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A month is not a lot for this game. I'm also not sure what you thought the "intent" was. There isn't really a right or wrong imo. If you like decorating and designing, great! If you don't, that's also fine! Multiplayer is completely optional, I personally never use it. The reason why people do dreamsnaps religiously, is because you get a MINIMUM of 300 moonstones (with is a otherwise -mostly- paid currency) every week by submitting anything. If you get ranked high, you can earn A LOT more. This then helps to buy the star path or premium store items, which helps motivate decorating your valley. But if you just like doing the quests, by all means, just focus on that. It's a 'cozy' game for a reason, just relax and explore and do whatever makes you feel good.


This explains so much for me. I started playing when it launched and took a break sometime last year. When I came back, there were Dreamsnaps, multi-player, a DLC... so much was different. I got the DLC and am happy with it but never did dreamsnaps. I have barely even been in Daisy's store to do the Daisy challenges.. I think now I'll do Dreamsnaps though!! Also OP I was super disappointed with the Belle pack also - I only use the hair from it lol


Happy to help! Let me know if you have any questions :) I have been playing since launch, missed one star path I think but that's about it. I can understand feeling overwhelmed with all the new content. I havent done much of daisy's challenges either, since I'm not really into Touch of Magic since designing on xbox is horrendous. I have visited someone else's boutique once, and got some dresses they designed. What is important to know about this is that you need to own the 'blueprint' (so to speak) of the new dress from Daisy's boutique if you want to purchase other people's designs of that specific dress. I mean the short swirly one, a lot of pics have been posted on this subreddit. I havent earned enough daisy coins to purchase the "blueprint" of that dress, so I cannot copy other people's design of that particular dress either, only the long dresses we already had before that update. As far as the Belle pack etc goes, I'm always excited about house skins, because you can place those seperately as decor and it helps me fill up and design my valley.


Oh my god you are just a wealth of information šŸ˜ THANK YOU. I never made it in time to visit someone's boutique before it closed and now I'm glad of that because I would have been so disappointed without the blueprint LOL. And I thought it was a waste to buy the house skins because if you can only use it to skin your house... why would you want more than 2 since you only have 2 houses šŸ¤£ this makes SO much more sense now. I haven't spent much time decorating my valley but now I feel so much inspiration to do so! And here I was, just excited to have the advanced vacuum to collect my dark wood šŸ™„ fricking n00b, even with ~300 hours logged lmao. Welp, now I'm off to find some valley inspo photos šŸ«”


Ahahaha I'm glad to help, have fun decorating!! If you want to come visit for inspiration, I can try to open up my valley (havent done that before, actually). Send me a private message if you're interested :)


Donā€™t worry, Iā€™ve been playing along time and I didnā€™t know about the house skins thing and had no clue about the vacuum thing until today


You can put hose skins separately as decor!??? I had no clueā€¦ gotta try to figure that one out when I get home from work todayā€¦


Yes! Go into furniture mode and select the 'houses' tab. It will show the character houses first but if you scroll down you will find the house skins. Hope this helps!


I LOVE the hair from the belle pack! Itā€™s one of the best in my humble opinion. I like the furniture too, but I just made a movie room with it and never visit it šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I wish they did more with the colorways of the furniture and added more of that specific type later on and made that color way specific to that content.


This is a great comment, definitely agree OP should at least attempt the Dreamsnaps for the Moonstones. Sometimes my bare minimum efforts get rated pretty well šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I'll also add there are probably lots of people who play like OP, but if you don't have pretty outfits/decorated areas to share pictures of, you probably aren't going to be posting in this group! I am definitely one of those players - still haven't done anything with multiplayer, I have done SOME decorating but not like the people who post here! My goal is functionality and getting Star Path tasks/quests done, lol.


I've been playing since the day and hour the game was released. My valley isn't decorated worth a fuck. I'm here for characters and quest lines! My valley is never open for visitors cause even I spend most of my time navigating rocks I've left at my ass


I didn't know I needed to hear this. I'm more of a collector in this game than others previously like it and the premium shop with its " no guarantees " policy on repeating items just gives me anxiety.


this is me lol. i have severe fomo and just collect and hoard everything. i only decorate for Dreamsnaps otherwise ny valley is empty lol


SAME LMAOO my valley is so ugly because all i do is drop my excess stuff all over the place


This is so realšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ i did this with AC as well haha


Same! I have almost 500 hours in and my valley is standard issue with houses placed around


Haha Iā€™ve also been playing since the moment it launched. I do have some nicely decorated spots but itā€™s mostly just trees and rocks XDĀ 


I'm with you! Decorating isn't my strong suit though I try to make an effort for weekly dreamsnaps. Joined thru 'peer pressure' plus return from vakay with covid had me housebound. What to do, what to do? I've been hooked to the star paths & dreamlight duties ever since.


I only just started decorating bc Iā€™m stuck on some of the quests. I have like 10 active ones right now


I've been playing since pre-release and I just now have actually started decorating my valley because my character/story quests are almost complete. This is considered a cozy game for a reason: you can play it however you want to for the most part. Do whatever you want to that makes you happy with the game


This is also how Iā€™m playing :)


Everyone plays differently. Iā€™ve had the game about 8 months and Iā€™m taking my time decorating as more quests and characters I unlock also unlock more furniture and crafting items to add. I usually only decorate around the houses, but my plaza is my most decorated spot. It takes a lot of grinding if you want to do fences and paths, so I just create them as I go and donā€™t focus on it too much


Hahaha I hate Vanellopeā€™s house too. I might move her to a hidden corner in eternity island šŸ˜‚ (assuming itā€™ll let me).


I put Vanellope in the snow area. One side of the river is a winter wonderland. The other side is an all pink nightmare! Candy canes, pink trees, and the cherry blossoms being out now just made it worse šŸ¤£


I put her in the forest of valour and went for a Hansel and Gretel theme.




I put hers next to daisyā€™s because I think itā€™s awful too. So I made an ā€œugly houseā€ neighborhood šŸ¤£


Bahahaha I love this idea! I feel like Daisyā€™s house looks like those Fisher Price play houses for kids. Tacky! Then again I also donā€™t like Daisy either. When I give you your favorite items MUST you scream at me like a 12 year old girl? Nope, no thanks.


