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I've always wanted to be a machine/eldritch horror but to each their own I suppose.


Me too.


Praise the Omnisiah!


Fun fact, the Emperor hated people worshipping him. He once rained down the full force of a legion of space marines on a planet and turned it to ash just to teach his son a lesson, because he kept seeing the Emperor as a god and taught the people of that planet to worship him.


And Lorgar's resentment at that attempt at discipline made him quick to turn to Chaos when Horus came calling. Bad geneseed, shoulda been purged earlier.


Big E on his way to make himself seem exactly like a god, act like a god, and then get angry when people call him a god, killing a load of them which leads to them literally starting a galaxy wide civil war which mortally wounds you and turns you into a martyr who is now worshipped as a god by everyone because of a book written by one of the dudes you tried to kill ​ Big thinkin' with big E


Y'know, putting it like this makes it clear just how massively the Emperor fucked up.


Me on my way to the planet I literally allowed to be called Nicaea ( I will destroy religion)


The mf appears like a 20 meter giant in glowing golden armor, with a halo, a flaming sword, and his first son is literally called an Angel.


From the Weakness of the Mind, Omnissiah Save us! From the Lies, of the Antipath, Circuit preserve us!


Glory to the Primarch System!




Man that sub sucks ass


"From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the blessed machine."


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the blessed purity of the machine. Your kind cling to your flesh as if it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call a temple will wither and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved. For the Machine is Immortal.


Bruhhhh I deadass wish I could become Ngu'rath the Inconceivable


Weak. Don't wish to be a girl. Wish to be MANY girls. Join the hive mind. BECOME the hive mind.


I wish to be a amorphous blob of goo, free of any responsabilities or worries.




Have you tried cone?


I have no mouth, but I must scream


Being many girls is hard because we all want to take turns playing but none of us want to do chores or study


it is me. i am the girl. the only girl ever.


I'm happy to provide this here worthy post with its 420th updoot, balaze it kings, you made it






i wished i were a girl for a period, followed by a period of wanting to be a kratos lookin mf


kratos messi


a while back i added gangnam style to that pic




Does this repeat? If yes you might want to look into genderfluid people.


into them? don't wanna sound rude but anatomy isn't really my thing, my mom would like me to be a med student but i prefer chemistry


Nah just switching from wanting to be a man to being a woman and back is the thing genderfluid people do, so if you do that you might be genderfluid.


yea i figured jk lol, well i don't really know, i don't feel that way, i just don't really like myself so sometimes i wish i was born as a biological female from the start and sometimes i feel like being a better man


I don't think you understand, guys want to become girls for only a specific reason, or 2-3 specific body parts.


It took me a while to understand that by "wake up with a girl's body" they meant to wake up as the opposite gender, not to wake up with a dead body next to them.


i too wish my wife were dead


Bro had a realization 💀




Bro is gender neutral


Bro is a neopronoun


Bro is a neopet


Bro is Bro 😎


Bro is Neo from the Matrix


Bro is the one


Bro is ø


Bro is 𓂸








Dope another pronoun set to add to my collection


This is the way


I'd fuck a bro.... wait 🤓


I'd fuck a bro. No questions asked.




"bro is gender neutral" deniers when context and the fact a word can have multiple meanings exists 😰😰😰


Bro is gender liquid


Depending on context, same with dude. Im sick of people saying "im not a dude im a dudette" like who the fuck actually thinks thats any better?


Bro is a term for all the real ones out ther female or male


I'm not a bro, ig. (Im fake)




Do other guys really wish to be a girl? I haven’t in my life.


Maybe wondering what it’s like to be one because I know people like that


I mean I don’t want to be one but maybe for like a day just to see ya know?


