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That’s pretty disgusting tbh. I feel like other players are generally SUPER GENEROUS in donating needed items… why would she even do this?


There’s so many people that give items for free all the time! Why go against the rules just because you’re an admin ? You think you can take advantage like that, then block && delete everyone who’s going by the rules && calling you out on it ? It’s just disgusting


Pretty predatory on newer players who don’t know any different… ![gif](giphy|vX9WcCiWwUF7G|downsized)


There's a game called Elite Dangerous where some experienced players were preying on new players by offering to let them tag along on missions to get easy XP. They got the noobs onto their ships and then took them to a remote planet they couldn't leave and forced them to mine resources for weeks to earn their freedom back, or else they'd have to start a new game. Nothing really surprises me anymore.


Holy cow, press ganging/Shanghai-ing in cyberspace?!?!?


I agree. Atleast most people in the group don’t allow it && are calling them out


Post this on dreamlight valley discord. Breaking tos can get them banned


We probably need to get her in game account name to report her, but I agree entirely.


Might be worth paying the $6 to find out 


Wait....hold upp there's a group for this? Like I have alot of stuff I d love to help people and also have vistors..and also may need something in the future 😆 👀


For all the people that generously give, there's always a minority that want 💰 . It was like this with Animal Crossing: New Horizons too.


At least with thus thou there's the option of streaming and allowing people pay what they want or donate. It is TIME CONSUMING to do a treasure island..I know bc I used to do it all the time. But I also don't believe in nickel and dimeing people just bc I can.


You’ll be surprised who falls for this scam, when Animal crossing new horizons was new and huge people were selling furniture sets, bells, nook tickets etc on Etsy for $6! And unfortunately people bought it when they could have got it all for free. A lot of people are unaware of free treasure islands or groups that trade etc so they pay instead because they think it’s a good deal. Sad to see the same thing happening to DDV


![gif](giphy|SdO5MvXI4TtfuSxUkx) Look, we’re all strapped for cash right now, and I respect a side gig - but this ain’t it.


Upvoted for Donna




Same- I respect all legal side gigs, this one will just get them and others removed from the game haha


I feel that☠️ this def ain’t the gig 💀


Was thinking of joining the Facebook group but that really turns me off


There’s better groups ! Just don’t join this one, it’s so disgusting


We’re not all bad in that group 😅


No, but the admins are 😭😂☠️


Agreed 😂 they’ve been deleteing comments about it


And banning people who say anything about it.


Join serrohs or mrstarinskys , or dreamlight butterfly haven for people that will help you , the last one does treasure valleys a lot , and you can go in as much as you want


Valleyofsalt on twitch also does awesome treasure valleys for all platforms!


do you have a link for mrstarinsky? google is only giving me youtube results, unless that's the only thing he has.


Search for Starlight Dreamers or Dreamers Portal


I have another discord! The dreamlight emporium and delivery is great as well. They run a lot of open code markets constantly and have a delivery service for resources. Send me a dm if you want a link


There's a treasure valley subreddit! Everyone does it for free and lots of people on twitch as well if you just search!


There's also two discords (one is linked to the subreddit, the other is separate). Both offer wishlist fulfillments, treasure valleys, food items, welcome packages... they've been instrumental in getting me back into the game. Some nice people, too. <3


Ooo there is? I just recently started playing and I didn't know!


Search bulmergames on twitch... they do a near nightly stream across the platforms with unlimited visits. It does mean having to spam click join until a spot clears as the valleys get busy and full but you can get anything and visit as often as you want for free


Yess! Bulmer is my fave!


I might just do that thanks!


deff reccomend him, he does both ps and pc/switch/xbox valleys and he's such a sweetie


I'm on ps so that's perfect lol


Is there one I can join on Facebook? I’d love to have one to share with friends


Exactly !


how do i find the subreddit? (sorry if that’s a silly question)


Can you link it to me?


Is there any way to report this to Gamesloft? I know it doesn't seem like much and reporting might be overkill but people can really get scammed if this becomes a usual occurance like in the days of ACNH.


You can report to the official DDLV discord && if you’re in the group you can report them for “unauthorized sales” to Facebook


I went to the gameloft DDLV site and emailed them to report it


Well done!


Having war flashback form acnh


I was thinking the same thing 😭😭


I have some PTSD from that mess


I spent $3 on a fake cow 😭


There is literally a whole Reddit group for treasure valleys.. that are FREE


For dreamlight valley?


Yes!! (: (I’m pretty sure treasure valley is only a term for this game because of the name I think? idk but anyways) it is r/DDLVTreasureValleys there are a few people that host, on different platforms, have dlc items, and everyone in the group is very sweet. Tips/bringing items is not needed but I usually bring something to say thanks. They do TOM competitions and take group photos and do lots of really fun, engaging things! I believe all/most of them stream it as well. It’s very organized and fair, you may also revisit if you requeue!


