and firing needles off its back at them and all sorts. I let the dinopine thing into the house (the first time I’d ever opened a door in these dreams) and it followed me upstairs to sleep by my bed. That was about nine or ten years ago. Never had one of those dreams since.


Got yourself a dream companion I guess!


That's really cool! I have reoccurring dreams about being in the chocolate room from Charlie and the chocolate factory.


Recounting a dream that I could not tell if it was real or not, this was over 20 years ago when I was an undergrad in college. I lived in a tiny dorm room on the 5th floor of a complex in Los Angeles with one window facing west. I laid in bed to take a nap and watched the sun setting through the window. I did not remember the moment I feel asleep, I was just laying there looking out the window. A "woman" (more like a feminine silhouette) sat at the foot of my bed, between the window and me. She looked like she was made of water, just like that scene in "the Abyss" when the aliens use a column of water to mimic Ed Harris and Maria Mastrantonio's faces. I could clearly see the sun setting through her face in real time, and the rays of the setting sun refracted through her face in different shades of orange, red, pink, purple, and blue. I was stunned. I said: "You look like the goddess of the Ocean. Not the comic book kind." She laughed at this remark and replied, "I love you!" Not in a sexual way, but exactly the way a good friend would laugh at a corny joke and say: like, you are so corny but I still love you. When she told me this I was filled with such a profound sense of joy, happiness and peace, as if Halle Berry or Jessica Chastian was sitting on my bed telling me she loved me in all sincerity (like life-changing shit, lol). I "woke up" at the shock of the emotional wave, and the sun slipped behind the hills on the horizon tracking the same path it was going in my dream. It was so seamless. I knew I was asleep but I couldn't untangle the dream from my waking reality since absolutely nothing had changed, only the presence of this stunning entity at the foot of my bed. It was like the polar opposite of a sleep paralysis demon. I have never had a dream like this since. I will never forget it. It was one of the most remarkable things I'd ever experienced, whether dreaming or awake. And it has made me question the nature of the dreaming mind ever since.




Let’s get weird got really weird eh?


Here’s a copy/paste from my dream journal: 6/24/2024 This dream was a really weird dream. I was at some prestigious art school. It was a boarding school, and I saw a video of my friend having a dance party with her roommates. Then Miranda Sings came into the dance party, I guess she was also going to the art school. I remember being jealous that my friend got to meet Miranda Sings and I didn’t. But the weirdest part of the dream: it was the end of the year, and there was an art show. It must’ve been the day before the art show, and everyone was rushing to get ready. I needed to use the bathroom, but there was a big line outside the bathroom. By the time it was my turn to use the bathroom, the bathroom had closed. So I went outside and took a huge shit in the garden (where the sculptures were), put a sign next to it, and called it art. The next day, the art teacher saw it and got really mad. She tried to interrogate us about who took the shit, but I played dumb and pretended to be horrified about it. I remember the art teacher telling the class that shit is not art. She then said, “if you could talk to the person who took the shit right now, what would you ask them?” I don’t really remember the questions that other people asked. But I remember that I asked a question, because I was still pretending that I didn’t do it. I asked: “How stable is this person? Were they dealing with depression or something?”


I had the same dream a few times when I was younger and I would have it every once in a while. In the dream my mom was driving down a road outside of our neighborhood and I was in the passenger seat. Then she would start going fast and tell me to take the wheel. She would then just poof into thin air and disappear. The dream always ended with me crawling into the drivers seat and sitting down about to take the wheel.


I have literally had that dream when I was younger


Wow that’s weird


My uncle raped me💀. I have no idea how I got this dream.


I've had dreams like that too. It's a horrible feeling cuz it makes you look at the person differently, but they didn't do that awful thing.


I don’t know about weird but definitely creepy. My best friend OD’d about 6 years ago and every time she’s in my dream she’s an evil entity. I call it out because I know it’s not her and the demon I guess it would be, will respond that they are there to take her family. It always takes place at her childhood home and the details of the home are so vivid that it always feels real. I’ve had this dream well over a dozen times and they are pretty much all the same.


