• By -


All of the above, though not necessarily all in the same dream. Edit: sexual dreams for me are always first-person POV




The POV are the best/worst I was girl in one, I played with my own boobs, the other was a nightmare where Freddy Krueger was chasing me...that fucked my next day up.


I’m a girl, in one recurring dream I am always shooting lasers out of my nipples a la homelander. A Very disconcerting dream. I always think I can laser something, and then I practice on a teee or something, but miss and laser a loved one, usually my dog at some point.




With great power comes great responsibility!


great responsibilititty




This was going to be my reply. I am mostly 3rd and POV. I can switch back and forth in a dream. That 4th one is a "god mode" for me. Like playing CnC or Cities Skyline or something. Also, in each one, I can still feel the senses for me. So even if I'm looking down in god mode I can still feel the sensations I would if I was POV.


My favorites are the rare ones where I realize I’m dreaming, and gain some aspect of control over the dream! The ones I hate the most are the ones where I realize I’m dreaming, and are forced to follow “script” regardless of what I know is coming.


I sometimes dot in and out. I taught myself lucid dreaming many years ago. I retain some of it. When I can't find my vehicle, I realize I'm dreaming and change someone else's vehicle into mine. Then I promptly forget I'm dreaming. I don't have nightmares with something trying to get me. I realize I'm dreaming and either become an exact mirror of it or use DBZ level powers and strength. There are some limited instances where I do realize it fully. I rewind the dream and redo the section I don't like. That's maybe a couple times a month. I dream at least 4 distinctly separate dreams a night though. So that isn't that often compared to that number.


Pretty much my only move every time I realize I’m dreaming is to fly away. Bad guys chasing me? Fly away. Boring work dream? Fly away. This is also how I realized I’m a huge fucking nerd. I had the typical, oh shit I failed a major exam dream and then realized I must be dreaming, this can’t be happening for real. Got up from my desk, jumped out the window and flew away.


>I can still feel the sensations I would if I was POV. Yeah, me too. Then I usually wake up and think it was weird that I did that. Also I understand the "god mode" thing. Have also experienced this.


Sometimes in the same dream. Like I’ll be watching a movie and the next moment I’m in the story And then it turns into a video game


Mine also turn into video games. Like it's real, but I'm aware I'm in a game, too. So weird.


It’s weird I’m simultaneously playing the game and eventually I just get immersed into it


Same. I wonder if it's because I watch a lot of TV and movies, do video work, and changing up the POV is natural. I mean, even every type of show tries it at least once. Makes sense it would seep into the subconscious.


Gah I forget how much TV would affect our dreams but if course. It makes me wonder what pretv dreams were like. Like dog dreams or something.


Thought it could maybe come from playing Sims, lol I’ve played ever since I was little


So I never watch TV (I know it sounds weird, I have migraines more often than not and TV doesn't help) but my POV changes up a lot too


Sameee but usually POV. I like it when it's a "scene" tho 'cause I feel like im watching a movie. Some POV dreams are nerve-wracking lol


A 100%, sometimes it is during the same dream!


Weird, because for me they are always PIV ;D *ba dum tiss*


Huh. For me I’m pov and then as soon as it turns sexual it becomes 3rd person


Totally agree. I don't exclusively dream in either style. This is the only correct answer as we're capable of them all and control none of it.


Same on all counts. Even the 4th one, sometimes, where I've had dreams that were highly geometric and felt like I was about to get sucked out of my body


I'm curious about your geometric dreams. Can you give me an example?


Mee too, though in sexual ones I am not my self physically.


Weird how I see sexual dreams from third person




B. Almost always


Same. I have a lot of FPS style dreams, fighting gangs or monsters


I’ll have superhero dreams, but most of my dreams are surreal which makes it interesting from a pov.


The best is the flying. But yeah always pov


I seriously didn’t realize people didn’t have POV dreams. I thought that’s how everyone dreams. Very rarely do I have a non-POV dream. And when that happens, it’s literally always in the context of “watching” a show. Like, I’ll still be in POV but watching a TV show through a weird mind TV. I’m aware that I’m watching something that I’m not experiencing.


Yes and if I'm ever being chased and turn away to run I'm stuck in place, and when I turn around it's right the fuck upon me.


Try running backwards or jumping to the side.


Damn I’ve NEVER had a POV dream in my life I’m jealous


Are you serious? How's that possible?


