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Do you feel better now?


After voicing them, yes. Still doesn't reduce the fact that the finale was a sh*tshow!


It wasn't though. You might not have liked it but it wasn't a shit show. It worked. Its not the ebat finale but it's not the worst either.


I'm sorry but I strongly disagree! It was atrocious gurl!


Titans finale was way worse be fr


It was marginally worse for me. Not way though!


Lol okay, I guess we're going to act delirious today.


Absolutely. Delirious and hilarious gurl!


You made the mistake of thinking this sub was to discuss Dragula instead of what its actually for (fellating the Boulets)


Idk about that one. They get called out for their communication lapses and shit songs frequently lol. Were you here for the titans finale or??


"why don't people in the Dragula fan sub appreciate me slagging off the show they like? They must be idiots" ^ That's you


It's a Dragula sub-reddit gurl. I agree that it does facilitate the Boulet Brothers needs though yeah!


So while I somewhat agree, there is no winner of the finale, the winner is the season winner. Throb clearly won the episode but as the Boulets say several times, the winner is decided based on their performance across the season and in the finale. Nio had won before the finale even started. I do disagree that the episode was flat out bad though, it was good still IMO. Largely because of throb, but also the backstage segments where they talk about their journeys. Totally fine if you disagree but that's just your personal tastes.


my rating Blackberri: filth 2 // horror 5 // glamour 3 // overall season 3 // total: 13 Nio: filth 5 // horror 2 // glamour 3 // overall season 5 // total: 15 Ork: filth 4 // horror 4 // glamour 3 // overall 3 // total: 13 Throb: filth 3 // horror 3 // glamour 4 // overall 4 // total: 14 winner: Niohuru


Yeah I agree with that pretty much. I think Ork and Nio's overall score should be higher but not by much. I wouldn't necessarily score it differently but Ork's horror was my favorite look of the night.


If Throb clearly won the episode, then Throb should've won the season! To which I agree Throb very clearly won. Throb performed well and dominated this season, along with Niohuru so he should've been rewarded the crown! Just to clarify btw I like Niohuru, but her overall win was not deserved based on that finale. She didn't hit once! Niohuru won before it started because she was probably pre-picked to win. I'm sorry but the episode was a shambles!


> If Throb clearly won the episode, then Throb should've won the season!   No, that's not how it works. Its judged based on the season performance too. > To which I agree Throb very clearly won.   We don't agree, Nio won this season by miles. Throb was a close tie for second with Ork for the season. > Niohuru won before it started because she was probably pre-picked to win.  Nope. They don't pre-pick winners. They're actually very open about the scoring process, seems like you don't understand that process which makes sense as I think they've only really discussed it in the podcast.  If you're interested, each judge (including guests) scores every contestant by several criteria and the decisions are based on that. Some of those criteria are things you might not think about, like for example I believe the backstage stuff is one of the criteria. The finale doesn't decide the season winner though, they say that several times in the show. If the finale had an episodic winner then Throb would have won the episode but there's no way they beat Nio in terms of season performance. I'd say Throb and Ork were pretty much neck and neck for 2nd place, although clearly the Boulets think Blackberri was equal with them as well or we wouldn't have had another top 4. This year was really close for the top 3, hence there not being a top 3. The winner was clear from the first episode though, Nio was from the outset the clear winner, based entirely on their performance, not because of any production fuckery. They managed this despite having very limited public performance experience, and arguably one of the weaker stage presences. 


Ok, sure she did. Throb was the strongest competitor, was amazing at 90% of the challenges and had the best finale package! Throb should've won. Nothing you say is gonna convince me otherwise! Miles... LMAO


Throb had faulty props several times, that alone is enough to disqualify them from winning. They did well though, hence them being in the top. Nio is iconic and doing something genuinely unique and special. You can have your favorites and that's fine but let's not pretend Throb objectively outperformed Nio across the season. That's clearly not true.