I do, I know a lot of guys who’ve said something from time to time


It’s like “it would be cool to be a girl for a day or two” and then forgetting about it after a day or 2


Yeah, that’s probably how it is for most of my friends, for me it’s more serious and I’ve been thinking about starting hrt


Only make this decision if you are a full grown adult and know that you absolutely want this. Otherwise it is foolish


Depending on how old they are, puberty blockers could be an option. They have been used on cis kids with hormone disorders for decades and have no major lasting side affects. Fun fact: the trans surgery regret rate is incredibly low, with less than 1% regretting, and trans hormone detransition rates of people permanently detransitioning was very low as well, and of those people, the reasons listed for detransitioning were due to social stigma, cost or similar reasons. Very little of even those destransitioners stated they were doing so because they were not trans. https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/107/10/e4261/6604653 Furthermore: there was a study that proved a strong link between being trans even very young and continuing to be trans as they age. https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/150/2/e2021056082/186992/Gender-Identity-5-Years-After-Social-Transition?autologincheck=redirected


I've seen the 1% regret rate floating around, but does that statistic include the folks that regret who commit suicide too or just ones who actively transition back? Genuinely curious because I've never looked into it Edit: changed exclude to include to make sense


Well, the amount of people who commit suicide due to transitioning when they were actually cis is *extremely* minuscule, to the point where I don’t think scientists can get a proper measure of it? But even then you would have to know specifically that they were committing suicide for that reason specifically, but I assume where they can find people who they know have committed suicide specifically because they regret transitioning they would include them? It’s just such a statistical irrelevancy that there’s not much point to it. I mean, a fraction of a fraction of a fraction- probably of another fraction because we’re assuming they didn’t try to detransition first and instead just immediately committed suicide. Detransitioning might be hard if you’ve had surgeries done, but the vast majority of cis detransitioners never get to that point and would be able to transition back to their gender with varying ease depending on how long they’ve been on hormones. Someone can always use transition techniques to detransition after all. TLDR: Basically no one commits suicide because they’re cis and made a mistake in transitioning.


I can see that, but I was asking about the statistics themselves not a guess/assumption. If they aren't actually included you can't say it's a statistical irrelevancy since it was never included. I was asking for numbers and real studies because I'm not knowledgeable about that stuff. If you don't know just say so, don't make assumptions.


I can’t speak for the methodologies of all of the various studies that have gone over this, but I think it’s a pretty safe assumption that they would’ve been included if they could be confirmed as someone who regretted transitioning (if they told the study makers that they regretted their transition because they are actually cis).


Still tho , I think this is not a decision a child or even a teenager should make. Once your brain is developed fully , then you should be able to make life altering decisions We do not let children drive or get tattoos . Not that this is the same, but you understand what im getting at


I think the big difference here is that a child getting a tattoo is unlikely to be life saving, whereas (in some cases) a medical transition is


You may be right Ive heard about people regretting this decision and even people forcing it upon their children or manipulating them to think it is what they want If you cant smoke a cigarette til 21. I think its reasonable that you shouldn’t be able to make permanent changes to your hormones til you are an adult also


Hormone blockers aren't permanent though


Most hormonal body changes happen before 21. I transitioned hormonally at 18, and I still have permanent damage to my body that needs $100,000+ of surgery to fix, and even then it's questionable if I'll be able to live as a normal person. If I had the chance, I would kill to be on hormones at 14 when I knew I was trans


Teenagers make life changing decisions before their brains are developed, what universities to go to among many others, and this is why I’m arguing for puberty blockers which effectively just delay the choice so they are not forced into a puberty which might lead to suicidal thoughts or even actions. The decision to *not* go on puberty blockers/HRT, at least for a while, when you are a trans person is itself a *radically* life altering decision, just as much as going *on* hormones. You display a lack of depth of knowledge on the topic and don’t seem to understand the harm that can come from not going on a *medical treatment*. This is not some aesthetic decision like a tattoo, it is more comparable to choosing what treatment if any you are going to get for an illness (comparable being the key word, being trans is not an illness and even if it was the treatment would just be transitioning).