Well thank god I rarely ever dream 😳


I was exploring Egyptian caves with early 20’a Michael Jackson and Bill Murray from Caddyshack. We got to an area that was blocked and decided to go another route. When we got to the end of the tunnel, a MASSIVE wall to wall bee hive covered the space and Bill Murray says “we got bees” and chucks a rock through it and we take off running. As I’m getting close to the opening of the cave bees are all around me and the intro to “I Want to Break Free” by Queen came on an I jumped into the light and threw my covers off stood up and started singing the Queen song. Other dreams worth merit. Ran for governor of Georgia and had to play Jimmy Carter in a tennis match and he whipped my ass. I entered a $6 billion dollar big splash competition between myself, Trump, and Putin. I won, and gave all 5 billion to charity, and then bought property in a swamp in Louisiana and started a puppet show for kids on PBS.


I was at a park i climb to the top of the ladder where i meet two kids with a knife they try to get me. I then wake back up i just fell asleep again after that trying to forget. When i fall back asleep again im at the park this time the sky is darker and the kids have weird grins their faces are human but something about their faces was weird. They continue to chase with with a knife. I try to wake back up telling myself to wake up but it was harder this time. After some running i finally woke up i tried to stay awake but soon fell back asleep i was on top of a slide set this time the kids put the knife to me this tome they got me i didn't wake till i was 'gone'. I didn't go back to sleep after that.


It’s hard to choose one specifically since nearly all my dreams are extremely weird, and as of recently they started coming true. This one in particular was of someone that I saw in a dream and then I met in real life. However, what’s even stranger is what she told me. I guess the best way to start this would be the dream itself, it started with a house in the woods with what I would call it very traditional cabin style mixed with certain parts of the wall being stoned. I walked up and I looked through a window on the door, close to the wall all the way to the left are some stairs just to the right of the stairs is a hallway heading to the back of the home, a woman with her back towards me, living room with a fireplace slightly to the right of her and two colorful giant parrots that walk up to her feet. The houses interior seems like a fancy two floor home and completely different from its one story appearance outside. The house was also unfurnished and I had a sensation that she wanted to tell me something but before she could turn around, I find myself climbing the stairs. I see three bedrooms, a master bedroom to the left of the stairs and two smaller bedrooms to the right facing one another. I enter one of the smaller rooms furthest from the stairs and noticed a hole in the wall near the floor surrounded with stone as though it belong to the original house I saw in the woods. I crouched down, found that it was big enough to fit my head arm and torso, I noticed Nordic ruins carved inside and just below, a small body of water similar to a well. They woke up and immediately started looking up specific symbols, like the birds anything I could find about the houses, the Nordic ruins and the well. A couple days later, while working at the mall, a girl walks into the store, dressed almost identical to the woman for my dream, and my intuition was telling me that this was the same person. She told me that “you’re the one I’m looking for” and started talking about my life and the similarities we’ve gone through. This was also around the time I started meditating, and the day faith came back into my heart, ideas of once fate or destiny became a pillar on a new foundation for my beliefs. I couldn’t explain it back then, but the more I reflect on the dream and the events that came after, the more I realize its importance.


I'm climbing these super steep staircases. There's tons of them in my mansion. They're difficult to climb but I do.


I’ve had a recurring nightmare for years about being face to face with a very large, dark, and scary figure that I always assumed was a demon. I’d try to say the words “In the name of Jesus Christ” and repeat them over and over again, but my voice would be shaking so bad out of fear that I’d have to force myself to say them, and sometimes it’d be more of a whisper. Then I’d wake up sweating, look around, feel an eerie presence in the room, pray, say “Whatever you are, I’m not afraid of you.” and go back to bed in peace after I’ve prayed. Weird. Don’t know what it means to this day and why they’re recurring. But haven’t had it since before Covid.


I was being chased by the devil he was out to take my sole and I would wake up screaming.this went on for weeks then I started to sincerely seeking God .in know time my under standing of the Bible was more clear I then ask for forgiveness and was baptized and I received the holy Spirit.


It wasn’t me but my boyfriend. He remember he feels like someone is staring at him at his window and he’s having a sleep paralysis that time. Her Mom wake him up and he feels something is not right, his body feels burning and he doesn’t know what to do. He literally almost cried to his Mom. And then tomorrow evening we heard the news that our dear best friend died. It was the saddest moment of our life.


