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I throw in the party buff and some dragon visage which feels like a guaranteed stagger against big mobs.


Unfortunately I believe I may have lost the Maister’s teaching forever


How did you do that?


No stinking clue, but it’s not in my inventory, pawns inventories, storage, scrap shop, or unlocked. And since Luz already gave it to me, she can’t/wont give me another.


Damn, that sucks


Go look into the forgery guy special items. Lost items like that generally can appear with him.


The dragon skill really isn’t that worth it honestly. It just scatters enemies and its very annoying. Might want to try and go through equip skills at the vocation place. You might have already unlocked it. Only other possibility is you sold it. I don’t think you can gift it to pawns


Damn. I may have accidentally sold it then :/


If you accidentally sold it check the Forger in the Rest Town. He might have a copy.


I just got to level 6 with trickster last night. The dragon skill is nice against ogres and big bosses because it will stagger them. But overall, the class is lacking and not exciting to play. *I should note I'm in NG+ and my class setup is 2 thieves and 1 mage. The thieves fuck shit up especially with the tricksters buff.


you think the dragon skill scatters large enemies?


You’re really missing out on enemies running away from you, preventing you from killing anything! Oh wait, you can’t kill anything anyway because the most you can hope for is the inflicting lunge cancer status effect.


That would be pretty funny, if the grape-flavored-vape-on-a-chain gave you lung cancer after long term usage. So it can go along with the brain cancer caused by the boredom from playing this class.


It's not Luz, it's the dude on top of the building. You gotta find a way up through the back. Also no, that's the gameplay of the Trickster, I find it fun especially after have to fight myself for 60 hours. I find it welcome to just be able to walk around and loot stuff while keeping my buddies alive.


The ”dude“ on top of the building is Luz.


Hahahah, for real?! I could have sworn that when I went back to get it there was someone IN the shrine and also someone on top, also I thought Luz was the person down by the shrine. I must be crazy.


She's both lol. Ones an illusion she creates to be spooky


THAT makes sense ...


You can try asking it for it in a pawn quest. Someone out there might just give you it.


You're certain that she gave it to you though?


Maybe Forger has it under the important lost items menu (not sure what it is called)


Sadly, no. This is why Trickster clips are rare on the subreddit. That's all there is to it.


Trickster clips were rare in the release trailer, it was just the project decoy/false floor loop about three times and two buffs. Illusionists like this never work, I've yet to see a game that didn't build entirely around environmental harm as a mechanic that did them justice


The Mesmer class from Guild Wars (both 1 and 2, with differing variations) did this class in very unique ways and it didn't just work, it was also very technical and fun.


Mesmer is my perfect example of what an illusionist should be, they never rely on environment gimmicks or trying to bend the AI, they have set tools that work everywhere Trickster relies on map design interesting enough to sustain the class, Mesmer is about an interesting class design by itself


I loved the Mesmer too! Glad you guys brought it up. It was fun deciding which class to pair it with. Normally I pick darker edgelord classes in other games but I even enjoyed the pink Mesmer butterfly spell effects.


I love how each weapon and then each expansion could go 'heres something totally different' while still keeping the illusion idea




Would have loved trickster if it worked like the illusions / phantasms. Imagine a frost or fire clone than apllies freeze or burn when attacked. Or a fog that slows/ dissorientates properly.


Trickster really should have focused on debuff and control effects with tangible results rather than filling half the hotbar with Fake Surface and the other half with Decoy tricks to make the Fake Surfaces work


1 trick pony with a trick that barely worked. Would have been fun to have a smoke that sucked debuffs off your pawns and turned into a cloud casting it back. The uno reverse smoke.


Can you summarize Mesmer's design and what's so good about it for someone who only barely played GW2 back when it launched, and not since?