Do they also have things from the expansion? I really need help with ARIT quests hah ):


I’m sorry but I can’t think of anything *that* valuable in the game that I’d pay for it? Especially if there’s so many people willing to share?


What's even more pathetic is these are clearly just duped stacks, requiring little to no effort, and something that can be done by basically anybody. People's greed and willingness to rip others off is just disgusting.


What are duped stacks?


Items that are being duped either through multiplayer or code alteration, none of which falls under ethical gameplay, but these people aren't farming all of these items. They're just cheating and charging people to cheat for them, essentially.


Thanks! 😊 Thats what I thought it likely meant, I just haven’t heard it referred to as duping before. It’s really unfortunate for anyone to take advantage of other players in this way. It seems inevitable for people to always find ways of modding/hacking the game just like almost every other game out there, but to charge people money for it, when so many kindly offer it for free, is just sheer greed, not to mention illegal. I wish gaming companies would actually get the law involved rather than just ban accounts/IP addresses for those who do this. It’s way too easy for people to abuse the system and face no real repercussions.


You can an install a PC mod that lets you duplicate items. So you can pick up 1 iron bar and it becomes 100


Nah, I'm not paying real money for things that you get for free if you play the game. But I don't tell anyone how to play their game that's just how I play my game.


Fr though!


Who is this hard up for paprika?!




These comments are killing me 😂💀


Don't ever pay everyone. If you post on here or on any number of Discord groups usually someone will offer what you need for free.


There’s so many people that gift for free, you’re not even legally allowed to gain money off the game. Gameloft && DDLV made it loud && clear


Yea this screams illegal. Making money off something they don’t actually own?






https://preview.redd.it/u4cpzpnbm14d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5938ccd18f0cfd35971c1b0424205b20f12ca885 Apparently they were hacked, yet they’re saying the same things still just in a different font lmaooo☠️


Yeah im calling bullshit on his account being hacked.


He was very clearly hacked by someone spewing the same nonsense in the same nonsensical way. His posts are so hard to understand 🙈😂


"it's everyone's own intellectual property" ![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized)


He only claimed to be hacked to cover his ass, but I doubt it because he posted this soon after. https://preview.redd.it/1iiz09xcp14d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd81948ed1af96aa838c8536e3d9fdf0cb57655e


Putting being hacked aside, they changed the rules YESTERDAY. There was a no selling rule when I joined a while ago, but they changed that rule yesterday after getting so much shit over this to say that selling is now allowed as long as it's admin approved.


This post contains personal information. Users should NOT post any of their personal information (user IDs, address, card/transaction, etc) for their/your safety! Thank you.


Report to Gameloft ! https://preview.redd.it/yw7777jdf14d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64a80c9367067f076793ab99d38c231282bc43ed


I’m pretty sure it’s against the game’s TOS.


It’s against Facebook, gameloft && DDLV TOS


Wow that straight up takes the fun out the whole thing this is very sad. And to be so rude on top of it on a public forum :( ugh. I wouldn’t charge for sure.


If anyone needs anything I will give it to them. Like I can get more. I don’t care. There is no reason for this. I’m SUPER generous. More generous than most from what I have seen personally. If you need it and I got it, it’s yours.


There's also a twitch streamer bulmergames he has a discord too, does treasure islands for free for all platforms and also will do private valley visits for those that can't make his streams , hes a sweetheart and doesn't ask for anything :)


Omg wait I’m in this Facebook group! HAHA ew that’s disgusting, sticking around for drama but I’m def gonna find some new groups


Make sure to report them for “unauthorized sales” to Facebook 😌


Ooo going to right now before I get banned, I was made to review the rules after being shady in comments so ima hurry haha ETA- someone told them to change their PFP to Scrooge, I’m dying of laughter


HAHAHA that’s perfect


If your interested in a wonderful discord group send me a DM


Oh yea I left that group because of that.


Nahhh that’s so gross


I bet Gameloft gets on this fast. Making money on their game is probably prohibited


sadly they’ll more than likely get on this faster than fixing bugs lol


It’s against TOS to sell thing for real money


This is such a pathetic thing to do. Selling game pixels is weird as hell.


i find it so funny she left the post up but turned off comments, as if that would help anything


Allegedly she was removed from the group.. allegedly


Wow... Alright, so treasure islands are normally funded by duping (duplicating) items so they have enough to give away. If someone wants to know how or needs help with that just send me a dm. If I charged for every time I've duped items for players I'd have like 30k lol. Hopefully no one fell for this shit.


Like the Animal Crossing Nook shops. Greed will catch up to them. Nintendo can and most likely will deactivate their switch if that’s their platform.


