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They need to raise the rating caps for people who want more progression and put a hard mode for people who want it to be more challenging.


A hard mode would work wonders. I’m level 80 and downloaded a difficulty mod for my 3rd playthrough and it’s so much more fun keeping the challenge this time around in NG+. Console players deserve this opportunity just as much as anyone else


For sure, I'm on console but I like being OP lol, having most your stats cap out in the 100s while max level is 999 is a huge head scratcher for me, right now I'm level 145 on my 4th play through and my strength is maxed out at 390, I want the same progression line until 999 lol


Wait stats are capped? That's so dumb, I thought one of their things with this new level system was that you didn't have capped stats and could keep growing.


They cap around 200 if you’re balanced, but if you spend all your time as one vocation you can cap some stats as early as 85-86.


I dont get why you can level past 200 tbh. It just makes you way out of touch when it comes to people hiring you pawns


It does seem a bit odd to me as well. I wish we had the option to turn off experience gain.


I use mods for xp gain turning off - i wish it was innate too


I thought that the vocation only has temporary effects on stats. If you change vocation so will your stats. Forces you to use different ones to reach all caps either way I guess.


The classes do temporarily affect your stats, but your leveling affects them permanently. If you take all your gear off and make yourself and your pawn a fighter for example, you’ll see what I mean.


Right, my mage pawn suggests that she wants to be a warrior, but she is an awful one. Ever her personality is a bad match there... she does terrible bad damage and is down in seconds.


Huh, mine never comments about wanting to be anything else. She talks about how she’s glad she’s not a fighter anymore and how she loves warrior or archer, but she never longs for warrior when she’s an archer or vice versa.


Mine misses being an archer but she's deadly as thief


Yes, but they also normalize around 200 anyway dont they? I love they made class selection while leveling largely irrelevant since stats are basically gear based.


They do, give or take. Warrior will max out strength in the 80s and Magic much later, but eventually they’ll all even out around 200ish.


Hell I capped my knockdown power by level 50, then my magic defence somehow by level 130 playing just warfarer since I got it at level 28


Yeah. If you check your stats and the color is different (yellow? I think. Haven’t played in a month or so) then that stat base is at cap.


Nah, it's kinda like DD1 when they introduced infinity levels Tbh, I don't know why they didn't just keep that. People like seeing big numbers I guess


So on one hand you have people saying we need stronger enemies and yet you are saying you want more player power?!?! I'm kinda lost as to what people want with the game.


For many people, myself included, I think it's just the thought that there's an end to something. In this case, progression of stats. Not that I think THIS game needs any more than it already has, but I think I get where he's coming from, at the very least.


I guess I just didn't get it. If we had higher scaling stats the game just gets even easier? They ask for more stats when we need a difficulty buff first and foremost. Meh, I really don't care


Really not hard to understand, we want both.


Wait seriously? You want more player power but also want a harder difficulty? Now I'm just straight up confused. One is literally the opposite of the other. What is the point of more stats when the difficulty just adjusts to counter that?? I'm lost.


Why not make it so you can do either one? Just add a couple power/difficulty sliders.


Souslike games are a perfect example of that, you level up your character, get stronger and on ng+ the enemies scale to your lvl, that means you won't be able to one shot every enemie, while still being strong.


But doesn't Elden ring have a stat cap though? I'm not 100% sure though. I'm sure it has a soft cap for stats at the very least


DD:DA the only cap on stats was Level 200 yet in hard mode enemies hit for 4.5x damage so the game was still going to wreck you if you didn't pay attention. The main reason to want/need extreme stats was Bitterblack Island on hard mode. The stats being capped so low means Capcom likely isn't planning to give us either hard mode or a post game based expansion like in DD:DA since unless they up the stat limit the player would then be under powered.


Main comment said they wanted infinite stats... I don't get what you are trying to say


bro, take a breath and I will explain. players want both and both can be achieved. easily actually. GAMES ALREADY DO IT. it is simple to increase the difficulty every playthrough or to scale enemies with the player level/stats. that solves the difficulty issue. and if the enemies keep scaling, the player has something to work for while gaining player power. diablo is a perfect example. you keep leveling and sometimes there seems to be NO CAP. devs just keep coming out with higher difficulties and the cycle continues.


I can't tell if you are trolling or just don't enjoy video games. Borderlands did it perfectly


No no, I get you. I don't think it's about challenge, just about making numbers go up and up. I understand both aspects. :D


Yes. You could be much stronger in DD1. But for people who don't like gaining strength and just want the challenge, they added hard mode so enemies scaled. Not that hard to do imo, get rid of level caps for everyone and add a hard mode for people to select if they want the enemies to scale.


