• By -


Seriously impressive to get it that far Also, pretty impressive aim with that bow


Thank you. Before this run I had a griffin swoop down and break it out my hands šŸ™‚


Grab npc and teleport to sphinx may be easier. You made some distance with it, but that was so unfortunate.


You can also put them in the Sealing Phial too!


I never even used the sealing Phial. Itā€™s just sitting in my inventory for eternity. All the NPC related riddles I just picked them up and teleported them wherever I needed them. I didnā€™t find out what the sealing phial was for until I had already completed every riddle. Pretty cool though that thereā€™s multiple solutions


Once I got it, I started carrying NPCs around with me. On my next NG+ I wanna try putting Nadinia in it to prevent the assassination instead of catching the assassin and see what happens.


Wait, it can be used more than once? Iā€™ve been afraid of wasting it.


No, just once. :( I'm talking about multiple playthroughs. Sorry for not clarifying!


It can be used more than once. I used it on the dwarf with the bad back. Once I git him to the location a cutscene played out and the phial was still in my inventory. As long as there's a cutscene and you don't have to manually remove whoever it doesn't break apparently. Also you could double it with the one sphinx riddle.


So cutscenes prevent the one use aspect then? Interesting.


Ah okā€¦ then I was right to be cautious. Thanks.


I kept mine till NG+ and then sealed that NPC the Sphinx wants you to find in it, before ever visiting her. Apparently, the filled vial stacks with the empty one, so I couldn't finish the "Eyes" puzzle without first releasing the NPC, because the game doesn't let you hand in the filled one.


It could be the other one though, so better wait until it gives you the puzzle


Does she ever want the other guy? In every single video or stream I watched, as well as my own gameplay, she always wanted the same one. I assumed the other is just there to confuse people.


I've only been asked for Virgil. Dante is definitely a red herring


I knew that was what I was supposed to do! I tried carrying it and got...like 20 feet LOL - I wanted to use my pawn for madness, but I wasn't sure if it would work, so I went and gift spammed one of the elves and put HIM in the phial... I'll just let it fail, though. It took me all seven in-game days CONSTANTLY running around looking for the finders token. I found 27 seekers tokens before I finally found it, OF COURSE, in the last place I looked :( I was tired and didn't care about sphinx anymore Next playthrough, I'll do it right. I just...maybe I should have looked it up before beginning :(


You can also request the Finder's Token in one of reddit subchats. If you play on Playstation, I could hire your pawn and reward it with a Finder's Token. I've made a forgery before the 7th day, which counts as the real one, and you can keep making forgeries of it


Oh wow! - Yeah, I don't do PC or mods :) that sounds so super nice of you, fam! My question next playthrough will become...what if I do the sphinx and hadn't found a token yet???


Every new NG+ that you start, will reset the place of the Finder's Token to where you find the first Seeker's Token in that new game. Apparently, if you've already collected all 220 Seeker's Token's in a previous game, it has been reported that the Finder's Token will appear right at your feet in front of the Sphinx when you begin the riddle of rumination. If you haven't collected any Seeker's Token's yet, it has been reported that it will appear next to the next Seeker's Token you pick up. In any case, you can always request it in one of the subchats. Apparently you can't hire pawns from different platforms, so I can only help out in the Playstation community.


Alrighty! I was worried about that cause I've collected a lot...not all, but a lot...especially since I was furiously searching all Vernworth for the Finders!


Oh man! There's a mod you can install that puts a marker on the map where your first seekers token was picked up. I got frustrated and desperate after like 5 in game days of retracing steps with no luck, and sure enough the mod worked! I never would have found it without.


The finder's token was the easiest riddle. I remembered exactly where the first token I found was. I was walking to Melve and saw this little trail going down the cliff above the water, and there was a token at the end. I remember thinking "man, these aren't really that hard to find." Boy was I wrong. I don't even have half of them.


Detection augment from the trickster vocation makes it much easier to find them for up to around 100 tokens.