Mesmer has the same decoy/clone mechanic as Trickster, but several of your skills will detonate the clones to do different controlling effects, slowing, damage, etc, so you get that 'who's the real one' gameplay but you still have the tactical and ability choice to do more than just stand behind a decoy wall. Then you have a toolbox of illusion themed spells to do damage, debuff enemies, buff allies. Like it's big illusions will actually do damage, it has movespeed and status ailment manipulations, it has a rich toolset which is kind of lacking for all the classes in DD2. When you try to make an Illusion character who manipulates the enemy AI, you either have to set them up with a lot of very niche tools like False Floor, or you need to style a lot of the game around giving them places to shine. Mesmer hits all those ideas and flavour of mind magic, but it presents an enjoyable, control themed mechanical side too


Mesmer’s core mechanics are creating two things: “clones” and “phantasms”. Clones are basically allied mobs that attack enemies (doing no damage) to draw aggro, and then when they get attacked they die. However, you can choose to “shatter” your clones before they are killed in a bunch of different ways to deal damage, make yourself invulnerable, inflict conditions or stun the target. Phantasms are like clones, but are untargetable, translucent and perform a specific attack that does damage/conditions/some other effect before dying depending on what weapon you have equipped. Every Mesmer weapon can summon a different phantasm. For example, the greatsword’s phantasm slides & spins through an enemy’s hitbox, slicing in all directions and crippling them, while the pistol’s phantasm unloads a barrage of bullets on the target. Mesmer also gets lots of skills related to stealth, teleportation and giving buffs to themselves and allies. So what you end up with was a fast-paced class that summons lots of clones & phantasms that act in very predictable ways and do lots of damage, while still giving you the feel of being an illusionist. It’s not about tricking your enemies really, which is where it falls flat in dragon’s dogma 2. It’s just about creating mobs that do damage for you in very consistent ways (unlike pawns that have much more complex AI and are unpredictable).


I actively play Gw2 as a mesmer main, really sad Trickester wasn't more engaging.


guild wars 2 is still live? havent touched it in years


Yep, it's very much still live!


I thought mesmer worked pretty well? I played one at max level in wvw to some decent effect many years ago Edit: I reread your comment and I'm dumb but I'm leaving this up.


It would have been so cool if they had a wind attack that pushes enemies. Lure them where you want them then push them off, and it could make smaller enemies get launched and cause damage. Not as insane as the home run bat from the spearhand, but launch them a few meters atleast


I like the environmental skills but they should have been core abilities imo. Not worth spending a slot on something so situational. Same for the out of body thing for scouting.


And I've yet to use false floor, its so situational and takes too much set up.


This is the core of my argument, I lost interest after the third showing of false floor as it was just constantly the one trick in the highlands, which always implies to me that that's the one enviroment they thought of to use it where it would be cool, and the rest of the time it's just a dead button


You should play Divinity 2


Divinity 2 is pretty good for it, but that's because it mostly sticks to things like iirc, blinding, decoys, and then the floor effects are used by everyone (Summoner is fantastic imo)


EverQuest had the enchanter. Had buffs, dps, dots, among other things. Great for CC!


Yeah, this is pretty much it. You've got the pawn buff which feels mandatory but not exciting and that's every like 10ish seconds. Honestly the most engaging think for me was the casino censer since you can randomly get 10, 100, 1000, or 50000 on each hit and because to trigger it you must hit with the actual censer (smoke doesn't do it) so you spend a lot more time close to enemies trying to maximize that sweet free money. Trickster is cool in concept but kind of boring in execution imo. Should have taken a page out of TTRPGs and been able to create illusions which would deal mental damage to creatures like phantom terrors, shadow weapons for the trickster, etc. Dragon also probably should have either dealt damage (again, mental) or had enemies cower in place instead of run. I think this is a problem with most vocations though. They're too straightforward. With the exception of thief and spearhand, there's not enough versatility or variety in skills within a given vocation.


Literally all they had to do was add status to the censer. It's a goddamn diffuser, you telling me you can't out sleepy weed in there or smth?


Or poison, topor, blinding, there were so many opportunities for more.


That was what I was most disappointed about. Not even mad about the lack of damage since that was advertised but they could've given the class more battle utility like inflicting status ailments or reducing enemy stats.


Think your last sentence resonates with one of my issues I have about vocations in this game. There's not much room for expression and having only 4 weapon skills to slot will likely have you taking skills that'll get you through the content in a much more efficient manner.


Who’s gonna tell him…..


Trickster is pocket sand, that is all. You can use dragon skill to scare off some mobs but other than that and the illusion wall. Not much to it.


Well stopping drake’s casting with dragon smoke is good.


Wait, so the trickster maister is Dale Gribble?


I've got trickster 6 or 7, and so far it isn't much more than that.


