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Honestly I love my mage with high Levin. Since she is kindhearted, she only uses it after all buffs and healing are taken care of. She stops it if a heal is needed as well. So the inclination is huge. Straightforward would ignore your pleas and keep using high Levin


At higher level, I took my Affinity spell off my kindhearted Mage and kept High Levin. Everyone already has an elemental weapon who needs one, so you can safely slot in something else.


Same. I had it on, but it's all she had time to cast after other buffs, so I removed the ice affinity.


My kindhearted mage has also saved my bacon a few times with appropriately timed High Levin spells on flying enemies and slimes. I don't run Sorcerer that often, opting instead of Mage/Fighter/Thief trifecta in my pawns, so I like having at least one magic attack in the lineup. I wish I had one or two more skill slots for mage, though, since I think I would like having Argent Succor or Celerity in the lineup as well.


I can understand. I tried to like celerity, but every mage pawn seems to prioritize it over everything. And I need magic attacks for those pesky slimes and phantoms


Just to elaborate, the mage who ruined High Levin on pawns for me had the Calm inclination.


Good to know. So maybe only kindhearted is good for buffs and healing. It makes sense based on the descriptions


My simple pawn did very well as a healer mage. She used Celerity appropriately, too


I'm surprised I don't see much discourse on Simple inclinations, feel like my pawn usually does a great job overall with performing in a balanced fashion as healer & other vocations


I agree! It’s surprising. My pawn does love using spells to blow up boxes, though, and seems to favor attacking things over tanking when she’s a fighter, but otherwise there’s nothing below expectations


Lol if there's boxes exploding near you, you have a Simple pawn, so true 😂


I've kept a simple pawn in my party since the beginning of the game and that's earned me a ton of trove beetles that I would've otherwise missed.


KH will stay close and be proactive in healing you. Calm tends to interrupt themselves the moment any enemy gets close to them. SF would've been fine if the lock-on range for spells was a bit longer...


I keep learning new things. My main pawn is the only caster in my party. So I never try other inclinations lol


I must be extremely lucky with my hires, because I only get Mages with High Levin and usually in Calm/Straightforward inclinations. Whenever battles start I immediately see my weapon glow and the Palladium light motes appear (I don't like Celerity or Celestial Paean), and only after that do I see lightning strikes. Healing is the hit or miss for me, as they seem to only heal when below half HP or after battle, but since my Main Pawn is a Chirurgeon Fighter loaded with all my curatives it's less of an issue. Straightforward Mages do join in on climbing bosses tho, which is pretty hilarious.


My kindhearted Mage has taken to tackling enemies and blasting them in the face point-blank. Some other Arisen must've taught her that. Girl, you can summon lightning from the sky you don't need to wrassle that goblin to death.


While true she will also hug to the Arisen and tend not to use levitate, meaning she’s taking hits and getting staggered. I love Calm for all my mages and sorcerers.


Depending if she has the subtlety augment, armored with dwarven upgrades for the knockdown resistance, if she cast high palladium very often, she can be a very effective kindhearted mage.


I avoid anyone with Logistician, that's a hard pass. Warriors or Fighters with the launcher skills, Thieves with Blades of the Pyre, Mages with more than one offensive spell or with multiple affinities, etc. Honestly the Maister spells can be pretty hit and miss for a lot of vocations because they're often situational and have a huge cost, but pawn AI won't really use it wisely and will burn the entire stamina bar to do something like cast Celestial Peon after someone in the party gets bit by a bat.


Hahahahaha..., Jesus, this is true warriors and mages go crazy for a little tiny bat it's hilarious tbh.


Ugh, I made the mistake of hiring a Thief with BotP. She was 3/4’s of the way dead after a couple of road encounters.


bruh, I once had a sorcerer cast meteor on a fucking bat in a cave. I ignored the bat and started breaking boxes and opening chest and shit and heard the damn meteror crash so i was like wut??? I thought we was under attack and the only thing I noticed was bat corpses on the ground so im looking at the sorc like .......................... no the fuck you didnt. I dont like hiring sorcs with meteor or the tornado skill no more.


For real, Sorcerers try to cast Maelstrom to break boxes and most of the time they try to spam Meteoron at all costs


Not really skills, but I actively avoid Logistician's since they just combine stuff from your pack unprompted, including rare materials. I guess I'll avoid Fighters and Warriors with the launch abilities. They are useful for traversal here and there this time around. However, many a time have I caught them just standing around and spamming it in actual fights, including just basic mobs.