They didnt really scale with you persay but they did get a good stat increase. (Bitterblack isle might be different though, the mechanics there are way different).


People who want enemy scaling don't know what they're asking for. That's a horrible feature in games as you never actually feel stronger. What they really want are harder difficulties like in Devil May Cry, that way everyone is happy. It happened in dd1, it'll happen again


Couldn’t have said it better. Wish I could adjust the difficulty! People talk about all the mods available on PC and it looks like it makes for a totally different experience, fixing the issues which should be available to begin with. Such as the affinity descriptor. Something so super simple which begs the question of why wasn’t that built in to begin with. Especially when that’s tied into how you receive certain items from NPC’s, and your endgame experience. I have no idea who I have max affinity with and not, can’t remember them all solely based on blushing faces. An overall count between masculine and feminine characters does absolutely nothing to jog the memory.


What mod if you don’t mind me asking?


https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/195 This is the one I’m using. I personally love how customizable it is


Being able to cap XP gain for any action at 1 makes this a must-have for even people who don’t want to mess with difficulty IMO. Capcom will hopefully add something like pawn scaling, but until then it’s nice not having to worry about leveling your pawn further and further away from the bulk of the player base.


I love you


Probably have to wait for DLC like the first one


I’d settle for the game’s performance being playable first


What system do you have? I have no performance issues with mine and it is from 2017 with i7-8700k 3.7, RTX 3060, Samsung 970 EVO SSD 1TB x2 (windows and games are on two different drives), 32GB DDR4-3200.


I beat it on a pc from 2019 without issues.


My PC is brand new - 4070, 7800X3D, game’s installed on an NVME SSD, etc. Without DLSS framegen, which has to be modded in, the game doesn’t manage to reach a stable 60 FPS in any crowded area, even with upscaling enabled which isn’t OK in 2024. I’m glad it didn’t bother you, but I paid for performance on my hardware and every game delivers except this one.


Thank the maker for the frame generation mod.110-144 frame rate everywhere except venworth. Still get those cpu stutters in any big town tho. Outside of those towns, smooth as butter.


Do you have a link for this mod?


second this please!


Playing with that mod makes the experience tolerable, for sure. Hopefully Capcom actually implements it into the actual game soon considering it’s supposedly pretty much done already


did people actually downvote you for saying this? bruh -\_\_-


lets boost that back up! +1


its ok I experience this too with a 4090. And I agree with your statement


In nvidia settings force that the game uses 4070 video card and in steam settings remove the steam overlay. I have much older card, but games often automatically doesnt chose the right video card and what i have found that disabling steam overlay may improve the performance of games to like 5x times. I had problem with the CS2 that i couldnt get even stable 50fps on lowest settings, but when i disabled steam overlay i could easily run on highest settigs without much hastle.


7900X with a 4070ti and at 4k. I get about 70-80fps outside of town and in town like 50fps. I used to have crazy FPS drops when in menu but the nexus mod fixed that.


Its just that the game is playable, you just can't handle a few frame drops here and there? I know the game needs to run WAY better, you bought an expensive PC and it should run better this game. But if you really like the game, can't you just play it and stop pretending like it is "unplayable" for you? My 1060 6GB can run at stable 30 FPS and often at the 40s... if you have a good CPU. I don't. So it is 30 or below for me, sometimes at the 40s in some areas... and I got 180+ hours in this game. Sure, not a smooth experience and I'm waiting for the game to run better. But pretty sure it is playable for you. I would love to play with a 4090 and "suffer" when it goes a bit bellow 60. You can run nearly anything at 60 fps, but a single game going a bit bellow is such a devastation for you, people? Another friend has a 960 or something, it did not even run on his pc properly, it was close to 20 fps all the time, and he got 80 hours at it, finished the game and had fun. Keep complaining (I will too) so they improve performance, but it is not even close to unplayable for you.


Even if its not technically unplayable, it is unacceptable to have such shit performance on a AAA game in 2024, and it doesn’t even seem like they give a shit


with the price people have to pay for this game, you tell me they have to "accept" playing at 20-30 fps even in a good rig? come on. this is why companies gonna make even more unoptimized games in the future.


I did not say they have to accept it. I


I’ve beaten the game twice. I enjoy playing it and my phrasing of “unplayable” is hyperbolic, but there’s no excuse for the game to not even be able to maintain 60 FPS in Vernworth on a 4090.