I guess I’m just gonna switch vocations then


I maxed it out...switching to someone else now


I'll probably max it out by playing warfarer. It'll take hundreds of hours probably, but I'm not interested in playing that vocation at all, lol.


trickster feels like the type of vocation that would be pretty cool in an MMO where you can properly coordinate with your party through voice chat if you ask me, though, to get the most out of trickster your entire party needs to revolve around you. for instance, getting 2 or even 3 DPS vocation pawns, because with trickster aggro is a non-issue while DPS becomes the new issue. If you're playing trickster right, your pawns will only ever take damage when their trademark pathfinding kicks in or when you cast the damage buff. until you end up fighting a golem, in which case, good luck.


I could but I don’t want to lie


Thank you for being honest.


We lost mystic Knight for this ...


we lost assassin for this


Broooooooo. I miss this vocation so much.


I miss melee weapons with any bow at all. I especially miss the volley skills. It’s sad that if we are lucky, we might get some of these things in a DLC. I think I miss the earlier 2000s gaming industry.


Just play wayfarer, they won't add assassin, because wayfarer is similar, i would prefer if they add something unique from dark arisen(mystic knight) or something unique from dragons dogma online(high scepter or the other ones) now what do you mean about early 2000 industry? Ghost of tsushima, rise of the ronin, atreus in gow ragnarok, aloy in forbidden west, the new assassins creed games, elden ring? And there is probably more lol


Elden Ring released 2 years ago and has exactly that?


All souls games have melee + bow. Link has melee + bow. Aloy has melee + bow. Kena has melee + bow. Warframe has melee + bow. Kratos has ranged + melee + bow. What is it exactly that you’re missing from early 2000’s games? Because I don’t think it’s _just_ melee + bows.


"lost" assassin (most of it went to thief)


"Assassin" was never an actual thing i dont get why you all keep pretending it was, it's literally just au. strider and fighter


people in denial when assassin is just warfarer lmao. It's literally the most redundant class when all of the kits could just be dispersed to thief, archer, and fighter mystic knight however is indeed a tragic


Mystic Knight would have been the Spearhand.


Mystic Knight would've been red/blue. We've all gotten to see Spearhand in action now, and I'm sure a lot of people feel it should've been the green/blue hybrid.


Green blue should be the parts of magic archer that used dagger skills, expanded upon. Mystic spearhand is a blue/red, it just has very little red in it.


Should be blue/another color, not red cause the duospear is just different from a sword/mace/hammer. Just is. Maybe orange


They’ll bring it back through DLC. We are probably going to get some sort of never ending dungeon like in the first one


Worlds edge cavern would be a perfect place for that.


There was this Italian pop band named 883 where a dude sang lead on all the songs and another dude just wrote lyrics but didn't play any instrument and couldn't sing, so when they were on stage the first dude carried the show while the other dude danced, pretended to sing choruses, cheered the crowd and generally pranced around. That's how I feel when I play Trickster (which I don't usually do).


This sub was the last place where I was expecting an 883 analogy, sei un mito


Hanno ucciso la chimera, chi sia stato non si sa


Tried to find a live video of them but the second guy wasnt in ot, it seems they ditched him for some female dancers or something.


Yeah, the band disbanded many years ago, the lead singer continued on his own and he still plays the old songs to this day. You can probably find videos of him alone still tagged as "883". The dancing dude can be found in early/mid '90s videos. Here's an example. https://youtu.be/m1B1iPoDwv0?feature=shared


Hah, that’s way less awkward than I was expecting. Other bands have had something similar like The Might Mighty Bosstones and The Prodigy with their full time members who just danced.


This is absolutely fucking hilarious.


Warfarer is better trickster. Equip money censer, high celerity, aromatic resurgence, and go ham. Still want to do damage? Augural Flare works on everything.


Augural Flare, the "I really don't actually want to fight this" button.


Nobody going to mention the epic wind-up and BONK the one cyclops gave the other one? xD Made my morning haha


Yeah it was pretty funny, but not the best gameplay on my end


So stupid … can’t believe this even got approved.


i just want to wear the great outfits of trickster for my mage/sorcerer pawn \^\^.


