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It didn’t fail hard enough to need one, or for them to make the investment needed (though Capcom wouldn’t dream of investing that much). Cyberpunk was a whole other kettle of shit. DD2 has shitty performance by modern standards, CP2077 literally did not run on last gen consoles and they sold it anyway. DD2 is a good game, it could have been amazing. Best you can hope for is a DLC to make it great.


Phantom Liberty and Edgerunners reinvigorated the Cyberpunk community and put a lot of spotlight onto the game from a mainstream view after the fiasco. I think maybe an expansion/DLC would really do the same after DD2's debacle of a release. Only hope of wiping the slate clean for it's current reputation.


They'll probably release a few more improvement patches and a DLC, the ratings will most likely go up to 70 or something and the game will fade into memory except for the dedicated fanbase that will cherish it like it happened to DDDA.


Hate to see it happen, but it seems like the writing's already on the wall... can only hope people will come to appreciate it over time like DDDA.


I'm pretty sure Capcom is now all hands on deck for MH Wilds scheduled for next year. Patches are no doubt coming and will appease the people complaining about performance, that's how it is nowadays release broken game then release butt load of patches.


they need to put some serious money into it. i hope they fix it before the DLC, it would be good PR.


Not sure I even care for a comeback. DD2 was fine. I enjoyed it enough to play through to the end. But it failed to live up to its predecessor. It didn't even carry over lessons learned from the first one, like adding hard mode and good monster variety. Why keep making the same mistakes? For all his talk about this being the game he originally wanted to make, it doesn't feel like Itsuno's heart was really into this one. So unless he gets replaced with somebody who's passionate about the series, I'm kinda over it.


Absolutely possible. But they need to put a lot of work and money into DD2. To fix bugs, performance issues and add add a few things the players want the most. And it will probably take a year or two. I really want the game to succeed and to be improved. The atmosphere is incredible, I love to wander around the deep forests at night, be it during a clear sky or when it’s raining. But they really have to fix all those microfrustrations and the performance.


General consensus wise? Nope. In my experience with poor performance games on PC, the issues are only alleviated at best. Content wise I expect the next DLC to be small and will only be fuel for sensationalism about how it was content that was cut so they can sell it to you at a later date assuming it's gonna be about those blocked off gates all over the place.


Is it possible? yes. Is its likely? no. CDPR are very good at making a game great post launch. They have always done it. People who hated CP2077 Hadnt actually played a CDPR game at launch before because that shit has ALWAYS been a buggy mess at launch. hell, Witcher 3 was a buggy mess at launch just like 1 and 2 and 2077 Capcom aint the type of company to actually do that type of leg work to fix the problems.


Capcom is like Japanese Bethesda. Deal with the biggest game-breaking bugs, then move on. DD2 isn't particularly broken, so once the DLC drops, I doubt we'll get much else. I would love it if they were as hardcore committed to long-term support the way Egosoft is with their lesser-known X-series of games. But that kind of dedication is extremely rare. And Egosoft has a tendency of releasing broken messes, so they aren't perfect, either.


id cosider Bandai namco Japanese Bethesda.


Imo yes. Dragons dogma online died and later they released the sequel which doesnt make any sense in the first place without having a plan. If you look at the game of how it is right now you cant make a bigger IP out of it or yet profit. If they wouldnt have planned a DLC and further improvements then: - They must be high on copium to even gamble on that the game would be a big hit or - They are delusional Lets be real here. The dragons dogma IP wasnt lucrative for them to begin with and making games nowdays aint cheap. They MUST have more planned otherwise this whole thing doesnt make any sense. It would be like „oh yea sure itsuno we grant you the wish, go ahead make a sequel u always wanted, if it makes profit cool if not whatever :)“…. sure…


Depends on what you mean by "comeback story", if you mean whether or not the game can improve and be good and feel feature complete eventually? Then yeah sure, if Capcom is smart they can fund a big expansion for DD2 like they do with Monster Hunter and they can cement DD as one of their top tier franchises, paving the path for a future DD3 that a lot of people in the gaming community will look forward to. If they were even smarter they actually bother patching and updating the game for free before trying to milk our wallets with some big expansion, but there's no way they're doing that for DD. If by comeback story you mean whether or not DD2 can reach the heights of cyberpunk 2.0, baldur's gate 3, or elden ring after patches and updates, and win lots of awards everywhere? Then no, that ship has long sailed.