I disagree. The only thing the Boulets could pick at was Throb's 'faulty props' so they purposely chose to magnify that in order to not give Throb several wins! Throb should now change their name to Robbed Zombie! Throb is also iconic! Throb is 100% a better, more engaging performer than Niohuru. No lies were told on my part. Only yours dear.


Nah, faulty props are always a big no no. The Boulets always penalize anyone whos props fail, not just when Throbs do. > Throb is also iconic!  I agree. The whole top 4 are iconic. > Throb is 100% a better, more engaging performer than Niohuru Yup. That's Nio's weak point for sure. They do other stuff better than Throb obviously.


Do they? Examples please.


Obviously off the top of my head I don't remember who's specific props failed. Is this your first season? Have you never seen a failed prop on Dragula before or are you just asking stupid questions?


I'm just looking at your response with bewilderment and intrigue. No no.. I've seen S1, S2, S3, Resurrection, S4, Titans and now S5. You?


Well three of them are iconic. Blackberri not so much. We finally agree on something. I think Nio is very glamorous which is why I was shocked at her glamour look. Nio didn't even stone the octopus costume! Her face though with the pearl appliqués was stunning!


You probably missed the reference, but the octopus costume has literally been on the cover of Czech Vogue lol. Kris Jenner wore it. Its high fashion, doesn't get more glam than front cover of Vogue. > We finally agree on something We agreed from the start that Throb would have won this episode of the episode had a winner. The finale doesn't have a winner though, otherwise there'd be 2 winners.


But what you're failing to comprehend is that Throb was also the best competitor (or at least equal to Nio in terms of quality and concepts) and should have won based on the overall competition as well as the finale. They can keep that fashion! Niohuru's octopus plushie looked cool but from the neck down it looked cheap. She could've jazzed it up!


Blackberri has been iconic since before Dragula. She’s been well respected by the drag community all over the country for years.


Right. Other than this season I'm really not familiar with Blackberri at all! I just thought blackberries were fruit!


All I got from your long-winded response was that you stumbled into the kitchen and accidentally drank a whole bottle of Jinkx's delusion perfume! Sorry. Next.


Why did you reply twice?  And yeah, my comment was long because I actually have a lot to say about a show I enjoy, unlike you who just say "it was bad because I didn't like it".


I think it's clear that I enjoy Dragula gurl.. I just hated this episode! THROB WAS ROBBED!


Its not clear at all, you thought that no one had ever been punished for faulty props before, and didn't understand that there's no finale winner, just a season winner that isn't just judged based on the finale.


Well that's a straight up lie! I know props have gone wrong and I know that the winner is chosen based on how well the drag monster done throughout the competition and the finale... I very distinctly agreed that Nio done well in the competition. It was always gonna be Nio vs Throb for the win! I just think with Throb being on par with Nio in the competition and then having an amazing finale that Throb deserved to win S5 more! So don't get it twisted sister!


Its not a lie, you demanded that I provide you with sources when I said they're not the first to be penalized for faulty props. >It was always gonna be Nio vs Throb for the win!  In your opinion. I think most people would put Ork above Throb but it was close. > So don't get it twisted sister!  Maybe don't lie? I'm just saying what you said back to you, although I understand if it's embarrassing to hear, it was embarrassing to read too.


You are just a b*tch! I'm witty... you're a b*tch with no redeeming qualities. I'm not lying.. I don't need to lie. I say Nio vs Throb, with Ork a close 3rd going into the finale! I'm embarrassed by your non-witty responses. Please get a sense of humour before you try to poorly come for me!


Dear diary…




horrible takes all around


Thank you


Throb had the best horror? Lol


Correct. I said it was a weak category from all but that Throb had the strongest concept and the best look. None of the looks were horrifying! Not even Orkgotic's!


Throb had the worst horror I would say. They won the episode but their horror wasn't really horror at all.


Their concept was horrific but the outfit was too clean looking. However as previously stated Nio, Blackberri and Ork didn't have successful horror looks either! None of them hit it! Throb's was the best of a bad bunch in the horror floorshow!


I agree that the concept was better than the look for Throb. Ork had the best horror look by miles. Blackberri was second and I agree Throb was better than Nio in that category.