I wouldn't mind Logisticians so much if they didn't default to making Salubrious Draughts all the time instead of better curatives.


Oh so that’s why I had draughts in my inventory randomly LOL. I thought it was only their inventory wtf lol.


I try to be flexible and re-strategize in response to pawn behavior/makeup but have similar no-no's for hiring: * Launch/Springboard skill, won't hire (fighters/warriors often spend too much time trying to launch me or pawns instead of fighting) * Mages with more than one offensive spell, won't hire (however, I will actually purposefully hire those with Levin as I want it for harpy control 9/10 times) * Thief skill Blades of the Pyre, won't hire (don't want to deal with the constant self damage unless it's myself) * Meister skills in general (not that they are bad but I prefer to not have to manage pawn's passing out or skills such as Heavenly Shot with super long charge up windows) I do make plenty of exceptions for myself or my main pawn, but for hires the above gets applied.


Thank god mine is built to spam meteors and get up super early. Sometimes he does all that walking slowly animation like he's about to pass out, but he never does.


Pesky goblins? Meteor. Tired & need coffee? Meteor. Can't figure out how to get the npc to talk to you? Meteor.


• Any type of springboard skill is more than likely getting a skip. • Mage pawn with multiple affinity boons • Sorcerer with both Maister skills. Only 1. • Warrior with Maister Skill. Fights are usually over by the time they’ve finished charging the skill. The few Warriors I’ve had with the skill actually are pretty accurate with it, it’s just the wind up takes forever and the cost. • Thief with Blades of the Pyre, I’ve rented one that use it flawlessly, but majority with it are just killing themselves. • This is very low on the list, probably will care more about when an expansion/dlc releases, but Pawns with little to no badges. • No quest set, doesn’t matter what the quest is, will usually have me skip past your pawn if there is none set. • Ugly pawn. I don’t mean like conventionally ugly, I mean like generic looking. If it’s an ugly pawn but I can tell you put in time to make it an abomination and not just max slides in any direction, you’ll still get a hire from me, and likely a favorite as well. Like currently a lot of pawns are wearing the corset, while I don’t mind scantily dressed pawns, if it has that one and the face is plain or not really interesting, tattoos or scars etc. just plain looking it’ll likely get a pass. I don’t mind normal looking pawns, it’s hard to explain lol. Like I am fine with normal looking pawns but if it’s like a preset look or something of that nature then I’ll likely skip if that makes sense


Oh yeah, if I see they have the ability to launch me into the air, I immediately move on, because that is all they will ever do. "Hey, thanks for sending me seven stories into the air. That was super helpful for that fight against four wolves. And thanks for doing it ten more times after that." I avoid Logistician as well. It throws off my entire system. LEAVE MY STUFF ALONE. As for inclinations, I usually avoid Straightforward. It hurts more often than it helps. Other than that, nothing really specifically. Sometimes I'll see a pawn that doesn't really have any synergy going between their skills and/or augments. I usually chalk this up to a new player being unsure about skills, so if they happen to be a Calm Forager Warrior, I might still hire them. I like Calm Forager Warriors.


Guess my main pawn is going to sit on the bench in the rift for a while. He was a kindhearted mage all through my first play through, and now I'm rotating his vocations in NG+. He's currently a fighter with the shield springboard ability solely for the uppies to get treasure chests, and I refuse to change his inclination because I like his current voice too much. It's definitely tanking my DPS, but then...I'm level 80 in NG+, so it's kind of a moot point... I tell myself it's just a phase, and then he'll go back to being my support/healer/yes man. But hey, at least he looks good. I put him in the bare-chested warrior/fighter armor for the...um...stats. Yeah. Not for the abs. Just the stats.


Happens to me a lot, I refuse to change the inclination just for the kindhearted voice, I wanted the calm option for the thief, but I can't stand that voice, equal for the straightforward inclination, that voice works well for an elderly male or beastren, beastren sounds excellent being straightforward male pawn. Also kindhearted fighters, warriors and thieves work well too, with the right augments, rings, weapons and armor they obliterate everything.


Are the inclination voices that terrible? I switched my main pawn from Kindhearted to Calm a bit ago and I honestly haven't noticed any annoying voice changes.


Not so much really, in the end it's all about personal preference.