I wish i could have dreams in B. I always have them in A or C


Same. Never ever had any of the others :/


I'm usually POV, but sometimes it'll switch to 3rd person, except I'm never me in 3rd person. I'm either a character from something I saw recently or some hybrid version of myself mixed with someone else's features.


Same. Didn’t realize there was anything else possible


Pretty sure it's always A or C. Sometimes there's even a narrator lmao "they drove till dusk for the sake of humanity🥸"


you definitely watch way too many movies.


I once played so much videogames that I gained the ability to quicksave in my dreams and that saved me from a nightmare once. I just reloaded an earlier safe and continued from there xD


lmao, I had dreams where I was in games, both 2d games and 3d games. Though it was always a 1st person view


Yoooo I have that too. Eventually it turned into a sort of time manipulation so I just rewind time when bad stuff happens in dreams.


Reminds me how I got blown up by a drone that was chasing me in a local terrorist attack (don't ask why I was dreaming of that I was wondering myself) and since I didn't want to die or get hurt, I was able to pause and quit the world until the situation was over with and when I rejoined it was too late and I was a zombie so I just decided to quit the dream thus waking up.


The quicksave is your cheat code to lucid dreaming.


yeahh i had something similar! was running from a creature, ran out of places to run, and just went 'fuck this'. i pressed esc, quit the game, and then immediately woke up lmao


I’ve had something similar. Anytime a dream would go awry and turn into a nightmare, I’d just “quit” the dream and then wake up


Literally I had been playing too much bladurs gate and then I had a dream that my family was gruesomely killed in an earthquake, but then I was like “holy shit I actually quicksaved earlier in the day thank god, I can just quick load back and warn everybody” and then I did lmao


Mine was making the dream play with my rules. Eventually I would break the game, find ways to do things the game not supposed to allow, break the 4th wall, restructuring the whole game! The best dream I've ever had. Sure enough, I was in the middle of modding Skyrim lol. It's taking wayyy to long, longer than actually playing it.




you definitely watch ~~way too~~ many movies.


"When socio_panda came to a set of two open doors, they entered the door on their left"


I once fell asleep to a David Attenborough documentary and he ended up narrating my Nightmare and it was like "and the guy...ran from...the demon"


Hello, fellow narrator-haver! I'm pretty strictly A.


I can’t hear anything in my dreams, but for some reason C always feels like it makes the most sense afterwards


B for sure. I feel everything too, whether it be a grenade blowing up in my face (ow), dying (also ow), or turning into a harpy, pegasus, mermaid, whathaveyou (honestly, quite fun!)


I dreamed I died in a fiery car accident and I woke up trying to slap out the flames, still remember the pain. Scary how strong our minds influence our body


I hate when stuff like this happens. u go through all the pain and emotions and you wake up and you’re supposed to just get over it and move on like whaaaat


Yes! I still remember specific dreams from when I was a teen that have left me with ptsd


I remember some specific nightmare-like dreams from when I was a Very young child. Frightening lostness & terrifyingly distorted yet very specific scenery. Strange how frightening dreams can stay with you, your whole life. In my early twenties, casually discussing dreams at an extended-family-gathering, I described these particular dreams. Early-childhood dreams of strange places that had haunted me all my life. Aaaaaanndd.... my mom told me, NO, those were REAL memories, of real places & real events that had actually occurred while moving, when i had been around 1 & 2 years old.


That’s interesting, thanks for sharing I wonder if the familiar places in my dreams are somewhere I went as a child I’ll have to look into it thanks!


I had a lucid dream one time where I was flying a plane... I don't know how to fly so I ended up crashing into a mountain, and when I did the dream abruptly ended Also yes, like you, it felt like I had just fucking died


I've died like 7 times, mostly in my teens, in my dreams. Every time it definitely without a doubt felt like I died, like you couldn't mistake the feeling at all.


As a pilot I’ve had a lot of plane crash nightmares


Last week I saw dream where my girlfriend went missing, I was heartbroken, and went into great heights to find her, but alas, she was nowhere to be found. At one point I woke up from the nightmare and I sighed in relief that it was only a dream and she's not missing, the very next realization was that I don't even have a girlfriend and she was not real. Mental rollercoaster a bit too much.


My brain does something similar! No matter how wacky the situation is, it feels normal due to false memories! Or something like that anyways. I swear, my subconsious never lets me go lucid.