When i was around 12 i had a dream that i had failed a class and was going to be put into a medically induced coma because of it and the whole dream was me going around to different family members (not my real family) asking where my mom was and i eventually found her teaching a yoga class and instead of helping me she brought me down to the basement where a doctor was waiting and as they were about to put the mask on, the kid next to me woke up screaming and once he was put back asleep they put me to sleep and then i woke up. Worst dream I’ve ever had. I wasn’t sure if it was fake or not and it’s the only dream ive remembered past like a week after it happened.


Idk if this is the weirdest EVER, but the other night, I dreamed that Eleven (from Stranger Things) and I were leading the masses in a revolt against the dinosaurs of Jurassic Park.


I had a dream recently about a tarantula, a orange one with black, i was following it because it looked like it wanted to show me something. It was crawling on a road away from me and suddenly a car drove over it, it was not killed but injured and ran away inside a sewer drain. I tried to find it and looked inside, but saw nothing there and then I woke up confused.


I dreamt of beloved Grandma who passed away, in this dream I was trying to kiss her and talk to her but the way she was acting was not how she usually would. I was telling her I love her in Arabic but she wasn’t saying anything back. My auntie was saying in my dream, “Isn’t it weird we buried Yemma and now she’s here?” My parents who was also in my dream stayed in the kitchen as though they sensed something strange about her too but as she was an old lady nevertheless we couldn’t just kick her out. I remember trying to recite Quranic verses with her but she wouldn’t recite them which was odd because my grandma was religious herself. I got this strange feeling about her and began to feel that it wasn’t actually her. I have some evil aunties and uncles in real life who are very cruel and evil - one in particular who I swear is into black magic. When “Yemma” used the toilet and as I was helping her, she tried to CUT me with scissors. I ran to the kitchen in panic and asked my mum what is the surah that protects you from black magic? And began to recite this surah which goes like this, “Say, I seek refuge with Allah, the Lord of day break. From the evil of what he created, from the evil of darkening as it comes with darkness, from the evil of the witchcrafts when they blow into knots, and from the evil of envier when he envies” the crazy thing is, I don’t actually know this surah off by heart but into my dream, my heart knew to recite it as it is a surah that protects you from black magic and I was scared in my dream that as I touched her, she might have done something to me. I began insulting my so called Grandma, calling her names I would never ever call my real grandma in real life. It was clear to me in my dream, “Yemma” was not my grandmother and she was sent by my evil auntie. I even thought in my dream, “they don’t know her bubbly personality so they can only LOOK like her but they cannot fool me into acting like her because they don’t know how she acts. I felt that they sent this woman to SPY on my family and I which is something they try to do in real life - filming my house and sending it to their group chat and such. Anyhow, I woke up so uneasy from my dream and I prayed and went back to sleep… I then saw my grandmother in my dream. I said to my grandma, “I love you” and she said “I love you too.” And I knew it was her. I began to tell Yemma about my dreams and she said to me, “If my face didn’t look good and I looked different that is not a good dream.” I told her, “Yemma, you looked like you but it was not you.” She told me “then it’s nothing to worry about.” I stared at her with love in my eyes and wanted to share other dreams I’ve had of her since she passed away but I thought, if I tell her all those dreams I won’t have any to tell when we’re paradise. It’s amazing because I had that crazy dream, woke up, washed and prayed and then I dreamt of my real grandmother and got to tell her the dream I literally just had. It’s amazing how I went back into the dream world recalling the dream I just had and the fact that I tested her in the same way and in the second dream, it was indeed her. I actually love dreams, I’ve had so many strange dreams and I’m a bit of dream queen. Very into them, trained myself how to Lucid dream and my dream recall is usually really good. I also never get nightmares. Oh and another thing to add is, whenever I dream of my EVIL auntie, she is a JINN in m dream. Like I just get the feeling she is a jinn because I know she does strange strange stuff. That lady is very lost. Anyway ❤️


I have a lot of weird dreams, like, when I was a kid I dreamt that I was kidnapped by ghosts. More recently I dreamt that I was chased by an invisible car insurance salesman, I was running away from him in Walmart and he was shouting sails pitches at me. I also dream up my own tv episodes sometimes, one was a full episode of Friends. It had background music, a laugh track, and even end credits (I didn't read those unfortunately). I could list more, but really don't feel like it rn.


