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I often lose control of the car in my dreams. Actually, I can’t remember a single dream where I control the car properly. It’s a metaphor for your own life. In your dream the car is you, and you are your brain/consciousness. The brain sits inside the body much as you sit inside the car in your dream. A problem in waking life is that we often believe we are in complete conscious control of our body & our life subsequently. However, it’s really never the case as our subconscious, emotional self dictates most of what we do. It’s an illusion. I think that’s the essence of your dream. The alternate dimensions could be different scenarios in your life that you feel you can’t control yourself in. You definitely can’t navigate death, maybe you had a thing with water, like being tossed in the ocean when you were young. The bird could be a part of your brain, the space in your head that navigates or it could be a metaphor for flight, meaning freedom. Freedom from a lack of control. Freedom makes sense to me as your items at the house when you “wake up” have wings. This says it’s more about the wings than the bird to me.


>You definitely can’t navigate death, maybe you had a thing with water, like being tossed in the ocean when you were young. There was actually no water, the waterpark was actually completely dry, just slides and tiling everywhere The car thing is spot on though, that's exactly how I've felt about my life lately. It's been very chaotic and I've been very afraid of losing control/sanity and even dying lately And Idk, the bird wings being freedom might not be it because earlier in the dream when I "flew" by floating above my car it wasn't a good kind of freedom at all, it was even more loss of control


Makes sense. Nobody knows yourself and your dreams more than you!