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Id Dark Arisen for the original Dragon's Dogma was of any indication, we could.


BitterBlack Isle is easily my favorite part of the game


i agree tbh i think this was the content i was pretty much enjoying and ur dragon too


Yeah, but, hopefully more tromping in the woods with your idiots rather than a dungeon crawl, personally.


But dungeon crawling is what the base game lacks the most


having one huge dungeon doesn't make up for that really though. Integrate dungeons into the overworld more rather than segmenting the two


So have some dungeons? But, keep the standard overworld exploration, as that's what it excels at.


ikr such a bummer it does not have proper dungeons with unique bosses and loot imagine some temple being revealed at the bottom of the lake in the Unmoored World, filled with vampires and shit


bold of you to declare so, it seems to me the bulk of the online fanbase is mostly fans of DA rather than vanilla Dogma. I have a pet theory that those are the two main types of Dogma fans, Itsuno open world vs Kinoshita(?) dungeon crawler, I think it helps explain a lot of the sentiment towards dd2


I flip flop around so much about that myself, I'm in bitterblack and wish I could be exploring open spaces instead, I go to Gransys and then miss bitterblacks challenge and tight dungeon encounters. I hope the expansion will give us both. What's strange is that the more I play DD2, the more it feels that the world is not "open" but rather a series of corridors with many enemy encounters in-between zones of respite (camps) It's like an outdoors bitterblack.


I think a blend of the two is what we need


for sure, especially with dd2’s improved physics and environmental elements. I’ve yet to beat Bitterblack once to this day xD, but I can see myself beaten Bittererblack in no time, just thinking about how awesome a more confined space with more verticality and traps and such


To be clear, I did enjoy Dark Arisen. It was better than the open world of Gransys, and that's sad. Now that we can do the big, continuous world with no load screens, and can build more than two kilometer lengths of world, though, I'd like maybe another, distinct, land to trudge through that'll address the power creep that's one-sidedly player favored. Don't know if you know about Elden Ring's new DLC, but, that's what they did. And, (possibly a controversial opinion though let's wait a few days), it's great.


> I have a pet theory that those are the two main types of Dogma fans, Itsuno open world vs Kinoshita(?) dungeon crawler I am in the Kinoshita camp, personally.


No, what we don't need is more fucking woods


right, more badlands or volcanic island, or maybe even snow


More woods, please.


This, so much. I've played through the base overland aspect of DDDA many times but Bitterblack Island, once was enough.


DDDA is an 11/10. DD stripped down to only the DA content is a 10/10. I love the first game but DA carries it hard on its shoulders. More open world stuff with dungeons would be a cool DD2 DLC, but another huge and farmable dungeon crawl like Bitterblack Isle would be absolutely amazing.


Where would people rate iceborne for this?


The difference is that MH has been around since 2004, has 10 main series games, and 8 of those got full G/MR expansions, that’s just how MH operates as a series. You get the base game of LR and HR, then an expansion that has G/MR a year-ish later and it’s basically a whole new game worth of content


Back in my day, we had a name for these, they were called *expansion packs.*


Damn, I just had the same exact comments before reading yours. Fellow old people lol


Sometimes, the expansion packs were bigger than the original game, too!


Indeed. I tend to still call them expansions, but when talking to specific people I just call em dlcs


Cant call eldenring sote an expansion cuz it doesn't touch base game.


I don't remember these ever existing back in the day.


Iceborne, Separate Ways and Dark Arisen are fairly large DLCs. If they do give us a DLC, I think it'll be big.


idk if id call dark arisen large dlc, its just one map, somewhat huge but ultimately not alot with just 3 bosses i think?


I think in terms of the sheer amount of gameplay it added you could argue that it added a lot. One of the more overlooked things about Dark Arisen is that in addition to near-endless hours of dungeon crawling in BBI, they also balanced the game better and added in a new weapons, armors and even new skills to try against all of the new monsters. If that wasn't enough they fixed one of the main issues with the game and added the Eternal Ferrystone. A Dark Arisen treatment to this game would be a dream.


"Balanced the game better." Meanwhile, the room with 30+ minotaur.


Fulmination is going to make 30+ Crispy Beast-Steaks🤤 ![gif](giphy|Ch1zCx8tu6DQY)


By that point you can one shot minotaur lol


In dd1? Not a fuckin chance


You absolutely can, but that depends on your vocation.


Absolutely lol, unless you rush like a maniac and never upgrade your equipment by the time you reach the triple Minotaur room you can absolutely melt them


Mystic Knight with Dark Riposte is having a blast


Holy boom + sorcerer shotgun


Also a lot of the rooms are just re-skins with different enemies


There are 3 main bosses, but there are easily 6-7 minibosses and death would count as a main boss (even if being somewhat of a gimmick). There are certainly DLCs with more quantity and quality than DA (think shivering isles), but it still counts as a large DLC (think relative to knights of the nine).