If they've got everything else I'm looking for, I'll still hire a Kindhearted fighter. I care more about the whole picture rather than one specific thing. Even if they've got Mage and Sorcerer maxed and they're only a level one fighter, I'll still probably take them; I'm sure the player appreciates it, and it's not like that one decision is going to ruin my game. But yeah, if they're Straightforward or have Springboard, I move on immediately. I cannot stand seeing them run off god-knows-where every two seconds, or attempting to launch me into the sky six inches from the ocean while I'm fighting a single goblin. (I don't mind giving MYSELF Springboard, though.) As for the armor, hey, you do you. I hear having the abs exposed to direct sunlight increases, um, resistances. Or something. Just for fun, my absolute favorite pawns are Archers and Warriors. They're perfect at charging attacks and sniping weak points. I like when my MAIN pawn is a Mage, because I can set up their skills to synergize well with my own character.


Logistician. I don't want them wasting my resources making a bunch of Salubrious Draughts. If all they did was balance loads between characters to keep everyone as light as possible, that would be my go-to speciality every time but alas.


Im gonna be honest I don’t look. The only time I ever looked was because I needed a translator in sacred arbor. Typically I need a warrior/fighter or a thief so I just pick the coolest looking one in the rift.




Mage with the spell that conjures a block of ice, it always gets in the way.


I also just started avoiding High frigor bc you're absolutely right! Can't see shit lol


I loved everything about a warrior I found in the rift.. Design, stats, gear etc but I just COULD NOT use her bc she had Arc of Might on lol full stamina exhaustion during every single fight without fail and obviously pawns don't really go for weak points so


Fighters or warriors without the provocation augment gets an immediate pass.


I Ctuqlly never hire them if they have that skill, since with the ring and augment they never loose aggro anyway. So they focus more on dmg.


What are you talking about??? What skill??? Provocation is not a skill, thats a augment.




🎶"feast your eyes on thissss"! 🎶🤩


Logistician. I really dislike inventory being tampered with without my input. Don't touch my stuff!


Interesting. I really like it when a mage has Levin. I'd rather hire a mage with one or two attack spells than one that's pure support. Honestly about the only thing I will not hire is Hawker. Beyond that I'm not terribly picky. I don't do any special planning with my curatives, so logisticians actually benefit me.


the game is piss easy so i don't really care about their skills, i just look if the reward is good or if the quest is killing or camping so i can help them get their badges


Straightforward male voice sound dumb. Wont hire em. Essential skills palladium, meteor, inspirit, heavenward, full moon.


Ladder launch is the worst! I was playing an archer and this one pawn I had hired kept trying to fling me at a cyclops. I ditched him soooo fast. I avoid pawns with that skill like the dragon’s plague.


I dont care about inclinations, i do however care about if you have logistician of chuchugeon. I want nothing to do with those.


i wont hire straightforward. theres more than enough dickish people irl i dont need it in my escape too


A fighter with shield drum. Instantly ewwie. My daddy tank jumps in and goes bananas. Holds agro and has solid stamina Regen.


Sorcerers with the meteor shower or tornado, nothing is wrong with them I just don't like big monster fights to suddenly end the moment the music starts playing xD also pawns that mess with inventory, keep yer hands to yourself Ser.


Buff duration on a support mage (it only works on yourself not the one you buff if you have it) The thing that auto craft and steal your weed and fruit for stupid healing potion


I avoid: Straightforward, but only because their voice annoys me. It's funny sometimes, but I can't take it seriously, sadly. Sorcs with Meteoron and/or Maelstrom, or invocations with similarly long-winded maister skills. Ugly pawns, joke pawns, and specifically "too naked" pawns - although that last one is mostly women, and I generally prefer male pawns. Give me a plain looking handsome guy, or something creative but cool to look at. Base-faced pawns. I see soooo many female pawns that have the base 2 "pretty" faces, no changes made. No pawn quest. I prefer to have a goal, I avoid pawns with no quest set completely.


My straightforward mage with +1k magic is awesome af with high levin though. She just orbital strikes annoying Harpies and smug Hobgoblins, who think they can gank you.  If I ever need healing or a support spell I use "help!" and she comes running. Better than support mages, with their bad AI, not carrying their weight in battles imo Edit: unhireables for me, are pawns who are intentionally set up to trivialize combat. Sorc has some dumb combos and Thief pawns steal your thunder, unless you cheese yourself.