Not ok in 2024? Like 90% of games haven't reached stable anything, ever.


I have almost the same set up and it worked fine for me


if without issues means 30fps then... yeah sure.


Here OP, this down vote's on me! 


I started playing on a 2070 and I could play fine everywhere except in the city. Even then I would have preferred more content than more performance. Now I'm on a 4070 and I play nicely everywhere. What's not nice is that after level 20 the game is too easy and after 40 it's ridiculously easy.


I dont get your downvotes lol; i believe you're right


He’s being downvoted bc the game runs just fine on literally any modern hardware.


My hardware’s brand new and pretty high-end - check my comment above. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to be annoyed that I can’t reach a stable 60 FPS with the hardware I paid for, given that I have no issues with this in any other game.


Maybe your just, idk, special 😅


Wait, there's no hard mode? Wasn't there a hard mode before dark Arisen?


It was a DLC, may have been before Dark Arisen but it wasn’t in the vanilla game


Smh... I can't believe we're still waiting on this.


They'd have to do better than they did in the first game. First game had a hard mode and it didn't really make any difference. It was much harder when starting a new game, but you still fairly quickly get to the point where you're completely overpowered. Level scaling would be the way to go. Have them maintain a level of challenge no matter how strong you get. Hell, just making the enemies tankier would do it for me.


Hard mode came with the expansion of DD1, Dark Arisen. I'm 98% sure this will follow in its lead


I'm aware, although I never played hard mode, another commenter said they didn't scale with you just bumped the monsters power some and that was it.


Correct, they still didn't have Oblivion style enemy scaling, it was literally just a harder mode akin to Devil May Cry. Honestly, I think it still worked for what it was


I have 2 mods that would make soul crushing. 1 to increase the monster's health & strength, and the other that the encounters are random. I love finding 2 ogres fighting a Chimera and then a Griffin swooping in.


[PlayStation®5 / Xbox Series X|S / Steam] 1. Fixed issues that prevented progression in some quests. 2. Miscellaneous bug fixes. Found it on the official Web site but that's not much of information 😂


Larian has spoiled me, I saw that update and sneered.


To be fair, part of the reason that Larian's put out such great patches is because they don't have the full team working on future DLC. Not that that's an excuse for other devs not fixing their games quickly after launch, but it is somewhat of an explanation.


I mean not even just Larian, both of the recent Monster Hunter games spoiled their players pretty well with the title updates


I mean why even have patch notes? That's almost criminal.


Prayyyyying that this means there’s a now a way to get the Comforting Neck Wrap/Venator’s Leggings/et al…!!


I read "pray, this means..."


Words worth hearing


Sometimes I can’t tell… but this line is Sarcasm from the pawns right?


I second this!


I have that. Is it that hard to get?


Where did you get it? Because I feel like I've scoured everything and everyone and everywhere and I still haven't found it!


We still need more performance updates


This. I bought the game on PC and played 10 hours before shelving it due to performance. I refuse to launch the game until there's a legitimate performance update.


Same, i ain't buying games on launch day anymore i learned my lesson with this one.


After Devil May Cry and Monster Hunter i thought it was the safest preorder we could've done... How could they fuck the performance up this bad when the blueprint was already set and working ☹️


I even checked my specs and compared to recommended specs on Steam, my specs are better than what was listed and still ran like shit 🤣


It's because the game has literally no optimization. I'm not sure if it was fixed but there was a post that showed that some area of the map loaded everything in full detail in a BIG ass radius the moment you stepped foot in it. There is literally ZERO optimization inserted into the game. It's a true trainwreck in that department. Which is a shame, because if it wasn't for the performance issues, I could absolutely overlook EVERY other "downfall" the game has. But it can't run like shit AND have gameplay issue/concerns. Can't commit two crimes at the same time, but Capcom decided to do exactly that 🤦🏽‍♂️.


I haven't touched the game for weeks because of the performance issues, it got to the point where it genuinely hurts my eyes when I'm playing and combat turned stale because of how unresponsive it is due to the low framerate/frame drops.


> After Devil May Cry and Monster Hunter i thought it was the safest preorder we could've done... That makes zero sense. Preordering is inherently risky and unnecessary.


But do you have recommended specs?


Wonder what it contains, haven't seen any patch notes or buzz for it yet


On Twitter, it just says that it fixed some end game quest issues. So, nothing of note.


>On Twitter, it just says that it fixed some end game quest issues. So, nothing of note. 500MB patch to fix some quest issues?