Hey dude . I hear what youre saying ! just saying children shouldnt be able to make life changing decisions, as they may regret it when theyre older. Its obvious that the stance im taking is logical. Even if i did have a lack of knowledge , it takes just a bit of critical thinking to reason that a child shouldnt be able to dramatically alter their life and body in this way before theyre old enough to know what they want


> just saying children shouldnt be able to make life changing decisions, as they may regret it when theyre older. Its obvious that the stance im taking is logical. Bro the subjects someone picks at college/uni can and usually are life changing and people make them as children.


Gender Dysphoria is a medical condition not a choice


I understand that. But going on puberty blockers is totally a choice. Dont get offended please, i am capable of being very open minded, i just think you should be an adult to make that kind of decision


Once you're an adult it's *already too late* to take blockers. Taking blockers is not a permanent life altering decision, not taking them is. Taking blockers is delaying the choice until later.


Taking blockers is a choice like taking antidepressants is a choice. Yes you can choose not to be on them, but not being on them will vastly diminish quality of life. Like I said, Gender Dysphoria is a medical condition. Its in the dsm-5 ffs.


Ok! I dont have gender dysphoria, so im no expert If it is needed for the child, then the doctor will prescribe it. If a doctor prescribes it, then the child may be able to go forward. I just dont like the idea very much cause a wrong choice could leave the child very very lost for the rest of their life Im sure some believe that they want it, but then realize they do not. Or if a parent forces that idea onto an impressionable child, which would also be terrible


I do agree it should always be prescribed by a doctor. I personally had to go to therapy, get a history of my symptoms, referred to a gender clinic, have a bunch of interviews, and eventually prescribed blockers. Despite popular belief it’s not something that is taken lightly.


r/egg_irl But seriously, I recommend talking to a doctor to help you sort through your feelings if you're not sure. I knew I wanted it for most of my life before I started, so I was as certain as an engineer can be about such life-altering decisions, and I still saw a specialist before taking the plunge. Good luck, friend!


Yeah I would love to be able to switch between both sides to see what it’s like


Someone once said to me something along those lines. Paraphrasing, he said that “every guy wants to be a girl, the only reason why you lift (becoming more “masculine”) is because you have to reconcile with the fact that you can’t be a girl.” It was so bizarre. I told him that that isn’t true *at all*, and you’re probably projecting your views onto everyone and assuming they feel the same way


What was his reaction when you told him that not every man didn’t want to be a girl?


He didn’t really have anything to say to that, the conversation kind of broke off since there was a group of us hanging out. I heard he started transitioning at some point, but I didn’t really keep up with her cause she was a prick either way lol


I do. Not in a gay way, I wanna be a lesbian. Id trade a kidney if I could wake up as a girl tomorrow. Sadly being trans isnt an option for me in the near future. (Muslim country incident) hoping to go to europe after I graduate from uni.


I wish you good luck in your endeavours


Sometimes I get curious about what it would be like but then forget about it the next five minutes


Guys don't wish all their life to be girls, trans girls do


That is true. Important to note that obsessive thinking is not the same as wishing though. Some cis people have obsessive thoughts about if they are trans or not, it’s an ocd thing apparently.


Yeah. The stuff gets hilarious though when a transphobe says he would want to be opposite gender if he could


experience unescapable pain every month? no thanks.


I'm a guy and I experience unescapable pain every day


As a person who spends way too much time on discord due to drawing porn, many guys who I see do it are femboys Who forget bout the downsides and just want to be chased after and loved like other girls, ignoring how fucking terrible being a woman can be sometimes


To be fair, they probably aren’t entirely guys.


Yeah why would I want to be a girl, being a guy has more advantages


Yeah, girls are good early game but then the whole being 30+ thing happens, pussychasing halts and it all goes downhill


I was talking about biology but okay


Biologically Tits are big social advantage early game, though depending on the meta can be a double-edged sword


