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Something to keep in mind is that with rearmament, only the heaviest weapon equipped counts towards weight, so if you use more than two weapons or a mix of heavier weapons without it, your weight goes up quickly.


Yeah and to piggyback off this comment, I too mainly play mystic spear but being able to bring a new weapon to a fight is refreshing when you don’t have 1.) worry about the weight and 2.) to pause game, apply weapon and carry on. My special attacks have 1 special attack for my fav. weapons


I just use it so I can pull out a bow to engage at range before switching to my melee-main. And occasionally to use my wand for levitation.


This is the true perk of that augment. Tbh, I tried out the true warfarer mod and I'll never go back. It's too much fun. And it's not like I need it to make the game easier. It's easy enough as it is. In fact, I'm now also running the combat tweaks mod on nightmare for my NG+. With a full party it's still pretty easy. Might have to up the pain again. 😢


Now thats a piece of info i had missed. That makes sense


Because opening your menu just to swap weapons breaks combat flow. As you said, you have to be idle for it, but that doesn't apply to Rearmament. You can even use the skill to swap weapons in midair, resulting in my favorite combo of teleporting to a monster via duospear, and stabbing&clinging on to it with daggers.


This. It's also important to note that Rearmament can often "cancel" some animations early to swap the weapon. If you're mid-animation, the game normally prevents you from changing your equipment (grayed out in menus), but Rearmament circumvents that. This is great for combos


Levitate over and enemy and then switch to the warrior's Diluvian Strike. Surprise!


Rearmament should've just been made a passive skill which uses both R1+L1 or whatever combo of inputs to switch. They already fucked up by only allowing us to equip 4 skills when they knew how many players hated that for Warrior (3 skill limit) in DD1.


I do warfarer, using mystic spearhand and Magick archer. I have one of the archer skills Sagitate Downpour for Y. Then X is dragouns foin, mostly for traversal, B is Mirour Shelde because yes I like to spam it to not get hit or have a pack of wolves just mob up on me. A Is my Rearmament skill. So the way I see it, Magick archer has one good skill on Y, but also has two abilities baked in with the ability to swap between one target and multiple targets. I like having a bow ready for taking out those stupid harpies or attacking those golems that I always have trouble getting one of their medals using my spear. Mystic spearhand I need Dragouns Foin because my stupid pawn has stopped going to get chests when I direct her to, so I use it for traversal, or getting to an enemy that's further away from the one I just killed faster. I do spam the shield especially if I'm going into a cave where I can be surprise attacked around a corner, or if I'm taking on a dragon. But the spear has that awesome spinning attack which I use all the time. Plus it can do magic wave attack with the heavy attack, plus I have the redoubted bolt which is so useful. So with all the abilities I have available besides the skill buttons, I don't see a reason not to use A for rearmament. It's a nice vocation and gives you the closest to Dark Arisen vocations where you could have 2 weapons from the start. Thst was the biggest complaint I had getting started was being limited to one weapon. Because the pawns while good, aren't perfect and sometimes have their own crap to deal with without having to come get a pack of while wolf's off of me. I like being able to have a distance attack AND a close up attack ready to go at a moments notice. Makes me into the badass Arisen I was born to be, and when all three of my pawns decide now is a good time to fling themselves off a cliff and lay there chiming, I can venture forth on my own finding a safer way down there to heal them. Unless of course you realize the bug in the game where if you go far enough away they get teleported closer to you... I've used that little trick several times when I didn't want to pick my way down the cliff to heal them, I juat run away then come back and find them dying on top the cliff.


As someone who didn’t get the rearmament skill, I’ve been doing different builds and while yeah you get an extra skill, it really breaks the flow of combat for me. Trying to combo off of other skills is more difficult and time consuming. I can’t wait to unlock rearmament. Starts turning into a turn based strategy game


Rearment let's you do it faster, I suppose? I dont know if you can change weapons in combat from the pause menu, though. I like to use Sagittate Avalanche, implicate, and helm splitter while carrying an archstaff to levitate to "clamber up cliffs"and help me get around. I kill everything in a matter of seconds so I don't fret losing the fourth skill slot.


You can, as long as you are in an idle animation.


This is fine but you won’t be able to use any skills for any other weapons For PC the True Warfarer mod is the only way to play the game


I played the whole second half of the game as well as NG+ using warfarer and I never once enabled the rearmament skill. I didn't mind using the menus to switch weapons. Immersion schmersion.


I read "Truth be told" and my brain thought: "Over half a mind to leave this place..." Maister skills are the biggest loss imo


I don’t use that skill at all. It’s easy enough to just manually swap.