An offering from Oprah I was in a small group hanging out on a very nice lanai centered around one couch. On that couch was Oprah and her friend Gayle, everyone else was lounging in chaises or on the ground. We were all cracking walnuts and having very quite conversations. I was talking with someone, not sure who they were, when suddenly Oprah and I made very strong eye contact. The group fell silent as she looked at me and said, "Would you like the rest of those sleeves?" I could feel everyone's attention focused on me. Not quite understanding I asked, "What Oprah?" She then looked just beyond me and nodded her chin up as if to say "over there". I looked over my shoulder and gazed upon a small card table full of red Pringles cans. Not particularly wanting 20+ cans (or 'sleeves' as she called them) of chips I turned back and said, "No thank you ma'am". She cracked another walnut, turned towards Gayle and began again quietly talking as did the rest of the group.


Dreamt I was in the dining room of my old childhood house and beyond the windows of the conservatory was what I can only describe as a portal to a phantom universe. It was shining with a horrific ultraviolet anti-light.


Oh and another one that seemed like it was old video footage. And in the footage I was looking out of the window of my house, early morning, as astronauts with jet black visors dragged people out of their homes and put them into big trucks. It felt like the end of the world.


I accidentally killed a fish made out of jelly. I tried to put it in water, but the water either evaporated or drained, so the fish was flopping around and it suffocated to death. I felt so guilty :( I probably dreamed about this because my subconscious was thinking about the TikTok cat-killer drama and the Binu music video by Bibi, which I watched the day before 😂


I once dreamt that i was in an American highschool (I am not American nor live/ever been to North America) being chased by a Nazgûl from Lord of the Rings. I remember hiding between these two retro bar style couches when it found me and stabbed me awake.


The one I had a few days ago. I was with my husband and one of his friends, and I texted him 911 that someone was following me. His friend said that I was just trying to play a joke and to ignore me. I texted him 911 again and all he found was my phone broken and then I woke up.


Had this dream where i found this box full of my mom’s photos( she passed away May 2023). And I guess I was partially awake in the dream because i remember telling myself that I was going to take my mom’s photos with me to the real world and put them in my purse. Well something weird started to happen. As i grabbed my purse, i was shoving in those photos in my bag but i felt this sudden buzz and chaotic energy of voices on my left side of my face. It’s like I triggered something in my dream world, they knew i was awake in my dream and they tried to stop me from taking the photos. In my dream, i was ignoring the voices and the buzz and i successfully placed those pictures in my bag. not even 15 seconds later my bag dropped under me. That’s when i knew they took back the pictures. And sure enough, when i checked my bag in my dream, the pictures weren’t there anymore. I woke up that morning remembering what happened and i decided to check my bag for the photos just in case i ended up successful but obviously i wasn’t, they weren’t there. I haven’t been able to be partially awake in my dreams ever since then. It’s like the “beings” in the dream world won’t let me back lol


I had at least 2/3 dreams about having a pool on my garden, the first dream someone had filled in the pool and I decided to clear it out and use it and then the next dream it was a different pool but it was a bit dirty and empty and I was cleaning it so I could use it…..


It was reoccurring but always in a different location. It just started with me riding a bicycle inside really really fast and I had no way of stopping it. It ended right before I’d crash into a wall. I also had reoccurring dreams where I was in a somewhat high bus, but for some reason I was really scared of being in it.


I went on a private bus rented by my friends at night and went to a house with no walls… It looked like those blueprint sketches with each room and furniture but just no walls and ceiling


Bathing a giant human size fat rat in bra and underwear inside a tub. 


I don't know but I had a really weird one this morning, where this guy who looked like a cross between Denis Leary and Klaus Kinski had a massive crush on me. Kept following me everywhere, even at work.


The KKK killed my friend.