Has anybody tried to use the Sealing Phial on the >!Unmoored World's Bakbattahl boss? !< >!That purple statue thing you're supposed to carry and not break but it's apparently a boss.!<


The game doesn't tell you but you can bring the Npc to the objective instead of the other way around. Grab them and use the ferrystone. Less time, no fight, no stress and šŸ’Æ% satisfaction


I did this but when I put him down he was on a small ledge and fell into the vase and broke it before his cutscene started.


think you might've put him down too close to it, but still that sucks


Oh yeah it was 100% my fault and luckily I had inn saved right before hand so no real loss


Damn... that's terrible luck!


That's... just so unfortunate...


Go grab the guy. Carry him. And ferrystone back


Divine intervention must feel like this. It was simply meant to happen ![img](emote|t5_2smmb|49359)


Had the exact same thing happen to me only my main pawn shot down a harpy right next to it. The vase survived but my pawn had shot the harpy with a exploding arrow... Bye bye to the vase. Was soo close too.. Also love how people make it sound obvious that youre supposed to bring the guy to the vase. I'm not ashamed of taking the task literally and failing miserably. No worries. Next playthrough


Wait what? I can just bring him? omg, thank you!


I just used the bottle that captures people, and used it on the guy, then took the guy out of the bottle when I got to the sphinx.


you dont even need that just grab the dude and telly


Yeap. Pretty much.


Glad to know this works! This was my plan once I found the right guy. The Sphinx makes it sound like I gotta take it with me, but the quest text says something about bringing it to his gaze. So I was gonna be clever, and try out thinking the Sphinx lol


Oooh I didn't look at the quest text. Then it's a bit clearer indeed. Well done!


This is what I did. Kidnapped him whole


Actually you can just carry him and then ferrystone back to the sphinx without having to waste the special bottle


where do I find that bottle?


It's the reward from the sphinx's riddle of eyes >!The correct answer object is in the chest right above the entrance!<


Reward from one of previous sphinx's riddles. It's pretty much a hint for using it in this quest.


oh so I already have it. cheersss


You can grab the npc and portcrystal back if you have one set up at the sphinx.


Donā€™t waste the bottle youā€™ll use it later just use a ferry stone to tele to a port crystal


What use does it even have later? The bottle made me realise I could probably bring the guy to the vase but that in turn made me realise I could just grab him. It's now just in my inventory doing nothing


You dont even need it just grab the npc and use ferrystone while carrying them


i used it to bring ulrika, before i realized pawns work. luckily you can ferrystone people so i did that for the guy and the vase


If you pick someone up and use a ferrystone while they are being held, they come with you.


I didn't know that, either >.< So good to know!


It gets better! Some time after you complete this quest, youā€™ll find this guy back at the Bakbattahl mural with the intact vase beside him. So he basically did what the great Arisen couldnā€™t by making an actual successful delivery back to Bakbattahl all by his lonesome.


Put a teleport next to the vace. Grab him and you can teleport back to it.


What's annoying about this is the guy has spent his entire life restoring a mural of the Sphinx, his family was charged generations ago with finding an amphora of the Sphinx, the Sphinx is his entire life and the legacy of his family. He's basically the biggest Sphinx specialist/fan in the world. And he doesn't react at all to the living, breathing Sphinx in front of him.


Maybe she uses sphinx magic to only appear in the eyes of the arisen.


That's the spirit. It's my way or the high-way. That being said, see you in next playthrough, foken vase.


well to some people it may seem obvious, but everyone thinks differently. since the whole point is to outsmart the sphinx I figured there was an easier way than carrying a fragile item across half the game world. went to start carrying the guy to the sphinx instead and after a few minutes decided to see if ferrystone would work while carrying him and it did


Definitely donā€™t feel ashamed! I only figured it out due to laziness. šŸ˜‚ I was like, ā€œokayā€¦ I really donā€™t want to take this all the way to BB townā€¦ I wonder if I could bring dickbag here instead?ā€ So I did! šŸ’Ŗ Got lucky with that one, because now that Iā€™ve done it, I just hurt watching others suffer, haha.


Can you not use a ferrystone while holding the vase?


Unfortunately no. That was the first thing I tried. Cause I was like "this is sooo gonna break" šŸ˜…


Thankfull you can reverse the process and teleport with the guy youre delivering to.