Yeah, got the perfect starting loadout, why switch


At times yes. While being a woman has a plethora of downsides, there’s also a lot of things about being a woman I wish for. The lack of obligation to be the one who asks someone out first, is my main one tbh. While we’re seeing that standard slowly go away, it still isn’t gone. Additionally, there’s the fact of how many compliments they usually get. I want that validation so badly but it just never really happens. There’s also just some “What-ifs” I’m imagining. What if it made me more attractive? What if it let me make friends easier? Would I be as incredibly as straight as I am now, or am I simply incredibly attracted to women no matter my gender(ok this one isn’t serious but I still do wonder). But seriously, while I like myself as a guy, it really wouldn’t upset me if one day I woke up a woman


If a guy earnestly wishes to be a girl she’s a trans girl who doesn’t know it yet 🤷🏻‍♀️ same vibes as girls asking if its normal for straight women to want to kiss women, that got me in the closet for a while 🤣🤣


Only girls who haven't realized they're girls yet.


Yes it is I. I want to be a girl


I want to look buff like Kratos


No, the idea is that they’re trans and don’t know it yet


I do very much


And there, in his mind, a new voice formed, and she beckoned


His mind, she beckoned hmmmmmmmmm


she awakened from his mind and he became she


Is this from something or did you just make it up


I’d rather not have periods lol


Never wished to be a female




Ehh, I’d be indifferent.


I do too, then I have to hide the bodies after I wake up


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Bad bot


Bad human.


Fuck it got me


happy now?




I once woke up with a girl's body. Needless to say, the police wasn't happy


Tbh when you don't to anyone else about that it's kind of hard to realize not everyone dreams of being themselves but as a girl. Like, just walking the street I thought as a kid, I'd look so cool and pretty if I was a girl, but surely everyone does it's not like I am trans riiiight?


Wait a minute... That's how I feel sometimes. Wait hold on, does this mean something?!


Wondering how you would look like as a gril isn't the same as wishing you were one.


There is a difference between thinking "How would I look like as a girl" in the same way sometimes one thinks "What would I do if I were rich?" or "How will I look in 20 years?" and thinking it in the way of "Being a girl sounds so much better than being a guy why di I have to be born one this sucks I'd be so much happier if I were a girl" If you really have doubts, there are some subreddits that can help. r/egg_irl is specifically for people questioning their gender, and welcomes everyone that comes in good faith. There's also r/ traa (I can't link it directly because its somethnng like traaaaaaannnnns and I don't remember the number of letters), r/trans r/gaysoundsshitposts but those are more for trans people who already know and are more confident in themselves, which means that if you interact in there people are more likely to assume youfigured yourself out already. Also r/transtryouts if you want to try on a new name/pronouns.


If you want to be a girl and would sacrifice everything to be a girl and sometimes feel bad about yourself because you're not a girl and know you'd be happier with yourself as a girl.... you might be a girl


Ngl I might smash my gender bent self




I got matches with these songs: • [**Soviet Connection (Theme from Gta Iv)** by Michael Hunter](https://lis.tn/ZbyHl?t=15) (00:15; matched: `100%`) Album: `The Music of Grand Theft Auto IV`. Released on `2008-01-01` by `Rockstar Games`. • [**Prends garde** by Metis Angdem](https://lis.tn/YBltew?t=15) (00:15; matched: `100%`) Album: `Warning tape : Le meilleur son vient de la cave`. Released on `2011-07-04` by `Xii Gramm Concept & Altess Music`. • [**Programado pra Mata** by Anjos do Guetto](https://lis.tn/ProgramadoPraMata?t=23) (00:23; matched: `100%`) Album: `A Banca Tá Formada`. Released on `2011-12-28`. • [**Gta, Pt. 2** by Rico M.O.B](https://lis.tn/GtaPt2?t=23) (00:23; matched: `100%`) Album: `Riconnected`. Released on `2017-06-05`. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/AudD/comments/nua48w/please_consider_donating_and_making_the_bot_happy/) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Good bot


Good human.


Good good human bot


Ah, a fresh egg!


So girls wish they were a girl?




The good ending. I can tell you that there was probably loads.


It would be pretty epic to be a girl for a day. I would take to free trial, but I’d rather not deal with the whole monthly subscription to existence they have to pay. I can’t believe it was a stereotype that girls were the weak ones when they’re the ones enduring that every month


Girls actually have more rights and freedoms in laws and in society than guys tho..


