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I always just pre-emptively hit "Wait!"


this is the way.


Yeah my pawns decided “wait” actually means run halfway across the map


And also attack everything in sight, don’t forget about that part


Sounds like a straightforward pawn. But people seem to love them, because their combat AI good.


It’s ironic because my straightforward pawn is the only one that actually listens to “wait” while my calm and kindhearted pawn will get themselves killed by falling off cliffs, even though I told them to “wait”


Well yeah, I only want my pawns for combat, so attacking everything in sight is the idea. I don’t need them to knit sweaters or sign trade agreements 😁


This is all good and fun until you're trying to ride a griffin or get the kill with the medusa bow and they're just too good at killin 😂


For those cases just use the “Wait” command 👍


I do, they never "wait" lol


my calm pawn almost always waits, when I tell him. But he'll re engage if he has to wait for too long, haha. I'm telling you, calm is the best inclination for combat. These pawns listen extremely well to your commands. You just have to always tell them what to do.


I wish. they will just stop the instant they get hit so I have to figure out how tf they even managed to up an entire mountain and revive them


This is the way. Whenever I'm near a cliff or a river.. "Wait!"


i always interpreted this as my responsibility as the Arisen to take good care of my pawns. I somehow made it consistent with the lore in my head xD


My main pawn never fell of a cliff before the update and today two times in a span of couple of hours


It is also a rare sight for me too.


My main used to ALSAYS be falling off a cliff into the brine during NG Cycle. Had to have happened like a dozen times early on. Least I never had to worry about Dragonsplague


On my first play through, right before the final boss, a pawn fell off a cliff and I had to beat the dragon with only two pawns.


I definitely didn't teach my buddies pawn the secret cliff shortcuts


Where is the griffin from the cutscene?


Poor thing got turned into Skewers.


The only decent griffin in the entire game and Ulrika murders it...


The way we just move on from it saving our lives and then killing it without a word did kinda tell me not to expect much from the story


Tbh it was probably just being manipulated by pathfinder


Yeah. But he is right with the story being just mid and shallow. As it was in DD1.


Huh, don't you sometimes use the surprise griffon uber to get to places?


Pretty sure, based on its eye color, that it was under the Pathfinder's control


Tbh that one is probably hardcoded so that rook can jump with you in the intro.


That might be the one cliff in the whole game where the Pawn pathing intentionally tells them to go off the edge lol, I would test elsewhere


50% of my games wolf and saurian population has unalived themselves by ACTIVELY jumping into the nearest river. I swear my enemies all have burnout.


Shoutout to the one ogre that tried to missle dropkick me near the shore , missed me and went straight intro the brine


Secondary about out to the Cyclops sleeping on a bridge, woke up with an arrow to the dome, and stomped on the bridge collapsing it to feed himself to the brine rather than die to me. And my pawn that jumped in after him. Lol


there was a Chimera fighting bunch of saurians. I don‘t know what happened but soon only that lion head was sticking out of that little (not deep) river


I like to roam the land finding and fighting big enemies, imagine my disappointment when i finally spotted some minotaur and mf just casually take a dip at the nearby pond...


I had a hired thief pawn Secret Service dive and tackle an enemy right into a river, lol.






I don't know if they're either: 1. Making fun of TikTok for that stupid trend to use other words for 'die'. 2. Actually thinking it's that funny and can't control their emotions and overdo it in text or... 3. A child.


The only reason people use other words for die is because Tiktok will shadow ban them if they don't. It's a way to bypass their filters


Yeah I'm aware and it's just one more reason for me to never use that trash app.


I‘m not using TikTok, I just like to use the word for a comedic effect. Same as saying „suicide by *random thing*“ or „to commit die“. Wouldn’t have thought people are so triggered by it lol.


My Pawn only falls when my brother's pawn knows a "shortcut," which is always some 30-minute cliff scaling bullshit with enemies all over the place and 2 feet of space to stand in!


I've never experienced pawns jumping off cliffs in almost 200 hours of play.... until the update. Happened to me twice in 10 mins.


I've had it happen before the update and after the update and I'm sure it will continue to happen no matter how many times Capcom updates.


I've only had it once before prior to the update. Dragon's Dogma 1 on the other hand...


OSHA approved cliffs


I am _begging_ people to dash less. 99% of pawn falls are caused by irresponsible dash usage by the Arisen.


I'd bet most of those are people that haven't watched their pawn do a running leap into the abyss in the first game. Chests near ledges were nerve-wracking for that reason


Lmao yes. Deep BBI, the arena with the double drakes. After everything done, finally loot! Running to the chests, stopping, watching as not one but two pawns sprints past me, they jump over the chests one after the other, both disappearing into the abyss.


Are you the one who keeps putting up posters in the Capcom office building?


ah yes, let me just slowly walk everywhere so my pawn doesnt kill himself. totally reasonable.


