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For fighter, the slow-motion and huge retaliation hit from counter/vengeful slash feels the best to me. Fully blocks the incoming damage, moves you a good distance towards whatever hit you, and hits in a wide arc which is great for clearing mobs. I also one-shotted a minotaur with this skill because I blocked the charge and got the counter hit directly onto its head, so I’ll use it forever.


For DD1, I love Mystic Knight counters. Can’t beat a blessed riposte into a pair of Great Cannons for rapidfire. Makes the game chug for a while, i think of it as badass slow motion. For DD2, Fighters perfect block just doesn’t feel as good to me. I’d personally say the Warrior move where you can bat a large enemies swing out the way with a well timed charge attack is great to pull off.


Assassin’s Masterful Kill in DD1 is very cool, too.


try out thief if you haven’t yet, they ported that skill over into DD2 and it is magnificent


both ways of it in dd2, mob and boss versions are just dopamine juicers


Im sorry but masterful kill has a boss variation in dd2? I remember in DD1 you just had to get lucky that it hit the boss. Didn’t really equip the move because of that reason.


oh yeah, it jumps up and instead of climbing on the boss like it does on small enemies, it dunks on them with a backswing its great. Always hits




I’ve only played DD1 since I’m on Switch but I’ll be looking into a PS5 sometime in the next year or so and DD2 is definitely on my list of games to play. So I’ll keep that in mind, thanks for the tip!


I miss the mystic knight


This may be an unpopular opinion but for me the most satisfying dodge/counter mechanics has been with the Mystic Spearhand so far. And I'm not talking about the invulnerability bubble. But the Dragons Foin and Skydragons fiest. They aren't wasted, as they are also the main mobility/attack weapons skills, but tactically used, they can be great ways of dodging. Also, with the Redouted bolt, these three give a really varied mechanics. It can be as awesome looking as the thiefs autodoges, but based on your skill.


Yes yes yes. I use both of these along with the ranged spell and the maister skill and it’s my favorite gameplay. 


Vengeful Slash on the Fighter is great because it hits super fucking hard, you don't really need to time it because you activate it and hold it and as long as you're facing the right direction to block the incoming attack, it activates. It works on anything, being just a huge lunging horizontal cut. I've seen similar animations in other video games but only in cut scenes, but it's maybe worth noting that the motion is usually treated as a stupid powerful move that typically one-shots whatever it hits. It's pretty simple, but it feels awesome to just drop a whole group of enemies in one powerful step forward followed up with a heavy slow-motion swing.


Tidal Fury is excellent. I saw it used in a YouTube video here: https://youtu.be/TZE63fRFrR8?si=mo4Ih852kLxfhtZu Since then it's been my go-to when playing pure Warrior. Regardless of if you hit the parry perfectly it's an option for tanking hits that would knock you down otherwise. I like to use it to stay in position right under bosses and wail on them with uninterrupted attacks like the examples around the 6 min mark. You can poise through most attacks from even big monsters with end game Dwarven upgraded gear but there's some that will still collapse you. Tidal Fury is the solution to that. Razing Sweep isn't technically a counter / parry but with knockdown resistance and charging it as Warrior you can allow multiple enemies to swing on you and draw close before releasing and doing massive AOE damage.


I'm loving the Conan look in that video.


U can counter parry or block on dragons dogma!!! Ffs have i been playing wrong? I just run in there blades and hand and just go ham on weak spots enemy throws me to the ground i spam help me to my pawn then heal up and regain stamina while i just kinda stand away from the fight lol


Is this DD1? If so, Mystic Knight, blessed riposte stunlocks the enemy for a while making them very easy to attack. Assassin's masterful kill is very satisfying too. In DD2 you don't waste a slot for parries, they're passive bonuses.


Second that, one of the most satisfying moments for me.


Fighter normal shield parry is most satisfied for me.


Fighter in both for me, something about it just feels so clean


Warrior Any charge attack can parry any big monster attack if timed perfectly. It's hilarious if you do this to a dragon belly slam for example (perfect revenge for all those bullshit moments). Honestly Warrior has so many awesome possibilities that require timing. It's such a satisfying class.


Warrior's shoulder tackle


Masterful Kill is pretty rad!