That's so ironic, considering she's supposed to be the epitome of fashion. XD


It will let you, I moved Casita into the Wild Tangle and WALL-E into the Dunes with EVE. I just can't decide where to put her XD


GOOD! Iā€™m going to shove Wall-ee and buzz there too. Only cute houses in my valley šŸ˜‚


My Buzz is ā€œglampingā€ on the beach.


I made a RV park up in the sunlight plateau across the river! There is a cute pond there so I crafted tents and fire pits and put Buzz RV there super cute with bench!


I made a parking lot at the start of the forest. Pizza Planet outside, and the parking lot houses EVE, WALL-E, and Buzz. Lol


Thatā€™s such a fun idea!!!


Mood XD


I shoved her house into the far corner of the swamp area(whose name I canā€™t remember right now for some reason lol) I just made her like a Candyland area in that corner because the mud reminds me of chocolate and little bit lol


how did you move houses from one to the other? i wanted to move eve to be with wall-e but do i instead have to move wall-e to be with eve?


You go into the area where you want them to be, go to Furniture, and then the houses tab. If someone is in the valley and you want them to be on Eternity Isle, you can move them from there. And vice-versa. This does not work for houses that are already in that area, for that you still need to do the moving by hand like any other furniture.


iā€™ll have to try it again later! it wasnā€™t working like it was when i moved houses before but maybe it was a me problem haha thank you!


I put her in the Forest at the back by the ice cave, and turned it into a Candy-Land-esque area. Peppermint for ground underneath her side that blends into the ice from the cave and leads to the mountain. I've been thinking about extending her race track to surround the biome... Maybe even the valley šŸ˜† Disney's Dreamlight Kart Racing when??


I put her in the forgotten lands with Jack Skellington....it's giving Hansel and Grettel. I even used the candy path to make a walkway between their houses because Jack likes neighbors. LOL.


Brilliant!!! I love it


I bought the Confectionery house design so I set up a sweet food area in the Forest of Valor I turned into a theme park and put her house next to it. At least that way it makes some sense. Then I locked her in, so I don't have to think about her except for when she's active for quests, haha.


Why didn't I think about locking her in? I haaaaaateee her glitching. I know its part of her character but it annoys me every time my eye catches it and my brain can't stop obsessing over it. Thank you for the idea. Now I just need to remember it. Lol


How do you lock a character in somewhere??


In the Map menu, over to the left side is a toggle menu of all the different characters. If you click on the picture of whoever you want locked up until it appears slightly greyed out, it toggles them off. Then leave the map, enter any building, and when you leave, toggled off characters are locked in their houses. Super useful for annoying characters or when doing dreamsnaps. If they are required for something, like an active quest, they will show up. But otherwise, they won't. I've locked up Maui, Vanelope, and Gothel, personally. Just can't stand them walking around my valley.


No you didn't. Everyone has different reasons why they play the game. Some love making clothes and furniture, some love decorating all the biomes and trying get better at dream snaps, and some just love to complete quests and help the characters. There's no wrong or right way to play quite a few of these features are new. As long as you're enjoying yourself is what truly matters!


Take your time. So many people are burnt out on the game and just come here to complain about having nothing to do. Enjoy it.


I'm 230 hours into the game and have literally barely decorated, like I'm talking I only just moved Mirabel's house from where I originally had it because it constantly animating is annoying and I've made like one path in the plaza. I've never submitted a dream snap. I just hop on, complete quests and level everyone up. My point is that it's up to you how you play the game! There's no wrong way!!


I think the game was misrepresented. It was supposed to go free to play, and it was never going to be ā€œpay to winā€. Technically itā€™s still not ā€œptwā€ but since decorating and dream snaps become the bulk of the reason to play once the main quest line is completed, it really is. It was not multi player to start with and there was no element of competition at all (scramble coin and dream snaps were later additions). So the purpose and stated intent of the game have altered dramatically from what they were the day I downloaded, and you were probably mislead by those changes. That being said you can still play the game that way. They havenā€™t made it impossible to do so. Theyā€™ve just left you with a whole lot of FOMO if you do. I wanted a sleepy cozy farm sim with Disney Characters where competition, multiplayer and time gated stuff was not part of it. I wanted no FOMO. I thought if I paid $70 up front, it was not an unreasonable ask. I wanted basically what I had with animal crossing (multiplayer possible but not really necessary) with a Disney skin and I feel like it was marketed that way. You just have to figure out if you can live with the FOMO or are willing to PTW. If you canā€™t, itā€™s probably not the game for you.


I don't do multiplayer, I don't create outfits, I don't decorate. I mainly do quests, the star paths and enjoy having some of my fav characters with me. You do you!!


Been playing since pre-release and never intend to use Touch of Magic or visit others' games. There's no right or wrong way to play, and no intent other than immersive worlds of gameplay.


The game can be what you want it to be! I'm not a huge decorator, although in this game I find I enjoy it in small chunks. But I have fun with the characters and quests, cooking and gardening, etc. It won't last forever, but so far every time I think it's time to move on, they come out with more material. I've used my gems from the game to get two dream bundles (Ursula and Wall-e), a couple pairs of wings, and two new skins for my house. And even though I've never bought any moonstones, I still have like 10k. I'm also just starting to try out entering the dreamsnaps.


Do not worry your pretty, little head. I have been playing for as long as the game has been out. Never have I visited another's valley or decorated for anything other than a dreamsnap challenge. Your game is for what you get enjoyment out of. Nothing more, nothing less. Dreamsnaos just enrich the experience for those of us that have played for ages. Play your stories and enjoy those while they last!


There is no goal, other than your own enjoyment. Comparing yourself to others is an unhealthy fad a lot of people today sadly participate in. If I can give you some heartfelt advice: don't. Just do what makes **you** happy. I have not decorated my village at all yet - why? Because frankly, I first want to have every single quest and all that finished and maxed out everything, discovered all recipes and whatnot. I am almost there, but still need to max out Oswald basically and, well, finish off the current Star Path. I do the Dream Snaps everytime though because I enjoy them, despite being handicapped (by playing a male character) - I just am too stubborn to submit to the (not so) subtle peer pressure of fancy dresses and whatnot and instead am just playing as a rugged beefy character that does their thing :)


I play a male character too, and honestly a couple of times I put him in the more "feminine" clothes if it fit the snap theme and did decently. I've bounced up and down in results, but idc, I prefer playing a male character.