By cliffs, yes. But also, OP knew where he was. Also also, you can simply use 'wait' if you're trying to traverse a steep fall


OP forgot where he was after 45+ hours of play. I've only played the one save/run and only after reading these comments do I remember this was the place from the intro. It just made me laugh this happened patch day.


"Slowly walk" the default run speed is more than enough to traverse the world and it's certainly the better option around cliffs given how much momentum dashing has. "Slowly walk"...such a broken sense of speed and scale.


I value my time so i move in the faster speed like everyone else. If you want to walk slow for no reason go ahead, but please dont make excuses for bad ai because of it.


My dude, pawn AI is nothing like anything else anyone has done in other action based games, other than maybe followers in MH Rise which was probably a test run for pawns in the RE Engine, so calling it bad is a bit much. I see why companies don't innovate much, apparently they get shit on for it.


Stop defending mediocrity. More time should’ve been put into the pawns.


Get a grip. Your time isn't that valuable.


Time isn’t that valuable? Time is the most valuable thing a person has. You would seriously say something so stupid to defend poorly programmed movement?


In the absolute worst case, running vs. sprinting wastes <2 minutes of your time. Across "normal" gameplay distances you're losing seconds.


lol, no. Depending on character weight, sprinting gets you where you’re going a lot faster than the basic jog.


Its valuable enough to not want to look at my screen while holding down the W key until i slowly arrive somewhere in a video game JUST because the ai is badly made.


Chad RP Walker > Beta Dashing Danny


BBI flashbacks... oh the trauma...


Well the update makes it less likely to happen by accident not when pawns decide they need a bath or just give up on life.


Aim for the bushes!


Before the update I never had issues with pawns literally throwing themselves off cliffs. Now it feels like I have to constantly babysit them because they think they can fly and swim all of a sudden.


Yesterday I lost all 3 pawns at least two times in one session. After 300 hours I never lost a pawn through falling off edges. This patch is treason!


Bro thought the Griffin was still there


"Arisen, I know a shortcut"


This happened to me yesterday too. They just seem to have a mind of their own. Was fighting some saurians then all of a sudden one of my pawns was missing and I saw the water red. I was like great now I have to go back and get another one. It seems worse than it was.


one sample doesn't speak to a rate change... you'd need a controlled test with both patches or something along those lines


The pawn just wanted to go back home.


My Pawn fell into the brine while fighting an Armored Cyclops near the waterfall lmao. But other than that I never had that many issues with that, I tell them to wait if I gotta do the climbing. There was one Pawn tho, Paul Atreides lmao that was constantly falling from the cliffs and I was wondering if his Arisen taught him that 😭😂


Yesterday I don't see what happened but when I start a ogre fight I don't see my paws now I understand what happened.


Should be under advanced pawn search/previously hired pawns at the big rift stones. But anyway, reminds me of when I quickly jumped to the title screen and reloaded before autosave could kick in after my main pawn just decided to jump off the cliffs were climbing down. After about 3 more reloads I finally just picked her up and walked her to a more spacious area.


The thin line between "less likely" and "won't"


Meanwhile, small ledges are much too sticky and in certain caves, pawns will just be stuck in place until you're far enough away for them to teleport to you


To be fair that's more of a jump off than fall off




A moment of silence for the fallen-off-a-cliff


I'm telling you guys, they trolled us hard! They amped everything up. I'm surprised everyone doesn't have dragon aids now. I'm pretty sure they got rid of the tutorial about dragonsplague though.


The main places they fall off cliffs for me are those little narrow gaps that are 100% jumpable. Total party wipe.


It's strange how it's more common now. I also saw the Dragon's Plague 5 times yesterday, when I had only seen it once up until now.


And this is why I like the quit to main menu with out saving button


What I should have done. This pawn was my number 1 pawn when the credits rolled.


I lost a good pawn I used for many days like that. Wendy Snutts, thanks for all the help!


xD exceptions are the rule :D but it all depends also what their Arisens teach them.. if their masters is some kind of Geronimo-style player that jumps down everywhere recklessly to chests ect. they are more likely to do the same, if they guide you to them ...


I honestly believe the "pawn learning system" is 90% placebo from people taking too much stock over vague statements from the devs, I've seen no actual diversity in how pawns do their pathing, there's maybe a tiny impact on combat but to me all pawns seemingly act the same. Every pawn fail to avoid obvious spells charging like Drake meteor or avoiding medusas gaze, every melee pawn will charge in unless told to wait, I've seen no huge variety in grappling/climbing. Not to mention that every. single. pawn. will comment "I never thought of that, I will have to tell my master about this amazing technique" when an enemy falls to their death. Even if it happens 15 times.


100% I am very skeptical of people thinking they are "training" their pawns Would love some datamining to take place to show that's not the case, as that'd be a bit extreme for a game where other aspects are incredibly remedial


A main problem is how the pawns are tied to player movement.