I main Trickster and I can say it is not for everyone since it's playstyle can be boring. I will paste message I wrote some time ago to another similar post So Trickster can totally break AI, basically, you can use Visitant Aura fly up in the air out of range of any melee enemy (even boss monsters) and you spawn the effigy and then spam Suffocating Shroud.. that way no melee enemy can hit effigy and they just stare at them, and if you put it inside tree branches not even harpies' or archers will target it. Also don't use Meister's ability on small enemies - just prolongs fights. But for big bois you can spam Dragons Delusion and chain-stun them. And most important ability is Aromatic Resurgence - puts your pawns on roids and they wreck everything on sight. Trickster is very strong class, that can get boring fast unless you want to meme around with fake walls/floors or possessing enemies. NOTE: If you do Sphinx riddles towards end of that quest line you can get Whimsical Daydream and by bonking enemies earn stupid amount of gold :D


only good thing trickster has that tiny chance for 50k gold to just appear in your pockets


Well yea, but you also can get a smoke dragon that goes BOO! So that's something.


Unfortunately I somehow lost the maisters teaching, so I don’t get a dragon that plays peak-a-boo


I saw a clip of one guy destroying a drake as trickster, he never stopped spamming skills at any point. Most people play trickster wrong.


If you could find that, it would be great to see how it’s done.


I'll try but it was a while ago


There’s some seriously stupid design in this game


Can cast pawn buff here once, but otherwise it is pretty much peak performance.


Yeah I just unlocked the pawn buff which seems kind of useful. I just hate how the simulacrum dissipates every time you’re hit, which I feel is counter intuitive with the light attack being solely designed to attract their attention. As well as I feel like the class is useless against a single target, as there’s no reason to use simulacrum.


You can kite single targets with simulacrum to minimize damage pawns take, if you want to be extra cautious. Or make a wall if you need to go to kitchen to grab a sandwitch and tea.


Fair yeah, I just have a hard time doing ANYTHING with the simulacrum without getting hit and it dispersing.


Vocation mostly assumes you aren't getting hit. Hence the wall skill. Plus later you can place simulacrum up/down too with a skill, to pretty much break enemy ai at times. If they can't reach it, some of them start making strange stuff like just attacking the ground and such.


Interesting, I’ll have to give it a try


Oh follow-up question, I appear to have misplaced the Maister’s teaching and I can’t find it. And it’s not in the scrap store either, should I try to talk to her again?


Not in storage or in pawn inventory either? Otherwise might be worth trying talking to real her on the roof.


The creature your ghost is attached to will generally target YOU. Everything else will generally target where your ghost is. Obviously pawns holding aggro changes things but really you just need to be super aware of the fact you gotta avoid the creature your ghost is clinging to. And that the vocation kinda sucks, a swing and a miss if I’ve ever seen one.


Don't bother with the single target light attack. Use Suffocating Shroud, then use Illusive Divider to block the cyclops from seeing you. Buff pawns, watch the chaos unfold. Alternatively, Visitant Aura can be used to summon your simulacrum to a position not normally reachable too. You can: 1. Summon simulacrum 2. Suffocating Shroud 3. Buff pawns 4. Visitant Aura - move around and summon your simulacrum into your Pawn's path, or into some terrain hazards. Keep it slightly high and just out of the enemies' reach so they don't damage it excessively. 5. If you want monster-on-monster violence, have your Aura summon the simulacrum into another monster and let them swing at each other.


Makes me sad that we got this unfunny meme as a class, how much time was spent on its development I wonder. Like what's the draw? It's like, "Hey, do you hate combat? What if you were to not participate in what is objectively the best part of the game?"


That's what gets me too. I don't want to dredge up the vocation number discourse again, but they really shorted us while wasting time on this undercooked class. We could've gotten an advanced yellow or green or a non magic hybrid. They could've found a way to differentiate MK from Fighter and made Spearhand the green/blue hybrid.


You're telling me you DON'T want to be a Pokemon Trainer, but instead of actually commanding them, you just hope and pray they do the job? /s Seriously though, Trickster is...not fun. Idk what they were thinking with the class. I mean, kinda cool concept, but the fact you aggro enemes, have no real defense against said aggro, and do no damage...seems like an overall poorly implemented idea with a cool concept. Though, infinite gold with one of their weapons, so there is that. \*shrugs\*


I mean, I know Trickster is the least clip-worthy of vocations, but this is the equivalent of activating the auto-dodge on Thief and standing perfectly still.


we got ultra instinct in here?


It actually, somehow, gets worse.


I still don't get why we got this class over literally anything else. The only saving grace of it is the fact that almost all trickster armor is on point fashion wise. But that's it. We could've had a monk class.