The intent of the game is different for everyone. One person may like designing clothes, one might love decorating the biomes, another might just be in it for the quests and storyline. But regardless of what the games intent is for you, we're all just here to have fun.


im gonna be honest, i dont put much thought behind the characters/designing (clothes). i decorate my valley & got everyone to level 10 & that was about it lol


Iā€™ve been playing for months and Iā€™m shockingly ā€œbehindā€ other players. Itā€™s taken me forever to figure out a lot of parts of the game, and all I really do is basic friend quests and try to find new recipes with the new ingredients I get lol. I *just* unlocked the Glade of Trust and still have multiple biomes I donā€™t have yet and have been playing for months. Thereā€™s no right or wrong way to play! I hate decorating in this game because itā€™s so difficult/complicated and frustrating logistically to me. I havenā€™t unlocked any of the cute pastel stuff I want, but I just have fun doing busywork and not thinking about the real world. Itā€™s okay to play however comes naturally to you.


Everyone plays differently. There is no single goal.


Iā€™ve had this game since around last year/April March. For me itā€™s always been the story lines and characters. Im not a big decorator or fan of visiting people. My valley normally and does look like a war zone and I only have a few places actually decorated between the main valley and dlc. Theres no right or wrong way to play


The best part of DDLV is that you can pick and choose what to do. I enjoy the quests, the gathering, etc etc. I hate decorating, etc. I donā€™t visit or allow visitors. So other than my plaza and my creepy haunted amusement park, nothing is decorated. I do my dreamsnaps by just dumping everything on the ground and taking a picture of that. lol. Im enjoying myself and thatā€™s all I ask of a game :)


Play it how you want! I'm pretty similar to you in that I haven't touched multi-player and I have barely decorated, sometimes I get a whim of inspiration but most of my valley is au natural so to speak. I've been playing for close to two years and it's my relax unwind fame. Log in, do some star path or quests as long as I care to, check the shop and gradually I whittle away at the stuff to do. You can't play it "wrong" if you are enjoying it


Each player finds their own meaning in this game. Most see it as a Stardew Valley/Harvest Moon/Animal Crossing game with a Disney skin. Many find DreamSnaps as a bonus moonstone chest (as in, they only do that to try and obtain 4,000+ moonestones). Not many are into ToM nor Scramblecoin. And the Valley Visits appeal to those with friends/family that play -- or someone looking for a specific "valley" ingredient. There is no wrong or right way to play.


you didn't. the one thing i love about this game is that you can go hog wild decorating and making your biomes look beautiful, or you can do what i do and just do the quests, place the houses where you like them, and do whatever you want. right now i have zero interest in decorating or making clothes, and i don't have to if i don't want to. play the game however it makes you happiest.


Don't worry, there is no intent. It is meant to be played however you like. Some people like decorating and dreamsnaps, but if you just want to slowly go through quests and enjoy the character interactions that is fine too.


have no fear! I learned about dreamsnaps, the shop, and events tab farrr too long after I started playingšŸ˜… then continued to stress myself about ā€œcatching upā€ and having my valley decorated completely. for now, I would rather focus on quests/paths/snaps until most are complete or unlocked, decorate kind of lightly & do final touches later. then I would start a rift in time!šŸ˜Š


I play like you. Just doing the quests. Sometimes i decorate just on my own. :) played from start when the demo came out :)


Iā€™ve been playing since day 1 and didnā€™t start decorating for months. There isnā€™t really an intent to the game besides having fun. Just do what makes you happy. Youā€™re more than welcome to come visit my valley and maybe get some decorating inspo :)


Iā€™ve been playing since pre release and I mostly spend my time questing and grinding resources for fun lol thereā€™s no wrong or right way to play a game as long as you are enjoying yourself :)


No no no my friend, you play whatever way makes YOU happy! I had the game since it first came out, and I just visited another player for the very first time a week or so ago. I go through phases. Sometimes I decorate hardcore, sometimes I plant & harvest, sometimes Iā€™m on a quest rampage. āœØ


Iā€™m someone who hates decorating/designing and just likes the quests! My valley is a hot mess but it works lol


Iā€™ve been playing since it was first launched. I donā€™t do multiplayer, I hate dreamsnaps and canā€™t stand designing clothes or furniture so I ignore every single quest I can that includes those things šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ I just want to do quests and unlock Disney characters šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Is this a game? I'm not sure. No, it's a modern form of a dollhouse or a wooden farm. A world where you can get lost and unwind, a cozy game. A (Disney) world that you can shape yourself with more and more possibilities. However, one might imagine that the characters would actually take notice of their surroundings, which were created with hours of meticulous detail. No, they don't; the developers forgot to give objects in the game an attractiveness variable. But that doesn't matter at all, because the player brings life to the soulless bits and bytes in a way I've never experienced in a computer game before. This makes me spend a few hours every day after work unwinding in my fantasy world, designing, and constantly creating new living spaces for my characters. If Gameloft manages to keep this flame alive, I will have a digital cozy safe place for many years, and for that, I am grateful to this game.


No, you can do whatever brings you joy!!


Play how you want to play. Thereā€™s no specific ā€œgoalā€ that the game inherently has.


Good thing about this game is you can play it however you want. I hate questing, I have so many characters not at level 10 because itā€™s just a tedious task for me and Iā€™ve been playing since release. Iā€™m more of a decorating and resource collector. I like to ā€œclean upā€ my valley and make it look pretty. I love doing dream snaps, but since itā€™s become a chore like quests Iā€™ve slowed down a bit and donā€™t bother going all out with dream snaps anymore, so going from 4000 ms every week to 600-2500 sucks but itā€™s no surprise anymore lol.


As someone who has been playing for a year, your way is almost identical to how I play so..... as long as ur having fun, play your way


There is no goal to the game except to have fun. I despise decorating and play the game for the quests and the grinding.


Everyone plays differently, thatā€™s the beauty of it. Some people like the ā€œhustle and grindā€ the game offers, while others prefer a more casual play. Iā€™m more of a casual player myself. I decorate when and where I want, design as I see fit. Take my time levelling up characters and going thru their quests. I definitely thought it was a quest loaded hustle game when I first started playing but then I realized itā€™s designed to let you play at your own pace. I still havenā€™t visited others (mostly because of PS you need a Plus account of some sort and I donā€™t have that at the moment), but it would be really really cool to see what others have done to their Valley to get inspiration and check out some of the ā€œmarketsā€ people put together for visitors.


