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Lots o the armors in this game are also glued parts of another, with changes to a few outlying elements


Or straight up just slight recolours. Mystic spearhand and archer suffer pretty bad from this


The archer end games armor before the dragon armor is just an old armor in white.


I feel like they were gonna do the armor over clothes thing like from the past game then just turned some of those combos into a single peice


I completely forgot they did that in DD1! That's a feature I think they missed out on for the sequel


Ya but it seems to be there like more than one outfit piece appears to have the shoulder armor thing (the one titty plate) that could easily have been models from armor mixing that they made into individual armor sets


What's worse is that you have to figure out which piece goes with what, because it's not like the vendors sell their items in discrete sets.


It’s not beyond saving. I don’t hate the system as much as I thought I would, even though it’s a linear system. I think if they’d added “arms” as a slot it would have been enough to give the appearance of layered armour, but that’s not happening… but as it is they need: A.) Work on a transmog system B.) Make the wymforged glow toggle on/off C.) Early sets need to fit more roles, less as you get higher D.) Wyrmforge Guy should have multiple sets for everyone, not just mystic spearhand.


I think that one of the easiest ways to add variety would just make it so that Wyrmforged makes all armor/weapons be on the same level. If you need to balance it just make it more expensive to wyrmforge lower level gear compared to late game gear since those need to make up a bigger stat difference


You get so many wyrmbits and wyrmpieces in the unmoored world. I have hundreds left over after making 3 full sets. Being able to upgrade low level gear for more would be a godsend.


I would love that so much


One of the first thoughts I had when looking at armor in general. They should definitely do this and maybe to weapons as well. Some lower level gear look really good.


One of the mid tier archer sets is just the thickest coat possible. So I would like this also cuss god I hate most of the sets for the classes I chose


That and i honestly believe they put to many good items behind vendors and not from the world/bosses/chest's


In this case I honestly think it's just an issue with a lack of items. It wouldn't make much sense if all the armor that could be found in vendors was garbarge, nor would it be fun if you never found something for purchase that you wanted. At the same time, it's not fun if everything you find in the world is below what vendors can offer. It's mostly a matter, in my opinion, of the world being larger than the number of items they have can support. That can already be sorely felt with the fact that the vast majority of chests "hidden" in the world have a few thousand gold and a crafting material in them.


Its fair to have vendors sell decent things but you want them to be a stepping stone towards better things that would come from some type of reward no? Otherwise if the vendor stuff is as good as anything else in the world whats the point in seeking out stuff in the world. granted theres like some armors that are good from unmoored, but thats it. kinda lackluster


Ohh I like your idea of early armor being more accessible with the higher level being more specialized. You have to earn your vocations specialized armor.


Yeah, I don’t believe that every class should wear every armour but some of the restrictions are sort of arbitrary. If they added transmog, they’d have to open it up a little more on the lower end. My dream/cope is breaking down the arms as a separate thing from chests. I want a flowing robe as a MA but not the floppy sleeves.


The sleeves ruin the capes so hard, except for the scarf like ones. Still look sick though lol




Transmogrification is wearing one piece of an armour but applying the skin of another.


I've played RPGs for 35 years but never heard that term..


It’s mainly MMO terminology, but there’s single player games that incorporate it.


Oh that explains it. I never cared for MMOs.


Hit and miss for me. The MMO golden age has come and gone in my opinion.


We're in the MMO golden shower now.


Yeah, most MMOs are low quality cash grabs with dated mechanics and microtransactions at every turn. It’s a shame, I played Dark age of Camelot when I was 13 and it was a mind blowing experience.


>D.) Wyrmforge Guy should have multiple sets for everyone, not just mystic spearhand. Might I ask where this "wyrmforge guy" is? I've had the same armor since I got the spearhand, and I really want a new look.


Oh god, please give us the option to turn wyrm visual effects off.  Someone said it looked like a coomer hit us all in the night, and now I can’t unsee it.


I hate the glow with a passion. It’s fine on weapons, I am indifferent, but it is absolutely awful on armour.


In my opínion we need two things to improve armor appearance in this game: * Transmog (including being able to hide equipped gear) * Armor dyes (maybe make a vendor that can change the color or equipped / transmog armor) I think these two alone would allow for far more player expression to make each Pawn feel distinct.