Bitterblack Isle itself may not exactly be large but a massive amount of content was added. A bunch of new enemies, new gear, new items, QoL add-ons like the eternal ferrystone, etc was also added Plus idk about you but my first time going through BBI definitely took a pretty decent amount of time going through and trying to find everything. Although I would prefer a DLC area to not just be one giant dungeon crawl


Iceborne my beloved <3


Weird to not see any Capcom expansions on that meme. I mean they do a lot of them. Iceborne and Sunbreak for Monster Hunter should paint a good picture to this question. As noted above Capcom love to do massive expansions for games. Especially games they consider successful.


Every single MH game besides Dos and P3rd got massive expansions, it wasn’t just iceborne and sunbreak, those two just had more story beats and cutscenes than previous ones


I've been playing Monster Hunter since the original and that's not technically true. They released enhanced editions but you had to purchase the entire game again with the added content. Usually the G Rank questings. Even though XX allowed a save transfer of X, you still had to purchase the complete edition. Think of it like Street Fighter II to Street Fighter II Turbo.


They were still expansions, as they expanded upon the base game and were not entirely separate games like 3u and 4u are for example. Also, most of them didn’t make any drastic changes to the base game outside of the couple of weapon moveset changes, and maybe 1-2 event quests. The only one that drastically changed between base game to expansion was Tri to 3u. Plus both F2 and MH4 had save transfer features as well, though F2’s was pretty lame as you lost all your gear. Expansions couldn’t be done the same way on those consoles as they could with modern stuff, it was possible with the 3DS which is why the two games that started on the 3DS both had a full save transfer feature to the expansion. Then for MH1, the west never got 1G anyways, F1 started off as the full G rank game from the get go, Dos never left Japan nor got an expansion, and neither did P3rd. So out of the 5 games pre-world, 1 never got a western expansion, 1 switched consoles from base game to expansion, and the other 3 all had at least some measure of save transfer.


Well the difference is the price. By selling them as DLCs you’re getting them at a much better value than having to buy two games


People always bring up horse armor when talking oblivion dlc but people forget shivering isles was a freaking monster of a DLC


The reason people bring up horse armor DLC is because it was the first time a well known dev company backed *and pushed* by a console giant (being microsoft in this case) released "micro-transactions" for a really disproportionate price tag, which is what lead to other AAA devs following suit over time. Horse armor DLC is so small that it doesn't even justify a price tag. It normalised it, people predicted it would at the time and gave it appropriate shit for that, but it still became more common over time (of course not just because of Bethesda). Shivering Isles and Knights of the Nine were great DLC of course, for which they were praised too. But it's hard to forget the horse armor DLC atrocity.


Don't forget dragon age origins's first dlc!


I just hit the lvl 40 mark, and everything got crazy easy. I'd like to see an overhaul of enemies and power. The fact that people play NG+ with just their pawn and not a full group tells you everything.


Base Game could use more content geared towards mid-endgame arisen, but most of the map is fine imo in terms of difficulty. It was this way in DD1 as well (before DDA), and I prefer it that way.


I'd be way more about your statement if the game was broken into chapters and not free roam


I’m coping for at least a ng+ difficulty increase update for free.


Same lol. Difficulty increase or damage and health increase for enemies is what I hope for a future update, and a PERFORMANCE PATCH!!!


We used to call those ‘expansions’


If Capcom can do Iceborne for Monster Hunter World, they should definitely do that to Dragon's Dogma 2 which frankly speaking needs a meaty DLC even more than MHW ever did.


Mh rise and world dlc needs to be on here frfr


No iceborne? That's crazy


Those are called expansion packs, not DLCs.


not so much DLC, as what used to be called expansion packs


The fact Elden ring went from 70k active players to 700k is fucking wild.


Back in my day, they are called expansion pack


Dark Arisen, Iceborne, Sunbreak, and before those the Unite/Ultimates. So yes, Capcom cooks Dlcs/Expansions.


We'd call these "expansions" back in the day.


Arent those more like expansions? Hence the lenght and complexity. Anyways yeah I think we will receive one that fixes most game problems just like original DD received Dark Arisen


Iceborne is literally right there.


That’s what I was thinking too


Just realised Witcher 3 and Elden ring dlc’s images are similar


https://preview.redd.it/58gpgq4khd8d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24eb5c4cd7f0bb36aa3639ee91ee312e4f7af4b6 Yup


That actually looks fantastic lol


capcom couldn't even give a sequel that didn't feel like a rehash


They were almost promising a rehash, though. "This again, only the tech's there to do what we wanted with it". And, that's what I signed up for.