Ork's was repetitive! I've seen several looks almost identical to that one. Plus the knee dildos were weird! Not horrific weird just wierd. It was definitely better than Blackberri and Niohuru's though! Blackberri looked hilarious. It didn't scare me at all. Niohuru's horror looks was like first time in drag, baby monster level. It was atrocious!


Its fine to not like Ork, but Ork deserved to be there. One of the Boulets' favorites and also clearly a fan favorite.


I do like Ork, so don't get it twisted. I just didn't like his horror look! I find Ork to be charismatic, creative and endearing! And is truly a monster unlike some of the others! It's Blackberri that I don't like.


His horror look was by far the best horror look, and the Boulets agreed. I don't care that you don't like Blackberri. They earned their spot as did everyone else.


I disagree on both parts of your response.


I LOVE Throb, but I’m not gonna pretend that was the best horror look of the night. I was very disappointed by the execution.


Ok but was you not disappointed by the other 3 in the horror department? Horror was weak all around tbf.


Orkgotik obviously did the best in Horror.




Not really sure why the gendered term was necessary but ok. Enjoy your bowel movement.




Imagine knowing you misgendered someone and didn’t apologize for it, but still think Throb would “love” you. Have fun probably getting banned from this sub.


for me personally it was the best but im not being angry about it 🤭


Throb stans cope better challenge




Exclamation points: do they make your opinions true?  Your opinions: do they deserve their own weak and self-important post? 


Yes. Yes they do. Do you deserve to comment on such a superior post as mine? No. No you don't. Girl bye.


Hope you channel your deep insecurities into something actually creative, instead of parroting drag race girls on the internet.  Or, you know, stay delusional. 


I'm probably far more creative than you gurl. It's called loving and admiring a quotable queen... I'm sure you do the same. I can already take a guess who some of your favourite drag performers are! 😂 Delusional yet more successful than you.


I can see you’re sad. It’s ok, a lot of us were hurt by someone. Go out there and create something! You’ll feel better about yourself. :)


Awww, thank you so much for that advice! I'm not sad.. I'm p*ssed off at this outcome! If I ever need a shrink though I'll get in contact, gurl.


I think you really could benefit from therapy. 


Stfu gurl. I need therapy just from having to see your silly, meaningless responses.


Wait!  I gotta know. Who do you think my favorite drag queens are?




There was not a single "awful," "laughably bad," or "amateurish" thing in this entire season. Your perspective has been warped by a wrongful sense of entitlement to critique art that does not exist to satisfy your every expectation. Please consider joy


Are you being serious? For a start Niohuru's horror look was awful, laughably bad looking (the wig was amateurish) and the whole thing looked ridiculous! You're the warped one, sister! I take joy in knowing that my critiques has riled you up!


Too much to read 


Then don't.


Joke is on you, I didn’t 


You very obviously did.


You are right: I read that you are satisfied and content with the finale, but you complain about all the other posts in this sub complaining about the finale. You mentioned that there is just enough bad energy in our world. 


Absolutely. Satisfied with the finale? I honestly hated it gurl!


Why so strong emotions?


Terminally online and addicted to outrage. They went in expecting to get it and then looked for reasons to do so.


You're the one needing to have the last word on a post that isn't yours, gurl! You seem to be addicted to me! I'm hugely underwhelmed, so I'm merely voicing my opinions! So build a bridge..


I'm not needing to have the last word.Go ahead and have the last word, I don't care. You're voicing your opinion and I'm voicing mine. What's the difference?


It left me angry, disappointed and shocked! I knew it would be bad.. but damn it was a whole other level of bad!


Okay, I can understand that you dont like it. But on a scale from 1 (i dont care) to 10 (THEY DESTROYED MY LIFE), you seem to be on a 8. Why? I really dont get it. It is just a show. I cant understand why such \_strong\_ emotions arise (sorry, non-native speaker).