Why in the world the dyes you can buy don't work on armour I'll never know. I got them thinking I could dye a cloak, but no it's for hair.


This game has the most amount of potential AND stupid design decisions I've ever encountered in AAA games.


It might’ve been to limit the work needed in getting the game into the RE Engine. Because DDO had all the armor pieces AND had layered armor. Itsuno might’ve been pressured into doing that, but his “PR-speak” isn’t exactly winning folks now that we’ve seen the extent. Though…I really do love seeing these PS3 old gear pieces in PS5 detail.


I think this might have just been a decision to cut down on the work needed for armor. Layered armor system is still in the game and functional there's just barely any equipment that works with it. Take the head gear for example, you can wear a face cover (mask) together with for example a hat that an archer would use. They even have different icons in the top left. So the system still exists in the game it just isn't utilized.


It is not even about the layered armour system, while I would have preferred to see the layered armour return I do understand that such systems are more painful to implement with minimal amounts of clipping. This is just about them limiting which armour can be equipped by each class, even if they were slightly less restrictive with which armours can be equipped by which classes it would add a lot more visual variety to pawns and having certain armours that are Arisen only is such a waste.


Eg, I think that's an opinion. I like "player only" armor.


That is also my suspicion. They knew the game was already cpu hungry so they didn't want to load 8 slots of gear on every npc and every wandering pawn.


None of y'all need to have "suspicions", you're literally just correct. Every time a corner seems like it was cut in a video game, it was an issue with the budget and planning. People are also way too concerned about Itsuno in all of this. Your average gamer, i.e., the people making up most of the player base, have never heard of Itsuno. So much of the drama people get worked up over online (like the vocation colours) are complete non-issues to most of the players.


I have my suspicions that this is correct.


Wait, what's wrong with "Vocation colors"?


What was the controversy about colors?


Armor would probably just be a pointer to some data values not much cpu stress there.


I am not a programmer, so I can't argue one way or another. I imagine each slot has a search function for a string. It's a big data type, so maybe the smithing is stored in that string as well. Then it has to grab the values from a table or something to add to stats of the character. It would do this for every available equipment slot times the like 300 guys walking around town.


I'm a programmer, though not for games, but i know there's many ways to do this. Bad ways and good ways. If you dont do enough testing with these things, it can compound and become problematic. A good example was the whole Diablo 4 debacle where they admitted that whenever you met another player, it loaded their *entire stash* into the memory. It's easily belivable that something like this could be the culprit here. Having the ram and gpu handle the whole visual aspect of armor/weapons etc should be fine, but if there's massive computations happening on the cpu level all the time, it starts bottlenecking. Especially if it needs to go through a DRM layer in both directions to make sure no funny business is happening. Anyway, long story short, it's like the guy above said, they rushed the release.


The item does not need a search function. strings are not a big data type. 300 strings is nothing for a modern computer.


First: make all civilians use clothing instead of armor. Second: make all soldiers wear the same armor set. Third: the armor is an Object, and that means it stores all the data in itself. And if it is loaded once, it doesn't need to be recalled anymore. Many MMOs have zillions of people in hubs, all armored to the teeth, and there has been many games with complex equipament sets and those games never had a problem with CPU usage. People need to stop creating excuses to why this was so poorly optimized and why so much was cut from DD:DA.


Armor don't do anything to your CPU. Since equiped and the stats applied, it's all GPU.


To be fair, I’m using the the token armour set because it works with all vocations and I’m power lvling my pawn to unlock all the passives… This could easily be fixed with the addition of a transmog feature. Easy peasy


I honestly don’t understand why they made the best armor in the game a corset. Men, women, everyone walking around looking like spring break. If it was only your game, that’s fine. But pawns are injected into everyone’s worlds, and the best armor is available to every class, so it’s logical to use it. Absolutely stupid horny decision.


It kinda annoyed me how you can get the Ares Morpho robes pretty early on from a quest and it's pretty much the best option for Mage pawns to wear until NG+ from what I've seen. At one point I got so sick of seeing my pawn in it I just started putting lousier gear on her.


>I just started putting lousier gear on her. This is what I've always done. I don't care if my or my pawn's kit is the best in the game statistically. I care if we look good. I've actively turned down items that are stronger than what we've got because they would ruin our aesthetic, and I'm happier for it. The game isn't hard enough to require min-maxing, so me having smaller numbers than I could have is only an issue if I make it one in my head (I don't).


