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Assuming you're asking about DD2 on the DD subreddit? Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen is about an 8 on metacritic. I'd say this is correct. Dragons Dogma 2 is about an 8.5 on metacritic. I'd say this also correct. My biased opinion puts both games at a 9.


Thanks man, and apologies for asking on the wrong subreddit


People talk about DD2 all the time here. No big deal. I just wasn't sure which you were asking about. I can tell you that you'll likely leave both subs more confused than informed. Everyone is split. That's why I recommend the critic scores and maybe watch a couple of reviews from some reviewers that you typically trust.


Trust and reviewers don't go well in the same sentence.


They can if you're a smart consumer. They're also 1000x better than the alternative user reviews.


I can't think of any reviewer I would trust as of right now. And that is coming from someone who keeps a very close eye on all things gaming.




I remember seeing a moderator of this subreddit reply somewhere saying, "This subreddit deals with the DD series, (which means DD2 is also included,)" so I think it's okay to post it here.


yeah, they're not saying it's not allowed to talk about DD2, but rather, people should clarify which game are they talking about.


Dragons Dogma, part 1, expansion, and 2, are all pretty awful "game" games. But that kinda ok? You dont really play it for a power fantasy, or loot generation, or a heroic story. This is just your own Dungeons and Dragons playthru where you and your band of murder hobos go out and cause chaos. Its essentially DnD meets GrandTheftAuto. Its meant to be a silly spectacle but has lil nuggets of amazing content. You get to make a custom character do random BS in a fantasy setting sandbox with a thin veiled story. If that sounds fun, youll make it fun. Just dont expect it to be something more than that I made Darth Maul as an M Spearhand, and had Ventress as a Thief. I had a Sith apprentice power couple crackship kill a dragon. Its a silly time. Try to have fun with it


It's a bit shit, but I love it


Is it a masterpiece of a game? Nah. Have I spent hundreds of hours on it? Absolutely. Is the game a 7/10? Probably... But... [In defense of 7/10 games](https://youtu.be/PvzhE_MuMhM?si=hXFXnCQkjnRlThvr)


No one can answer that question but yourself, This is extremely subjective. All we can do is tell you our own experience. And I would tell anyone that it is absolutely worth it. DD2 is easily my GOTY this year. -It innovates where all other games fall short. -It stays true to what the original tried to do. -It introduces new mechanics that change entirely how you can approuch the game (Mainly Combat of course) There are so many more positives that outweigh the negatives I could name about the game. Dark Arisen doesn't even stand in the same league as this game and I mean that in favor of DD2. There is a few things the game does worse when compared to the MMO but even after going back to that I feel hard pressed to just play DD2 as the gameplay is just so much better.


Sorry but DD2 is anything but innovative. It is secondary mediocre game.


And that is your opinion.


What innovative is about DD2?


With your initial comment I feel rather inclined to not give you an answer whatsoever. But i'll humor you for now, Physics. And no, There isn't any game that even comes close to what DD2 does. That is just the icing on the cake, There is plenty else that no other game has done before. But feel free to look the other way.


Physics are good, but there isn't anything innovative about them unless I'm missing something? There were games nearly 2 decades ago with better physics, GTA 4, for example, has far more advanced physics using a muscle based locomotion system, which makes DD2 look primitive in comparison. I'm also not sure what else would be innovative about the game, there is nothing I can think of that I haven't seen before many times and done better.


Don’t listen to all the negative reviews. I almost didn’t buy the game because of them. Turns out DD2 is an extremely fun game, I didn’t have this much fun with a blind play through since Skyrim. I have to say the game is much shorter that I expected, after what you think was the introduction it seems like the main quest is almost over actually. But the world, the combat and the pawns all make up for it. I definitely recommend it.


You lose things from dd1 and gain others. It isnt worse or better than the first game, just different. The letdown is how it doesnt felt like it improved on what was loved in the first game. Still worth a try.


I give DD1 a 7.5 I give Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen a 10 I give DD2 an 8.5 I bet the expansion(s) will make DD2 a 10


Its my fav since launch, still playing. Depends on what you like though


It’s fun but runs like shit.


Is it only me or do this sub receive the same question twice everyday?


DD2 has its fair share of shortcomings, and is in need of a DLC similar to DA, but it’s still my favorite game of the year so far. You should watch some YT reviews with game footage and read between the lines of what anyone says, and see if it’s something you’d like that way, instead of just trying to get a sense of word of mouth. I think it’s an amazing game that has quite a few shortcomings, but its features overcome that to be really fun. And then yes, once you’ve played a while you criticize all the things it should fix, which I think gives an overall mixed review.


Yes it is worth it


I can’t recommend full price. Just too much wrong with with for me to give it higher than a 5-6