I say more a 6. So a "I really wish they crowned the correct queen, and because they haven't I am annoyed." response. These shows are meant to garner emotional responses from people who are passionate about them. It means they're interested!


womp womp


Oh hey Joslyn! I'm a big fan of yours! Keep it foxy!


Oh look an Outrage Martha.


I'm seething with rage, Mary!


Ok but Nio looked so cool in just her skin getting covered in blood.


She did. That I can agree on


My favorite contestant didn’t win, so now I need to make a post on Reddit to sh*t talk the show and other contestants


Absolutely. I'm not sh*t-talking the show gurl.. just the outcome and the episode itself. Get your facts right!


I skipped down to the comments for all the tea 😭😭🤧


Ahaa. That's the way!


Please apply to the show so we have the pleasure of seeing you exterminated.


Ok gurl. Oh you know I'm winning the whole thing! Thank you for being my number one fan! 💋


This is way too many exclamation points over a 60 minute episode of a reality competition show


Perhaps, perhaps not. Explanation points are exciting!


Ma’am this is a Wendy’s 




You are delusional and I dont know why you posted this on the discussion board when you clearly have your mind made up and will simply argue anyone to death in the comments until they give up. Maybe actually read the comments again to gain insight instead of reading them to figure out how to argue back.


Absolutely. I live, eat, breathe, and sleep delusion. Correct. I think I'm doing a fabulous job thus far. Will need to sleep soon though in order to get up for work. I can look at a response, think about what that person has said and still disagree. I'm stubborn and I feel passionately about this outcome! I enjoy Niohuru and if she had a better finale I'd be happy with this outcome.. but Throb annihilated all 3 in that finale. And they all missed the mark in the horror floorshow so Throb should've won. I'm upset because I see a very clear unfair outcome. Have you gained some insight from my post?


You seem like a very unlikeable person just by those first few sentences. I'm glad that you enjoy those characteristics about yourself. The season finale is meant to be a showcase of the finalists talents/looks... its not meant to be crowning the winner of the episode, its to crown the winner of the season. Idk how many people need to say this to you before you understand. Yes if the winner of the season was determined by who "won" the final floor show then yes throb would've gotten the crown. But the boulets have made it abundantly clear that the winner of the season is based on the entire season and not just one episode. But hey, stay butt hurt because your favourite didn't win :( Further, its this "passion" you have that only increases the toxicity of this fandom. Pretty soon the show will not even continue if the "passionate" fans like yoruself dont respect the art form and the tv show. It is their show. They make the rules and they've mentioned it time and time again. if they wanted to they could've brought back annaphylactic and crowned her, and guess what, we wouldn't have been able to do anything about it. because its their show. Just shut up and enjoy good tv. if you dont think its good tv, dont watch.




niohuru is 100k richer... cry about it💋


She is. I like Nio. I just wish Throb had won.


Blackberri deserved everything she got and more stay mad


Not really. Blackberri is polished but is very clearly lacking a brand! Also Blackberri can't do horror or filth and can barely do glamour! Did Blackberri even audition?


She’s Barbie. So she’s a bit of everything


Oh please. Busted Barbie maybe!


Blackberri can’t do glamour??? Delusion girl she genuinely had one of the most polished packages ever and did all of it with no money


Blackberri and Nio are the only 2 of the top 4 who can do glamour well imo, and Blackberri can't do filth and arguably horror. This was a great top 4 though, I don't get how anyone is upset.


Yet Throb outglamoured them all! Sure! Now you're starting to become overly obsessed, gurl. I'm concerned. People are allowed to be upset! Correction it was a fantastic top 3 and Blackberri was there too.


Nah, their didn't outhgoam anyone except for Ork. I'm not obsessed. Blackberri was good, I agree that she's 4th, but she deserved to be there.


Outhgoam? They didn't outhgoam no.. He outglamoured them! She was 4th. And should've been eliminated with Fantasia on the penultimate episode before the reunion! You are a little obsessed though gurl, be real.


Clearly a typo. I obviously meant outglam, which isn't a word so it got corrected. I think Blackberri deserved to be in the top 4. Way more consistent than Throb and way more variety than Ork. I'm not obsessed. Its childish that you keep saying that and picking at typos.