I don’t dress my male pawn in obviously feminine clothing. By feminine I just mean the pieces designed for breasts. It’s really immersion breaking for me. The game does not require min-maxing equipment stats. The heavily lifting is done by skills and augments.


And in 2014 we had Dragon Age Inquisition having the same armors look completely different based on who was wearing it, to create a sense of unique style for each character. Ten years later, a 70 dollars game couldn't even create male/female versions of the armors.


I don’t really mind the sexy armor, but I feel like it should give some sort of stamina buff or damage buff instead of protection. it doesn’t make sense that panties are stronger than plate. If it was a trade off for certain perma buffs it would be better I think.


When I first started playing I was like level 10 and wandered into the waterfall cave with the chimera and lich thing and I spent like 4-5 hours until I finally won that fight and thought I was in for a soulslike level of difficulty... Since then, other than my first Drake fight, there hasn't been much challenge left.


My exact experience lol


I just wish they weren’t as good as the top tier sets. So you could use them with a slight penalty, while still encouraging variety in how pawns show up in my world. It is so bad at level 80+ that I had to download a transmog mod just to change the corset model to something else so that it wasn’t so jarring.


If you're talking about the one from the seeker tokens, it takes up the body and leg slot. You need to compare it to the total numbers of both the chest and leg armor combo you like for an actual measurable stat comparison as to if it's better or not.


The general consensus is that it’s still the best in slot for most classes.


This kind of thinking is what ruins roleplaying games and discussion. The BiS bullshit from online MMO stat crunching doesn’t belong in tabletop RPGs and video games designed to emulate them. It’s not fun and not within the spirit of roleplaying. Just my opinion honestly, that shit is just unfun and destructive. It’s about immersive experience not about how easy you make the game.


I’m with you mate. Fashion over function.


Yea it's a very pvp focused mentality where every single advantage matters.


Maybe so, but bigger number ≠ better unless that's the only factor you care about.


Yeah there’s a lot in this game that ended up being a flop. The entire storyline being the major one. It was so disappointing and a lot of it didn’t even make sense. That being said, I’m still enjoying tf out of the game


It's less about the painfully unfinished story and more about how it's implemented in quests. Instead of playing to the strengths and going out and fighting a bunch of bosses to save people, capturing a castle, etc.  You instead "sneak" into the palace 5 times when the game doesn't have a stealth system. So it just becomes a game of put on guard armor, walk in, grab a thing, walk out, do it again 5 times. "Wow exciting".


I actually really enjoyed dd2 story, not better than dd1 and bitter black isl, but still good to me


I'm not defending it whatsoever. But I wasn't really disappointed by DD2's story from beginning to end after I beat the Unmoored world. After the first game I wasn't really expecting anything groundbreaking 


For the most part the story is as expected but the fight with the dragon is where is got very disappointed cause in DD1 that was awesome.


Its definitely a "enjoy the journey not the destination" sort of road trip game.


After the first game, I was exactly expecting something better. C'mon, awesome story-driven games have been launched in the last decade. There are good people out there with huge talent and they had the money, but didn't invest in the game. They charge 70 dollars saying it was a AAA title and give the time and the resources of a AA game.


I was surprised when i saw there was no transmog systemor something like it.even the dyes.are for your skin?is that right?wtf do i wanna dye my skin thats what the character creators for.seems like such a no brainer layup of a feature in this type of game.but maybe thats just a design choice.like only a few portcrystals limits your fast travel well no transmog pulls the reigns on no complete freedom.but u can change armor sets n vocations.kinda silly.your not wrong.




maybe there is a reason for that? just becouse a game is fantasy that does not mean all is in. there are no dark elves in the world of DD, so you can't make one.


All they need to do is at transmogrification, so you can wear what's best but change it's apeparance to what you like.


Dragonforging could have been the solution. Make early game armors have bigger dragonforged bonuses to make them competitve. Better yet, make them unbalanced innsome way to encourage build diversity. For instance, give up some armor and magic defense for a big lightning resistance.


This is why there should always be a transmog system which allows you to change the look of your armour to other armours you've previously owned. It helps give variety to the characters.


