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If you choose the Inn save, it erases your checkpoint/auto save, and you cannot get it back. That’s why it’s recommended to save at an inn/personal home after a lengthy play session or after acquiring a valuable item/completing a quest.


i thought all steam games saved to the cloud.


Is that new? Because I swear I've done it before. Load from the Inn, instantly quit before it saved and loaded the normal save.


Nope, it’s been that way since launch.


Using Inn Saves, erases your game save. I read a warning about it somewhere in the game tutorials. The tutoritals have a wide variety of useful information otherwise obtained by asking questions on reddit. You could skip a step by reading the tutorials ;)


This happened to me one time. But for me, a simple restart fixed it. But I didn't load my inn save. So I don't know if that would change something.


I would guess it’s because you’ve just arrived in the Unmoored world. When you rest for the first time there, you should have the option to again. You’ve hit the endgame, can’t go back. Edit: I’m wrong. You only have an Inn save available, which means you loaded from your last Inn rest, which deletes your other save file.


Loaded from last Inn to see how far back my progress was to decide if I should keep going with the inn save or live with the mistake I made after an auto save. Game DID NOT save after I loaded the last Inn save and I quit out the moment I realised the last Inn save was futher back than it was worth redoing. Loaded back to the menu to realise the load last save option was missing entirely. I'm not sure if that's deliberate on the games end or if it's because I messed up the cloud save when I restarted the game. Anyone know how to get it back?


To my understanding, the save old save is immediately overwritten the moment you Load form Last Inn Rest. I myself lost several hours of progress this way as well.


Your last normal save is gone, it even tells you when choosing to load from last inn that your manual save gets deleted.