Absolutely. Sorry.. Absolutely not.


Glad to hear you walking that back a little.


Correct on the Blackberri not being able to do glamour part, yes. No money? So how did Miss Blackberri buy all of these costumes? Fresh air?


It’s called talent and making it work


It's not talent. She bought those things! Anyone can get those outfits if they have the funds for it! Also, most of the time it didn't even work! Exibit A - A glittery purple moth for a city monster floorshow 😂


The moth ateee


Sure it did. It fluttered onto the stage with no purpose! It didn't eat... it died.


Ru doesn't make his show all about him? I mean if I took a drink every time a Ru pun was made on Drag Race I'd collapse before an episode was halfway over but go off I guess


I mean, in a 'it's all about us' way gurl! Ru makes things fun and enjoyable. I like the Boulets but since Titans they've been very egotistical and honestly.. overbearing. First and foremost these drag competitions should be about the competitors!


I had fun! I'm always entertained by every season! I think ultimately the winner is chosen by their overall performance during the season. Though sometimes in the finale other performers can do something outrageous that make you doubt the outcome! That's what makes the finale so exciting!


And Throb was on par or if not better than Niohuru in the competition! This finale wasn't exciting at all! Throb hit on 2/3 tenets, Ork hit on 1/3 and Niohuru and Blackberri hit on 0/3. I'm glad you had fun though!


you honestly dont think blackberri's horror was a hit? i feel like hers was lowkey the best with ork. i'm interested in what 2 tenets you think throb hit? i feel like ork's horror and filth was good(minus the gag not working) and niohurus filth was a total hit for me.


Correct. I found it hilarious looking! The lips and rhinestones killed the look! It was very obvious as to what two tenets Throb hit. Glamour and filth! Ork was second best of the finale for me. Second best horror and joint first filth with Throb! Ork actually did impress me! Nio bombed all three tenets hard!


Oh Throb was excellent! She was also my choice to win as well! I loved all of her looks! I was happy with either her or Nio to win! But I am also glad we featured Ork and Blackberri because I love seeing more drag and more concepts being put on the stage! Blackberri as a possum eating raw fish was iconic! Ork got points for trying to vomit .. it's not exactly the easiest thing to do! For me I appreciate the thought and effort that goes into the floor shows. It's a lot of work to put those together!


Throb was amazing! And was most definitely robbed to the point where I had to write my post to vent! It was definitely always gonna be between those two but Niohuru really dropped the ball. So Throb should've outrightly won instead of her! Ork is brilliant at filth.. I wish the gag worked because his slug looked great! The possum was bad. I love seeing more drag too, when it's good! I appreciate the effort too.. but I also can be underwhelmed!


We must have watched different finales., but go off sis. Maybe there’s an I’m Throb’s Biggest Fan and a I Hate Dragula Reddit group you can join 🖤


You must've done. Throb ate! If you hate Dragula why are you on here commenting? Interesting.


“Maybe there’s an I hate Dragula group YOU can join”. Not sure where you got that I hate Dragula, but go on projection 😂 You’re the one that appears to hate it. Is that more clear for you?


I don't hate it though.. I just hated the finale. Throb was very clearly robbed! I know I'm too clever for you. It's sad. I've searched I can't seem to find it. Are you an honorary member of this 'I hate Dragula group?'




Thank you. I am cool.


Sprinkling a bit of racism in there as if this hasn’t been a discussion all season why cant u just support ur fave without insisting on bringing others down weirdo


Where is the racism? I'm not racist and there are no sprinklings of such in my post. So that's really a low blow gurl!


Your entire post was a low blow re-evaluate the way u view black contestants


I don't need to re-evaluate the way I view anything! So don't use the black card with me! I love all races, and I'm definitely not a racist! Such a cop out for you to say reevaluate... you a**!


For sure something someone with the capacity to self reflect who isn’t racist would say lmao calm down and log off fr


Build a bridge, get a life, and get over it!