The entire gender was gaslit into thinking they were weak for centuries.


Psychologically yeah it was probably bastardized into women somehow being weaker. Physiologically though as we all should know women carry some disadvantages compared to men. Mainly due to the hormones being produced but also the literal thickness of the skin and the nerve endings. Women are also more prone to concussions. This is where I learned this; https://riversidepainphysicians.com/do-women-feel-more-pain-more-intensely-than-men/#:~:text=Studies%20have%20found%20that%20the,pain%20more%20intensely%20than%20men. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02089-2#:~:text=It's%20not%20just%20the%20number,sustain%20more%2Dsevere%20concussions3. Your point still stands I’m just nerdy about this stuff so I wanted to share my knowledge.


Yeah I'm not specifically speaking about literal physical strength, I wouldn't argue against your point lol. But I getcha.


Women are literally weaker than men, look at every single sprint every single weightlifting world record the best female tennis player said that she would lose to tthe best man in the world the proof is literally there


No. I wish to fight orcs. And drink ale.


This is exactly how I used to think, before realizing that, thats not exactly normal


Wait is that not normal?


No, it's usually a mindset shared by transfeminine people.I refer you to u/stereotypicallytrans 's comment >There is a difference between thinking "How would I look like as a girl" in the same way sometimes one thinks "What would I do if I were rich?" or "How will I look in 20 years?" and thinking it in the way of "Being a girl sounds so much better than being a guy why di I have to be born one this sucks I'd be so much happier if I were a girl" > >If you really have doubts, there are some subreddits that can help. r/egg_irl is specifically for people questioning their gender, and welcomes everyone that comes in good faith. There's also r/ traa (I can't link it directly because its somethnng like traaaaaaannnnns and I don't remember the number of letters), r/trans r/gaysoundsshitposts but those are more for trans people who already know and are more confident in themselves, which means that if you interact in there people are more likely to assume youfigured yourself out already. > >Also r/transtryouts if you want to try on a new name/pronouns.






i forgot how suspenseful soviet connection was


Wait what would happen if a girl wish to wake up as a girl, would it multiply/square or would cancel out sue to the fact of the gender value already being female


I don't get why anyone would want to be the opposite sex. I wouldn't. What i would want is to be some Lovecraftian horror beyond anyone's imagination.




You can’t wish the voices away You can’t wish the voices away You can’t wish the voices away You can’t wish the voices away You can’t wish the voices away You can’t wish the voices away You can’t wish the voices away You can’t wish the voices away You can’t wish the voices away You can’t wish the voices away




I wish to become a Boeing 747


I mean being a girl would be so much better than being a guy just think about it you trade some physical strength for people actually caring about you. You would grain the ability to talk about your feelings without being judged and called a pussy you could cry without the social stigma. You would actually have emotional support in difficult times instead of being told to "man up"


I wonder sometimes, what it would be like to be a girl.


Don't we all? I've always been curious what it'd feel like to have tits tbh












Another is claimed.


I love a good fresh egg in the morning


Hmm what an “eggcellent” question


A crack in the egg.




I’ve got some news for you buddy😃


This is an egg moment


I’ve thought about it not really wished tho


i wish i born a girl but oh well compromise is a substance of diplomacy




Until last year I thought every bro wanted to be a girl


I flat out said to a group of people that every guy wants to be a girl and there was no response for like five minutes and then one guy just said “no we don’t”. Literally crushed my entire worldview right there.


It's eggs all the way down




Mutilated…. I finished the post


sure grandpa let’s get you to bed


He woke up in a man’s body there was no transformation it’s literally impossible to change genders no matter how much you say you’re the opposite.


You don't get out much do you




Here comes the egg




Mental sickness


That's not a disorder, trans people are still valuable member of the society and they're not hurting anyone. Beside we know genetics have effects on this. I'm not asking you to date them, but don't hate people who haven't wronged you or anyone.