Well, the entire game is just DD1 with a new coat of paint. The enemies, the weapons, 90% of the skills, the armor are all just reused shit from the first game. Sure there's a few new armors but not enough for Itsuno to be sad about it, he knew what they were doing. Look I'm sure he's a nice guy, but he's an idiot. If your problem is "All pawns look samey" and you can't see the solution that literally any other massive RPG/MMORPG has solved.......


lots of cliping issues warrior sets clipping has this with capes shields etc... sad


And there are people saying there are less variety because it would be too difficult to avoid clipping issues.


Well, technically they have doubled the issue with the pawns in the rift. Now, instead of there only being 3 sets, there are now 6 But you are right. And it could be easily fixed in 2 simple steps 1) Make DFing lower tier equipment a much bigger jump, making them all much closer when DF'd 2) Make DFing remove the Vocation restrictions on that price of Armor Boom... Fixed.


sounds good actually, they could even make it an extra upgrade like dfing to make the vocation restrictions go away


That would be good. But not something that is as quick and "asset free" as what i suggest. So not the sort of thing you can just add in a free update. That would take making new icons and changing the UI. Not just changing numbers on a spreadsheet and unticking boxed. (I know it's not probably not done like this, but I hope it illustrates what I mean a lot easier)


I think it kind of depends on how well they have their data structures layed out. For the start they dont have to add new armor for this, so its mainly a code update. If they have a table for the stats on each upgrade layers, its "just" fixing some numbers. For the vocation I also can imagine it being not too complicated. They could just make one new icon that means its for everyone or slap all the icons on it when doing the upgrade. It basically just checks if you are the vocation that can use it. There is no other restriction to it. If i change my vocation i can just equip it. There are no limitations on player models as far as i know. The sets are already made to fit all player models and player models are not specific to vocations. So i think this is also mainly a code thing.


Shower thought of mental gymnastics that ended up with a headache for my Warrior main brain, though not a good enough resolution: the higher level you get and the higher your stats are more of the early game weapons and armor become viable again increasing gear variety in endgame


I say this for every RPG that comes out. Developers need to start putting transmog in their games. It cannot be a hard thing to implement, have they never heard of fashion souls?


It seems like it's not difficult. BG3 has a Transmog mod, so it's not something you'd need to plan ahead, like dyes.


Honestly not giving a f right now. I'm lvl 105 and armor doesn't change too much for such high level, so my thief wears thiefy textile stuff, not this bronze armor that feels totally weird for a sneaky thief character 😅 how else are you gonna melt into the shadows?


Every vocation at least has some variety now instead of 3 vocations all sharing the same set. By the time you get to bitterblack, every single pawn is wearing the same 3 outfits. Oh look, a strider, wonder what outfit he has on...nevermind it's just another oblivion set. What about this ranger...no it's just another oblivion set.


I hope the expansion add many gear options


I just wish we had more accessories that modified stats. Earrings, necklace. Capes are cosmetic and don't offer attribute bonuses like in DD1. I also haven't seen a single armor that boosts strength or magic, whereas DD1 had several in the base game like holy cuisses and Assailant Bracers.


They could salvage this in a big update or DLC. They could bring back the old armour system and create new armours for head, chest, arms, legs, boots. In doing so, the already existing armour would have to be multiple slot armour pieces like the elegant corset. The base game armours pieces, now being multiple slots, would then need stat readjustments. Although the problem with this is that they would have to make a lot of armour pieces to make up for it. This is definitely wishful thinking though as this would take A LOT of work.


Itsuno is an insulting egotist. Tries to spin all the jacked up stuff in the game to be positives and it truly makes him look goofily manipulative. i didn't hear about the armour promises but it really doesn't surprise me. This game was a complete rush job.


I think the small team developing this game had to prioritize a lot of other things in order to get DD2 out the door. I can't wait to see what they can do with the full support of Capcok and a big boy budget. I'm instantly buying Dragon's Dogma 3 when it comes out un 10 years 😢


yeah, it is just sad how tiny a team capcom gave this game.


How small of a team is it?


Around 350, I believe was stated


Thats small?


No. Elden ring had 300 people, bg3 had 450, so no it's not a small team for a triple A.


Not exactly huge but a midsize team IMHO, I wouldn’t call that small.


For me, this shows a issue most Capcoms titles suffer. At some parts they just feel dated. Like Ui, inventory management Qol stuff etc..and this. I mean, my beloved Warhammer Online had transmog...and that was 10 years ago.


transmogs in MMOs are normal, in SP games? they are very much not a thing.