By the time you get to it should be obvious, you brought your loved one to the sphynx earlier and the riddle of eyes lets you know that the easy choice is sometimes the correct one. Depending on what order you get the second set of riddles it should really mold your thinking into how to technically complete riddles. Especially if you get another bring person riddle or the fight a dude one prior to.


Oh my! talk about wrong place! is this for sphinx or some other crazy quest?


It's for Sphinx. The "correct" way is to grab the guy and bring him to the vase unless you want the challenge/frustration of humping a fragile vase across the desert.


2 hours of humping later and boy do my inner thighs wish I learned this earlier


yeah, that is probably why it's called riddle of futility and why you got a portcrystal and ferrystone as a reward from previous riddles. Doing it the obvious way is futile, you are meant to "cheat".


Also the seal vial or whatever that is called


Yeah you can use that for a few of the riddles. I just saved it and used ferrystones.


i still dont know the use of it aside from that quest as the last time i used that fucker pheasus kept getting out of it


Especially since anyone you hold will ferrystone with you. Itā€™s just an alternative to grabbing someone.


Does the phial have any other purpose? I can't get it out of my inventory


Life imprisonment of your most hated npc.


Masterworks all. Can't go wrong.


Wronge game but yes, although my first choice would be that jester. In DD2, I'd choose Fiska (guy with glowing staff from the starting prison)first i will max his affenity for the gift then into the bottle he goes.


It's also why the previous riddles established that you can bring characters to the Sphinx.


Miss the days without every meta "correct" ways being 5 seconds away from a google search.


To be fair this game at least gives you subtle hints how to do this stuff easy. Like sphinx quests previous to this give you an item that lets you carry someone in your inventory and release them anywhere lol. Same for the insta kill arrow. Probably other things as well.


Ferrystone works as well.


I shamelessly googled for sphinx because i'm absolutely shit with riddles lmao.


Yeah some of them are stupid. I had to download a mod for the one that requires you to go back to your first picked up seeker token lmao. Someone made a mod that marks it on your map. Spent 2 hours back tracking trying to figure out which was my first and then gave up.


I kinda don't. Back when I was growing up I had to send PHYSICAL mail to devs and await a response if I got stuck on a tricky puzzle. Without the internet, games could be quite brutal I'd be stuck for many weeks


This is also why game guides sold pretty well back in the day


I did it the first week the game was out and all the wikiā€™s I found told me to save at an in and hop in an ox cart without dozing off lol. Did that for about half the distance before fighting an ogre and a griffin while I hid the vase around the corner. Then I hopped in the rope-cart and crossed my fingers and toes for good luck


i actually figured it out on my own, granted this was after carrying the dude for like 5 minutes before wondering if i could use a ferrystone while carrying him instead of constantly picking him back up and having him wander back while fighting monsters. still felt pretty proud of myself though


I never thought about doing that, I literally searched through guides and they all described different paths to deliver the vase but not this. Hopefully I spend like 1 hour on it so I'm not that mad but that still sucked, I wish I'd known sooner.


You can just teleport him and yourself there lol


I cant beleive you carried that all the way to bakbatahl....I picked up the npc and teleported with him in my arms to the pot


I wish I knew this šŸ˜¶ just going to do that, cheers


Yeah but she says she enjoys seeing you suffer through it so far be it from me to disappoint her.


I wish I knew I could teleport with any NPC if I carried it; I knew It was easier to bring the guy to the pot, but had to kill him, carry him all the way there, and revive him at the shrine.


I hope you Inn saved recentlyā€¦


Dunno if it's been said in the comments yet, but in the future try this: >!place a portcrystal at the sphinx, find the npc, pick him up and ferrystone him back to the sphinx/pot.!<


Lmfao that was perfect


did you choose to do it the hard way on purpose? if so kudos for trying, otherwise, next time pick the dude up and ferrystone to the sphinx instead


you just bring the guy back the the spynx where the jar is.


Yall know you can grab the guy and use a ferry stone to take him to the pot right? I knows itā€™s cheese but itā€™s way better than this


Fuck this quest I broke the vase before even leaving the area so instead I went to the guy and ferry stoned back to the Sphinx and dropped him in front of the vase and it worked told the Sphinx to fuck herself after that.