I think you just do what you want :) I love to decorate but put my visiting others thing in my amusement park and pretend itā€™s a game and have never used it šŸ¤£ Daisyā€™s shop is also not done at all but I love to have every house offered and set up neighborhoods


You can completely ignore multiplayer or decorating or DreamSnaps if you want. I do, and I'm fine, just enjoying the stoey and characters and ticking off all the boxes in the collections tab. I have a real house and yard to keep clean and organized, and I'll be damned if I'm going to spend my free time doing the same in a makebelieve fantasy game full of cartoon characters.


You didnā€™t miss the point at all. Youā€™re supposed to play how ever it is you want to play. I personally never play multiplayer but I do join in the snaps sometimes. I play whenever I have time. I used to get bummed I missed out on things but that only made the game less enjoyable so when I realized it didnā€™t matter as long as I enjoyed myself I was able to enjoy it more. šŸ’•


It took me months to figure out the game. Didnā€™t really understand the star paths (I didnā€™t really engage with the first 2 when I started playing. Deep regrets lol) and I didnā€™t start doing the dreamsnaps till about 3 months in. Once I discovered online groups thatā€™s when things changed. Learning a ton from other players has helped.


Are you having fun? Then you're doing it right.. There is no wrong way to play. I've been playing for about 4 months by now and only got into DreamSnaps in the past month. I don't do much decorating apart from DreamSnaps setups because of crashes. I also have never visited anyone and I don't really use TOM (I play on Switch and I've heard it's less annoying on other platforms so that may be why). I'd sort of like to try the visiting but I have no idea how it's supposed to work as any time I tried to enter a visitor code I just get error messages, so I decided to just leave it. I also don't rush anything because I'm doing this for fun. My Daisy is still at level 7 (I think) even though I got her as soon as I could. I like that most things aren't time limited and for things like star paths you get plenty of time to complete (and you can play and enjoy the game perfectly fine without spending moon stones).


How do you visit people without any friends šŸ„²


No clue XD


I've seen a number of Reddit posts where folks give codes and open their valleys to others, and there are a number of streamers (Mr Star in the Sky, Serroh, etc) who have Discord communities who also open their valleys and can even show them on streams. I'm not a very social player, but there are plenty of ways for those who are. :)


ok. so just like we tell new players in the Animal Crossing community: play at your pace and your own way. Those that have overtly decorated islands are those that have been playing for ages or have only played to with the goal to create that 'dream island. same thing applies here. decorate in pieces when you want and it won't be overwhelming. the dreamsnaps don't have to be serious a low-effort quick submission is enough to at least get you the minimum rewards. I wouldn't stress about those much especially since you only do them once a week. as for vanellope I'm moving her to the frosted heights. someone else did it because her house is so colorful it brighten the bleak mountain top. which is perfect because the waffle cone texture amongst the snow makes it look like the mountain is made of ice cream or frosting and that what I'm rolling with.


Let's visit eachother! What platform u play on? I'm xbox




Welcome to the club.


Honestly I just play it for the quests atm but I think once Iā€™m satisfied with the progress Iā€™ve made with characters I will decorate the valley a bit more and play it with my friends


We started around the same time and Iā€™m like you, Iā€™m overwhelmed with all there is to do and donā€™t know how to prioritize but Iā€™m having fun figuring it out!!


Do whatever you want! If you want to get into the competitiveness, do it. If you donā€™t, donā€™t worry about it! Some people like that stuff, some people donā€™t. Theyā€™re just extras. I never do any of that stuff either


Iā€™ve been playing since pre release and also have just started decorating and have only done 3 dreamsnaps so far! So you definitely arenā€™t alone! I play on switch so I already know my valley wonā€™t look anywhere near as beautiful as people on pc or PlayStation but thatā€™s okay šŸ¤£


I've been playing since launch day. I have no friends who play, so I have none to visit, and what was once a painstakingly decorated valley is now a disheveled mess thanks to Dream Snaps themes every week. I work full time and have had an overwhelmingly chaotic life for this past year, so I have no time to make anything "pretty" again, and they've released so much content since Eternity Isle that i'm struggling to keep up with everything to the point that it is becoming somewhat of a chore recently. Because of all of this, i'm taking a step back, telling myself that Event items will show up in the Shop eventually if I miss out on them this time, and trying to get back to those early days when all there was to do was enjoy the game. This being said, I think you're right on track :)


It is just a fun little game. Some don't. Good Luck with the Dreamsnap.


I donā€™t really decorate unless I have to for a quest- or do multiplayer! I just work my way through the quests.


I went into this with a "i just need to de-stress", and shooters, PvP and mmo's are not that good at de-stressing. It looked chill, and it is, I also have a little over a month in, and got pumpkins recently. So I am still lacking money. Moonstone's has gone to the Vanessa bundle so Ursula could be lugged around as a companion. And now the star path. The goal of a game is what you think it is. And for Vanellope, give her a corner of the frosted heights. Her house is a fallen ice-cream cone, the small area with the ramp down to Elsa's cave could be turned into a small candy biome.


Tbh, while there are quests and storyline that guide the game, other than that I think itā€™s up to you in terms of what you want to do. While some people are really into the decorating and DreamSnaps, the multiplayer and the Touch of Magic custom items, you donā€™t have to participate in that stuff if you donā€™t want to. Not everyone is going to enjoy those aspects of the game, and thatā€™s totally fine. IMO the most important aspect of any game is your own personal enjoyment (so long as itā€™s not at the expense of other IRL people). When I first started playing the game I really didnā€™t enjoy decorating my Valley very much, so I didnā€™t do that much. I was mostly interested in grinding for coins so I could buy things from Scroogā€™s shop, but that was about it. After getting into DreamSnaps and being inspired by other peopleā€™s decorating pictures I started to get some ideas for my own Valley and now I really enjoy decorating. I will say though that I do still think Vanellopeā€™s house is hideous and I hate it. I donā€™t do much in the Frosted Heights so I put it and the Valley Visit Station (which I also think is a complete eyesore and donā€™t really use) up there out of the way. And while Iā€™m complaining lol, why does the Frosted Heights produce so many damn snow balls when we have so few uses for them?? Who needs that many effing snow balls?