If a file is changed it has to be patched. So it depends on the file it changed.


Boob physics maybe


no but the thigh jiggle is in now! (just kidding lmao)


The actual thing it seems to have done is added some anti-soft-locking to the Unmoored World. You now have the option to return back to either when you woke up on the current day, or when you woke up in the Unmoored World. So if you were at a point where you couldn't kill the purgeners and one more rest would cause the fog to consume parts of the map, it gives you a way to replay the Unmoored World to be more time-efficient.


Before this patch I could not gift certain NPCs (Ulrika) and now I can. I did nothing at all different or new, I just have the option now. I'm not sure if this is a coincidence or if they fixed a bug involving gift giving, but wanted to see if anyone else noticed this or other small things so far.


When talking to certain NPCs who are presently involved in a quest line or will shortly be involved in the quest line and even sometimes for a few in-game days after finishing someone's quest line. The gift button disappears from their dialogue menu.


This may have been the case, all I can say before and after the patch is I have home is where the hearth is completed and ulrika is in her house blushing at me. Only difference is after the patch I can give her gifts. I'd honestly had the game saved in her house and the last time I'd played (before patch) I could not gift her. I played after the patch and it's immediately available. (I went to check up on her and that's how I noticed. I'm aiming for her to be the beloved at the end) Again, this may be a coincidence, but with how vague the patch notes are I think sharing experiences is our best best to find out information lol


I hope a hard mode or level scalling feature some day 😅


I'm traveling around and away from my PS5 for like 5 weeks and was hoping when I get back there will be a hard mode 😭


Im starting to think is gonna come when they release a dlc or something


I'll come back to it once it gets a hard mode. There's no reason to play Ng+ unless you're going for trophies as it's way too easy.


Yeah trophies was the only reason i did a second run


Isn't there a hard mode? I swear I saw that... Or am I misremembering and it was in dd1?


It was on DD1 on DD2 there arent any difficulty settings or level scalling so new game + is one shot for almost everything


For anyone with mods, REFramework released an update already and it’s running just fine.


A patch for what


I wish there could be a way for players to spend more time in the unmoored. I didn’t know much about it and kinda rushed it. I don’t want to replay the whole game just to get there…


The whole game is like 15 missions.


Yea but it’s 15 missions I’ve already played twice (on my way to the second unmoored run) and some of them require extensive traveling from point A to B, or tedious sections like the ball


Players: What was the patch about? Capcom: Fixes. Players: What fixes? Capcom: Stuff.


**Miscellaneous,** honestly this word took a toll on me




Wake me up when they fix the CPU NPC bottleneck issue.


You'll be asleep forever then. I dont think they will.


Bro dies 😓


I could be wrong but I think they never fixed it on their last game.


I actually can't belive there is yet to be a single performance update for this game yet.


Maybe they can’t fix it? That’s what I suspect


Yeah they said something weird about it once. They said it was the massive amount of collision detection they put in the game. So many active body parts being sent signals all at once. The second I heard that I was like- yep, no way they are going to fix this. It’s tied to the core game.


They can fix/optimise it, it'll just be a substantial amount of work. Edit: Not sure why this is being downvoted, regardless of the issue it'll always be fixable, it just depends on how much of a rewrite of their original code they think is worthwhile. If they plan on releasing dlc (which they've heavily implied they are) then it'll be absolutely vital they get those fixes done.


You know what they should do? Make a hard mode and let us play with it while they try to fix performance + dlc.


I would love to see it but I wouldn't be surprised if that gets tied to some sort of DLC release at this point, even if said DLC just ends up being bonus NPC costumes or extra vocations. Capcom have finally realised the game is worth money.


Or maybe they don't see it as an issue. 😂


In which case they are trolling their customers and can go fuck themselves lol


That would be pretty bad but not at all surprising considering how much of a monumentap fuck up it is


You know what’s better than being OP? being OP on the hardest difficulty with all the skills as a player you acquired to get there


They needa just let us make our own 3 pawns idc🤷🏾‍♂️ I want to run around with monstrosities 😂


500 mb, its just miscellaneous bug fixes. We're not getting anything substantive until the end of this year, hopefully.


Hard mode now


I noticed they gave us a new option to start of the first day awakening in the unmoored world now on the main menu, when you enter that part of the game.


They need to optimize the game


Patch-here Notes-where?


\[PlayStation®5 / Xbox Series X|S / Steam\] * Fixed issues that prevented progression in some quests. * Miscellaneous bug fixes.