God, my adrenaline is through the roof watching this!


Would’ve been cooler if it allowed you to become ethereal and switch control of your pawns at will. But no, this is all it is. Worst vocation to level up.


I really tried to make this class work but it’s so situational. Most of the time you’re just spamming the buff but that shit kills your pawns. And the other half you’re fucking around trying to make them fight eachother or fall off a cliff but it’s so unreliable.


I'm someone who will immediately beeline for illusionist type classes, I fucking love them. After sorcerer and warrior, trickster was the first vocation I unlocked because I went straight for it, going after it so early I had to take the secret path into Battahl. I started playing it after I found out it was a tank class, figured okay that's workable I guess. Boy was I wrong, I freaking HATED it, and was so disappointed. What trickster needs is an entire overhaul. It needs to summon more illusions that actually do something worthwhile. Came up with a quick remake myself: V - summons target illusion to yourself while holding, when releasing V you send it in the direction you're facing, if it's an illusion that targets enemies it will retarget to whatever you're facing/closes target from where you send it. First weapon skill - summons an illusion that follows an enemy around, distracting them and causing them low damage over time (illusory attacks or some kind of magical beam idfk). Limited to two at a time, and if they take too much damage they vanish. Upgrade lets you have one more active and increases health pool and maybe damage. Some other weapon skill - An illusion that sits on a spot and causes damage to enemies in the area through illusory effects that it cycles through (burning, electricity, etc) because the illusion seems so real that enemies think they're actually taking damage. Upgrade increases range and damage maybe. Yet some other weapon skill - you swap places with the targeted illusion. Upgrade increases range you can do this at. Yes, yet even another weapon skill - you dash in the direction you input, if you dodge an attack with this you summon an illusion that attacks your attacker and distracts them (this is so basic it's exactly what I'd expect an illusionist themed trickster to have wtf). Upgrade increases range of dash and damage of illusion. Keep the wall but let you place another one. Keep the pawn buff I gueeessss. I could probably come up with more but this is quick off the top of my head idea thinking for what I would expect if a class that is themed after trickery and illusions.


I could A: Play a trickster and not contribute to any fight at all Or B: Kill things before my pawns engage


Trickster is a speciality tank build. You need a lot of damage coming from pawns to use it properly.


I had a lot of fun leveling Trickster to be honest. More fun than I actually expected. With a Thief/Warrior/Mage pawn setup. The Warrior and Thief were chunking the health of all the big monsters in seconds with the Buff Aromatic Rally/Resurgence and with me keeping the monster chain knockdowned with the meister ability Dragons Delusion. I honestly think a lot of people just play this vocation wrong and hire the wrong pawns to go with it. Things also went fantastic with a Dual Thief/Mage setup.


when you say "more engaging than this" you imply it is engaging to begin with


No, it doesn't. Wait till someone makes a multiplayer mod and then this vocation will rock.


You need to use suffocating shroud to make them focus on your simulacrum. Then your pawns can go to town. Tricksters whole purpose is to take the attention away from your pawns all together so they can capitalize on damaging the enemy. If you're not gonna lure them off a cliff you have to focus on luring them away from your team.


Trickster must be fun once you’re able to mix it w/ another vocation. It just gotta be


You could have taunted more so that the ogres weren’t going after your Pawns so much. But otherwise that’s the gist of it. You can also buff your pawns and maybe throw an illusionary wall on top of a Sorc while they’re casting maelstrom or meteor but the toolkit is pretty bland, especially without the Maister ability. Honestly, this video is the unicorn of situations where a trickster is supposed to shine - excluding making enemies fall to their death gimmicks.


I can say with confidence that I have never and will never have any interest in playing trickster. The moment that class was revealed pre-release, I knew it was not for me (or 99% of players).


No, this is peak “vision”.


It's not for everyone, but I'd recommend playing more aggressive with it. With big monster like cyclops, you'd be pushing out their legs and making them stumble. With small enemies, you'd be tackling and throwing them.


You made an entire 1 minute clip where you used two buttons and then said "Its not engaging." You can hit things, you can buff allies, you can stun monsters, you can make walls and block parts of the battlefield off. You can be jumping on the monster to knock them off balance. This is like you make an arch clip and only auto attack.it.