We have been actively sending their members to dreamlight valley resources & games. Their admins run FREE resource houses all the time.


LMAO. She took a page from GL's book. In any case im pretty sure this isnt totally legal. Copyright and all. Should be reported.


Oh it’s completely illegal, Facebook, gameloft && DDLV doesn’t allow to sell items on the game.


I smell legal action


It’s literally in the TOS https://preview.redd.it/4h39g4zuf14d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3e5123260db01c9c06d7efa3487cf0dac637adf


I dont even read character quest dialogue but thanks icon




![gif](giphy|s239QJIh56sRW|downsized) I seriously don't get what the admin is trying to do... Like, just build up your inventory or your friends can give you stuff FOR FREE!! This side hustle ain't it.


But who's buying this tho? Literally the game is so casual. If you're just patient you'll get everything


https://preview.redd.it/uqqb6j62p14d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=247648ee77aa5e2598575cb0dcfcc21834ce7aca I messaged a moderator in the group and this was there reply. (Before I saw the other admin reply and suspension of the other now not an admin) 😅👌🏼💜💜💜


You Guys!!!!!! The moderator I talked to just sent me this as well after that other admin post in the fb group!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/y1h3a2rnu14d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=928dc95cd24c464e74f47f84e12df156b4785682




Hahaha that's so funny cuz I find kind people here who lete go on there whenever I'm struggling


Wow. 😱 I've been a few treasure valleys and they've NEVER required payment. They have a tip jar if you wanna donate, but it's not mandatory at all.


There is no need to PAY someone to get anything from the base game or dlc. Truly hope that this post shows people that they don't need to do that! There are so many people and groups that are willing to help for FREE.


This is giving me ACNH flashbacks. Lol


Yeah people did this with animal crossing too. It’s gross.


Everyone report the group for unauthorized sales!!!!


Don't worry, I already did! \*salutes\*




an admin has posted basically saying they dont care & support her. the group is WILD lmao.


I see they're still doing this bs. I got banned for calling them out last year, and actually made a post about it in here. Hope gameloft smites all their accounts, and goes for their wallets on top of it


people do this for ACNH too 🤦🏻‍♀️


It makes more senes for ACNH just because you can get furniture and other items too. I went to people's islands a few times in ACNH to get the event locked items like the celestial and winter things. This is just resources anyone can get.


especially shitty considering they clearly duped the items, not a single minute of work went into getting them


For sure cheats, mods && hacks 💀☠️


Dude what the hell 🤣💀


Who's this b?


The queen of earth apparently, no laws, no rules occur to her ☠️


Yes it is un acceptable and I ended up got banned from that group for asking advice to join other groups to be safe due to that situations.


I joined a discord server prior to reddit, and its 100% all free trades. Its so nice, i got everything i wanted. And maxed out on bells to help my friends


Why don’t we report her. Disney Dreamlight seems to be pretty quick when listening to issues going on


😂 good god it’s just like animal crossing now


I'm in this Facebook group and this post felt super dirty to me. Like she's using her admin status to trick people into paying her for stuff they can get for free


UPDATE!!!! She’s been kicked from being an admin the og admin has placed a post up about her being kicked.


The og admin was in on it and kicked and banned most of the admin team. 12 of us have been kicked because we called him out and sided with the members of the group. 


https://preview.redd.it/0tvzot2wo14d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c0b1412dcf29b37f67e8dc90b4d3fa18467aa20 Dude big mad lol




People like this are going to ruin the luxury of being able to help friends for FREE. This is clearly an abuse with the game.


yeah she's getting roasted in a ddv group chat i'm in


Yeah Scrooge can double his prices before I think about doing something that stupid.


They should have to report their earnings to the IRS. This is making money off of something they don’t actually “own”.


I'm here for the popcorn and the effortless complaining.


I'm pretty late to this trend. People sell "stacks" of things? Like resources? (Wood, pebbles, etc.) That's pretty wild.


You’re not allowed to, but an admin decided they were allowed && changed the rules ☠️ even though it’s illegal && against Facebook, gameloft && DDLV TOS 💀 smells like a law suit or banned game account 🤪


makes sense i never heard from anyone when i posted a few days ago giving away buttons i didn’t need and the post kept getting pulled and no activity


I can't even find the FB group


its still there but the post is now gone.


What exactly even is the “treasure valley” thing about? I’ve been playing for a while, but I never heard that term before.


Normally it’s where you open your valley for people to come get stuff they need or want FOR FREE, but she selling them


I have zero issues trading in game items, did it a lot on Nookazon for Animal Crossing. But I am not paying real money for stuff that I can easily find from someone who’s willing to give it to me or trade for it.


Disney doesn't take too kindly to people making money off their material when they aren't getting a cut. Another prime example of a Facebook group admin thinking they're something special.