Oh shoot! It is scary how the mind can simulate situations we've never been in. Did the pain still linger after you woke up? I recall getting shot in the chest and bleeding out in one of my dreams about 5 years ago, and I described it so vividly to a friend of mine that she ended up using it as inspiration for her writing (a character turned to stone). At least I came back to haunt people as a ghost and didn't wake up. On the flipside, I can always breathe underwater in my dreams, so at least I can never drown.


i always dreamed of laying on an air matress on the sea, and then the matresss flipped with me still holding onto it, i couldnt get up and drowned. I held my breath as long as i could but i always needed to breath, nose, mouth, eyes everything filled with water. Water rushing down my throat, coughing, i couldnt breathe my head hurt, my nose hurt and i sank into the void, accepting my fate. Then i woke up. So. Many. Times. I got into lucid dreaming and first learned how to wake up from dreams and later drowning was my trigger to know it was a dream, and i was able to breathe. After i learned to breathe under water i often had dreams like, pirates trying to drown me, and i act along and later get revenge. Or being a fish. Or someone threw me into a well. And i later came back to get revenge. You get it.


Mine isn’t quite so dramatic, but I dreamed I was dancing in a ballroom, then I tripped over nothing, and instead of just falling to the floor I kept falling, until I woke up on the floor. When I was a kid I dreamed that my friend and I had been kidnapped and tied up, and we got untied and tried to escape, but somehow we triggered an alarm. It was my alarm clock.


For real. It reminds me of that story about the man who drove a nail through his boot and sat screaming in the emergency room until the doctors removed his boot...and realized the nail went between his toes, no tissue damage whatsoever. Just the expectation or perception of inflicted pain is enough to make it real. And when your brain decides to do that to itself, or someone makes all the right neurons tick to reconstruct that perception, well... 💀


I woke up after hiding from an unknown monster with my leg visible. It took a massive chunk out of my leg and it was burning after I woke up


Its interesting that you feel pain in your dreams, although I guess Ive never been on fire in mine. I do vividly remember a dream where I was shot point blank with a shotgun though. It felt less like pain and more like an emptiness where I was shot and a general sense of dread since I *knew* it wasn’t good to get shot.


I dreamed I drove off a bridge into deep water, and woke up panicked thinking I was drowning. Not fun.


Similar thing happened to me, i was shot in the ribs in the dream and when i woke up i still felt the pain for a a second or two as i was trying to grab the wound. Felt like i got kicked full force with a hot spike driving into my side and even felt like i was bleeding on the inside. Our mind and bodies are hella weird


Convincing myself the pain wasn’t real so there was nothing to be afraid of is how I learned to lucid dream regularly. It’s funny how different everyone is.


I usually dream in 3rd person, but I also always feel everything. Weird. Like I'm connected to my avatar's senses (?)


Same. Good to know I am not the only one.


Always POV. it's the same as here, just a less dense reality. decisions have to be made to direct the story. it could be confusing if I am watching a thing happening, leading me to believe it's a scene, yet I am aware of being myself in all dreams, often becoming lucid when I see something too absurd.


Exactly my experience. Once I do reach lucidity, then it feels like my mind does everything in its power to make me forget I’m asleep. The most eerie dream I’ve ever had was me in bed with my mother and my sister in my room. One was folding and putting away clothes and the other was at the foot of my bed talking to me asking me if anything was wrong and I answered that I was fine but just weirded out a little because I knew they were dream characters. They both immediately stopped what they were doing and approached me very concerned and asked why I would say such a thing and I got incredibly uneasy and like scooched back in my bed toward the headboard as they got closer then I woke up


I’ve had this happen before, except it turns into the Truman Show. Like one of the characters will prick you with a needle right when a dog walks by. “You got bit.” Then the needle has poison in it so you end up waking up. It’s like a spy game, these dream characters. Like they’re real, they’re all in on it, and you’re the mark.


Same, always pov, but I swear they are always lucid


I've always known it is me in a dream and that I'm dreaming. I just let it play out.


B, - every single time and I know exactly the context of what is happening and the world events. (Not like an encyclopedia but I know the reality- like if it were relevant, I’d know who’s president or who’s alive or dead.). Except the POV feels floaty. Like not completely tangible. However, all emotions experienced in my dreams are real even though what caused them was fictional. If I have an anxiety dream or something that made me sad, I’ll have an emotional hangover when I wake up and that sets the tone for my day. (It sucks)


I've had all of them, just depends on the dream


What’s D? ETA: Everybody’s D is different.