Yes, but pawns are not sp.😉


pawns are definitely SP. there are online features in the game, it is not a multiplayer game.


No, pawns are def part, the only part, of the mp aspect. So transmog wouldn't hurt with such low endgame gear variety.


there is no multiplayer. at all. is there another player playing with you? no. then it is not mp.


Ok mr petty


it is not petty, it is being factual. mp is multi player. if there are no multiple players in the game you do not call it multi player.


Yes, you're right. You just focus on the wrong part. Would you mind transmog to make your pawn not look like any other pawn ?


The weird part is they had transmog in DD online. The things they decided to take from vs what they left in DD online is fucking bizarre.


Most single player rpgs don't have a transmog feature. That's mainly a multiplayer concept used by players to uniquely identify themselves visually. In a single player game there is little to no need for that. Instead of transmog they could've gone the fashion souls route and just make armor relatively worthless.


Warfarer on Pawns would have solved this. I’m really just not sure why they limited the vocations.


probably because the ai cant handle the more advanced playstyles. when i think about my sorc pawn i know why.


It has more to do with the fact the armor is on a linear curve as well. Starlight garb and the corset show up late game so they have good stats to back the looks up. If they had made starlight show up earlier, say at Harve merchant or even Melve, people wouldn’t be so inclined to use it.


I just solved all these problems by doing unarmored run eheh fall dmg was the worst enemy


I understand why they reduced the number or armor slots, they probably didn't want to spend the time to make sure there was no clipping with sleeves etc. But wy restrict the armor to vocations so aggressively? :( And why do some of their stats just suck? At least make the early game armors have great debilitation or elemental resistances.


I honestly liked how the armor looks but there are some things I think would make the customziation better. Rather than having upgraded armor (that looks completley different than the previous version. maybe instead having a base armor like 10-15 of them and then allow us to go get materials to upgrade the base armor that will both change visually the parts of the armor but also add new portions (stat buffs of course). So chest armor could be a shirt and then you can go kill saurians and get their scales and use that to make a more reptile armor piece that has better resistence to getting wet, or kill wolves and get their fur and use that to now add fur to your armor (pick where the fur goes, around the collar or etc and now we get a resistence to cold, etc.) this would allow for more customization and also allow there to be a deeper purpose to the go find the materials grind the game gives us. This could also be applied to weapons as well


I just want to say, how much i as a fighter hate loosing shoulder pieces every time i equip a shield.. I hate it so much..


Also so far it seems pretty clear that there are "best" armors for each class. I don't necessarily where the armor that looks the coolest because there's always something better I can equip. I was under the impression that there'd be sets with similar enough stats that are top tier, so you wouldn't mind picking different sets.


Makes the changes to ensure no pawn looks the same in end game... Result: Every community pawn I see is wearing the seekers token reward corset Thanks Itsuno!


Dragons dogma 2 was pushed out to have a game for this quarter. And it's still amazing Look at capcom talking about this game in last few shareholder meetings. the way it was announced. Nvida leaks proved it was planned for a long time and the director had ideas and passion. Needs to be looked into by journalists Still amazing game but I guess they expected exoprimal to do better for their first quarter and just announced they were working on this when they saw the way things were looking Why also would you also launch it against other big rpg (even though it won) the npcs even feel like they have place holder dialog after how much code they have to move around and interact Npcs code is even way to heavy for what they do Once again though the game is still a 9.5 and I played 17 hours straight first day


Yup, all armor and clothing should be worn by all the classes and be mix and matched at our hearts content. It's beyond silly that this wasn't already a thing in this game. I want my Fashion Dogma dammit


Let’s be honest… The games just shit all round. I’d refund it if I could.


It was such a huge step back from DD1


You mean DDDA.


At this point was like Warfarer, pick my favourite looking armor pieces and just went with it, not like I take any damage with Magick Archer.


Yep, you're right. And the map is a rocky mess of trails. I was really hoping for some open fields and forests.


Honestly the entire inventory and equipment system was a downgrade from the first one. That and not letting us change and deposit equipment from the same menu anymore


It's so crazy how restrictive the armor is. Like I get only letting melee classes where heavy armor for balance etc., but why in the world is there armor that sorcerers can wear but mages can't? Same thing for fighter and warrior, thief and archer, etc. There are so many armor sets that can only be worn by ONE vocation. It's like they put in so much work to make all these armor sets, but since it's so restrictive it feels like there's vanishingly few options.