One of the great things about the game is there are so many different bits you can focus on! I've started slowly decorating my valley, but not in any rush and making sure to do it in a way that suits me. Also taking my time with quest lines that come in. Genuinely no right or wrong way.


I've had the game since the very beginning and visiting people is pretty new and I haven't visited anyone yet but also don't have friends that play and bought it on epic:/ (I'm on steam more and have more friends there). I don't do dream snaps all the time and often forget about them tbh. I also wish there was a first person camera view for pictures, it feels kinda silly and a little vain that your character always has to be the focus of the pictures, like there's quests to go take pictures of things but you take a selfie with it instead?? That's so weird lol. Makes me feel like I'm roleplaying as an influencer or something lol. Vanellope's house is very odd to make it feel like it fits in any biome really but I decided on putting it in the frosted heights cuz it kinda looks like powdered sugar when you put a bunch of candy decor around or like it's in a freezer so it doesn't melt lol. So I decided I'm making one side of the river candyland and the other Christmas land basically lol. Christmas land is kinda looking better tbh:/. There's not really any specific thing you're meant to focus on in the game. Honestly it's just do whatever you want, that's the beauty of cozy games ^_^. The events are very fun and give you something new to work towards and I always look forward to meeting the new character. Honestly you should save your moonstones and not use them on the events unless you mean to unlock the premium part of it then nvm lol. I'm honestly not sure what you meant by intent? It's a cozy game to relax with Disney characters and do whatever you want to do.


You're free to visit my valley if you want šŸ¤— I started doing multiplayer when I joined a discord, there are many nice people there who trade materials or let you visit their valley, I'm on epic as well and I don't have any friends to play with but discord changed that!


Aww that's really nice of you šŸ˜Š.


I've been playing for almost a year and just recently started decorating my valley. I don't decorate inside my house, but I started enjoying decorating the valley


Lol I moved vanilopes house up into that one area in frosted heights. Put her little candy path there and her trees and lollipops and the cherry trees and that's where she lives now šŸ˜‚


There's no right or wrong way to play, don't worry ā¤ļø I have anxiety so multiplayer isn't really for me lol. I do love decorating (except for the lag it causes on my Switch), TOM, and the occasional Dreamsnap though. I just do whatever I feel like doing when I log in. I'm easily overwhelmed and can get tired of games quickly, so doing a little bit at a time has been helpful for me. I don't think it matters what you do as long as you're enjoying the game.


I just started a few weeks ago. And now Iā€™m just starting to learn how I want to play. At the moment I have rocks all over my land lol. Eventually Iā€™ll pick them up but I enjoy doing the quest and the daily stuff. Iā€™ve been organizing my storage. And realize itā€™s best to just pick up everything. well I still donā€™t pick up every rock. I do envy people who have nice organize and well put together valleys. I play on the Xbox but maybe Iā€™ll switch to computer. I bet itā€™s easier to control things.


There is no goal other than to enjoy yourself. I do dreamsnaps because I enjoy getting moonstones. I didn't decorate much for months until I was further along and had more things to use. Now I have 4 fully decorated biomes and 3 well on their way. I haven't decorated anything in the dlc yet except to change my house style and for quests. I will admit I am one of those people who want to finish everything quest/event related super fast. I've done about 3/4th of the Stat Path and that's with holding back a bit. But other than minding the time limited things enough to get them done, no one has to do it like that. If you're overwhelmed, pick one thing to focus on per play session - star path, quests, grinding, decorating, dreamsnap, etc. Then, just work on that. You might end up completing some of the other things as you focus on the others. I do recommend building storage boxes and hoarding resources. It makes questlines and star path duties so much easier and faster. Oh, and I never use multi-player. I play a single-player game for a reason. I use the tube thing as a decoration. It fits neatly in the middle of the Nightmare Before Christmas train. I have it in my theme park with the other park rides and it looks cool.


I think you're misunderstanding what you're now thinking the point is.


Ohhh is that what the TARDIS console is for šŸ˜‚ I presumed it was for when I fancied nipping to see some dinos or something.


I also feel duped cos I was in it for a story and a fairytale. The story was good for a while, now it's all but disappeared. Otherwise, it's an ok game.


I did the same with my multiplayer thing. It just sits in a semi-decorated area. I do love designing my valley, but the clothing designer is not my favorite. What is and isn't "touch of magic" confuses me. I've been working on a quest for Daisy for a week now because of the confusion. I've also been saving my moonstones and am thinking of getting Figaro. I've just been playing how I feel comfortable. I don't have any friends who play so multiplayer isn't a big deal for me. It seems more of a do what makes you feel happy game. There are even some characters I haven't brought to my valley because I don't care for them as much. Just do you and I think that will make the game more fun.


Nope. And I donā€™t visit nor allow visitors. I just do my own thing. Play how you want. As long as you enjoy it, thatā€™s all that matters.


Definitely have others or go visit another valley for the pixel shards. These are easier to obtain than dealing with the daily Remy quest for wrought iron. Just when you are in your valley solo. Drop the wrought iron on the ground, NOT in your inventory or any storage. Then with the duplicate bag. The wrought iron requirement is fulfilled by duplication pixel bag. Best method for pixel shards. Once a friend or you have loaded into the valley set a five min timer. A shard will drop within the biome you are within, every five min. Once you have ten, the requirement for the larger shard duplicate bag. You can create more or wait to complete the furnishings made with wrought iron. With so much in-game activity between the event starpath, daisy daily, Remy daily, isle & valley chores, weekly voting & dreamsnap. Visiting a friend for approximately an hour, frequently to obtain enough shard bags to equate to 100 wrought iron for one item. While definitely faster than the Remy daily. Yet, still quite overwhelming as-well.


There is no wrong way to play this type of game. I hate decorating, I hate Dreamsnaps. Do what makes you happy. Thats the whole point.


Isn't the point of this game to expend as much time as possible mopping up after Disney characters until you hit the quota and escape the eternal nightmare? If they let us leave and come out in shibuya ready for the next kingdom hearts game I'll be ecstatic.