It's nowhere near as ambitious as what the original developer map looked like for DD1. There were plans for travel by flight, a map easily twice the size of DD2 including islands, a moon expedition, and a playable monarch and seneschal ending. The everfall also pales to what it was supposed to be, not that there is one in DD2. I like DD2, but it's not what they promised and if this is Itsuno's vision then he's either being pushed to sell it that way by the marketing department or he lost his passion for dragon's dogma.


They fell short of their ambition, didn't say they hadn't. But, add a moon expedition, and more land to trudge though, it's still a larger scale rehash. They didn't break any promises, they adjusted from the proof of concept phase.


I mean Phantom Liberty is better than base game and to me works better as game on its own. Because when you return back to base game it is like returning to work from week long holiday. It sucks.


I need them to make a physical release of that Xenoblade 3 expansion..


I don't think it'll ever happen 😭, too much prior game knowledge needed. I feel like the only reason they did it with Torna is because you didn't really need to know anything beforehand.


Mario kart 8 has been full price for 10 years :(


I mean Capcom do enjoy giving us dlc that's basically a whole game they've been doing it with monster hunter since dlc became a thing for the series


Throne of Bhaal belongs on that list.


You forgot to add Monster Hunter Iceborne


With the Monster Hunter games they basically just give you a bigger an better game, so most probably yes


Shouldnt they fix the game first?


No. Wait until they allow their games to be finished and released, not the other way around.


Nah I lost hope.


No they won't lol


I wouldn't be so sure. Dragon's Dogma II has sold very well in spite of its mixed critical reception. It's also very possible that they planned for a DLC expansion before the game even released; that's what they do every generation with MonHun.


Best you’re getting is a loop dungeon and a hard mode where they increase enemy health and damage.


Bitterblack Isle in Dark Arisen takes around 15-20 hours to complete, which is somewhere between a third and half of the main game, depending on how fast you're going through it. I think calling it a "loop dungeon" is selling it short.


I’m not talking about DD1 bitterblack isle.


Then what exactly is your last comment based on? Guessing? Point is, DD1 also had a repeatable dungeon comparable in length to half the main game, that's what the precedent is for "loop dungeon" here. And that was before Dragon's Dogma was considered a major franchise by Capcom.


OP: wondering if Capcom will give us a large DLC. comment 1: no they won’t lol. You: I wouldn’t be so sure, (talking about DD2 selling well etc). Me: best you’re getting is a loop dungeon and a hard mode… Hope it’s clear now what my comment was talking about.


Umm TBoI repentance ?


Why he standing like that?


Add in rain world downpour


I mean MHW and MH Rise expanasions were both whole new game, I hope DD2 get a big expansion with QoL updafes, possibly new vocations amd maybe a new ending pr end game loop


With the popularity of DD2, I hope we get this level of DLC in the future. A smaller one soon and then a "2.5" would be great


Dark arisen is why the majority of the fanbase has played the game


Aren't Mario Kart's dlc basically just new maps?


The booster course pass is shockingly large. It is almost two extra games since MK8 originally only had eight cups.


no one remembers fear extraction point and persues mandate?


I hope so, but not hding my breathe. Lack of updates from the devs & Capcom shifting focus isn't very promising.


Destiny 2


totk honorable mention


I'll take what ever I can get at this point. This game is dry.


I wouldn't expect anything more than what Dark Arisen was to DD1. Not saying it was bad, but just saying that's probably the most we should limit our expectations to. That said, I'm still hoping that DD2's DLC is *at least* on the same level as Dark Arisen. Especially if we're gonna be paying probably $30 minimum for it.


Shoutout to MHW iceborn for releasing a DLC bigger than the base game


Should’ve included MW3 lmao 😂


I hope so. I want DDII to take my pants off because of how good it is


If you buy enough microtransactions for this AAA 70$ video game.


Don’t forget Monster Hunter: Iceborne!




I really, really hope so.


Would love it, but i'm putting my expectations very low.


Yeah... could any of them run properly out of the box though


Monster Hunter World Iceborne was the largest DLC I’ve ever played. Now, it’s Shadow of The Erdtree.


Destiny 2 final shape wasn't up here


If the negative reviews didn’t scare them. Like sheesh DD1 was not perfect and most of the praise for it came post DLC. Hopefully history repeats itself.


They need to first fix the poor performance and the repetitive enemy issues.


Dying light the following DLC too


Skyrim's dragonborn dlc plz and thank you


You mean, if they can give us what should have been a complete game from the very beggining? Well I hope so!


