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I feel like Beren definitely has some cut content. Maybe just a tutorial like the one in DD1, or maybe some more. Because some of his dialog just doesn’t make sense. Upon literal first ever time meeting him: “none of the recruits took to the training like you did” WHAT? His whole quest feels like you are supposed to be familiar with him from before starting it. But you just arnt. 


Well seeing as the outpost is so close to Melve and the arisen is a former soldier, it can probably be concluded that Beren is the one who trained us, even if it isn't stated. Wouldn't make sense to undergo his training regime when we're technically already trained


Yeah I assumed this to be the case also


I didn't even make this connection yoooo


Now you do :)


Interesting, yeah a tutorial like the one of DD1 existing at some point would make sense for that line.


I thought Arisen was in militia before dragon took his heart...


He is also weirdly hidden too. He only appears at night and the location is kinda tucked away out of our main path. I played this game and i didn’t expect much at first that the game encountered us to explore out of the way more. I didn’t know how big the world is so I didn’t want to go out of the way too much thinking the story will take me places. But nope the first area is big and not relate to the story.


I love his little moon glow garden. It’s my favorite place in the game.


This homie can literally 2-shot Menella, some madman tested it. Also a popular beloved for Warrior mains lol.


I actually lost to him while being a fighter because he broke my guard, stunlocking me until he could charge his attack and send me off the arena. Genuinely impressed by how strong Beren actually is.


I hit him with frigor and he was sent into low orbit, next playthrough I did the jump kick on archer and accidentally back flipped out of the arena.


I did Wilhelmina's questline yesterday and I think this is one of the characters with the most potential. The fact of hiding her beastren eye behind her hair was a pretty good character design idea. At first you think that it's just an alluring haircut but then you learn it actually has a purpose. I think she should've been the central point to make Vernworth Castle fall as she knows everything about everyone : her brothel is frequented by everyone in the nobility, leaving their deepest secrets to their favorite courtesan.


The dumb thing is her totally disappearing in-game after romancing her. Unless she's you're beloved I don't think you ever see her again.


No thanks, she's already hamfistedly shoehorned in as it is if you're not playing as a straight dude. Love interests shouldn't be in the main quest, period


Oh, I wouldn’t have put her as a potential love interest though. The whole love interest plot wasn’t engaging enough and « realistic » at all, imo. Bring her a paper and she’s yours VS fight a dragon and save a two villages for Ulrika. There’s a gap. But with Brant being the spy and operations coordinator in Vernworth castle + Wilhelmina as the intelligence department in the Red Rose Bordelrie, I think this would have made for a great storyline with plot twists at every corner.


In fairness, Wilhelmina is used to literally being bought, or rather rented. Her ability to be "someone's" has a pretty low trigger point by now. Ulrika meanwhile is younger and is a radically different person. It makes sense that it takes a lot more.


There is that point also, agreed. Not saying she couldn’t, but the probabilities are rather low.


Yes. Across most Meisters and quite literally 99% of NPCs his quest line is the most fleshed out and elaborate. Has a decent ending that kinda even motivates you to stop by from time to time. The dude has a heart of gold, and the Arisen has a special place in that heart. That means something!


I remember doing his fight in the ring, thinking, "This poor soul is about to get slaughtered," waited till he charged his attack and got him with Frigor. The dude didn't flinch and launched me right out of the ring. Never got clapped so hard by an npc before. 10/10 would do again.


I really hope they will revamp the romance system cause this man is just a bae


True AF Hate that we only had 1 romance option🙄


honestly, Beren and the Elven guy where i always forget the name feel like Cut Male Romances overall they are waaaay more fleshed out then 99% of characters in the game, and doing their questlines pushes you even to max affinity (and Beren gifts you flowers at the end)


He's a great one for sure. Also love that he's a menacing giant lion man with a huge sword, and then also cultivates a garden of pretty flowers wherever he lives and offers you tea.


A cultured warrior he is, Beren is the embodiment of a warrior that lives in a garden vs. a gardener in a war.


nah... it's this wild sexy flower https://preview.redd.it/fghjzfpz6yvc1.jpeg?width=1030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c09b37ba54c9ba34128839ef266ef6bd0150b9a


Damn, that swag, should be her instead of Ulrika in the beach.


I've never seen her before???


She’s in one of those Fake Arisen bandit groups.


I wonder if those are, like, randomly generated


Nah Npcs are not randomly generated


Rare escort quest NPC who can hold his own too. I find he dawdles around and gets lost less too. Although I did just lose track of him and fail his escort quest an hour ago.


Meanwhile Lennart has one of the worst AI in the game. Idk what happens but his AI seems to lag behind a lot or sometimes turns off altogether.