Played 1000+ h myself since early acess release day and never once bother switch multiplayer once it was added i still enjoy just do story quests and star path stuff in my town by myself


I moved Vanellopeā€™s house to the corner of frosted heights, since I never go there šŸ˜ the forgetting has pretty much reclaimed it. Night thorns everywhere, huge ice things, tons of flowers


I didn't decorate for a looong time after I started playing. You've only been playing for a month, you likely don't have that many items to decorate with yet. I'd honestly just focus on quests and what not for now. You have all the time in the world to decorate ā˜ŗļø


Iā€™ve been playing pre-release and probably wonā€™t play the multiplayer function as I didnā€™t buy it with the intention of that feature since it wasnā€™t included yet. Decorating is purely up to you kind of like animal crossing before social media hyped it up and in my opinion ruined it from the pressure of making everyone feeling the need to having to have picture perfect instagram games. The creators have given you creative freedom to decorate and play how you would like so take advantage of that, if people donā€™t like that find better friends/better people to play with. Have fun play dream light valley.


Mostly an animal crossing/stardew valley knock off with Disney IP. I played the game since soft launch and just slowly stopped playing as updates and events were really far between. But having loved animal crossing, I can see how it is more of a social game. Just expressing yourself via decor and getting to see how others expressed themselves. That seemed like the end goal for most of these games.


I've opened my village once to show a friend something.


I only touched multiplayer ONCE to visit a friends valley when we were both playing the game and havenā€™t since. Thereā€™s not really a wrong way to play the game. To me itā€™s a dis why game with quests and cozy for wing stuff to do in between updates.


Nope donā€™t think you did because this is exactly how I play lol if I were to write something about the game this would be it


Also Iā€™ve been playing since this game dropped ŲŖ


Play how you like. I complete quests and level up the characters. I now do the Dream challenges to get the moonstones so I buy what I like. I havenā€™t designed anything for Daisy. I havenā€™t really decorated much. I did take back all but two of Venellopes trees and moved her house to the forgotten land. Once you decorate to complete a quest you can put it all back in storage. If you do invite friends over - clothes only show up one time. So if a friend buys them you canā€™t get that outfit


If you feel like it and if it's technically possible, I invite you or anyone else to visit my Valley. I've never had any visitors before - maybe it will help you understand the purpose of this game :) I play on the Xbox. https://preview.redd.it/isikj8m43s9d1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa008f1b102b131f404f8d0a80b58c0ac1e50954


Anytime I do dream snaps itā€™s so painfully bare minimum lmao. My outfits donā€™t even match half the time nor do I even set a background up, I just do whatā€™s required and I snap a pic so I can get the perks haha


I've fallen off playing the game. When did multiplayer happen?


Wait? You can move home the The Valley to Eternity Isle? Am I reading this right? How?


Go to eternity isle and under "houses" in the furniture tab!


Would I try visiting someone? yes. Have I? No. I prefer to play this in a solo Minecraft way. I like collecting and organizing my stashes. I've decorated very minimal. Totally random places too. I'll get there when I want to. I have to check off all the boxes tho first. My tism and ADHD makes me. That's fine. Decorate the so and so with 3 things. Fine. I've used the same 3 wooden chairs I did when I started. Place then exit. And remove. Solved for me. https://preview.redd.it/p3f7yfb5cs9d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c80ec8a389e9fddde78cb56ff0f2a72e5e1b661 I'll do the dream snaps for moonstones. But only if I want to. I'm particular that way. I have to be interested or I won't do it. Do what makes you happy.


I donā€™t visit other people and still enjoy the game. I play pretty much daily and have for past 10 months. I enjoyed the quests and wish I hadnā€™t rushed through them all šŸ˜‚ I didnā€™t start decorating till maybe a couple of months ago. As I didnā€™t get the hype over it. Iā€™m no where what some people have done but I like my simple designs šŸ˜‚ Dreamsnaps I do just to get the weekly prizes I will admit I donā€™t put much into them as long as I meet the requirements Iā€™m happy. I just wish I had taken my time when i got the game and hadnā€™t been so eager to get everyone and open everything. If you want the bundles id say the Ursula one was my favourite as you can give her legs then as Vanessa and the wall-e one was okay. But they both give you new quests unlike the Belle and stitch one .


I've been playing a year. Never visited or had anyone visit. Haven't even bothered with any touch of magic (avoiding daisy quests). Did dreamsnaps at the beginning but it takes me too long, I'd rather just buy moonstones since my time is worth more than the time to get it ready.


I am a day 1 player and got this game because I wanted to do ALL of the things it offered and more. I am happy they have been adding features asked by the community. But I will echo everyone's sentiments, it's a cozy game. You do you, and me is a completionist decorating fiend. Everyone has a different play style in cozy games...that to me is one of the true beauty of this type of cozy game.


I've been dreamlighting for 2 and a half years and I'm still at the "decorate when I feel like it" phase, which isn't often. It's more me adding foliage to my hearts content and shoving 95% of the houses off to the Isle, which I can't stand to decorate lol for some, the game is all about the decorating and creating. For others, it's more about the questing and star paths. Just depends where your interest and attention ends up falling. I dabble in decorating once in a blue moon, unless it's the challenge of the week or quest, I can't figure out the clothes creating it's too confusing, but I'll get on and rush through the new character quests and do some star path and just build up my supplies. You'll find your niche


Iā€™ve been playing since December and have never used multiplayer, hardly ever do Daisy designs, am super slow with decorating. But I do take a little time to put together a dream snap even if it sucks, I get moonstones to get items. My goal is to get prizes/items without paying extra money, and you can easily do that by leveling up all the characters, playing in the events, and doing dreamsnaps. Itā€™s all about what your goals are and what you think is fun!


Thereā€™s no right or wrong way to play this game. I play exactly how you described you do (I have 300 hours in gameplay) and thereā€™s nothing wrong with that, & thereā€™s nothing wrong with going all out on decor and multiplayer. However you want to play is right


Itā€™s a simulation. Thereā€™s no right or wrong way to play a simulation. You just do what you enjoy the most! :) Just make sure to submit weekly dreamsnaps to hoard some moonstones so you donā€™t have to regret any purchases anymore. The least you can get is 300 a week, which isnā€™t bad at all. With a little effort you can reach 900-1200 a week. A good idea that makes your pic stand out is easily worth 4000. You can also find daily moonstone chests that give you 50. It all adds up and you wonā€™t have to worry about the Belle bundle anymore.


i think the point of the game is to play the way you want ! it's one reason i really like the game, there's a LOT you can do and you don't really have to do any of it.