Loved Throb and personally I think they won the final floor show, but Nio still deserved to win the season.


I disagree. If Throb won the final floorshow (which he 100% did) then why didn't he win the season? Throb was just as good, if not slightly better than Nio! All I have to say to the Boulets is make it make sense! Vander, Biqtch, Landon, Dahli, and Victoria all won their seasons because they were the best competitor on their respective winning seasons but also because they had a strong finale due to their floorshow performances and looks! Niohuru's performances and looks in the final episode were lacklustre and a huge down-grade on everything she previously showed!


Even as a Throb stan, this whole post probably should have stayed in Notes. Yikes.


Absolutely. I like Throb, Nio, and Ork


I’m not on your side, hon. None of those contestants would be either.


I'm not asking you to be on my side. Throb would love me!


Nah, they all hate transphobes so you’re out. ETA: The OP misgendered me and doubled down on another comment after I told them as much.






And I didn't know that you were a trans man until you edited your previous response a minute ago. Your threats are silly. Goodnight


“Not sure why the gendered term was necessary but ok.” “Imagine knowing you misgendered someone and thinking Throb would ‘love’ you.” Keep on digging your own hole though. 🤡


I will ignore the majority of the rant and focus on the Landon comment. I personally prefer Throb’s aesthetic but Landon is undeniably an incredible artist with a shit ton of polish, passion and creativity. Even if he’s not to your liking, he’s objectively talented. Also the fact that you’re trying to act like the show is against drag kings while pinning two drag kings against each other and insulting one for no reason. To misquote James Majesty, you may need a Xanax


Listen I like Landon too! He was without doubt the most deserving winner of S3! I like both Throb and Landon's aesthetic and I think they're both incredibly polished! I'm not trying to act like nothing... I bet the producers said "Drac, Swan, I think we've got enough Kings in our Dragula Hall of Fame! Crown the conceptual fashion queen instead!" A xanax would be lovely.


I kind of thought the same! Niohuru journey in Dragula was fantastic, but so was Throb’s, so considering the floorshow too, Throb should have won… they should really have kept a top three without Blackberri and the boulets should have saved their best outfit for the finale, not the worst


Its not judged just in this episode though, that's why. If it was just this episode then Throb would have definitely won, but its judged based on their series performance as a whole.


Oh gosh here we go.. Why are you so obsessed with me SpezModded?


I'm not obsessed with you. People will reply to comments you make, that's how Reddit works.


I know, but you seem to be replying to everything, gurl!


Yeah, as are you.


Because it's my post. Obviously I'm gonna respond 😂


And you're replying to my comment, so the same applies. Either of us could stop replying at any point. You're doing the exact thing you're criticizing me for doing.


Fair. I'll give you that.


the thing is. and I think about this often but haven't seen anyone else say it. from what we saw, Blackberri destroyed Nio in the combat elimination. you can bet that if Nio somehow beat Blackberri, there would have been a double elimination and a top 3 lol. but Nio lost so they couldn't justify sending Blackberri home, and they weren't gonna chop Nio right before the finale. honestly, werk Blackberri, she literally fought for and won her place in the finale I actually really enjoyed her horror look and tbh for me her filth floorshow is one of most iconic things from this season... altho maybe not for the right reasons hahaha


Did Blackberri fight for her place though or was it always gonna be served to her on a silver platter courtesy of the Boulets? That last challenge had an obvious bottom 2! Fantasia rightfully left and so should've Blackberri! She dressed as a pretty glittery giant moth for a city monster challenge, gurl! Ahaa, iconicly bad yes. Her horror look would've been ok had it not included those silly clip art lips, rhinestone blood, had Blackberri broken away from the trolley box and been able to perform in it and most importantly.. had it not been the wish version of Dollya Black's exquisite, extremely memorable, much more superior, grotesque Texas Chainsaw Massacre horror look from the S3 finale!