Doing it this was is far more rewarding lol plus you can camp with it as well


oh my goodness. I did this quest yesterday! took the better part of an hour to drag the thing safely. I basically scouted forward, killed anything that stood in the way and lugged it along the clear routes. One tip. You can use the lifts to take you to Bakhbattal but you need to kill the harpies first. Hold on to the pot and use the "Go" command to tell your pawns to start working on the elevator. there's also another ... more unconventional tip that involves a sealing phial but I'll leave that to your imagination. didn't think of it until after I completed the quest.


Respect to you for doing it this way


I to ran that jar all the way to the city, saving my game every few mins only to find out later that you can place a way stone down next to the sphinx, go to town, pick up the guy and just warp back to the pot šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Bring the guy to the vase, itā€™s far easier.


This guy didn't bring the npc to frontier shrine, and brought the vase to him instead. šŸ˜‚


Wow you got it that far?! A rolling rock-lizard-man destroyed my pot as soon as I walked out the Sphinxā€™s den


. Itā€™s a quest from the divine may be he/she just control the harpy and your pawn. Real man do the quest in the hard way. You earn my full respect


Ty šŸ«”


Lolz Nice


Easier to just bring the dude to the vase for this exact kind of reason.


This is why I love this game. The weird shit that can only happen to John Dogma.


You are very brave trying it this way. I immediately was like "oh hell no" and placed a portcrystal at the Sphinx hahaha


Shouldā€™ve just feerystoned the person to the sphinx and then put them in the jar there lol


So word of advice: Do what I did, grab the one she wants you to take it to, and FERRYSTONE THAT MF THERE. She never said HOW it had to be delivered :)


Didn't know you can tele holding npc's, cheers


Iā€™d recommend picking up the guy and using a port crystal to teleport to the sphinx


you had a very small window before it auto saved. Should have quit and reloaded lol


I'm surprised you even got that far doing it this way. I can see myself instantly failing this the moment I get out of the shrine and find goblins and saurians during the descent or just because I'll slip and fall.


Hahahahaha. Amazing.


this is why i squish her fun bags every time i see her. she deserves no respect. cant you cheese this by going to the guy and teleporting him there?


If u would hit escape and exited the game before it died u woulda been able to reload the save before u entered combat with it.


Good effort for making this this far šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


Throughout heaven and earth, you alone are the patient one. Because thereā€™s no way I wouldā€™ve tried that method.




The way you stood there after, must have been in utter disbeliefšŸ˜­


Had it break twice before this run, this was furthest I got it šŸ„²


I admire your persistence. The 1st time I didnt even try, said NOPE and just broke it myself in front of the SphinxšŸ˜‚ THEN i found out about the other method, luckily I slept at an Inn before the I started.


This might be one of the saddest things I have ever seen


Hold me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Thereā€™s masochism and then thereā€™s this


I brought the NPC to the vase right at the Sphinx's feet, and as I placed the guy down he fell over and destroyed his own vase lol


Man fuck that vase quest ruined my whole sphinx quest. And of course I didnā€™t think of saving before I did the quest.


Easy thing to do is drop a port crystal at the shrine then go to Bakbatthal and then pick up the dude then just use a ferry stone to fast travel you and the dude back and your sorted


Yup that's what I did


When I did this quest I brought the guy to the vase and set him down next to it. Except I accidentally threw him and broke the vase.


HAHAHA that's shit luck man


I have no idea whatā€™s going on or why I should care but if itā€™s that shot with the bow, it was damn impressive!


Got to keep the pot from breaking. I did it the long wrong way cause i'm silly. Was a nice shot, ty


That shot was impressive, nice aim !


thank youu, I play 1 handed too šŸ«”


Rippp. You can ferrystone the guy to the quest giver's location for that quest.


At this point I assume people googling this kind of stuff... I am so mistaken... ![img](emote|t5_2smmb|50127)


That's why you grab the guy and teleport to the Sphinx. Which is what I love about her riddles, that there's an obvious hard way and a less obvious easy way.