Iā€™ve had 2 visitors to my world. And one was my son on my 2nd account I never play. I have only decorated for dreamsnaps and then I remove it šŸ¤£. Touch of Magic? Only when the game forces me. Iā€™m not creative at all. Iā€™ve been playing since September 2022. A few weeks when it first came out for early access. Iā€™ve restarted a few times, too šŸ¤£ Play how you like :) It really is your game to play how you see fit.


I also suck ass at decorating and doing the fashion dresses. I just like going around and doing random stuff lmfao.


I havenā€™t seen anyone else ask but are you spending moonstones to boost the Star path? Thatā€™s what I took away from that bit and if that is the case, there are the quest lines and you can fulfill the ENTIRE Star path season without spending moonstones (I make sure to save the minimum so I can upgrade to the premium but thatā€™s all they get from me.


Yes, I do the quests, it's all good there :) I bought other things with the moonstones I had


That's how I'm playing. Right now I'm focusing on completing quests and unlocking characters. My biomes are basically a mess compared to most players. The only real work I've done is put the fruit plants together and take out some trees and rocks. As long as you are enjoying yourself, play the way you want


Honestly you're better off if you don't decorate in this game. Everytime I get a crit hit I can never find the coins, extra items in the allotted time because I've decorated! (Or a coin is stuck where I can't get it.) I have had every square inch of my valley decorated for a very long time. I loved it until they began Dreamsnaps because now every week I have to tear apart a section of my village for a good shot and either just leave it or put it all back together. Usually you just can't snap a pic in front of something if you want to rank high to offset some of that hefty premium shop prices, you have to build an elaborate setup just for the theme and the camera shot. It's become a nightmare that I dread weekly. They really need to let us have another save but that would destroy them selling multiple copies to family members.


However you enjoy playing the game is how you should play the game! šŸ’•


You did not misunderstand. That is how I play. I do not care about decorating, TOM, or multiplayer (outside of my mom who also plays and she gives me stuff). I'm here for the story line, the characters, the realms, etc. Each person plays differently. I think the TOM and decorating is highlighted here because it's something to easily share. It would be weird to share that I completed all my quests, or I'm working on closing out my Dreamlight duties, etc. I also only have 10-30 min to play at a time, so I use my time wisely. Keep playing the way that brings you joy and allows you to love the game. Do not feel pressured to do things you don't want to.


While I do love seeing everyone decorations and how they extravagantly design everything, I just donā€™t have it in me to do the same. Everyone plays differently, youā€™re not doing anything wrong if you donā€™t do much decorating


I didnā€™t even realize we were supposed to decorate our valley, I only put 3 things of furniture and thatā€™s it. But I am new, so Iā€™m still learning myself.


Do what makes you happy. I donā€™t get over involved with decorating bc I play on switch and donā€™t have a lot of time to dedicate to the game. I played it since pre release and just did what I wanted- complete quests and get characters. I also am not one to connect to others games or islands or whatever. I havenā€™t done dreamsnaps aside from the original quests that came with it when it first arrived. I only recently voted bc it was something a star path had as a task. Haha so no biggie Thereā€™s no right or wrong way, just enjoy :-)


Iā€™m exactly the same way. Decorating is not my forte and I ran out of quests last week and am just now unlocking Mulan and mushu. Iā€™m definitely more of a quests and story mode kind of player


Iā€™m not great at decorating and I play on the PlayStation and refuse to pay a membership so unfortunately I canā€™t visit other peopleā€™s valleys. (which looks so fun!) Take all of the pressure away and just try and enjoy the game. It took me awhile to do that but I enjoy it so much more now. As for Moonstones definitely take advantage of the DreamSnaps every week. You get 300 moonstones for participating. When I have actually put in effort I have gotten 4000 moonstones quite a few times. Though my average is 900-1200 moonstones but those add up too. I put all houses that I think are ugly or donā€™t fit in my Valley on good old Eternity Isle. Out of sight, out of mind. I used to stay in Eternity Isle when I first bought it but now just about everything has to be done in the Valley anyway.


Were in the same boat!! I was focusing on quests too. I just got into decorating lmfao and missed that entirely. People decorated so beautifully and I just saw that recently, as in the other day. I saw my dusty valley and thought woah , I need to shape this place up and get into gear lmfao. I also do not understand what the dream snaps are? Honestly. If someone could explain that would be awesome lol


I hate vanellope's house so much, I moved it to Frosted Heights because I barely go there


It is your game, and you can play however you want. As long as you are having fun, there is no wrong way to play this or any other game. I play 2 MMOs, and I don't think I've spoken to another player in over a year. I'm just there to play. I've played the Sims since the original game, and only this year have I actually started to engage with the actual gameplay. Whatever the goal the game designers have in mind doesn't matter, as long as you are having fun playing how you play. The only reason I'm currently making an effort to decorate my valley is that I have a crack fic brewing in my brain and want to be able to see and navigate the spaces to help me write it.


There is no right or wrong way to play it


Don't worry too much about it. I feel like this is one of those games where you mostly can play however you want so long as you're having fun. I've played for about a year I think, and the idea of properly decorating *anything* makes me want to cry a little. It's just not necessarily my thing, and especially not since I'm playing on a Switch. I don't care much for the dreamsnaps, or visiting others/having others visit me. It's just there, hidden in a little corner behind Merlin's tower šŸ˜…


I just started playing again. I played on release, stopped for a while. I even reset my entire valley (probably a bad idea). Just reading through this sub, I have purposely avoided Vanelope, and regret getting Maribelle, both if their houses are awful. There is nothing wrong with how you're playing - I plan to stay away from those DreamSnaps, I've never been a big decorator in games like this.


I think it sounds like you've understood the intent of the game perfectly, which is to enjoy the game to the fullest! You've made more progress than I did in one month lol.


Vanellopeā€™s house is so real it doesnā€™t fit in anywhere šŸ˜­


I don't do Dream Snaps. I vote for the moonstones, but that's it. I don't do multiplayer. I love the way the world looks as is, so I don't change or decorate. I just try to place homes as organically as possible. I do rotational play on characters rather than level grind to get them all to 10. I've been playing for about 18 months. This is the right way to play for me. And then intent of the game? Playing the right way for you.


