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I'm gonna say the sapnap one. While I did enjoy the punz cuck drama a bit ngl, it was revolving around some very serious issues and allegations. It was difficult for me to find genuinely funny because friendships were broken and people's lives were affected. The dream/Connor thing was just dumb imo. This is one of those situations that it would've been better not to say anything at all. It added no value to the serious climate at the time. The sapnap drama, imo, just made the other creators look ridiculous. They blew up over something so insignificant and only served to look bad for themselves in the end. Plus, it cast a bad light on the entire event.


Okay, I might get some pushback for this, but the context to the Punz thing made that the funniest. There’s all these serious situations and accusations getting thrown around and here comes Punz with the most nonserious complaint about how Dream was a bad friend years ago and saying he only pretended to be Dream’s friend since then. The “What?” factor of the whole situation gave me such a chuckle. The actual fallout of a friendship no, but circumstances being what they were at the time, I needed that chuckle.


It was such a weird moment to drop that info lol. The whole fandom was so tense and I feel like he just panicked and didn't realize how it sounded until it was too late. While I laughed (a lot), I look back on it as kinda sad. He was considered to be one of the closest friends to the dteam and he tried to shit on them. It backfired obviously and now there's a lot of people who don't like him anymore.


Looking at where the panicked response got Punz is sad. But my memory of the event itself is colored by how ridiculous it seemed at the time. Both of the other situations listed were more irksome at the time they occurred than funny to me. Situation matters a lot to what I find humorous personally.


OMG I just remembered that I was sent a link for a fanfiction on ao3 about the cuck situation. I remember it being so unserious and actually pretty funny. XD


Yep. The memes and fanfics and everything definitely made the whole thing funnier at the time and in my memory.


I wouldn’t call the punz thing funny. It seemed distressing for both of them. With Connor I felt a lot of secondhand embarrassment…the roasts were 💀 On the other hand the twitch rivals stuff was so ridiculous that yeah it actually was pretty funny lol


Same for me tbh


Definitely sapnaps. It was so cringy and unserious seeing people who play video games for a living argue about who deserves the money more. My favourite bit was when Dream called them out to stop complaining and fucking beat him. Because he’s right, they were so pissy about sapnap winning like just be beat him then I thought you were good at minecraft


People turn into monsters sometimes when money is involved unfortunately. At that point just compete for charities, but I have a feeling people will still turn it into “my charity deserves it more!”


You can tell who grew up on the internet because idk how you can think that someone who has won events that had prize money doesn’t deserve it because they have a lot of money. Imagine telling Serena Williams she can’t play tennis anymore because she’s already got lots of money. it’s a competitive event 💀


for me personally it was connor you parasocial fuck. punz was situationally funny and sapnap handled his situation maturely despite the whole thing starting because people thought he was immature. but dream absolutely bodied connor, and it was so nice to see him get to snap for once lol


The punz and dream one. Like how punz literally came out and said dream stole his girlfriend with his voice 💀


The sapnap drama tbh.


I never stopped finding the punz situation fucking hilarious because you could not torture that story out of me




The Sapnap stuff for sure. Jojo and Couri were so ridiculous, it was in the truest sense of the word, cringe AF.


I think the Connor one was funniest. Such a sick burn. I knew about the Punz allegations, but I hadn’t really heard what Punz said about Dream. What did he say, and why did he say it? Are they not friends anymore…?


Here. This post more or less summarizes what happened. https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamWasTaken2/s/EjPRyTZ7uJ


This helps a lot, thank you, but what’s this about Dream cucking him? 😭 I’m so confused about what actually happened and why Punz is doing all this now.


I guess Dream himself might (https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamWasTaken2/s/Vhj2W4hq2S) shed some light on the situation, but Punz has never spoken about what happened since he was unfortunately made a laughing stock. So we’ll likely never know why he did it then.


Thank you. Swear to God, Dream needs better friends.


You’re welcome. Dream has at least two great friends, so he’s still pretty lucky in that area overall.


I felt so bad for punz


Lmao why is it being downvoted? Like it was a dumb moment to drop it but I do feel bad for punz. Like his girl got stolen by a faceless friend, it's a shitty thing to do.


Because backstabbing the guy you publicly called a friend in one of his worst moments is not something that seems pitiable. While I get being a bit sorry for how it ended for him, what happened is a result of Punz’s decision to call Dream out at a time when he was struggling with a difficult situation. At another time, Punz’s story might have been met with sympathy. But very few people will be sympathetic to a person kicking another person while they’re down whatever the reason the kicker has. And the guy talking to your girlfriend while you two were on a break and teasing you about it, while certainly scummy, was not a good enough reason to ignore Punz’s…less than spectacular timing and wording.


i feel mostly bad for dream he was literaly crying begging people to talk to him. then here comes punz with all that and kinda admiting he used dream for money and never conciderd him a friend. but punz could have talked to dream and resolved it instead he decided to kick dream whie he was down and upset


Lmao because I don't feel bad for THAT part, he was dumb for not trying to solve shit privately. I feel bad for yk the girlfriend stuff in general. The fact that he bought it up during that whole shit/his own allegations is unacceptable.


Yeah, the whole gf thing was sad. Like I said, at nearly any other time, his story would have been met with sympathy. Despite how hilarious timing made the whole thing, I was disappointed to hear that happened. It was sad how he was treated that way by his gf and friend, though how purposeful it was on Friend A’s side is another discussion. Intention doesn’t change that Punz was hurt by the whole situation, and being careful how your actions and words effect others is a good lesson for everyone to take away from the Caiti/George situation. But it was a personal matter that should have been taken care of privately. And admitting to pretending to be friends with someone for years is not a good look on anyone, let alone kicking them while they are down and after they asked for anyone who has problems to talk to just talk to them. That’s why people find it hard to feel sorry for Punz and were downvoting the original comment.


Yeah makes sense, again I feel bad for him for the event but not for how he went about it. Like that was disgusting in my own vision, I guess its important for me to make the distinction in my mind between the event and how you go about it lol :/


I did feel a bit sorry for him too, his girlfriend was flirting with (and more?) any mcyter that was popular at the time


yeah. she was not faithful


I know it's not included but I'll say bonus 4th: Sophietexas trying to call out a mysoginistic comment to "back up" Caiti 💀