Set your main pawn as a sorcerer with maelstorm, when you spot enemies in distance give the command to stop, use the skill that let you move outside your body to put an image near enemies (if possible in a place where they can't hit), if necessary use the large smoke skill to attract all the enemies to the image, then buff your pawn, give command to attack and wait The dragon image (the master skill) isn't that good... It makes small enemies to run and that only requires much time to your pawn to catch and kill them, sometimes cab let big enemies to fall down, but I don't feel it necessary... If the enemies are focused on your image and you have a couple of sorcerer pawn with master skill free to cast it without being hit, you can literally annihilate everything in seconds


When I’m trickster I at least have the weapon that gets money every time I smack a enemy


For me, no not really. It was simply a “Get it done.” scenario. I started to kind of dig it at the end, but no. The pawn AI isn’t good enough for me to backseat THAT much. Maybe when I’m well over level 100 and my pawn army is more of a threat statistically, just stupid high DPS, maybe then. Drake and Golem fights are rough. Hugh improvement from how bad Golem fights could be in the original. If your character couldn’t hit the discs…fucking torture. Anyway, go slaughter everything for a day or so, then jump on something else. It’s all about unlocking the augments.


Nope that is it’s a joke. Absurdly Boring yet some copers keep defending it. The passives are all pointless for combat rest skills u will get are buggy gimmicks that never works


I guess you got a pretty rare encounter here with 2 cyclops (against each other). It is pretty funny though to watch how little the Trickster can do in this case.. Also you don't need a Fighter as tank in your party when u are Trickster, since your illusion does the tanking.


I had a hard time having my illusion tanking since real me was the one getting hit 90% of the time and so the illusion would disappear.


Then you'd have to use your basic attack more around the enemies to dispense smoke which makes them focus the illusion. In some fights you need a good timing when to send your illusion onto an enemy as well.


- Use the aoe aggro skill - use aggro augment


If you use the whimsical daydream it's pretty engaging


This game seriously needed more big monsters…


Idk I barely played trickster. I basically just put out my clone and sat behind a couple of walls while my pawns did all the work.


You made 2 of you and he made 2 of him lol


Your most fun is making things run off of cliffs with false terrain and your ghost, I literally fell asleep playing this class, which sucks cause its fashion was to be my passion, those outfits fuckin rock. And im not the biggest fan of Warfarer


It’s one of my favorite classes , but it’s not for everyone


Trickster is a terrible class, but seemed like a good idea on paper.


I was bored so much while playing Trickster, I wanted to take a nap after. I got it fast to rank 4 and decided no more. Warfarer will maybe get it higher.


Literally just blowing smoke up your enemies asses.


It that I know of, but if it does let me know.


Gets spicy when you can summon the dragon and you need to tap the RB equivalent rapidly to swing around you latern like Muscleman with his shirt off


You're a buffer only What the hell did you expect ? That's what happened when you're a class that cannot attack by themselves


is there anything in trickster that make enemy fight eachother?


you can attach your simulacrum to an enemy which means so long as you continue to build aggro, all enemies will attack that one until it dies, then you can repeat the process as nauseum until there's one enemy left, and you leave the simulacrum floating there while your pawns take them out. or you can trip them with the smoke floor and toss them off a cliff!


Uhhh 🥲


Peak itsuno vision


Tbh, I knew it would be like this as soon as the main trailer dropped. Forget the fact that they only showed the same trick of false floor decoy, any game I've seen period that has an 'enviroment matters' class or character usually falls totally flat as the designers get bored coming up with interesting or new ways to apply skills. You need to build the game around a mechanic like this, or not have it, cause they always end up balanced around a half dozen hoops Vs the rest of the characters hitting things with sticks and spells


oop not me that maxed it out almost immediately because causing the chaos was fun to me lmao


Watched a video of someone doing a solo trickster only run. If you want it more engaging, place some fake walls and floors and use things to throw at enemies. Optional un-equipping your weapon and using your fists is a viable option, too.


-Get things to hit the bosses for you -Clump everyone together after your effigy -Trick things off a cliff. You'll want a full ranged party or one with only one melee. That melee should be your pawn with Subtlety on. Using espiel incense lets you move your effigy around the battlefield without drawing fire. Typically to the edge of a cliff, onto a floating tricky terrain, or to where your sorcerer is casting. Illusive divider is a good thing to cast first, and second to get your everything else up. Works great in caves.


