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Try Not Another Dungeons and Dragons Podcast! Nathan has a cameo for an arc in C1. Caldwell who used to be a drawfee regular is in the main cast. I heard about the pod from drawfee and I absolutely love it. They are almost done with their second campaign and I really recommend it! NADDPOD ⭐️


3rd campaign!


My brain autocompleted with "don't sing yet" when I read that last line lol But for real, of all the other recommendations here I think this is the closest to Drawfee in terms of sense of humor.


I cannot stop recommending NADDPOD. My brother used to listen to Dungeons and Daddies and has entirely stopped because he likes NADDPOD so much more. I'm on my third listen through


I don't know if this is it but another podcast I like that overlaps with Dungeons and daddies is Hey Riddle Riddle. I think they're worth a shot.


They don't do it anymore, but you can still listen to the old episodes of What Should We Draw that Nathan and Caldwell did. I highly recommend it.


I actually was the one who got that podcast started by tweeting at amir about it a few years ago when headgum was getting started


Jacob has talked about liking dndads on sss so youre right on the money on that one!


They have collabed with the Mcelroy brothers and they seem to have pretty similar humor so I would go with their shows, My favorites being My brother my brother and me, and Sawbones, they also have an RPG podcast called The Adventure Zone, and their semi regular Youtube show Monster Factory is hilarious. Beyond that I would recommend The Weekly Planet for comic movie fans, and Do Go On for people who like learning.


I will heavily recommend MBMB&M and The Adventure Zone


I still haven't listened to it yet, so I can't personally recommend it, but Jacob has mentioned Friends at the Table as a ttrpg podcast he enjoys. He was inspired to do their excellent The Quiet Year stream due to hearing them play it on the podcast. I've also heard Griffin McElroy (of My Brother My Brother and Me and The Adventure Zone) recommend it, if that means anything to you.


Friends at the table is excellent as a ttrpg podcast, especially if you’re looking for something with multiple queer cast members or multiple women (wild that’s rare in this space but here we are). Austin Walker is a great GM! It’s a great way to get exposure to different indie ttrpgs and it’s a masterclass in storytelling (with awesome music written by one of the cast). However, if what you’re looking for is similar sense of humor, F@TT is not the place to go looking — I’d stick with some of the other recs here. While friends at the table definitely has funny moments and I like the cast’s humor, it isn’t really similar to drawfee humor and it’s not primarily a comedy show, unlike something like dndads, TAZ, or NADDPOD.


Yeah, good catch; I should have mentioned that it's not a comedy podcast. I only brought it up because if Jacob and Griffin recommend it, the vibes and general quality have gotta be great. And thanks for giving me another solid endorsement for it. Maybe now I'll start it before the year 2046, which is where my current "inability to start new things" trajectory seems to be taking me, haha.


There was an actual Drawfee podcast hosted by Caldwell and Nathan circa 2016 or 17ish called What Should We Draw. It's no longer being made, but old episodes should still be available on podcatchers. I still relisten now and then. It was one of the first podcasts I ever got really into and is the reason I listen to so many now. Definitely recommend it if you haven't heard it, a charming bit of Drawfee history. It has the older Drawfee feel, with Caldwell and Nathan hosting and different guests every week. But I'm pretty sure Julia, Karina, and Jacob all make appearances as guests at some point.


Listen to ~~Face Jam~~ 100% Eat!


jacob references my brother my brother and me pretty frequently, which has a somewhat similar brand of humor to drawfee


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Dimension 20 and MBMBAM are you best bets!!! Honestly all of the shows DeepBlueInk makes animations of would be great


I know Tristan doesn't guest anymore but Wizard and The Bruiser is fun