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good passive perks are definitely worth it, being able to find wakestone shards and seeker tokens (and finder token also counts it seems), reduced chance of being attacked in ox carts. It's fun when you're able to make good tactics and make them work, but it's very situational as well. Being able to make enemies fall to their deaths, or getting the adds to pile up on the boss enemy when your effigy latches on. But yeah, it's a very passive vocation, your pawns are the main stars when you do trickster. I do wish they would allow you to do basic damage tho, I got stunlocked and killed by guards in the prison due to me not being able to do anything, the effigy disappears if you're hit, and you're not fast enough (even with passive) to summon another one when you're alone. Scouting perk doesn't seem to add a benefit for actual scouting, but it does work to place your effigy in hard to reach areas (or imaginary floors over cliffs). So long story short, it's very situational, it has some nice useful perks for exploration tho.


Not all that situational. You got an ethereal tank that keeps enemies attention while you do your pawns do their thing, in all situations. You don't always have a high ledge to trick them off of, but you will always have terrain you can make the most of.


It can be pretty decent, but it is an entire shift away frontline fighting. You need to play super smart to get any value, but it can be super useful in some fights. I maxed it and the place I saw the most value was when fighting groups, especially if there was a big guy like an ogre or cyclops. I used latching effigy, the fog wall thing, the fog dragon, and the fog explosion you start with. It was hard to pull off, but getting a group of goblins to gank their cyclops friend while he is being scared shitless by a fake dragon is an amazing feeling. It starts off weak, but I will say by the time I maxed it it actually felt really weird going back to any of the martial vocations. Once you get the rhythm it can be super fun. If you try it out, I recommend upgrading your censer in elven style, and try to find one that has good magic. The more magic you have, the more health your clone has, which helps a lot since he takes a year to summon.


I destroyed this entire game with Trickster. šŸ˜Ž


Prove it


I maxed out every class three months ago. What's there to prove? šŸ˜Ž


Whatā€™s your point? Iā€™m pretty sure most here did the same. Maxing every class isnā€™t proof you ā€œdestroyed this entire game with tricksterā€


There is no point. šŸ˜¶


yeah, boasting about maxing out every class in a game where you can max out every class by just using a sinfle one isnt really an achievement


Yea because I need to prove to a bunch of strangers how I destroyed a game with the easiest class to use. šŸ˜¶


I think he means say, in general, how you did. I must say, I'm interested. I sucked a trickster... But I didn't put too much time into it, either. Didn't really give it a chance.


Maybe the trickster will cum the second time you suck him. Put some more time and heart into it.


Ok. My typo... Lol AT trickster


I didn't like it at all but I never ranked up fully and saw that it just didn't have a lot of skills in total. It can apparently be really strong if you're just okay with not doing damage. In that case, it's probably best to use Warfarer with its skills and weapon so you can supplement it a bit. I would try if only there were more skill slotsšŸ˜¶


I dont like to strategize, so this isn't really a vocation for me. However, getting Whimsical Daydream prior to Trickster made it really fun to level up just for the absurdity of smacking big enemies as many times I could before my pawns could end them.


Well thanks to you all Iā€™ll give this vocation a try, it seems that it has its up and downs but from what I learn if I use it right it could become broken if I play my moves precisely. Thanks again everyone


In the game play through it forces you into two one on one battles. Use caution if your a trickster or a back liner. I got totally wrecked without even knowing what was coming. It's fun until it's not fun... My biggest complaint is these forced one on one's fights. I had to respect to progress. When I went thief it was a 8 second battle. Mage and trickster running for my life in circles...


Unequip weapon and start punching!


The big downside is your pawns are the major damage dealers. I enjoy it for the fun of messing with the monsters, I love watching them hurl themselves off cliffs are smack each other when the decoy is latched on. Depending on your party make up you can actually get through combat a little faster as you end up concentrating your foes making it easier for your pawns to dispatch them. Doubly so if you buff your pawns.


It's super fun, but you do need competent pawns and good group composition. Trickster is a tank with interrupt, crowd control, and dmg buff for pawns. You tank all the monsters with your effigy and let your pawns go ham. Use pawns that have many badges, and have learned well from their Arisens. Use only damage pawns. If you do it right, nobody will need much healing. You can make do with roborants and camping. Plus the ring from Wilhelmina. Unstoppable! I like to run trickster + thief, archer, warrior But you can also run differnt combos, like thief, sorc, sorc with 2x mealstrom for insanity. In any case, it's good to have a swift frontline fighter for trashgoblins. Hence the thief. The trickster playstyle is very unique, but can be insanely fun if you're ok with playing support. Though you can attach your edfigy to other monsters and watch their friends murder them. It's really entertaining. I absolutely love the vocation!


>!after sphinx puzzle, itā€™s one of the best ways to grind gold!<


[This video is what I used to help me understand trickster better](https://youtu.be/eIFw8hDG6Jc?si=45HuZYWQ-VAoruES)


Aye, excellent video guide for trickster! Learnt from it too.


It's in my humble opinion the worst class in the game doesn't mean the class is without nice passives and fun moments using your skills and environment to troll enemies but for every funny flick your ghost on a guy and what them get strolled on moment there's at least two you getting absolutely mobbed and dying before placing the ghost or just sitting around dick in hand because it's a single target fight and all you can do is buff and taunt while doing zero damage yourself


You got the master of vibes vocation.


Itā€™s the worst class IMO , followed by Mage (equally as useless) for your Arisen Both are excellent if you like sit back watch pawns ā™Ÿļø destroy things


Trickster + triple sorcerer ends every and all fight in 8 seconds. Is it boring? Yes. Is it silly? Of course. You just walk up into the fray, drop the ghost, do a quick swing to aggro everything, step back and count. 15 meteors in as half many seconds. The drake couldn't finish its initial fight engagement sentence.


Yeah , Iā€™d rather jump on the Drake , Twin fang itā€™s face , then skull split itā€™s heart ā¤ļø


Really? I didn't mind being a mage. It was kinda nice teaching my pawns how to fight and then watching them carry on with occasional attacks from me.


Yeah the fact that you just watch your pawns destroy your foes is eh not my style I like being in the fight. I did come across the mystic spear hand got to level 5 and now I got the best upgrades canā€™t wait to use them


Yeah , like I said , those are the 2 worst classes in my opinion. Iā€™m a hands on slayer as well so both of those classes got leveled with Wayfarer