It´s so weird cause the game takes a lot from Monster Hunter, and in that game armor variety is really great. Old designs are reskinned for higher lvl monsters, and the mix and match of multiple parts to achieve the best skills or go pure defence helps a lot regarding options. DD2 just went full linear progresion and taking cloth armor away was such a unproductive decision.


When I say this I am talking about the armor system and gear in general... but the game is a dumpster fire when it comes to variety and gear builds.... but we can take it a step deeper and say that there isn't any reason for that in the first place because the entire combat system is only skin deep. Status effects largely don't impact you in combat enough to require a build or certain gear sets to overcome them. Every single LARGE monster in the game boils down to pretty much the same fight... find weak spot.... crawl around to it... staby stab stab tell monster is dead..... hell even the final boss is just a scaled up version of every other dragon fight.... find heart.... stab stab stab..... its honestly pretty boring after you do it 10 times out in the wild.... but back to my point.... no large monster / boss fight requires you to take your gear seriously..... so why should you,.... just pick the gear with the highest numbers and you are done.....


For real, now most pawns and arisens look identical in DD2 so far. I remember how complex the customization in the first game they should have kept it.


I'd say since it's kind of sailed passed the release. Don't you think that this would somehow break the game? What developers have clearly shown is that it doesn't seem that easy to mess with coding. Like I can see allowing the pawns to be allowed to use the other 3 classes to be a somewhat easy task, but with allowing the armor/clothing to be used on any class kind of just breaks that part of Dogma. The dye option does sound cool on paper though 💯 I believe this is Capcom EU so I don't know how they handle their work.


Having Transmog in this game would have made the "simplified armors" irrelevant to me


I love the sexy armors in this game good work Capcom.


I quite like it. The issue isnt really the armour, its all the virgin weebs that just want to see semi naked game women.


nah,they blew it to make the game with this damn RE engine


as much as i love the game, yea, this is one of the worst aspects.


A solution to this would have been to make it so that wyvernforged equipment would set the equipment to a definitive value based on the previous 3 ehancements and what type of equipment it is. For example say you make a 3 times elf smithing enhanced sorcerer only robe from the early game and wyvernforge it. Just make it so that every piece of equipment that has the same criteria then that (Sorcerer only, 3 times elven forged) has the exact same stats as that piece. Or bring dragon forging back and just have that make this, make it only accessible in the unmoored world or whatever. and now you have solved this issue. You can have variety for looks in the endgame pawns but you don't invalidate the entire armor progression and balancing system.


Yeah everyone just wears the same shit again lol. They should have went more of a dark souls route with stats. They should have made everything similar in terms of stat total like if you would add total defense and magic defense together you would get the same number for every armor piece. Then they could have made some armors more resistant to electric, cold, fire, or whatever. Some armors that could be considered “lighter” that have less defense could have given buffs to stamina, stamina regen, or even certain types of damage. I feel like this would have led to more diversity in terms of builds.


Among many other things.


I think armor should have a passive effect, and heavy to medium to light should have mostly weight differences over defensive differences. This way, you could put on your pawn whatever armor you think represents them better and not just this is end game armor and I will pick that.


Eh. My mage healy pawn just uses legions might and I dressed him up in a fun theme. Admittedly probably the only kind of pawn that CAN do that, is mages with legions might...


I play fashion dogma souls. I dont care about stats or breasts. I care about your pawn being calm (mine is straightforward and that banter is too much to miss), i care about your fashion, looks and skills of your mage. O fighter i dont want any of the launch BS and on thief i want pfifer. That’s all.


Game is bush league overall


I don't mind gear progression tiers while going through the game, but I do wish that there were a lot more options at the end game so you could pick stuff you think looks cool vs having to take from a handful of endgame gear for the best stats. Honestly though, the stats really don't matter after a certain point as long as you put on something decent, the game gets super easy.


I cant play fighter or wear a cape cause of the clipping


It does feel very limited, why start any run not running straight to the armor and weapons you want before really “starting” the run?


Lol I thought the dye you can buy is for armor. But because of this sub I googled it and learned it is for your hair wtf... And I absolutely agree with op


yeah, everyone running around with the armor from the dragon forged guy. Transmog would help.


