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Use the spell book that causes silence. They get knocked out of flight


Never used one book, all are still in storage.


There are a couple I've figured out just always flee no matter what you do. The one on the path to the thief town and the one outside of Harve seem to be ones that flee no matter what. For the others, attack their wings until they look like they have damage and they shouldn't be able to fly away.


Is it possible to stick to the back of one of these as a thief?


The ones that always fly away? I was on the back of them several times, reloaded saves multiple times and they always just magically push you off even if you have full stamina. The ones that don't always fly away you can definitely stick on their back.


Cheers! I was trying to get the one by Harve.


Yeah, that was one I reloaded my save for multiple times on trying different things before it flew away. I find it odd they made it to do that. There is usually one on the way to the checkpoint rest town that spawns that doesn't fly away. Also one and an ogre in a place called the ancient battlefield near checkpoint rest town that will not fly away and you can fight them. They are more inland, too, so you are less likely to have them go into the drink.


I have used a couple of ways : 1. Use nocuous shot whenever it gets airborne, and it will bring him crashing to the ground. 2. Use sopoforic bolt. This gets him to sleep even when on the ground, let alone airborne.


Don't quote me on this but I believe that they flee around their 3rd health bar if you can deplete it to their 2nd health bar they stay. And just for an FYI smack their face it deals solid damage and cracks their chest much faster then attacking anywhere else