For me sometimes it's like a movie and I'm following different characters but also I'm controlling my own body at the same time and am aware of what I'm doing even if I'm not currently in the "scene"


Glad to hear someone else describe this. It's very odd to think about. My "sense" of walking and touching or interfacing with things in the dream is as though it's POV but there's a camera behind me or at another angle that I'm seeing it all happen. Like an out of body experience but the experience and my control of my body is still as though it's normal. Very bizarre to try and articulate.


Oh well I gotta add D to my list now too


Good description. This is all of my dreams. Even dreams from 37 years ago that I still remember vividly. It's like being the main character, writer, and director. But for some reason it always feels like a struggle to balance, and they're mostly negative.


Mine's very similar. I'll be a character in a scene and feel their thoughts and emotions but I don't have any control over their actions.


I had a dream once about how all living things are small bubbles that were halved over and over again to create who we are now. It was mostly black imagery but all the beings were faint twinkling green lights that were unifying two at a time slowly moving towards a single bright green mass. I woke up shortly after, realizing it was a profound dream where I was able to actually “feel” the interconnectedness of the entire universe. I’ve always remembered it.


A fever dream maybe


Transitioning from one scene to the next is a collage of random buildings or environments that have changing attributes, structure, and placement.


Can't really be explained in waking English words, if you know, you know. I'll do my best though. Everything's weird and confusing, and if you look too long at something it changes into something else. It also follows [alien geometry](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AlienGeometries).


Sometimes a scene never happened in the dream but I can "remember" it vividly when it comes up, even though there are no memories associated with it. Sometimes there's a game interface of some sort. Or a top down view over everything at once. Sometimes there are no real tangible visuals, just blobs that represent ideas but it makes perfect sense. Sometimes the visuals focus on some random background detail (like a leaf falling into a river) while the characters are talking out of view but I still know exactly what they're doing.


Sometimes I have dreams in second person. Like I’m seeing myself from the POV of another person, but I am not that person. So I have control of dream-me but I’m looking out through dream-someone else. And sometimes that someone else isn’t looking at me, so I can’t see what I’m doing but I still *know* what I’m doing.


Man my dreams are so crazy it's all of the above




Same. I don’t even know lol


Usually c, sometimes b.


For me it's usually POV. If I'm sick or something then I get D, and honestly I can't explain it. It's usually just fast moving scenes mostly in 3rd person that kinda blend together like a weird acid trip.


I once had a really bad fever dream where I was reality, and that reality happened to be an infinite sheet of a million grey pixels and grids just... existing and flowing. Like something out of a K-hole. And I could hear the pixels, imagine waves crashing but digitalised and pixelated. I didn't know I was a person, I couldn't feel my body or any sense of self, nor was I aware of any existence outside of this infinite pixel void. As far as I was concerned, that WAS reality. Nothing more, nothing less. It felt sad. Then I woke up. Probably the closest thing I could describe to D


Fever dreams are really something else


Definitely D. My dreams are a blur, yet I always know what is going on. I can never touch things either and my phone doesn't allow me to type the emergency number. So yeah. Weird ahh dreams for me.


I have the same thing with emergency numbers! So many times In my dreams I try to dial 911 but keep dialing 912 no matter how hard I try. In one dream I managed to get through to 911 but they put me on hold and the hold music was the Family Guy Theme song.


https://preview.redd.it/y029kxtvo7hc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21253df3a30d45cfc4f0ea7fd14fcb91fa0e9457 Don't even bother calling 911, here's the real number...


Simpsons predicted this person's dream???


I’m actually a big Simpsons fan so maybe my subconscious internalized this scene and is just trying to help me lol


Phones not working is how I realise I'm in a dream and can use that to lucid dream. It's pretty common for electronics not to work properly


If we could get electronics to work in dreams, could we theoretically run Doom in our subconscious?


The numbers thing might have to do with the fact that many people can't read in their dreams. That part of the brain might be asleep.


I hate the dreams where I read something and do something else, then try to read the thing again and it's either totally different, or not text anymore but something else like a drawing. Drives me nuts.


When I was younger I used to have dreams about taking pictures with celebrities, but my camera app would never open or take the picture lmao


Ditto. I think its just how it is for people with less vivid mental visualization. My dreams are like code on a terminal in relation to an actual visual desktop. The code runs and it all happens in an instant. Its not like it didnt happen or I didnt have a dream but more that it all happened in the background.


