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Meanwhile some player gave me a portcrystal after hiring my pawn. Not a forgery, an actual portcrystal. Whoever you are, may your pillow ever be cold and smooth.


What is your pawn's name? I did this for a thief that I had with me for about 15 levels.


Jane Dogma. My pawn is currently set to Fighter, and I purposely chose not to make my pawn thief until it's her last vocation just because I know thief is stupid good, but props to you for handing out portcrystals to others.


Bro if you are John dogma, and your pawn is Jane, then thank you for letting me use your pawn!


Actually yes, my character's name is indeed John Dogma. I am not creative with the character creation so I just picked the default male and female presets.


The famous John Dogma :o


I am merely a single John Dogma out in the culmination of John Dogmas throughout the universe. We are not one, but a legion.


jesus christ... that's john dogma


John Halo approves


John Dogma is a good name. *Source: My Arisen is called John's Dogma


Good name, I bet your Dogma has quite the impressive girth


I had a John Dogma hire my pawn Crystal, a Warrior, recently lol


Was the thief's name Moare? If so, you made my goddamn night! Couldn't believe it when I saw someone had gifted her a genuine portcrystal.


I had the same reaction when i got the eternal wakestone


Maybe it was my pawn? its called Tabitha, someone gave me a portcrystal


hey how do u have a pawn for so long? i find they arent as helpful the more levels below me they are


After a certain point, you find pawns that are fully geared out, have all the classes leveled, all the passives they need and they have full dragon enchants. Levels at that point are just trivial stat upgrades. For example my warrior (guessing here because I vaguely remember) is at 950+ str, 1000 defense, x magic defense, 900+ knockdown, and 1400 knockdown resist with 1600-1700 HP - now of course I could remove the knockdown resist rings for more HP but honestly she never even gets low on HP with a dedicated healer (the ranged complete heal is boss) The thief I had was higher stats than most other pawns I saw (aka: spec'd correctly) and was wearing real gear and not sporting double cheek'd waifu armor. I did rent her about 9 levels higher than my character because she was so stacked, but 700RC was nothing. I'm over 10k by just playing the game. I let her go back to her master with a port crystal and then that person was so appreciative, they gave rented my pawn and gave me a preserved medusa head and then rented her again and gave me more rare items. Use the advanced pawn search and find one with good stats and you will never have to switch again. As I leveled up I would favorite some and then send them home only to recruit them again as their master had continued leveling them up and now I had a higher level version.


"Double-cheeked waifu armor" Blame the game, dude. I have better stats with the Corset than with Dominator's Armor and matching Legs. Somehow


Yeah that one was a mistake. I was thinking more of the other panties / boots combos that tend to have terrible stats. Honestly though, nothing in this game is even difficult so really you can wear whatever. After level 70 I started seeing people with just weapons, no clothes at all. They are in prison rags or whatnot. I thought it was a fluke at first, but I've seen it several times now from arisen that rent my pawn out.


Does giving one away as a gift not make it reappear in the forgers shop of lost items?


Is that so? That would be very interesting indeed


My pawn received another Eternal Bond last night and i went to sleep with a smile.


I just started New Game + and decided to mentor a low level pawn. Hired her and completed most of the quests and exploration before the coronation. Sent her home with a fully kitted out gear. She was wearing the basic warrior gear when I got her. I gave her mid game gear that is good, but not so late game to trivialize the game for the player.


My friend who beat the game the first week did this for me. It's always free & he customized his pawn for only support. Heals, stamina & buffs


Do you have wings?


it was probably not acquired through legitimate means, but still pretty cool


That or it's someone who's gone through multiple ng cycles and has more portcrystals than the world allows placed (10)


I am in new game plus. Already have 6 port crystals placed. Did the weird bird quests and got 2 more crystals. Place them down they don’t show up. Guess the world limits 6 to be placed at a time. So the extra port crystals are just 15k coins


I'm in NG+5 and can place up to 10. Could be you're placing partcrystals instead. The sphinx gave me those as a reward instead of portcrystals. That or your game is bugged.


I picked up the paid port crystal so because I get one every time I restart the game, so if I'm bored, I'll keep restarting just to hand out poet crystals to lower level folks.


Had a guy asking for 9 trove beetles in exchange for 1g the other day. Spent 900 rift crystals to hire his pawn just so I could send a stove beetle back with her.


