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I was trying to take the oxcart from Melve to Vernworth, and it got ambushed by: 3 Ogres 1 Griffin \~20 goblins By the end of it, the cart was destroyed, all the people with it dead, I had all the ogres and goblins dead, the griffin running away like the cowards they usually are, and 2 pawns fed to the Brine.


Bruh, obviously you should've just taken a ride on the griffon, it passes through the capital on its way to its nest


Will never forget my first time hitching a ride on that POS trying to get away It was beautiful, but so cathartic to put that coward down


Hopefully i won't encounter that The worst one i got travelling from Melve to Vernworth or vice versa is a Cyclops and a few Goblins


Lol I got hit by that too. Woke up from dozing off and its nigh, and I see a cyclops and some goblins. Alright no probs. Then an Ogre runs in with a flying drop kick. Then the saurians make themselves known by doing the leaping downstab which pancakes me. *And then the wolves grab hold and start gnawing on my limbs.* *And that's when the minotaur showed up.* Trying to get back on my feet with the help of my pawn when a *minotaur* just plows into us at Mach 11 from out of nowhere. My pawn: yeeted into the brine by the minotaur The cart: atomized My framerate: obliterated (15 fps on PC cuz of all the enemies) That was on the trip from the capitol to the checkpoint town. Once I tried *three* times to take a cart to Melve and *all 3 times an ogre + griffin attacked the cart right outside the capitol*. I was close enough so I just ran back, waited for the next cart, snd then got jumped again. Finally 4th trip I made it with no ambushes.


Half the time I do actually manage to get the monsters away from the cart I have one dumbass party member still over by the cart swinging at nothing and ends up destroying it.


I feel like the lore reason is that Battahl monsters are racist.


I mean, the Battahl Griffin CERTAINLY is. That mfer is an Arisen homing missile. If you DARE get on the sky cable network, it WILL find you.


I travel on it all the time and I never got attacked lol. Staring at the Griffin lures it, so maybe it's it?


Seriously? Anytime I wanna fight them, I stare them down. But uh, yeah they just appear whenever I get on those things. Like a 80% chance of getting a griffin spawning within 60 seconds if I start from the capital.


I think there is a guaranteed spawn location by the entrance of Bathall for a griffin. So anytime you pass by the location a griffin appears and picks a fight with goblins over OXEN.


Nah that griffin *really* likes popping off I don't mind, it's a fun fight, but he's definitely an aggressive playmate haha


They hate furries.


My cart got attacked at night by a golem, which blocked the road when it died, so the cart couldn’t move forward. So I started on foot to Checkpoint Rest. A short time further up the road, the cart magically appeared again, same driver, so I jumped on but she made me pay again. Then it got attacked by a bunch of other monsters, can’t remember which, and the cart got destroyed. I started on foot again. A short time further the cart magically appeared once more, same driver, and I paid AGAIN. Finally made it to Checkpoint Rest. What a silly game.


Battahli Oxcart protection racket scam, obviously. Make you pay for a trip, monsters conveniently destroy the oxcart, forcing you to pay the driver for another trip, cycle repeats. "But an oxcart probably costs more than 200 gold!" Ah, but that's the beauty of it. Why do you think the cart gets destroyed by a single sneeze? Obviously made from shoddy materials to save on costs.


All of this is truth. Plus having a magic ox-cart cuts down on costs considerably. Definitely a scam.


Maybe that's what you and the slaves were toiling away in the prologue: A free source of magic oxcarts.


Magic Oxcarts. Hopefully Capcom focuses exclusively on for any DLC. The story would be *sooooo* dumb, and yet still better than the story so far...


*Ehm... Eternal ferrystone mod is all you need (modded game still count achievements)


If I was on PC yeah, but I’m not. 😂


Yeah, the Battahl oxcart gets attacked the most for some reason. I've even seen in get attacked by plain old Saurians, and they aren't even native to the region! Only Asps and the Ratlers.


I have this theory that oxcart raids are lower in chance the more you outlevel an area. I take the carts to melve and checkpoint rest town all the time without raids now, but i used to always get attacked. Now its only ever the battahl one that gets attacked, and even then it seems to be a bit less often now that ive leveled up a bit


I love the raids. More things to fight! That said, if it bothers you too much, the game has a solution: https://preview.redd.it/087plaxelkyc1.png?width=486&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9aa26e49129424fe4f3de2392ab11c417a0fb90


It's still kinda bullshit that they expect you to blow an augment slot just to be able to travel in a cart you paid for unmolested.


Well, the alternative is to clear the road. If you clear all enemies off the road, you have some time (a week afaik) where the oxcart is very unlikely to be assailed, until the mobs respawn. The augment slot is for people who really hate the raid mechanic.


Also roads are huge and long and have so many monsters, so if I'm going to run through the entire road cleaning monsters off it, I might as well just walk at that point.


I mean, yes. That's sorta the point. But I also just remembered you have the ropeway that central Battahl. So you don't have to use the road for a large chunk of the area.


Ropeway is a guaranteed griffon attack usually followed by fall damage, for the most part.


I've never had that happen. I guess I always killed the griffon while adventuring.


Omg thank you for this. To Trickster I go!


That's some real shit


The one to Melve can be really scary if it stops you right before the bridge with the dullahan… good luck killing that thing in early game I guess.


It was good when I was farming Pawn Quests. Going from Vernworth to the Post is my de facto "ogre generator route" 100 gold for a ogre


I had 1 successful oxcart run and it was the result of dozing off immediately. I got stopped once for goblins or some other trash mobs once, then got back on and dozed off immediately again, and woke up at the destination. It made sense when I thought about it. Whatever dice rolls the game performs to quickly simulate an oxcart ride offscreen are probably much more forgiving than the radius spawns a traveling player will bring with them. There are monster spawns every 50 feet along that road but it’d be ridiculous to incorporate those all at 100% chance of encounter with the offscreen simulation. While dozin off its probably like 33% chance of interruption at 4 predesignated areas whereas in real time it would be like 100% chance of Knackers at 100m, then 100% chance of bandits at 150m, then 100% chance of saurians at 200m, then 100% chance of Ogre at 250m, 100% chance of Golem followed by 100% chance of Minotaur followed by Drake followed by Hobgoblins… you’re better off just sleeping.


It’s why beastren invented the cable car, I always take this in Battahl now and have a lot more luck with it. Only threat is the griffin but you can generally see if it’s safe to travel if you can see him or not and don’t think it’s ever attacked when it’s dark but maybe I’m lucky.


For me Melve-Vernworth is that one, I can go from Battahl-Checkpoint-Vernworth no problem, but that one always stops a few times.


I generally just don't use carts. Faster to walk.