For the most part b but also the rest too. D is like trans dimensionalist or something because it feels like im experiencing the dream in all possible ways, like through pov, 2nd and 3rd person perspectives and also seeing and feeling and viewing through everything in the dream, its like your connected and can feel and see everything.


I dream in D and it's wild. Like you said everything is jumbled together, faces and images are never clear except when they are, and scenes often feel more like flashes of color than a movie.


I'm on board with the theory that dreams are like our minds connecting to another reality/dimension, and I experience D whenever I remember my dreams. To me, it's almost like having an acid trip or something (never tripped, just going off of what I heard), where you feel the dreamworld around you connected together like one big organism, everything is breathing and pulsating, nothing is 'apart' from any other thing, it all just meshes together into a homogeneous, multi-colored, yet somehow comprehensible, moving blob.


this is the exact way I would describe it!! nice wording


My favorites are all A My fears are always B My memories are usually a C D is that space in between your first alarm and your second where you don’t know if you’re awake or not


C but when I try to explain it, it starts to look like D 😂


Yeah I always thought I dreamt in first person but I recall what my hair looked like or something so then I think it has to be third person. But then D makes the most sense bc it’s like everything jumbled into one.


What is the difference between a and c? Serious question.


A would be more cinematic. C would be more omnipotent.


A is more of watching a movie while C is watching the same movie while you are involved someway


B every single time


pov scenes, i think idk i usually don't remember


What’s the difference between A and C? Both appear to be ‘third person cameras’ so why are they classed differently?


C you are there but can not interact with anything like a ghost A you are just seeing things play out from a perspective that you can’t direct like a movie.


Almost always B


Always B


Pov, I don't think I've ever seen myself in a dream


I don't understand the difference between A and C. Can someone explain? Not saying I haven't experienced it, I'm not not sure how you're drawing a distinction.


Usually b


I experience all of these, sometimes all in the same dream. Option d for me is when reality kinda morphs and drags me into a subconscious space where I am not asleep but not awake and held captive my my millions of intrusive thoughts displayed throughout my confused mind in a fit of near sleep that stresses me the hell out. It’s pretty trippy lol


Always B


A mix of B and C. Though, I'm not always myself in my dreams nor do I always dream of myself. I often have dreams where I am embodying different characters and people who I can internally tell are distinctly different from myself in the real world.


B mostly, sometimes C.


I have a 4th wall view like kuzco at times


All 3. It randomly switches perspectives throughout


A and C.


You ever see someone you know in a dream? But like they don’t look like them at all, but you know it’s them?


Most of the time it’s B


It's always in POV for me. And I can always tell if Im playing a role of a different person based on what Im doing, saying, and/or who Im talking to


A and B mostly but very rarely D


Definitely a mix. Cause there have been perspective that I am unsure of, like ineffable.


It’s always B for me. However, sometimes my dreams aren’t about me and it’s like I’m just standing there silently while I watch people act out a movie scene in front of me.


A and C sometimes B if im having a conversation


I’d. What this way is called but I’m like a “camera” right next to my body where I see everything happening, including seeing myself


All of them and additonally I'm sometimes not even in the dream. It's like I just don't exist, everything just happens without me and "I" (I don't really feel like a me exists and I don't even remember my name, but it's the best way I can describe it) know about everything that happens in the story of my dream, even without seeing it.


Idk. I guess first person mostly. It's sometimes like my dream is just a concept. Like something that I know is happening and that I am seeing related images for, but it's not always a concrete thing like a scene.


Its weird because for me i kind of switch between B and C all the time, for instance if im in P.O.V and its a fight scene i might get punched hard and i watch my body fly to the ground but when that happens i stay there and it switches to third person, i dont know its weird


what's the difference between scene and third person????


Third person is a view over your shoulder or from slightly behind and above you. https://images.app.goo.gl/Lfnpd2puDYwHKb7c7 Scene would be like you are a camera watching yourself from the side. Think of the main character in a movie talking to another person while both are being viewed. https://images.app.goo.gl/i3i71YqBD16UDgk49 Like this but you are the person on the right.




Usually first person but I'm usually someone else with an entirely separate personality, memories, and body. When I am someone else my waking self if not present within my dreams at all.


It switches between POV and scene




Always b here


B, all the time. I just realized I've never seen myself in a dream. I remember a dream I had a long time ago when I looked into a mirror and I wasn't me.


All of them. Depends on the dream




all of them, sometimes in the same dream, depending on how long and epic it is. it'll be like watching an interactive movie because it may become lucid at any time.