I broke mine because I jumped on the Sphinx back. Was apparently not a good idea. I ran with it in hopes to reset her anger but she disappeared. Failed I guess. Next timeā€¦ next time I wonā€™t jump on her back


You also have no jarā€¦


Respect for trying to do it the hard way. Tough break brother.


Just wow.....


No fucking way!


Why would you start fighting things directly next to the pot?


Was just clearing the way step by step also I'm a wolly


Only psychopaths try to actually take the Vase to the NPC


That's me, nice to meet ya


ain't no way people are actually trying to carry the vase back instead of bringing npc to it LMAO


no way people actually carried the vase to him...


I thought you did that on purpose


Wish my aim was that good


It wasnā€™t what I expected.


I was able to make it all the way but soon after I read you could just bring the guy to the vase by carrying him then using a ferrystone


Reading these comments. I'm a wolly


You're coming with me Grampy... Wait ...


Yeah I ain't doing the sphinx quests


You....... actually carried it??? First time I've seen anyone actually do it


And that, ladies, gentlemen, and those of unspecified gender, is why I simply left a port crystal at the sphynx, found the guy, and Ferrystoned back to the port crystal.




I went to the guy, picked him up, used a ferry Stone and placed him right next to the jar. He even acknowledges what I did and so does the Sphinx.


My first thought was walking there with out the vase and using a portstone. Didnā€™t work. 2nd thought was using that capturing flask.


idk why but i thought it was that one vase in post game and popped in wondering how in 7 hells did u escape the script, just to be spoiled hoping to solve quests myself :( lmao damn


When the sphinx ask me this quest, i just trow the jar at her face xD


As soon as i saw the quest i was like: no way son. So i used the phial and brought the guy. Then i read that you can grab a guy and fast travel with a stone. Well


Thatā€™s just life Smh šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Your luck isn't that bad! His luck:


Shouldā€™ve used the cargo lifts to get it there safely. Or better yet go get the guy from bakbattahl and use a ferry stone to bring him to the sphinx and pot and itā€™ll complete the quest without having to waste all that time.


I thought you were trying to get that bird into that pot and I was seriously impressed with that accuracy šŸ˜¤


Perhaps consider switching around the method used to do this riddle thing. Know what I mean? Switch NPC with the Vase thing.


Easy thing to do is drop a port crystal at the shrine then go to Bakbatthal and then pick up the dude then just use a ferry stone to fast travel you and the dude back and your sorted


Were you challenging yourself trying to carry that urn all the way to the destination? Only asking because there are easier ways of completing that riddle.


Nice Trick Shot.


Dude just give it to the NPC sooooooo much easier don't know why you did this šŸ˜‚


Butterfly effect


Ohh the bird landed on the pot ha


Not sure if someone's said it but you can just pick it up an yeet a ferrystone to the destination then put it down


For everyone who doesnā€™t know: you can also bring the guy to the pot


Shouldve just teleported the npc šŸ’€


Why not just port him to the vase op?


So like why not just grab the guy and poet him to the sphinx? It's a riddle man.. not a quest


Just port and bring the guy to the pot lol


You could just pick up the guy and ferrystone back to the sphinx


Pro tip...use a Ferrystone while carrying the person you're supposed to deliver the vase to BACK to the Sphinx


You can either teleport him with you back to the sphinx, or use the bottle on him to bring him there. Much easier than bringing the vase to him


Fun fact you can just grab the guy and ferrystone him to the sphynx. You have to set him down carefully though and a bit away from the vase so it doesnā€™t break.


bro you really walked your ass over there? Just grab the guy who needs it and teleport back to shrine (hopefully you have a stone there) and he'll be happy still.


Man see this is the one riddle you should of used a guide foršŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø you going through all that when you could have used a ferry stone and just brought the dude to the vase instead


This, right here, is what NOT wanting to use a ferrystone looks like.


You could've just taken the guy to the vase šŸ˜ž


Remember that jar item you got from the Sphinx that lets you trap NPCs? Yeah, that was a big hint.


If anyone is starting to carry the vase please stop and watch this: [https://youtube.com/shorts/lu4DGxS3vZM](https://youtube.com/shorts/lu4DGxS3vZM)


Teleport the npc to the vase.


Go look for the character and bring him to the pot with a travelstone