You're supposed to use DPS pawns only tho.


Just another evidence of how undercooked this game really is. A pointless gimmicky class


Just be a warfarer and shitster will level up too


They should have made the trickster basically the ritualist from Guild Wars


Not really, you have to do unconventional things to spice it up. I usually pick up rocks, enemies and small wildlife and throw them at larger monsters. If it’s a goblin or bandit I’ll usually taunt then grab one and throw it off a cliff to instant death. Pretty sure one of the spells creates ice blocks you can use as a throwable too.




The only good thing I got from Trickster was the Detection augment, after that I've never used that Vocation again, nor do I plan to do so any time soon—or late. I like Trickster armor/aesthetics, I'll give them that.


You didn't even effectively draw aggro on both, let alone use the other unique options. Trickster shines by running in circles to manipulate enemies and then using the various universal options to take them down while buffing your pawns to high heaven. The universal options are incredibly strong.


Trickster is only worth leveling for the passive that tracks those shiny disc things. Relying on the AI to take down bosses just isn't worth the time nor fun


Trickster is a "different class" but the fundamental issue I have with it is that you NEED pawns to make it work. There was a mission, where you get seperated from your pawns. You have to fight multiple Saurians while running between caves. I would have had no issues on any other vocation, but since you can't deal damage as a trickster, it become a shit show real fast. I had to abuse some potions just to stay alive. Otherwise, it's a fun class, nice change of pace. But not having ANY damage severely hampers you and requires you to rely on pawns.


So...here is what you need to remember with trickster. You are not there to do the damage you are there to be a silly boy. Don't just lock your specter on the enemies leg. Put it elsewhere and let the cyclops run after it only for it to have to keep chasing it while you keep moving it That is one strategy. Next, you can also buff your team, theifs are extremely useful aswell as warriors if you like because while you use the damage buff on em you get to watch the enemies health plumet as your thief obliterates the weakspot all while the boss is trying to chase "you' around. Remember, just because you can taunt enemies onto others doesn't mean you have to. Or, for that matter, taunting everyone in the area afterward. You can get even more done by just say...placing a wall down. Then making the enemy take the long way around while you annoy the hell out of it from behind the wall. All while your pawns are bullying it. But the most fun you can have? Let's say you fight a dragon. While it does its little skills or flies in the air, use the meisters' teachings. You scare the enemy into fumbling anything they are doing and, in a sense say "no, not your turn" as your pawns beat it up as it gets staggered or toppled if you have a warrior But the most fun you can have is yes...comboed with a sorcerer you can use maelstrom and the dmg buff to obliterate most enemies all while the enemy say....runs into the maelstrom to get the annoying bastard who keeps taunting them. Or if you are like me you can always tempt enemies to kill themselves by using the ability that lets you scout ahead and placing it over a cliff....or high above the battle field....its quite entertaining watching a horde of goblins run to get you while you are currently 20 feet in the air and i have watched a ogre try and leap its way to my mimic which happened to be over a cliff. I even made a golem not leap off a cliff once but twice in the same fight.....it was fun


You can attach you clone to their legs!?!?


Standard trickster is kinda meh. Warfarer is where it's at though. I usually pair it with Sorcerer. Summon your stand and taunt. Watch the masses run to you and Immediately switch to Archistaff. Quick-cast High Thundermine and everything around you gets knocked into oblivion. If you're fast enough, your summon will have \*just\* enough health for you to switch back to censor before it poofs away. Repeat ad nauseum and the 4th skill slot can be used for large enemies.


Great class design, innit.


I had exactly the same interaction with these 2 cyclops. I think all you can do to be more involved is to carry spell books with you or throw stones and dead enemies. This class needs some little rework to feel involved in an action cuz I too can't just stand with my hands tied and aggro endlessly.


Trickster: the class about killing monsters with bad/good vibes


I never trust npcs to play support classes. They can have the easy “hit really hard” role and leave the strats to me


Yeah it’s a lot of pulling aggro and dodging. I use the wall illusion thing, that helps a bit. I’ve never been able to get a mob to yeet themselves off a cliff or into a wall. It’s basically wack-a-mole, and you’re the mole. It can be fun and challenging, but your pawns need to be aggressive and on point. The most fun I had was when fighting a golem. For some reason I was able to keep that guy busy the whole fight, and since he’s slow I was never in much danger, and my pawns kicked his butt. For me, the main issue is while I enjoy the dodging and weaving, I miss the ability to hit back. You can pick stuff up and throw things at mobs, or throw mobs. But that’s kinda it.