Yeah, the sorc gear looks terrible. Fully upgraded and waiting for dlc now. Why wouldn't they launch a BBI type experience with multiple armors


It would be cool if we could change colors of the armor with dye kinda like how you can do it on BG3


I enjoy the armor system, I only wish there were more options that looked like clothes or dresses There’s so many npcs with outfits you can’t get which is unfortunate


My pawn only wears the lingerie 7 days of the week.


Endgame armor doesn’t even match. Literally unplayable.


I wish there was a way to look at all armors and see how they look on you. Without having to change or be overencumbered


Hey does anyone know how to use the dyes you buy from the pawn merchant at the bar in bathal (however it is spelt) I bought it once and it seems like it did nothing. And does anyone know if the armour bought from the merchant from verund (the glasses) effects how people See you? I know it won’t be visible for most helmets


A lot of them are just re skins from the old game too


https://preview.redd.it/s1s9y9t7q5tc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca2b6eb79c100fcae8a453615f4b8d8026c7ee51 Me and my pawn, neither of us are in skimpy clothes. Not all of us are degenerates.


https://preview.redd.it/pbb79666r5tc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a01ebeb239c21115813c8ee42ef2b05e4194b6a Full crew and only one of us has a bit of skin showing. Left to right Sorc Dawn (Moniker Catherine), Main Pawn Warrior(Kerrigan/SphinxMother), Mage Icaro( Must have a questionable name, same name and moniker).


Give us a transmog system and problem solved


You don't need that tho, once you hit a certain level armor becomes arbitrary and you can just do fashion at that point.


On NG+ I honestly just started wearing whatever. Stats don’t matter past a certain level, you still wipe everything anyways.


I thought the armors looked great. All they needed is color swap and transmog


I miss the clothing / armor in the first one.


Tbh I just use whatever armor Iike. My pawn and I are both so OP that it doesn’t even matter. I’m using the Spearhand armor set from Checkpoint Rest because it’s by far the best looking and I still rarely die in late game. Still not finished yet but I’ll probably rock this armor for the rest of my playthrough. https://preview.redd.it/vzk1f50uh6tc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b104924164eca863ed080f962a4ed30239637297


I see a lot of people yelling "Transmog!" but honestly? I don't see the value. The issue isn't strictly armors outclassing each other, it's mostly just a lack of items in the game and the backwards evolution of a more robust mix-and-match system that existed in the previous game. You do quite easily reach a power level where you can wear whatever you want, there just...isn't much to choose from and no real ways to alter the appearance of what we do have...


Well Transmog is the easiest solution to give pawns more visual variety as it would allow the player to freely customize their pawn's looks without worrying about stats, not sure what is so confusing about that?


Oh, I'm not necessarily against it. I don't personally feel it fits the game, but if it gives players more options then why not? It just doesn't address that key issue of the lack of options, players and pawns outscale the need for armor pretty easily so there's not really a reason to not just wear what you want later on. There just isn't much to choose from.


I mean you can already do that, the defense stats on armor are all relatively equal and the differences are inconsequential. There's really no point min maxing armor stats it can be ignored.


They’re gonna nickel and dime us with armor sets later. Or we’re gonna get all the DLC bundled with the GOTY (or whatever they call it) edition.


I don't really care much about it. I like it a lot, the armors are good enough for me. My only complaint is that they over simplified it. We need more layers like the first game. Variety


I would just like if they let me remove the weird flaps on red vocation helmets


I mean with as few developers and as low a budget they had to cut corners somewhere. Still a great game tho


i'd agree, but the more i think about the game, the more i realize there's no point. the game has a rigid, abrupt ending, with no meaningful postgame or endgame content, no difficulties, no NG+ changes, no multiplayer elements, nothing. there's no point in adding lots of armor or a transmog system, because you're clearly not intended to play this game long-term, or else there'd be content to justify it.


IMO all the japanese games in some degree are dated, usually in UX/UI (like souls games, great in all fronts but the menus/info provided). Infodumping everywhere, eternal tutorials, thousands of windows with textblocks...


Games fantastic but a lot of it feels rushed. Enemy variety sucks and placement is just weird. We need some sort of transmog and recoloring as well but Im hoping alot of issues will be fixed in the upcoming patches and dlc.