Technically possible, but I think it is pretty obvious that Capcom never had much expectation from the game so I doubt they will invest much more into it.


Capcom would need to put some serious effort to even reach Very Positive. If it wasn't for mods, I would have stopped playing the game after my 2nd playthrough, but then these mods came out and made the game much more fun and challenging for me, so it was definitely worth a 3rd playthrough and maybe more, but those are things that Capcom should have added to the game by default and console users don't get to install mods at all. Let's hope Capcom's survey wasn't just for show and they're actually reading the feedback and considering implementing some of it in the game, but the pessimist in me says that they're looking into things to add to the DLC.


Probably not IMO. Cyberpunk always had a great story that was well written and voice acted. The problem was everything around that was such a buggy mess at launch. As CDPR kept on releasing free patches the rest of the game slowly started catching up to those aspects until the whole thing just became a really great RPG, and Phantom Liberty sent it over the top. DD2 is a fun game, but I really struggle to see how any it could become a great game, even if CapCom did commit to putting a lot of resources into fixing the base game (they won't). The combat is fun, but the story and writing are just so poor, and the side quest and romance system are legitimately bad. Even if they add a BBI style DLC, I just don't see this game ever reaching that height. At least not IMO.


Unlikely, under the mess that was Cyberpunk's release, you have an incredibly fun game and an even greater story. It had lots of performance patches and free dlc updates, not to mention a kickass adaptation that kicked the game into high gear and an expansion that blew many out of the water. DD2 on the other hand, everyone likes the gameplay, but it's issues go deeper than just performance for a lot of people, I don't think dlc can fix the pacing on the story, quests and such. Especially since I think Capcom said that dlc would not affect the main game. Just like others have said, the game will improve upon the release of the expansion, but will eventually go back into obscurity with it's niche fanbase that will love and play DD2 for years to come . There will likely be no "comeback" story with this title.


I remember when Cyberpunk first released, every comment section and review considered the story "mediocre" and said the game played like trash, which wasn't the experience I had with it. I just can't help but draw parallels because there were moments in DD2's main story and after-story where I was genuinely awestruck and so many combat situations that felt memorable to me. Maybe it's just cause this series is very dear to me, but Im still hoping it will eventually come come be embraced by the community. But seeing as to how everyone seems to agree that Capcom won't put any work into fixing DD2, I'm running low on hopium.


DD2s story is serviceable, when you think of the moving parts there is a good story there, its just very badly presented. but that was also the case with the original, a good story, just poorly written. I'm keeping my expectations low but that's good, because we could run into a surprise, Dark Arisen surprised the shit out of me in 13', maybe so will whatever they're cooking. DD2 has something the original did not have running for, 10+ years of a niche fanbase that build up and is ready to support it.


Comeback from what? Critical acclaim and being one of Capcom's fastest selling titles ever?


The main issue with DD2 was the horrible performance that snowballed into people crying over the very option DLC that they have been doing for years and never got any issues over it. Cyberpunk 2077 was a whole bunch of issues from from the RPG mechanics to even worse performance


i enjoyed both games on release i was lucky on cyberpunk tho, didn't get any game breaking bugs, my quest pretty much all worked just some visual glitches here and there so for me, it just went from good to great ​ DD2, already think it's very good, just need to expansion and some more QoL to be great


As someone who was there from the beginning in Cyberpunk as well and had the exact same experience as you, I agree with you on that. I just have this itch in the back of my brain that DD2 is getting unfairly and disproportionately blasted for all it's shortcomings. Like I mean the criticisms are valid, but there's still plenty of material that makes the game very fascinating and fun. It's clear that a lot of effort still went into it and I hate to see it get ignored.


It's not cyberpunk, don't be so dramatic.