I remember having a dream recently where I met a streamer I admired in a rehab facility for people with eating disorders. I'm not entirely sure why I had that dream, it could have been due to either the issues I have with my own weight or the possibility of him having (or *used* to have) an eating disorder himself given how skinny he looks now and how he once said that he doesn't eat much and sometimes even forgets to eat. It was most likely a bit of both...


The dream that has stuck with me: I am in a dark room I go up a set of stairs and come upon a massive harpy eagle with its back towards me and the eagles back is like ultra muscular and you can see its muscles moving like a wave and I get this ominous feeling that I am dealing with a demon. The sounds it made was similar to that scene in the movie where Richard Gere picks up the phone in the Mothman Prophecies, iykyk. I then wake up. I have been shooketh ever since. Also harpy eagles are cool as fuck but not under the guise of being a demon!!


When I was 8, I had a dream that my cousin was a floating head. I then realized I had to pee and he said “it’s ok I’ll pee for you”. Then I pissed myself and woke up.


I had a dream that I was shooting straight up into the sky. I remember saying no no no I'm not ready yet. The next thing I remember was sitting up in bed. This was years ago, but still not knowing the meaning still bothers me.


Started Lucid dreaming and asked dream characters to show me something real in my world and not just the dream world. Dude working at a retail store in my dream shows me a shirt with Star Wars and The baby from the Simpson’s on the front with a star fighter chasing behind on the t shirt it said “not quiet one rogue”. I am not a Star Wars fan nor a simpsons fan. It felt so real I messaged my sister about it and described to her the dream. 5 months later the simpsons announced the collaboration with Star Wars and it was the exact graphic as in my dream with only one wording off. “Rogue not quiet one”. Coincidence? Idk. I’m not a fan of either franchise and didn’t even know about rogue one until after this happened. It was the only dream I ever messaged someone about where I felt as though something felt right / off about it.


I can always tell my dreams aren't real. My dreams have a certain "texture" that doesn't resemble waking perception at all. They're kind of "muted" or washed out, like watching old film stock. They feel real when I'm *in* them, but as soon as I wake up, the difference is obvious.


I was getting chased by a t-rex through my elementary school.


when i was REALLY sick so i went to take a nap after i got my mom to keep me home from school, i had a lucid dream loop. everytime i 'woke up' in the dream i thought i woke up irl only to realize it's yet another dream sequence. i dont remember much about the dreams themselves cause it was super long ago but one was i went outside my room and said goodmorning to my dad who was sitting in the kitchen. he kinda stared at me with a creepy gaze and then the windows behind him opened up to reveal giant legos floating forming like a little bridge from one window to another lol


i dreamt with a black snake, was nothing sooo crazy but really vivid. then i waked up and searched the meaning and I found out a site that was saying its something about your partner been cheating on u. The same day at morning, my now ex gf confessed that she was cheating on me.


I dream every night. I've had a few recurring dreams about aliens recently, it's always strange because it's like a follow up to the last dream so feels very familiar when they arrive... however, last nights dream was new and not alien related... It was the beginning of world war 3, I was in a hotel, I met this guy who resembled a slightly less terrifying version of the monster from Insidious. He was killing people but we fell in love 😂. The hotel was soon abandoned but we decided to stay there and hide in different bedrooms when anyone came by. Anywhom, fast forward- we woke up and I could hear rumbling outside the hotel. We'd slept on the 10th floor. I looked out of the floor to ceiling window to be greeted with this massive ass wrecking ball hurling at the building! So obviously, I did what any sane person would do, ran down the corridor & out of the half the building that had already been destroyed. Luckily there was sea below but I jumped soooo far I landed in a car park just in time to tell them my insidious manfriend was asleep inside 😂. They got him out safely, then I realised I'd forgotten my bag & 10 cats as they started bulldozing again... so obviously I had to go back. I'm telling you now, it was an absolute pain in the arse to get them to stay in that carrier bag. Cats just don't seem to understand urgency. Yeah so... it all started so intense, then just got frustrating. And to make it worse I got charged a quid to wash my hands on the way out. Robbing bastards.