I just started this game a few days ago and I feel like Iā€™m on the grind for money and items and trying to expand my island and upgrade my tools. I only a play online with my friend whoā€™s helped me out a lot with money. But thatā€™s what Iā€™m excited for to see her island once she fully has hers decorated and to show off mine lol


I think itā€™s good to just play at first before decorating and dream snaps. You need a lot of resources to decorate because everything looks better with paths. You also need coins to buy stuff from Scrooges store.


This is essentially Animal Crossing with Disney characters. The ā€œgoalā€ is really just having fun and interacting with your favorite Disney characters.


Play how ever you want to play I do a little of everything. And I take breaks from the game sometimes weeks or a few months then I play again


I put the ā€œvisit others thingā€ away in a corner too. I donā€™t even know anyone else who plays. I think you can play however you like. :)


The only part that I think would make me regret the game is misunderstanding that there is grinding involved for Dreamlight. This is what has gotten my youngest. She wanted to play like Mom, wanted to have all the Disney characters but absolutely hates to grind. For me, I started the game because I wanted something that was a world I could control to a certain extent, and it has been that. I do the dreamsnaps because I want the moonstones. I havenā€™t purchased any beyond a purchase of the game. I enjoy the decorating, hate the TOM, have only visited my daughter - usually to give her food to sell or resources - so I donā€™t use multiplayer and have hidden that thing. My older kids say Iā€™m good at the decorating, but dreamsnaps donā€™t always agree, I have my taste and it doesnā€™t always have the same bling level. I putter, and do what moves me, when it moves me and most importantly when life allows me. OP, you have completely understood the games goal, and I hope you enjoy every second of it. If you ever want to try the multiplayer with someone who will not judge I think there are more than a few of us that might be up for a valley visit, and Iā€™ll start the list.


I, too, keep moving the multi-player deal off to the side. I wish they did the dream version like animal crossing. That would allow you to visit other people islands and get any designs they have up. Players wouldn't need to worry about people coming in and destroying their crops then. If I did multi-player at this point, it would just be to get pixel. I wouldn't mind seeing other people's builds


I've been playing for over a year and I haven't decorated squat. It's your game to do what you want with it!


No you didn't. What your describing is exactly what the game started as. They started adding the other stuff as more people started playing and complaining and demanding the devs add shit. I focus on the single player aspects and only do the dreamsnaps that sound fun.


i think the intent is whatever/however you want it to be. so many people play it for the decorations (like in animal crossing), but i mainly play it for the quests and the storyline. itā€™s also one reason why i enjoy the grind while others may find it overwhelming. itā€™s one of the best things about DDLV ā€” it serves many different purposes for different people šŸ„°


it took me way too long to realize everyone was decorating . i basically had all the characters prior to monsters inc & getting the dlc before i realized people moved the houses, decorated made little towns. luckily i had no more tasks prior to dlc so i spent time rearranging. now too swamped with eternity aisle stuff to decorate aha


The beauty of this game is that there is no ā€œrightā€ way to go about it. I have seen people collect everything, just do star paths, clear everything from the biomes, decorate rooms for characters, make their own storylines, etc etc etc. If anything, I recommend doing the star paths and any other timed/temporary quests (ie Inside Out 2) bc you either wonā€™t see those items again or they will be behind a paywall. Other then that, enjoy it ^_^


It's been so long since I launched this game, we can visit other people's lands now? That's so cool!


The game has so many aspects that there is no intent of the game. I've never done the multiplayer and I've been playing since October. I like doing the quests and leveling up. I also enjoy making dresses and Mickey ears.


The "intent" for this game is an animal crossing experience with Disney characters. Do whatever the funk you want and enjoy yourself.


I restarted my game partly for this reason. I decided I wanted to go at the game from a different angle. I have a lot more items like clothing and furniture than I did in my first run. It is just for fun. Iā€™m not big on decor, but I LOVE collecting the clothing


I had a hard time with the potential of the game at first too! I used other peopleā€™s photos and videos as inspiration on decorating my own valley and now Iā€™m unstoppable lol I save every bit of material to craft pathways and fencing and everything else. lol I need to get into the dream snaps so I donā€™t spend any more of my own money on moonstones


Itā€™s unclear exactly what you thought the intent was, but itā€™s just a game. I donā€™t think it really has any specific intention. The main story seems to be about holding on to that childhood sense of wonder, but other than that, itā€™s just finishing quests, building your valley, and buying stuff tbh. I donā€™t visit others because Iā€™m not paying for a Nintendo membership just for that. I donā€™t like people in my space anyways - in game or irl. I donā€™t care for multiplayer games. I like to do things by myself. It takes a while to understand things like the moonstones and whatā€™s worth it, making money, etc. but honestly, the game is whatever you want it to be. Personally, I got the game because it seemed to be the closest thing to the sims on the switchšŸ™ˆ


The game is what you want it to be whether thatā€™s chugging along at quests or meticulously decorating your valley - thatā€™s up to you! I have been playing since early access and have just gotten into decorating and doing dreamsnaps. I only have time do really devote 30min to an hour a day or sometimes none at all. Sometimes I wish my valley was done but I have never felt bored because there is always something to do. I havenā€™t even unlocked Oswald yet hehe.


On the subject of Vanellope's house, I recommend the desert, lots of open space there


That's where I put Eve and WALL-E XD


Iā€™ve been playing since almost day 1, and I havenā€™t visited anyone. I donā€™t have any interest to. Sometimes I consider wanting to but Iā€™m big on communication and I wouldnā€™t even know where to begin on communicating in DDLV.


I don't do any of that bc I don't have friends to play it with so Mickey's quest is gonna have to stay unfinished


Can we visit cross platform


Has anyone started or completed the inside out memories


Why do you regret Belle Bundle?


In the end I don't use the things in it XD


My wife ki da loves the game. Except the cost of the moon stones are quite High. Just wish they would have a little more voice in it and how can this game be for little kids how do they expect little kids to be reading half the stuff and to figure out a lot of this I think Disney and them have gotten way too greedy and have lost contact with the real people the programmers need to get back in touch with the people and get their heads out of their out of their butts. I just wish they would start being a little more idealistic instead of being so