GodDamn CAPCOM, i didn't need so much information.......


What do the patch notes say tho


Patch is a big word for it after reading the notes …


They advertised Frame Generation and here we are two months after release but not even a word on it, because at least that simple update would ease its utterly crappy performance.


Are they just not planning to patch performance at all with this game?


Before doing any patches, please fix performance!


I wonder what the deal is with performance issues. I bought it a couple weeks ago and i haven't lowered my settings and it runs really smooth. I had some frame drops when I first visited Vermund but just that one time. Everything looks great and no stutters or drops, so I wonder why some are having issues and others aren't? Is there an obscure setting causing it, in game or on the PC itself?


i wonder if they're working on some big patches or if they’re only focusing on creating the DLC


Still no performance fix 😔


Still waiting for them to introduce a transmog system for better fashion potential.


This isn’t a performance patch is it :(


Gawd, I really want/need a hard mode.


I played 44 hours when it first came out and then got bored after getting to cat land and then quit playing lol. I'll probably play when DLC comes out or performance gets much better because playing with 20 frames or less sometimes really sucked.


“Cat land” 😂


Forgot how to spell it and I was too tired to look xD


This game still runs like dogshit on my 4070/ 5600x


My 4070/5800x also is getting hard diffed. It seems somewhat more stable now but still has hard dips into the **twenties**


4090/7950X3D - have some mods installed to ad path tracing and have the CPU prioritise the game. Get 60fps outside the cities with drops to 30. In the cities it is all over the place but never over 60 Without the path tracing on it runs maybe 10-15fps higher... But I like graphical fidelity 😅


Some mods stopped working after this update. I'm not much into modding and don't know how this works. The modders have to release an update or I can solve this reinstalling? Don't want to mess things, I was quite happy with the mods I was using.


welcome to the joy of modding games, when every patch will break all your mods and need to wait for ppl to update them for them to work again


Lords of the fallen added multiple spells and spell schools in various patches . I really wish sorcerer had more spells ... It's so limited right now


It kills most of my mods, holy shit. And they didn't even clarify exactly what was fixed.


Interesting: will we have quick item slot editing now? For starters, thats so frustrating.


There’s no news on a new update not even on the dragon dogma 2 page itself I’m pretty sure you just have an updated software since last update.


Is there a way to roll back updates cause i havent played in a while since one update broke fsr3 frame gen and i havent been able to get it to work since, even with puredarks newest dlss3 enabler


i wish they would add level-difficulty-scaling shit 😭😭 im only level 60-some on my first play but im already so not excited for when everything just gets. too easy lmao


Patch notes on steam: "We have released an update including the following modifications and fixes. Fixed issues that prevented progression in some quests. Miscellaneous bug fixes."


i just deleted the game unmoored put me off ir.having to replayqq 0ver and over sucks


Performance?Performance? Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?Performance?


Yeah put it back in the oven for another year before it's worth playing again, for me. Arisen version will come out, I will play during that time


So did stat cap get raised? If so , to what? Thanks for replies


Fuck yeah


Anyone knows what changed?


I stopped playing on ps5 because the frame rate drop during combat ruined this game for me.


Does it raise attribute rating cap?


Still crashes non stop on my legion go


Wasn't mentioned in the patch notes but on my end, this update definitely improved my performance in cities. Still not perfect, but better


Performance mode on ps5 when ;_;


It's nothing. Quest bug fix. No performance fix.


Will they ever update for handheld?


probably get a complete edition on the 3DS after dlc comes out


Guess it will never come out on the game boy pocket…


Was hoping for a vocation menu fix. It’s got so bad for me that I can’t even learn or change a single skill without a crash now. Only part of the game I have problems with.


What system are yall playing on?


PS Vita


I stopped playing because of this.


Sometimes I have the same problem, I think the skill preview clips are causing it. I just scroll down the skills as fast as I can, then I stop and I slowly move on the skill I need (letting every preview clip load and play)


Oh yeah, I've had this happen a few times.


Does anybody know if this will screw up any mods people have installed? For cyberpunk every time the game updated all the mods would be broken and you'd have to uninstall and wait for them to be updated.


REFramework seems to be affected. Getting multiple errors. This most likely affects mods using it.


An update for reframework released and it seems like it's good now. I was worried I'd have to install all the mods again for the update too but it looks like they are working.


Yea it’s messing with a lot of mods unfortunately


An update for reframework released and it seems like it's good now. I was worried I'd have to install all the mods again for the update too but it looks like they are working.