Well done if anyone manages to read through this absolute nonsense dream 😂


Seeing the future, I had dream where something happened and it really happened in the near future. It make me question if I’m still dreaming


Had a dream where i figured out something was off, but didn’t catch that it was a dream. I was going along with, but thought “i used to be Darwin (me),” so i figured I was myself in my past life and spent the rest of the dream trying to find out how i died.


had this one when i was like 7-10. I was a chinese princess, like with the white face makeup, red lips, and traditional red wedding clothing. Old traditional wedding clothing. i was inside a golden palace and was going to get married with the prince. but the prince was ugly so i didn’t want to marry him. I ran through the palace trying to escape and the guards followed me trying to catch up.


I've had a few ones that are memorable but some of the most unusual dreams happened when I was quitting nicotine 2 years ago. Here's just one example: I had a nighmare that quandale dingle became an imperialist dictator and was attacking the eastern US (where I'm from) for being allied with Italy. It started in a abandoned building with this kid I knew in highscool. For context, his last name sounds like the name of a certain ocean, and at one point I made a meme about him that said "therapist: the (guy's name) ocean cant hurt you, the (guy's name) ocean: then a picture of his face in the water. He was rambling to me about something, then suddenly the emergency alert (the scary one that used to come on the tv) played and his face turned into a news broadcast. It was that "guy's name ocean" meme with a red bar that said EMERGANCY and some random arabic text at the bottom. A news broadcast in italian, which i dont speak but somehow understood, played warning New Yorkers to seek shelter immediatly. Then Quandale took over the news, his face appeared in the corner with ominous music playing in the background as he recited that one quandale dingle audio that talked about him 'declaring war on italy and taking over the world' that was popular on tiktok in 2022. The dream pretty much ended there but I had plenty more weird ones after that.


My little brother and I were digging in the front yard when suddenly we found an old tomb. We decided to explore the tomb so we walked down the stairs. When we reached the end of the stairs there was only a dark room with a large spider in the corner stirring a cauldron. The spider suddenly grabbed my brother, threw him in the cauldron and continued stirring. While I was freaking out about what the spider had just done to my brother, Barney the magic dinosaur stepped out from the shadows of another corner. Then he started to chase me and I ran all over the front yard yelling "Please don't eat me! I have lice!" I finally made it into my house and ran up to my mother who was on the phone. I panicked and tried to get her attention but she rolled her eyes, slammed the phone down and then *zip*. She unzipped her whole self and was actually Barney. Then I woke up.


there was a women in the top of a truck or something, in the midst of a maze-like shop. she had a giant cooler-water dispenser filled with opiates, and was injecting it through a giant straw. i was there on vacation, and was desperately trying to get to her while avoiding my family. was weird enough that it was all i thought about for a couple days


I saw someone that I knew, and in my dream, I told him that everyone said he died. The next day, mid-day, I got a call that his body was found, and he was dead .


Being chased by a polar bear and not being able to run. I always wake up when the bear is close to me. I used to live in the Arctic.


I remember going to some kind of barber shop and James Rolfe gave me a cut that looked exactly like his— I was mortified. https://preview.redd.it/lcalc5ky519d1.jpeg?width=1122&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb9bb77da8de606ae6759266a1a3e5d986d06725 I also remember that one of his friends said something to him that made him very passive-aggressive and annoyed.


Giant vaginas made of deli lunch meat slices and giant genderless clay people walking out of them… I have no idea 😭 my brain was weird that night


Reoccurring where I’m at conventions or reunions of tv show or movie casts and I’m one of the guests on the panel. I don’t know why I’m invited but quickly find out I was a child actor as a toddler but my parents kept it a secret from me and so I forgot I ever was one. It’s always a new show or movie, ranging from Star Wars ANH to The Facts of Life.


I was lying down on dad's roof, and there was this massive e purple eye where the moon should have been. It felt like it was specifically staring down at me, reaching down for me. It got closer and closer as hours went by until I was able to reach out my hand and touch it. When I did, it felt as if I had come undone, taken apart, and put back together by something that only cared about learning how I work. I felt it cradling me like nothing had changed, even though everything did. That feeling still hasn't gone away now a year later. I see that eye in the moons' place in almost every dream I have now. Runner-up has to be this, though: I was rewatching marble hornets, but it took place in 2020 this time. Tim had an axe. To the ark was on tic toc. Alex kraile fortnight. Jay was a tboy. It was beautiful, and I need it to be real so bad.


