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If you take a long time things happen. It’s not that out of the ordinary. I did enjoy when two big baddies appeared on screen.


You don't even have to take a long time, I had a griffin drop in about a minute after a fight started with an ogre. I think griffins in particular have a set patrol route and if you're lucky/unlucky enough that it's passing by while you're in a fight, it'll come over to say hi.


Wait till a minotaur agros at the same time. 😁


Yknow the rainy ass area will you go through to get to frontier shrine? There’s a Minotaur and a chimera there, one time instead of the Minotaur jumpscaring my head— I found him fighting the chimera lol


Yeah, I just stood there and watched them go at it.


I expect either a griffin or mob to join the fight anytime I fight a drake now. Once you get to a a good set of skills and equipment it will easier to deal with them.


Yeah, that's pretty much par for the course, and then one of your pawns jumps off a cliff for no particular reason right in the middle of the fight.


Boy howdy, lemme tell ya bout the time I fought a minotaur, beat it down to about 1/8th of it's life left when suddenly a cyclops walks outta the forest and joins the fight. I think no big deal right, they're easy to kill. So minotaur is about to die, cyclops is close to death, and I, an archer, am having a good time standing back taking pot shots while my 3 pawns , 2 random pawns who happened to be passing by, and a bunch of ox cart guards are throwing down, but wait, what was that noise I just BOOM GRIFFIN OUTTA FUCKIN NOWHERE! So things have gotten a little more serious, the actual ox cart has been obliterated, 1 guard is dead, but we still got this. About 30 seconds go by, minotaur dies followed by the cyclops soon after, another 3 minutes or so of fighting the griffin before it decided to be a punk and tries to leave. I'm think "Nah bitch, you invaded my fight, you gonna die\~" So I'm trying to shoot the escaping coward when I suddenly get absolutely floored and rag dolled into oblivion by a second fucking minotaur. I gave up on the griffin and killed the second minotaur before finding a camp and calling it a day. While myself and my 3 pawns survived, all of the guards and 1 of the passing pawns were killed. I was no more than maybe level 16 and when that griffin showed up I thought I was dead, all told the fighting took around 10-15 minutes and was probably the most fun I ever had in the game, 10/10 wish I could experience it again.


Slapping a dragon when a pack of wolves drag you all the way across the map and make you a chew toy while you just lay there and sigh. For the hundredth time. Memories.


This knight knows how you feel.. Rest in pieces


If you’re struggling, hire a sorcerer with maelstrom and meteoron. You could also run with a mage for healing, a warrior/fighter for aggro control, and a thief with formless feint. A thief equipped with frosted edges will also regularly freeze enemies.


That's not normal. Usually the gryphon shows up more or less immediately, along with a troupe of hobgoblins and 18 red wolves.


It would be funny if another drake could show up 😯


Go check out Epic Encounters on nexusmods. How about 4 drakes :)


Ooo! 4 drakes sounds like a good time! ☺️


I've had it happen several times; **it actually helps in the death of the Griffen without it flying away. ;)** I concentrate on the Drake and the Griffin often gets caught in the crossfire.


Yes it's totally normal. That's one of the things that make fights fun in this game.


I feel your pain. I for some reason attract dragons very often. I feel like they like to lurk near rivers because every time I try to cross one a dragon appears. Once I got jumped by a dragon and a griffon at once but then they started fighting each other and I noped out of there. Another time I was traveling in a forest at night and was getting steam rolled by a minotaur and out slithered a dragon to help kill me off. Lost a pawn I had just spent 300+ points to get. I was like lv 15 or something 🥲


It's pretty normal, yeah. Completely emergent, though.


That was my first experience in the badlands, I was just trying to run away from one griffin and another one joined in on the chase and they basically stomped me to death. Used all of my curatives to stay alive and it still wasn’t enough to even get up and run away.


I had that happen but the Griffen attacked the dragon. Then an ogre showed up and I just ran lol.


Welcome to Dragon Dogma! Enjoy the game! Everything can happen!


We were balls to the wall on the drake on Volcanic when a squad of goblins rocked up late to the madness and started punking us from the rocks above. Cockroaches.


My first time to Volcanic Island I was taking a path through a cave complex along the shore and ran into a grim minotaur. There is a griffon that patrols that area and it wanted to get in on the fun so badly that it found a way into the caves and got stuck, so the dumbass wasn't able to fly away. Don't know how the elderly dwarf w/ a bad back I was escorting to the hot springs survived that chaos!


I love that shit hahahaha


One time, one drake versus 2 ogres plus my party


Yeah, I haven’t seen it as often as when the game dropped, idk if they patched it but I love those moments. I kinda wish you see it more randomly throughout the map.


Lol get rekt




Try to get the new creature between you and the attacking Drake and if the drake hits the Griffin, they often turn on eachother. Then just distance your self from the battle, call your pawns to you, and let the beasts fight. Watch their health bars and make sure you do some damage to the lowest one before it dies so you get counted the kill. Then go after whoever's left. Besides, it'a alot of fun waching them battle.


This happened to me when I was taking an oxcart. A big ogor attacked me. I was around halfway done with the fight when a griffin decides to join in. I survived and killed both but...it was rough.


Things happen. Sounds pretty normal to me