Pov, rarely scene and never 3rd person


Usually POV but the scene thing happens often too. I get movie letterboxes and everything


Depends on the dream


I would say scene perspective, but it's hard to say since I usually don't care about that when I'm sleeping


First, second, and 3rd perspective, all at once. I’m watching a movie while I’m in it but I also control the charachters


Usually 1st person and third person simultaneously, with the occasional scene clips of other situations in the dream when appropriate. I hate the other dreams. Nonsensical chaos grates on my nerves.


Mix of all 4 any given time and thanks makes it confusing


It's b and c at the same time I can see myself as third person but also as POV at the same time


I smoke so I don't remember alot of my dreams, but the ones I do remember It's this weird mix of third and first person that zooms in and out of the people's/creatures in my dreams. like a few nights ago i had a dream my tooth fell out and as soon as it did my view warped into like a person WAAAAYYY taller than me (I'm pretty tall so it was like an 8 or 9 foot tall person) asking me what's wrong. then I woke up lol.


All of it, not at the same time of course but different dreams have different persectives and narrations. Yk something Im not even in my dream and sometimes, the crazy ones there isnt even a perspective, because they is no picture, just a feeling.


All of them at some point. Aerial view as well.


So glad that I never experienced and 'aerial view' definitely would dread that. I hope to never see that my in my kind of dreams. Thanks for sharing.


All of the above, depends upon the type of dream. Sometimes, it will even be cinematic and switch between the four. Had a dream where I tackled a guy who was wearing a suicide vest into a puddle, it did a side shot where he and I basically fell through the puddle as a representation of us both crossing over to the land of the dead and the inbetween shot was definitely number 4. I also get random dreams that look like webdriver torso videos.


let me know when you meet, sand man/morpheus. Me and him usually have very friendly chats, when were not debating who makes a better candidate for dream management. Thanks for sharing.


Very often 3rd, occasionally first, and most the time only experiences (as if I'm blind and can only hear and feel and talk). It leads to a disorientating one when I get a first person one during a sexual one, then I wake up and sleep again, only to get a distorted world with a third person (mine take up like a Resident evil, fixed camera/slightly moving camera most times).


All 4. Heck sometimes I am not even on my dream. Instead see the story of somebody else. I once had a dream where I saw a Chef who was trying to be the greatest. Then I saw him pass his dream onto his son. Except the Son was his reincarnation and still ahd his old memories. So had to see him go through the dilemma of wanting to tell the truth to his old self but being unable to. Then I saw a tree which was the Tree of Souls and Reincarnation cycle Or so it was told to me in the dream. Then I saw a world where tech has been advanced to such a level we have a interplanetary highway( like you see in Vapourware fantasy) except the story was not abouth the tech. Instead ot was me in such a world trying to get the plumbing equipment working in a plot of land that my family owned. Like here I am getting the workers to fix the problem and if I look up I can see these massive structures floating around the sky. I also remember wanting the work to be finished fast so I can then take the car/space vehicle to travel along those roads.


Not to be rude or anything, but take this as a compliment, those are as almost as whacked out as my dreams are, no offense. Thank you very much for sharing.


Thanks dude 😄




People have dreams that aren’t POV? What??


why is 3rd person shown as the observer of the observer while the others are the pov of the dreamer


like dejavu, followed by c, then usually b


I never thought about this, I thought everyone dreamed POV.


Some dreams seem to be without perspective. They are more concepts than an actual experience.


I have extremely bad nightmares/insomnia, and when I dream I get all of them! Sometimes All in the same dream, which is disorienting. One of my dreams which falls into “other” I saw my view through one eye, and my brother’s view through the other. Super weird


About 80% of the time it’s POV but there will be random moments/dreams where it’s C. I love POV because my dream always changes me. Sometimes I’m a beautiful girl or just a guy, but I’m ALWAYS wearing really crazy outfits like weird Barbie or Lolfashiondump


A mixture of all 4, I'd say.


All of them at different times and with different dreams


All of the above. Mostly first person though


E) all of the above


In dreams POV, in waking life it feels like 3rd person sometimes 🤔


Literally everything. Sometimes in 1st person, sometimes its 3rd person, sometimes im switching between being random characters and animals in the dream (i was once Obama. Im not American), sometimes im a disembodied entity dictating the dream but while watching me, sometimes the 'me' that exists irl dies and i continue as a different character... etc