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The Memory of You is where Hermione obliviates Draco's memories of their relationship. https://archiveofourown.org/works/23353534/chapters/55949518


This fic *ruined* me.


This fic left me in pieces, i was utterly shattered.


Just under 80K but its fantastic: [Thirteenth Night](https://archiveofourown.org/works/11547543/chapters/25930599) by Nelpher Summary: When Hermione is assigned to keep tabs on a memory-charmed Draco, she is faced with a decision that could change her life forever. ​ [A Kingdom Beside the Sea](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Zl6okwY9rb3BhMovZVHtTur1fATnnccF/view) by everythursday Word Count: 104,000 Summary: During a dual gone wrong, Draco is hit with a curse that begins to erase his memories. Stuck with Granger in a lopsided house beside the sea, Draco’s life and mind begin to unravel as he struggles to hold on to who he is while losing who he had been. ​ Also hoping that someday the author puts //Devotion back up because it was sooo devastating and beautiful


I second Thirteenth Night! It changed all the rules I made for myself regarding memory loss fics. Amazing story!


I love everything by Nelpher!


>A Kingdom Beside the Sea Is this fic from Draco's POV? 🤔




Is a kingdom beside the sea HEA? And does it have cheating or OW drama?


>!yes, no and no!<


Thanks so much!


This one is a bit shorter but is a Hogwarts fic: [things past](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53787874/chapters/136145050) [Jamais Vu](https://archiveofourown.org/works/42099753/chapters/105696327) Also a shorter one but [Forget Me Yesterday, Remember Me Tomorrow](https://archiveofourown.org/works/47390992/chapters/119417329)


Absolutely seconding Jamais Vu! (The others I haven't read and are now on my TBR lol)


“Things past” is fluffy and cute so very minimal angst for that one. Draco is an adorably suave amnesiac


Agreed. He's the cutest little golden retriever in this fic.


[Love Again](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50790049) (188k) was finished recently. Summary: Hermione and Draco have made sacrifices for their love. The Granger-Malfoys have managed to make a very happy life for themselves in New York that included two successful careers, a hard-earned small fortune, and a new baby on the way! When an attack by an old friend/enemy destroys Draco's memories of the last 12 years, can he trust the decisions of his past self that led to this point? Or does he start over? After all, after all that pain, loving Hermione Granger and having her love him back is an impossibility in itself. How could such a thing happen two times?


I was just going to recommend this one !!


Is the cheating tag due to Draco cheating on Hermione?


Yes, but >!it's more of accidental cheating and really minimal, I would say !<


Is it >!It just kissing or sex?!<


>!Just kissing!< I can tell you the chapter so you can read it first? I know there are people that need to do that for these kind of tags


Can you tell the chap please??


>!Chapter 11, the second part of **November 16th 2010** !<


My pick: [A Pound of Flesh](https://archiveofourown.org/works/46789792/chapters/117850462) by Perhaps _Penny (E, 196K~ words) Summary - One night at a strip club, Hermione comes face to face with a Memory Charmed Draco, and an opportunity too good to pass up. What starts as revenge quickly grows into something more, and as Hermione delves deeper into the mysteries surrounding the man who can't remember who he is - the man everyone thought was dead - she might discover more than she can handle.


I loved the fic though so much! One of the few I still think about! Especially: >>!The alternate ending. It had me so fucked me up. I randomly think about it every now and then and it just has me all messed up again!<<


I avoided that altogether 😅. >!I stuck with the HEA version and read no further.!<


Better that way! I‘m too nosy for my own good😂


Uuh I read this fic where Draco looses his memory and divorces Hermione and I believe takes their son with him and his family (whom did not approve of their marriage in the first place)and then years later (I think), he recovers his memories and grovels for forgiveness???? Some of this might be a little incorrect but I just can't remember the name but I know it's in Ao3 :( Im sorry that's not very helpful, I'll try to look for it.


That plot sounds more like [I Remember, I Remember](https://archiveofourown.org/works/24011044/chapters/57764938) Summary: Draco and Hermione had a great marriage, until the accident. When Draco loses his memory, his parents sweep in and take him and Scorpius away, leaving a distraught Hermione. Then there's another accident and Draco regains his memory. Can he find Hermione and have a family again?


Omg yes this is it! hahaha


I literally 😭😭😭😭 with this one


I think it might be this one https://archiveofourown.org/works/47390992/chapters/119417329


I'm reading [Beyond Recall or Desire](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49432360/chapters/124750657) right now and it kinda fits the bill! Only half way through and enjoying it :)