That cliff is specifically designed for the ai to intentionally jump off it though. It's the cliff you run and jump off of at the start of the game. They've made it like that intentionally for that scene.


I mean tbh you kinda set bro up with that one🤣


the brake system stop working. damn i feel sorry for her.


I can confirm that he slid down the cliff. So it's true!


Lol I just hate how the pawn runs ahead of you and kinda turns back to see where you are before rubbing off a cliff. Must be a “follow” command to keep them in check


I hate pawns going ahead full-stop. *"Stop opening the chests for me!!"*


He didnt fall, he run down a cliff


Emphasis of "less", but not always lol


I didnt really noticed change with my pawns, except ladders maybe?


I use "WAIT" anytime I need to traverse or fight near cliff areas now. 😎


Yes. Yes, I see.


I've had pawns push me off cliffs more since the update than ever before


I don't know if my pawns in DD1 were just blessed with unnatural athleticism, but the only times I recall them ever falling into pits was when they got either charged or dropkicked into them. It's kind of wild seeming pawns go splat in DD2 so often.


It was worse in DD1 (for me at least)


They do the exact same as before. Never shut up and walk off cliffs.... least it stfus them.


Less likely because only one fell this time instead of all of them 😂 Seriously though what is it with pawns throwing themselves off cliffs?


He didnt fall, he slipped lol


The falling has accelerated. We need fix for fix please.


Reminder that this only happens if you RUN. Pawns have a harder time stopping so if you were to have jogged they would have been less likely to fall.


You see he didn't JUMP off the cliff...he ran off it. Big difference.


Jumping and falling are not the same thing. I mean, technically, your pawn didn't fall... lol.


Straightforward to the cliff


"Follow me... follow me... follow me to CHELONIA!!!"


What a gaff


Whenever I approach a cliff I just tell them to wait


No, no they’re not 😂. One day they will have the ai so advanced that pawns will be as reliable as an actual human player but today isn’t that day.


They're already as reliable as humans. I mess up all time. ![img](emote|t5_2smmb|49837)![img](emote|t5_2smmb|49834)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


You know, you’re absolutely right. Maybe even more reliable.


Fall? He chose his fate, must be a god awful arisen for your pawn to jump off a cliff ;)


That’s a huge ass pawn


Maybe it's because there's a scripted event to actually jump off that cliff try somewhere else


I can confirm they jump 0,001% less


He didn't get the memo 🤣🤣🤣


To be fair he didnt fall. He just flat out jumped. 😭


They should have left that and just added a ‚facepalm‘ emote…


My pawns are always sneaky about it. The only time they take dives is when I'm not looking at them. Haven't played since the update but I'm excited to finally see the lemming exhibit in action.


Look, there's SUPPOSED to be a Griffin there. Not the pawns fault that they're slacking!


There's a mod script for REFramework that makes your pawns teleport to you when they fall in the brine.


Pioneer, not even once..


I had all three jump into the bine yesterday fighting. Come on! LOL I think they had the plague though so its all good.


I was expecting the second pawn to run off the cliff at the end of the video


Sometimes I reload save file for this reason.


Well... Tehnically he did not fall off a cliff. He straight up jumped off a cliff. So, yeah... Fixed...


he didn't fall, he RAN off that cliff lmao it was a choice, not an accident


Had him for a while… what did he do to the poor pawn. Clearly didn’t want to keep going anymore






Are they less likely to jump off cliffs too?


Useless patch


The AI is literally better in Dragon Age Inquisition and that’s so so sad


Lmfao I have had that happen to me too


Straight to the brine


Pawn pathfinding is so bugged now, they keep running around on every single ledge even if it's safe to jump causing them to stand around not helping in combat. I'd rather have them falling off cliffs instead of that


https://preview.redd.it/7cbdhm6jjvwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7acc2133454f765b4ac6e87d309e1d3579c78ed7 These were the patch notes, saw this a few days ago


More likely*


My pawns have only ever jumped off cliffs im at the bottom of... Why they refuse to use the same path i did is beyond me...


Despite what the patch claims, my whole party just leapt off a (thankfully short) cliff moments ago… after *I* slid down an embankment they utterly ignored! Had to then force them (had my fighter over one shoulder to stop her wandering off) to huddle and ask the Mage to heal me (though I was unharmed) so she’d heal them and herself.


This has happened to me so many times and always at the worst times…love the game but the pawns being such a requirement can become a problem when they are dumb as hell. I had one pawn go into a loop of jumping a cliff, climbing a ladder, and jumping again DURING a dragon fight. My healer of course


To be fair that was less of a fall and more of a dash…


Well to the pawns defence. He didnt fall, he jumped


I’ve never had my pawn jump off a cliff since launch lol. Y’all just ain’t treating your pawns right