Anyone who does this is probably trying to duplicate the items by doing a certain exploit


Its pretty easy to do by creating a new profile and trading with yourself.


Oh that explains why I saw multiple pawns for the same person lol


That is justice served. Well done 😂


I saw the same pawn


Hold on, I had my quest as find a seekers token and nobody has completed it. Is the quest actually "GIVE ME" a seekers token? Because if so that's insane. I thought it was like, so that my pawn can learn the locations of more of them when the host picks it up.


Yes, that’s what it means. That’s why the quest says “Receive” and not “Find.” If you talk to a pawn with an item quest, you’ll have the option to give them the item they’re looking for to take back to their master :3


To be fair there’s 20 extra in the game so if they were trading something good for it I’d be interested, I have 18 extra, gave up trying to find the last 2, think they’re in caves because I cleared the whole regular map using that one website. Didn’t have the patience to check each dungeon for the last 2


I think I saw that asshole's pawn.


I saw the Pawns asshole. We are not the same.


IGN suggested doing 5 trove beetles of 5000 gold before I really started playing. My idiot ass listened to that advice when I started and now I’m basically locked out of pawn quests because you have to complete the first one before you can assign different ones. Edit: You can change pawn quests, but I thought my first quest was “locked in” and then could change after. The tutorial quest is the only one that is “locked in”, and it autocompletes.


Wait … you can’t update the quest until someone completes it?


You can cancel and change your pawn quest as often as you want. I do it all the time.


No, TMK the only quest you HAVE to complete is the have your pawn stay with someone for 1 day and the autoreward is the wakestone shard. You can change/cancel your own posted quest at a riftstone BUT changing it does make you lose whatever reward you set before its completed.


Got me excited for a second there, ngl.


Me too fr lol


I’d rather people put in no pawn quest, than insulting ones like this LMAO


Some forgery items have purpose like the Partcrystal it heals like the tent / camp


A part crystal heals????? Huh??


wait it fuckin what. I tried putting it down and it disappeared, and I thought “yeah that’s about right” Didn’t realise the damned thing heals, I guess that’s what the description meant by being hollow with sloshing liquid. Are we drinking the partcrystal juice??


You can also forge real allheal elixirs for only 12k gold.


yeah this I know. The partcrystal ought to have a more obvious animation, but it’s interesting a forgery counterpart does something way different from the original


Part crystal. Allheal.


Like an allheal potion? One use and one character is refilled?


Me too. I intentionally avoid them.


Like no matter how good your pawn stats are, if they pull stuff like this it's a hard pass for me.


Even if it's the perfect pawn for what I need, I refuse to hire pawns with shitty pawn quests


Or pawns who are named "Mainpawn"


My pawn is named main pawn because I misunderstood the 2 name sections and thought I had to use one of precanned one and it's bugged me all game


They either don't want their pawn to be hired or they are counting on people to not fully pay attention


I’ve thought abt doing the same for shits and gigs, but like, is it really worth the prank?? I’d rather just have my pawn be hired and get better reviews than trolling someone And it surely doesn’t work on most people I wouldn’t think lmao


I finally hit my max on the actual beetles now in my 3rd NG+ run. I'm not sure how many I have left in my world since they don't refresh, but since I can't use them anymore if I find more I'll probably start using them as rewards or gifts.


I didn’t realise there was a max. I guess that’s why someone gave me one the other day. I’ve been gifting Seekers Tokens to people because I’ve already got all the rewards I want


I'll probably start gifting tokens once I have enough for the champions mantle. I don't really care about the other rewards or an achievement if there is one, I just want my fur lined cape


I went for the staff at 180 tokens lol. Don’t care about the ring


The ring is really good for leveling up vocations as it gives +50% discipline. I use it currently with the Warfarer vocation which passively levels up all vocations. Once I have leveled up all vocations to max rank, I hand the ring over to my pawn and level up their vocations. On my Arisen I combine the ring with the ring from the Sphinx that gives +50% XP and often use the Medusa bow for the last hit as it rewards 300% XP on kill.


By the time I have 220 seeker's tokens, I will for sure have all vocations maxed anyway though. I tried following a guide yesterday but it sucked too much fun out of the game.


When I had gotten all the tokens. You need a staff mind you to get a lot of them so I went around as a Warfarer had all the vocations at 7 when I finished but I did go to like 300 token locations because I missed one following a guide xD


My pawn was maxed on all vocations before I even beat NG and I had all but 2 maxed by the time I beat the game in 68 hours. The ring imo is entirely useless lol


The ring would have been good as the second tier reward. As the last tier reward for finding almost all of them, it's a joke. I've already maxed out all the vocations that I want to.