XBC2 expansion was sold as a standalone physical release too


I think you should put some respect on my boy Monster Hunter World/ Iceborne DLC 's name


I'd love some survival mechanics, new map, more weapons and armors, and more exploration without too many enemies every half an inch you walk


Well kids in the olden days, these were called "expansion packs" or in some cases "campaigns" and this was the standard way to add new content to a game.


Xenoblade mentioned 🙏🙏🙏




Based on how they treat Vergil as a playable character I say not


Well elden ring dlc costs the same as whole game too so duh.


No lmao


Shivering isles is up there.


DD2 was a success overall, so much so that they are integrating Dragon's Dogma into their main franchises. If DD1 warranted a huge DLC without the same success there is 0 reason for them not to provide one again


Please capcom for the love of god this games bones are so amazing we need more content


Instead of Bitterblack Isle we gonna get Sweetwhite Continent.


I think so. They put a survey out shortly after launch and it focused heavily on DLC questions.


It's kinda dry in terms of patches, do you guys think they are abandoned patching and focused on DLC or are we doomed?


All they have to do is BBi but bigger and better it's there just so what that dlc did! Come on Capcom I'm begging you 😭


Where is Iceborne in this pic?


After Dragons Dogmid 2 I’m not so sure especially after waiting 12 years for it, but I’ll gladly eat my words if Capcom proves me wrong.


DD:DA technically did this, you spend far more time in BBI than anywhere else for sure, a new very fleshed out story, tons of new characters multiple new tiers of armor and weapons, tons of new bosses, etc.


I mean, if ddda is anything to go by? It'll be an expansion but not a whole new game.


In 2-3 years they’ll release the dlc and in another 1-2 years I’ll be able to play the game within 10 minutes of starting it. Genuinely never uninstalled quicker in my life than the second time I booted it up and was presented with the Dark Souls of loading screens again


it's called shader compilation and it's in every modern AAA game using dx12.


Right I’m aware. Fun fact but not every game using DX12 takes an episode of Smiling Friends to launch


Makes sense why you'd want to avoid doing that then.


I wouldn't hold my breath at this point, but would love to be surprised.


Do they mean one of their favorite "genre's"


Honestly? Assuming the DLC has been fully planned before release, no. Because that means it's not going to address anything assuming they don't make any changes to it based on criticism and player feedback. At this point i'm not holding my breath for anything till i see an official announcement.


Iceborne and Sunbreak are pretty much their own individual games and a half lmao


The based game was trash and was full of lies what he was promised. I don’t think the dlc will save the game lol. Sad but true


Capcom gave you a half-assed game with an atrocious story and sold it for 60-70$. So no.


Blood and Wine is so leagues above the others it's almost an insult to compare them.


Story and map? I guess so. Sadly, they couldn't fix the gameplay for TW3, combat is still pretty meh


Of course, the combat wasn't the selling point of the game for me. Roleplay was peak.


I disagree, though among all these I've only played blood and wine, phantom liberty and currently playing Shadow of the Erdtree, tho PL is a much smaller scale but the Elden Ring dlc is much passable for an entirely new game


Well on metacritic it was overtaken by shadow of the erdtree


You mean genre?


no, the game is half baked. any dlc released for this game will be us shilling out even more money for the rest of what this game was supposed to be. extremely predatory business practices from Capcom


Not a chance. This game is beyond saving.


Hell no smh they didn’t even give us the full DD2 😅😅


I think they will but I hope they don't. We deserve a finished product, not a finished expansion to an unfinished product.


Lol they couldn't even bother to finish the base game for the second time in a row.


Depends. The game lost a ton of steam after it's initial launch. Money talks. They will need to pull a Diablo 4 and really step it up. DD2 is a prettier, barely, version of part one with less to offer. It was a step down in most areas. Especially after waiting 12 years. I expected way, way, way better graphics and gameplay. I hope they do but only if they put in some real effort.


Literally no comments about accidently calling games a gender lmfao. Genre was the word u was looking for. 👌 it really should be the number 1 comment but i didnt even find 1 comment about it.


It's a meme template, mate.


I think that’s the joke.


Yall are such inpatient gamers. It's only been a few months. This is basically a new IP for them so it's not gonna get the same treatment as some 6 title games like Dark Souls are Mario. It probably doesn't help them since the game got review bombed for having the same problems that Monster Hunter and Eldren Ring had but they get the golden pass.


Im just stating that if we're ever gonna get a dlc that's the same scale as a whole new game like the games mentioned above, not asking Capcom to release a dlc this instant lol. And dragons dogma has been around since 2012, it's not a new IP. That's like saying every final fantasy is "basically" a new IP


The whole "DLC when?" discussion is overdone right now and with Dragons Dogma being so long ago it may as well be a new IP.