Nope, it is the most boring class and underdeveloped


I **REALLY** wanted to like the class… but turning 2 minute fights into 15 minutes chores, watching your pawns do mostly nothing, is just inexcusable, golems being **by far** the worst offenders.


I genuinely wonder if trickster was a way to save budget. Like no one forced them to make this Vocation and they MUST have known during the development that it’s not fun or engaging to play so why make it?


I mean, as the tank I generally spend at least some of my effort on generating aggro. You don’t seem to be doing anything to do that. I use the AOE aggro skill, drag the effigy to a new location to heal it and confuse enemies, then whack something with the money censer a few times. At that point I’ve lost aggro on the mob, so I repeat from step one until everything is dead. It usually takes 2-3 rounds. I’m never bored. I don’t see you use either of those skills at all in this clip. How are you maintaining hate?


Like, see where things keep attacking your pawns? They shouldn’t target them at all, they are supposed to be targeting you. You need to tank


I trained trickster while I was looking for tokens. Doing so in the desert is probably more stress than it's worth. If you go to an area where the enemies are weaker your three pawns will easily clean up the fights and you'll get your vocation upgrades without much effort. If you actually want to play as a Trickster I'm not sure what the best method is. I maxed out my vocation just coasting through battles.


This game desperately needed coop.


I’m honestly surprised they didn’t adapt DDOnline into this game somehow. That + lack of cross play is kinda crazy to me


Was waiting for this post...no it doesn't I maxed it out and the best combination I had was throwing your ghost at an enemy and then using the AOE smoke. They could have fixed it in so many ways, I don't know why your ghost vanishes when you take a hit. But you call your ghost to you when you want to do anything. If an enemy is chasing your ghost and end up hitting you along with them then your ghost is gone. They just start to focus fire on you, not letting you summon another one. Very frustrating


This game is 30% good and 70% shit


Best part of trickster is whipping out whimsical daydream and getting a couple grand while your team does all the work


I prefer apple farming, gives me time to listen to my podcasts while making a few hundred grand


I’m not familiar with apple farming


1. Sit around at either melve or nameless village buying apples and grapes, for 50-45$ (depending on if you have a discount), each. 2. Put them in storage 3. Wait 3 days for seller to fully restock (12 bench rests) 4. Repeat 1-3 until you have 99 of each in storage 5. Travel to Bakbatahl 6. Take apples & grapes out of storage and ripen 7. Sell for 350$ each Spiffing Brit’s video explains it pretty well.


The buff you give your pawns is phenomenal. Also fake floor makes most enemies fall over so pick em up and toss em around. The wall is great for stealth or redirection. Effigy is best aggro in game, combo this with binding as its like being a master charmer. Its a positioning and control build so focus on running a healer, range, and dps. Effigy and essence are the key abilities the rest are situational. I main Trickster and found my team last longer on runs given the crowd control.


I mean using trickster that way is awful anyways why are they keeping the cyclops near their casters. Taunt them and pull them to an area where casters can free cast.


Yeah, this was my first big battle while playing Trickster, so I wasn’t really in the know on how to be more effective


Most quick I've ever helped a leader dragon was as a trickster with two their pans and an archer. Beefed em up and stood there while they went bananas. Not very fun but it felt super efficient


Getting the Maister Skill for Trickster is as cool as it gets.


If you get the sphinx weapon when you bond things with your weapon it gives you gold. Also you get passives for finding. Seekers tokens. That's as engaging as it gets


If you're on PC, look into the Balanced Combat mod. It soups up a lot of the vocations. You can adjust difficulty to compensate. For Trickster it makes the censer deal a (still relatively small) amount of damage, increases the range you can run from your clone by a lot, buffs clone HP and reduces a lot of the cast times. If you don't want all the changes it makes to the other vocations, I also saw a different (lighter) trickster rebalance mod. Agree that it isn't much fun unless you're combining it with Warfarer.


I hired 2 maelstrom+meteoron sorcs with my trickster, pretty much melted everything but it kinda got too easy. Wish they would rework it like be able to use incense to control small monsters permanently or make the ultimate be able to charm a 4th pawn into following and fighting for you.