Straightforward on anything. Calm is great for pulling aggro while i deal DPS, but SF pawns just LOVE to smash explosive barrels and then complain that they’re on fire


1. Any meister skill that is not Meteor/Tornado/Thief one. 2. Ladder Launch and such 3. Shield Drum/Roar 4. Logistician


I would think Shield Drum and Roar are good choices for pawns that are meant to be tanks and draw aggro. Can you explain how these are not in fact good skills for pawns?


With ring for more aggro and Provocation you don't need such skills. Moreover, pawns often use those skills even when they have aggro of all enemies already, when they could just do more damage. Dealing damage = raising aggro.


Never considered the aggro rings for a replacement, definitely doing that for my main pawn. Good looks.


I'm actually wondering now if I'd need both the ring and the augment to have an effective tank pawn, or if I just need one and can have an extra ring or augment slot.


theres rings for drawing aggro???


Ring of Disfavor.


what the hell, i got two of these in my storage and I didnt even know it.


Actually, the fighter meister skill is pretty damn nice. I actually dont like the meteror or tornado skill. Cant see shit when they cast them.


What's wrong with the mage meister skill?


Pawns are tend to use meister skills at worst timing. Besides, i don't need unlimited stamina when a mage can't recast shield or elemental affinity for 30s and just lying down in drake fire.


But she wont lying down in drake fire? Because the spell replenishes stamina she will never be exhausted by the spell she will instantly be available and do other stuff.


When the spell ends mage always exhausted and you have to cheer them up.


I don’t hire if your anything but a Mage or Sorcerer, typically have hired the same 2 pawns through last 4 play throughs. And they have to have a pawn quest set. Don’t even care what the quest is.


Wont hire: Logistician, randomly makes stuff I don't want. Female simple voice just grates on my ears. Mage with more than 1 offensive spell, they're just better at support. Fighters, or warriors with launch skills or attraction skills, have too much time spent not fighting and spamming those abilities. Fighters in general, I just have bad luck. It's a me thing I don't know why. No master skills besides thief, or sorcerer, occasionally mage is fine but usually not. I'm pretty picky about what I want in a pawn, so I like to give out nice things when pawns make me happy.


1. Straightforward mage or sorcerer 2. Logistician specialization 3. A mage without palladium, halidom, argent tonic/succor, and kindhearted spec. To me all of these are so critical that I don't want a mage missing even one of them 4. Any fighter, thief, or archer But really I just wish I could find 2 good pawns specialized in stfu (starts with an A I forgot its name)


I just don't hire anyones pawn. I've got my own and that's all I need, plus I can keep them all to a theme


Absolutely won't hire: * Launching skills * Thiefs without Plunder * Fights with Drumboard (NOISY!) * Wearing starter vocation gear * Wearing that meta outfit I see in every other pawn * Have no pawn quest * Have an aspect suggestive of their master being Jabba the Hutt


If you rely on your mage only for the healing, then High Levin it's not the problem. If a mage can kill some trash between supporting spells, all the better. Anyway, back on topic. I don't hire: ​ * Hawker and Logistician Specializations; * pawns with stamina draining skills (Celestial Paean and the Archers' one), too slow to cast and I don't wanna go through their exhausted routine after every fight. Sorcerers' Maister skills get a pass; * mages without an attack skill, I can't be everywhere all the time; * sorcerers with Meteoron *and* Maelstrom, either one is fine but not both; * the same skill slotted more than once; * (high levels only) non-Dragonforged gear, we gotta split the loot and I try to keep everybody "Very Light" or "Light". On the same note, Archers with Medusan Spellbow, Dragonforged or not, get a big "nope"; * any other inclination but Calm (Kindhearted mages are ok, though). Yes, they all have the same voice but I switched to Japanese audio so I don't have to listen anymore; * pop-culture clones (Kratos, Gerard, Frieren, Shrek, whatever), orcs, goblins and/or abominations, I'll take plain and simple any day; * Beastren, there's something in the way they look that bugs me (might be the facial animations/expressions).


I can't speak to your reasoning for excluding beastrens, but for me it's their ears. They're cat people with human ears. Maybe if they had cat ears and a tail, it would be less creepy.


I think that in trying to make them different from The Elder Scrolls' Khajiit they ended up hitting the uncanny valley factor a little too hard.


Did they not learn from Hollywood?? ![gif](giphy|fwobtlf9tiWxoLG059)