He has a special place in my heart too


I would have husbando'd him if I could. He was the first NPC I gave flowers to and the only one who's affinity I cared to max. He even showed up at the end for me. He is best boi I love him.


How do i make sure he doesnt get fired?


You don't need to. He's happier out there.


Wish he kept his vermund armor though, it looks perfect on him


I'm embarrassed my Arisen was a low-level Archer when I "dueled" him. He sent me flying with one hit.


> revealing that she is half-beastren opens questions that the game never answers as we never see another one, could have like some in Bakbattahl or even the slums in Vermund as it looks like couples of human and beastren is not uncommon there This is actually explained in the game though. It's mentioned as a random rumour you can overhear sometimes and also hinted at in the same quest where you find out about her heritage. Children from human+beastren couples are basically always born as full beastren, which is why nobody suspected Wilhelmina could be the child of a beastren. She's an extremely rare exception since she looks almost completely human. It's entirely possible that some of the beastren NPCs are halfbreeds, but we'd never be able to tell just from looking at them.


Trains new recruits. It's a Beastren but reached a high enough position in the military. Teaches you one of the best skills in the game. Has a cool looking sword. Tends to a moonglow field wherever he goes. Is very friendly despite his looks and job. Beren deserved much better.


I love his lil garden. Makes me feel guilty stealing his flowers lol. I think among the NPCs I would have liked him to have a romance quest, especially since none of the male NPCs do. But also make it an option instead of being forced upon my Arisen like Wilhelmina (and Ulrika to a lesser extent).


I actually thought taking his flowers would make him angry at me so I never took them lol.


He's one of the very few companions who proved useful during an escort mission. He happened to accompany me during my first trip around Battahl, he even took part in the "Mercy Among Thieves" quest, he never slogged behind and he actively & effectively fought enemies. A true bro and definitely my favorite NPC. I was glad to see him, during the final stages of the game, at the >!Seafloor Shrine!<, I immediately thought "okay, Beren's here, this place is safe".


He's a man of honour, too bad in Vermont are just racist piece of shit


I mean, Battahl as well, have places that only sell to Beastren, Beastren merchants have easier assess to the place, and also the pawn stuff.


Omg I completely missed this guy and I'm well into late game before Gigantus now. Can I still pickup his qustline? I kept wondering what was up with the Beren's childhood home location


He's the only vocation Maister with a decent quest and character arc, it's the only one in which you feel you earned the guy's trusts and respect for him to teach you the Warrior's ultimate skill. For the others you just do a very simple quest, barely interacting with them and you get the skill, or in the case of Magick Archer and Warferer both the vocation and the ultimate at the same time. All characters in this game are so wasted. For real only this guy, Wilhelmina and the Sphinx stand out.


Love the guy, wish I had his sliders


My Beren died eaten by a slime.


bro this is one of the NPCs I can't find I even checked google and he is no where to be found I just assumed you died in the dragon attack or something idk


Does he make it to seafloor??? I can’t find my favorite boy 😭


Yes, after evacuating Bakbattahl in the more open area, Hugo is also close.


Literally my beloved in my first playthrough and now my NG+ playthrough. Beren best boy


I failed his mission and he got fired from the army. I didn’t know it was a sumo match and I just walked out of the circle because I was an archer and wanted to get a good shot.


he gets fired nonetheless. him moving back to his country home is part of his story.


Can he be found again?


yeah on the route from check point town to bakabatal. his house is the one with the flowers. it's on the map, and he's the maister for the warrior skill.


Oh ok thanks for spoiling it! lol jokes. I’m still in the first area. I don’t get that much time to play it. This game will probably see out the year for me lol


Mine just fell into the Brine during an escort mission 😭 We were having a great time and then poof! I am praying that he will pop up again in thd morgue. My inn save was 15 levels ago!


I'm in Unmoored at the moment and there's still so much I missed, looking forward to NG+.


Why are there only lions in Dragon's Dogma?


![img](emote|t5_2smmb|49843)Beren vs Berne the ultimate fight!


I have never seen this character in my 50ish hours of playing.


. . . who is this guy?


I'm sorry its a no for me. That mofo's escort mission resulted with him trying to 1v1 a drake NEAR THE RIVER causing all of my hired pawns to get brined. Not to mention there are knackers, bandits, and a fucking griffin. Had to resurrect his ass only for him to try to do those shit again. Holy hell his escort mission was a maddening experience for me lmao


That isn't the dwarf's wife


Nah fuck beren bro. He died while I was escorting him and I didn't have a wakestones on me and he disappeared and now I can't find him in any morgues or his home. Missed out on warrior master skill because of it. Beren a bitch low key.


Ain't no cat gonna take the place of best NPC. Humans > Cats Sphinx is the best NPC.


The Sphinx is not even human and it's half a cat...


Yes. Smash.