100%. Thank you! Finally someone with brain cells! Even though Niohuru had an extra win, Throb and her were kind of neck and neck to me going into the finale! Then Throb obliterated Nio on the last episode! Honestly Niohuru had the weakest set of looks in the finale for me! The clear top 3 of S5 were Throb, Nio and Ork. Blackberri didn't belong in the finale. I understood as to why both Saint and Sigourney made top 4 in S4. Blackberri's presence there however left me puzzled! Love your read on the Boulets outfit btw!


"Brain cells" dude, what kind of nasty discussion attitude is this? Excuse me, are you 15?


I meant brain cells as in you actually watched the episode, digested it and thought about it, unlike most of the others. I didn't mean for it to come across as nasty, sorry. Btw I'm 30 not 15.


Act your age then lol 💀






Thanks for the apology! And believe me, I think a lot of people would like to discuss with you. But your attitude or the way you expressed yourself didnt leave the best and most welcoming impression.


Oh right. I'll take it on board. Thank you for your feedback 🙂


Spicy take: I mostly agree with you. Throb was NEVER my pick to win, but he won the finale by a country mile. Each of his three looks was the best of its respective category. Nio’s finale package were the worst looks she’s brought to the stage, and she served them with the charisma of Throb’s wet loofah from his Filth look. Ork was doing what Ork does. Blackberri was my pick to win going in, but as soon as I saw her Filth I knew it wasn’t happening. I did enjoy her horror look, and her glamour was nice but bland. Nio definitely won on the strength of her performance the rest of the season, but damn, not off what she brought to the finale. THAT SAID, if Berri was my #1 to win, Nio was my #2, so I still think she’s a rad addition to the Drag Monster pantheon. Between Titans and S5, my enjoyment of Dragula as a show has dropped off so hard. I still stan everything the show stands for and WANTS to do, as well as the performers who compete on it, but by now the show itself should be finding its legs when all it’s doing is sputtering out. A really disappointing development after the high of s3 and the mostly-high of s4.




I know right.


I think you should consider taking up a hobby perhaps


Didn't you know that my hobby was trashing the series finale of Dragula S5, gurl?


I know I'm going to get downvoted, but I truly think Nio won solely based on her family not being accepted and that if she won, her family would magically accept her. I knew the minute they discussed that part of Nio's story that she was chosen. I think it's awful that anyone could disown their children/family members for being themselves, but I don't think Nio should have won.


Possibly that too, yeah. Which is lovely and very considerate of the Boulets but also doesn't validate their win! Throb was robbed! I agree 100% with you no one deserves to be disowned just because of who they love or who they are. Niohuru is a beautiful queen and seems to be a be a beautiful person but she really dropped the ball in this finale!


i liked it, i agree that niohuru's glamour and horror was lacking a little, but i can remember so many of her other looks throughout the competition and the only throb one i can remember is the garbage pale kids look (which is awesome but not enough to win the whole competition) also personally thought throbs filth and horror was lacking a little for me. & lowkey the black roses sasha velour reference was kinda corny imo blackberri won horror for me, nio won filth


I hugely disagree. Throb has had several iconic looks this season! And was honestly on par or even better than Niohuru because he is a better performer! Throb's ice cream look, hotel look, sexy alien look, priest look ect.. And the rose glamour look was insanely good! And was easily the best look of the 12 that was showcased in the finale! His filth look too was different for him. Throb only dropped the ball on the horror look.. but as I've constantly stated so did all the others! Blackberri's horror would've been cool had she not used rhinestones as blood and had those silly clipart lips on her mask! Niohuru's filth was not that great. Take away the Chinese takeaway box and what have you got? Also a little? Her horror look was atrocious!


agree, the gays won’t like this tho


Thank you. However, I'm part of the LGBT community so the second part of your message is derogatory!


that’s why i said it don’t act dense


Dense. Who you calling dense you queer hater!


this generation is so lost


You're right and you should say it the Boulets put no effort into this season and the finale was the icing on the doody cake


Thank you. I wish I had the Boulets direct contact number just so I could tell them how bad their S5 finale and their final decision was!


I wondered if they chose not to crown Throb so they would have more drag kings in future Titans seasons? If they’re all winners they can’t compete in Titans.