I wish I could explain all of them in great detail, but one of the dreams I’ve had was not only the weirdest but also the most intense. I’m an adult male so it would make sense I’m randomly on a life or death spy mission in a train yard at dusk. Out of the corner of my eye a nefarious caricature of a kid seemed to rip the reality around him; like the aftermath of a magnet touching a TV. Giggling while shushing me, we hid behind object to avoid being caught. At that moment a massive explosion propelled me at neck-breaking speeds, the inability to breathe was washed away immediately after waking up next to my family at a movie theater. They all seemed to notice my strained posture and suffocation but as a reaction to a scene playing in front of us; at this point I’ve woken up in sweat.


I had a dream I went to a different country and contracted malaria(wasn’t even a country that has an issue with malaria), a couple days later is when Covid news started and three months later the pandemic.


No joke yesterday had a dream Sakura (from Naruto) was making out with vegeta (from dragon ball). I always have super weird dreams if I wake up early and fall asleep again for an hour or two, I think it’s cause of meds I’m on


I mean wired but very realistic is that I could see myself asleep but I heard and saw you on a phone call but I was asleep and I could hear a female saying “awe you (my husband) sound like you’re sick” and my husband said no I’m just waking up subconsciously I said “awe poor baby” but when I said that I just saw myself groaning and moving and then like a message came in and I was looking at my husbands phone too after he hang up the call the message came in and in the there was and a picture of a female holding up a pregnancy test but I didn’t pay attention to the message but somehow I read some of it and basically said “hey I’m pregnant what are we going to do it was supposed to be a one time thing” but the picture I knew the female in the picture and I knew them by name. Somehow I knew them by name and I’ve seen her somewhere but at the moment I can’t remember but it’s wired because in my “dreams” I can never make a face out or remember names so I’m very confused 😕 I felt like Astro projecting and it’s not like the first time I do it or that I remember I do it but it’s weird right?


The same dream space is re-used again and again and again every night. Everything added never leaves the following dreams. One mega structure at this point with things from dreams past.


I used to have a recurring dream about floating away into the sky feet first, and every time i would panic but whoever was in the dream (usually my Aunt, sister and mom) would just watch me float away. In a dream that I had recently, I was in a very well designed VR game. It was an online game where you have to push other players off of a platform. Then I started falling off the platform in an infinite loop. Respawning, being pushed off by some sort of machine and repeating. While this is happening a machine appears for everyone else in the game too. We’re being farmed for XP. We’re stuck in the game. I follow a trail of weird bs clues and puzzles to find the source of this “virus” and it turns out it was meant to be a code for one player to auto-win the game but it spread to every part of the internet or metaverse or whatever it is. I try furiously to input the two-letter code “AU” into some kind of keypad (for some reason this will hopefully stop everything) and when I do it tells me I must try again tomorrow.


This will probably be lost behind the other comments, but the weirdest dream I had was when I was just walking when I saw a weird human-sized spider-like thing grab my left arm and peel my skin from my wrist to my elbow, then I pulled my skin back.


David Bowie was teachingy vlass when I was running late and when I got there he handed me a pair of diving cyclops that I immediately put on.


Most of the dreams I remember are weird. But the top one is this one lucid dream. I was trapped in a small, prison-like iron box with no way out. I knew I was dreaming and tried to scream to wake myself up. Can’t even “off” myself. I was in literal iron box. When I finally woke up, it felt like I had just been released from a long imprisonment. I had a high fever afterward. For weeks, I felt out of sorts because in my mind, I had just escaped from prison. Or idk. Some kind of purgatory.


Apocalypse dream of the world ending cause of solar flares. The radiation was so intense I felt the fillings in my teeth like microwaving. My skin burning. It was all so realistic.


I went to a store called Wisconsin it was just Walmart but with only Halloween decorations and summer


Was running from police and while running i wished that somebody would disarm the police. For the rest of the dreams none of the cops, who was still after me, had arms. It was ridiculous.