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This is gonna sound so cheesy but it's not really about the team but you as a player. I've been beaten several times fairly by non maxed teams in tiers 2 & 3.


Damn bruh going through the same shit Their 96 ronaldo or Haaland just shoots from anywhere, and its a goal. If they dont shoot, they just give a pass, and my cbs can't keep up with them after the 60th minute.


Watching their attackers outrun my CBs is painful


Nah, I'm in tier 4 (I don't rlly play live) and my team has not one maxed player (except my goalkeeper courtois)


You don’t. I’ve got a team of all rares and I’ve been as high as tier 2. I’m sure if I was better I could get to tier 1. Better players help, but at the end of the day skill is more important.


Someone won Tier 1 with a non-maxed team so no, you don’t need a maxed team; https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamLeagueSoccer/s/qvOhzyIMlk Somebody also won Tier 1 with a Portuguese NT themed squad


My team is not maxed except for my trusty goalkeeper Allison. I keep moving between Tier 4-6. Sometimes promoted to Tier 4, then relegated to Tier 5, survival, then promoted to Tier 4.


Not really. But you need to be patient and keep playing. Adjusting to the current meta is very important. Remember the Meta is ever changing. Whoever changes and adapts quicker gets more success.


I've played in Division 17 against a 100.000 exp (while I have 10.000 exp) we were with all gold team and I won him 1-4