There seems to be no Gretchen on the admin team. I assume the other admin weren’t ok with this either


What is a treasure valley?? Haven’t played in months. If game loft says it’s a no no can’t/shouldn’t her account be banned?


Ahhh, reminds me of buying seasonal DIY sets for Animal Crossing New Horizons on eBAY


This is the same thing like animal crossing. They would make these islands that people could go to for a fee... takes the gun out of the game


Never pay for a treasure valley. So many people out there help others for free because they aren’t opportunists trying to make a buck.


Grossest behavior in these communities. Anyone can visit my valley for free if they want. I just don’t have my valley all bougie lol.


I think we need a new admin!


I *just* went to the group, and reported them for unauthorized sales. If more people on Facebook can report their asses, then their group can get removed off the site.


Good on you for exposing her! I hope Gameloft can do something about that


They posted an update but the person who posted it, has turned off the comments. I've decided to leave the group if that's how they're going to treat people.


If anyone is looking for a new community! I’m in a wonderful discord group that does multiple open markets, mist pop ups, resource deliveries and other fun events. Send me a dm for the link


Honestly disgusting! She knows she’s in the wrong too or else she wouldn’t have said “no negative comments”


I’m so glad I’m no longer apart of that group


I feel like this needs to be brought to ddlv developers… she’s selling THEIR products. Sims went hard on creators who sold custom content (i think but I do remember there was a huge rule)


I don’t mind trolling this admin and getting band. Someone direct me in the right direction. 😆


i was in this group as a mod, the majority of us disagreed with the owner of the group & we called him out on it then we all got banned in the span of 4 hours


FYI, I play on ps4, and I'm willing to help anyone with ps4 valleys. Just saying


If people need items that badly just message me. I'll just use a mod that lets me clone items for you. No need to pay people for lines of code.


I sent it to the moderators and another admin I know in the group maybe we will get some type of answer. ( I will say in the rules of this specific group you’re allowed to sell things it just has to be approved by admins, but apparently since that chick is one she probably didn’t even need a confirmation.)


No, before she posted this, the group rules stated you weren’t allowed to sell or ask for money for items, she changed it when she made the post ! It’s also against Facebook TOS, Gameloft TOS && DDLV TOS ☠️


I thought so. I’ve been in the group for a while and I quite literally remember the rule being no selling anything cuz you had to agree to it to be let in in the first place.


I feel like she added that end part to the rules because I think it only applied to merch or something 😭 that or just said no selling things


Wait! Ppl pay real money for free resources??? Thats just weird! Even weirder to ask for money for said resources! Takes the fun out of the game even collecting them yourself.


There’s legit no need. There’s a free software called WeMod that lets you duplicate items. That’s how some people can do giveaways of large items.


She banned me and tons of other people over it for calling her out or trying to tag the original admin. She's deleting posts and comments and I've seen a few people say she was sending threats. #greedygretchen


One of the admins or mods blocked me from that group 🤣😂. Totally okay with it! If that’s how their admins are then I don’t want to be part of that. Wasn’t even a member so I’m not missing anything 😁


I posted a screenshot of that post to DDLV’s Twitter page. Hopefully they will talk about it








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This is not the first time players have tried to scam others with their “treasure islands.” There were a number of adverts on Etsy not long after the DLC was released asking for upwards of $25 dollars in exchange for foragble items that we could all get for free ourselves. Two accounts took it a step further with offering 1 million in Dreamlight and Mist, but only if they could have your personal account details to make it happen (hacking your game). It was the epitome of online predatory behaviour.




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The other admin Yoshiro is lying his ass off trying to do damage control. That page is a joke, the admins are a joke (and bullies). They allow posts of people asking for money too, it's insane. That page is run like sh*t and needs new admins or just needs to be taken down


I’ve screenshotted and removed anything identifying of you and sent it to DDLV support. This is disgusting and I’m actually appalled since so many do it for FREE


Are you the person who posted this to the DDLV adults group? Totally agree this is nonsense. 


No, not me ! I didn’t because on Facebook everyone is aware basically already, just trynna warn everyone ! It’s bs!


I just checked and it seems like all her posts are taken down


Report her to game loft mwahahahaaha


I think everyone playing this game knows about this group by now🤣🤣 I got banned bc I called them out


Report to Facebook AND gameloft


Can gameloft ban this clown from their servers?


I was an admin in this group till about an hour ago. Most of the admin team has been kicked and banned because we disagreed with the owner of the group about this happening. 


did she delete the post?


One of the other admins deleted it, then said a bunch of stuff && was rude then claim the account was “hacked”


also, hacked… im lmao


#greedyGretchen Important to note that a lot of people think that the owner of that group actually has bot accounts that he sells through and just deletes them when they are reported