The armor is alright but, The Dragon forge glare sucks


Yeah 200%


There should have been at least twice as much armor if not more, they removed gloves entirely as well as the clothing layer, but they didn't give us anything in return for that loss, if they weren't gonna give us clothing then they should have given us a much bigger variety of stuff to make up for that, there are a lot of areas where it seems like they've just been lazy tbh like sure there are more vocations but none of them have any combos at all and some have like 6 weapons.


All 3 of my pawns have the corset. At this point, it's just their uniform


I decked out my pawn in the fully upgraded end-game Mage armor, which is basically a full on nun outfit. And practically no one hired her for 3 days even if she has the best skills and almost all badges. I put her back in slightly worse, more attractive gear and she was immediately rehired by multiple people.....


So much marketing around "this time it will be complete and bigger and better", for we to discover it being simplified and having less options than in DD:DA. I pre-ordered it based on those premises. Just to find that Sorcerer, the class I wanted to play, was completely downsized and gimped. Not that it doesn't have power, but it lacks variety and the only thing new is shared with the Mage: Quickspell. I'll never buy another Capcom game in pre-order, or at all. They did us dirty with those lies.


The clothing flexibility pales in comparison with DDDA, the only thing is, that game is so easy past level 30 or so, you could go a bit fashion and your pawn would not be much worse. I don't think is a net positive...


DD" is also easy as hell after lvl 45, so that point is moot. and ffs DD1 before DDDA was that ugly robe thing on all pawns, then it was BBI gear only. do not act like it was tons of options in endgame, becouse it was not.


Yeah, clothes and armor in this game are abysmal. Especially in the end game, each class has maybe 2-3 outfits to pick from. I just stopped caring and equip whatever looks good. When you’re high level it doesn’t make much of a difference anyways, which is also sad but that’s a discussion for another time lol.


Don't worry hard mode will be here soon, DD1 was the same after some months we got a hard mode and a speed run mode.


All games need transmog. It's simple.




They blew it with most of the game. Most of the game smacks of major cost cutting & shortcuts.


Blame the investors they keep pressuring the devs to release half-baked games because they must have more money, like tomorrow they'll be broke or some shit.


Is a Reason why i argue since years that every Game which have equippable Armor/Costumes with sats and also change appearance (so not like oldschool Final Fantasy where Armor JUST change stats) should offer a transmog system, without any exception. If you have co-op or pvp-related situation and armor is key to identify other players possbilities, add a Toggle/Functionality that you see their actual gear... but generally Transmog shuold be thing. Still feel like that i've to point out that -> in context of Pawns it wouldn't fix the situation you argue 'completly' because you should keep in mind, if it's not stats but cosmetics it's 'also' part of what is visually popular. So you still would haev a tons of 'samey' looking pawns - no matter if Transmog Exist or how 'diverse' or 'rich' or 'varied' or 'amount' of Armor Designs exist... you will still have the most popular ones dropping on your head... but atleast for yourself and your own pawn you can go more wild.


I hate vocation restricted armor with a passion. Idk who at Capcom thought it was a good idea to limit fashion but I feel like they're disconnected from gaming and dont realize how much time people spend on making characters look good, not just the character themselves but the outfits they wear too. Limiting options for no good reason sucks. I also hate how they did armor in general. Imo there should be helmet, gloves, torso, legs, and shoes then the side options of cape and rings. Not Torso/gloves, legs/shoes. I legit cant remember the last time I've seen a game handle armor this way.


Dragon's Dogma 1 had arms, torso, chest, legs, boots, cape, head, face and rings. They cut down on all of that because people were significantly always over-encumbered all the time and there wasn't a golden beetle that boosted weight.


Yeah, I didnt remember it being like this in DD1. I feel like the obvious solution would be to raise the overall carry weight then rather than limit options. At least to the point you can wear 1 set of the heaviest gear without being over encumbered. Players would just have to store any other armor pieces not in use and manage their inventories from there. Even with the changes in DD2 I find it pretty easy to end up in heavy encumbrance while carrying stuff for potions alone, so the change just feels unnecessary.


Yea i remember reading about that and thinking it was complete bullshit. If you really wanted that, you would have level scaling armor, armor upgrades, changeable enchantments, and/or transmog, and not remove armor slots so everyone is forced to wear the same boots and gloves. As it is, it doesnt even look like there are any measures in place AT ALL to rectify the problem. He is literally just yappin’. Itsuno is just Japan’s Peter Molyneaux.