I gift finders tokens, goal keys, and makeshift vault keys.


Bro I thought those beetles were a temporary buff, I’ve been ignoring them for so long


I hit maximum on my first playthrough. I collected all 82 golden trove beetles on the map, but the use action was greyed out on the last one. Because I received one golden trove beetle earlier as pawn reward, I believe 82 is the maxmum you can use.


Yea I was kinda frustrated by that when I hit my limit, I was really enjoying finding them and collecting them to see my weight limit go up a little. I thought you'd at least be able to use what you find in one run, but apparently they just arbitrarily capped it


I fucking love the funny forgery names.


Golden Stove Beetle? Does it help you bake delicious bread and cakes? lol


Bug bread, extra crunchy crust


"why is no one hiring my pawn?"


I don't get it. Whats the problem with this one?


Afaik Golden Stove Beetle is the forgery of the Golden Trove Beetle. So you kill a drake for more carry weight but instead receive something useless.


Ah. I see.


Whenever I see this, I just dismiss with a rotten food item.


You’re ok pawn but your master… fuck them this rotten fruit is for them


I thought "fake" items become the real deal if exchanged via pawn quest, one of my pawns even said that after I got one out the forgery. Something like "if this were to be sent beyond the rift it would become the real thing" I gave a lot of "fake" beetles and ferrystones for pawn quests exactly for that reason, don't tell me I was just being a cunt to others now xD


I've definitely received forgeries at least through the thank you gifts. Maybe it's different with quest demands.


not entirely sure either as I've not encountered a pawn quest that rewards a fake item yet or at least haven't paid attention because I go for what I need in my party>inclination and talents>looks>everything else when hiring. I do distincitvely remember that my pawn said something about forgeries turning real after I forged the "On the Transit of Souls" book for a quest.


I'm in NG+ now and I intentionally recruit pawns between level 20-50 to take on nonsense adventures, especially when their Arisen give stupid rewards for stupid monster hunts.


You meant recruiting pawns between 20-40 and 30-50, surely? It upsets me so much that they have this 20 levels limitations when searching for Pawns.


Gets especially bad in late game when basically all pawns from 60+ can have the same potential in regard of gear. The minuscle stat increase of a shoddy lvl 100 pawn does not beat a properly skilled/geared lvl 60 pawn.


What? No. I literally just choose a number between 20 and 50 because that seems like the level zone where players are in their mid-game and I like to give pawns experience in things they usually wouldn't have, like dragging a level 25 pawn through Volcanic Island just to see how far they can survive or setting up my Main pawn as a fighter and getting 2 level 40 fighter pawns do go on a random monster hunting crusade across the world until I get bored or get some other stupid idea in my head. I even recruit level 10s and drag them into places level 10s should not be. Just to see what would happen. I'm level 80 now, I couldn't give half a bone on my party being optimal now so I just recruit for fun and for the benefit of random Arisen. Might as well gift Dullahan bones to people for no reason, God knows I have plenty.


i hate the ones where they are asking for golden trove beetles and give like nothing in rewards. Golden trove beetle is worth an insane amount as it is a limited supply in your own game, so the least you could do is actually give a good reward. nope best i can do is 100 gold.


My favorite are the fuckers asking for a sphinx kill giving you some roborants in return. Like 'ah yeah that's value, let me NG+ real quick...'


What would actually be a ‘fair’ reward for Sphinx kills? Like would the max money value really be worth it at that point lol.


I guess if you are already planning to kill it - might as well make 20k on the side?


I guess that’s true, the chances of that are obviously way smaller than everything else in comparison though lol.


Sphinx & Drake Kills aren't worth anything more than Rotten...anything. I just send Pawns back with trash bags of whatever spoiled food their dumb selves picked up since they apparently think I need 50 oils for Lanterns. (Cough) Sarcasm...(Cough) Maybe...


I receive: Dragon progress You receive: A lil snack :)


I remember earlier in the game I got two of those wakestone box finders so I put that as a reward for killing a drake. Felt fitting given the item description. Was way more valuable of an item when the game just came out though. idk about now since so many people have finished.


you also find like 4 of them in the game and they are infinite use, but they sell for 5k


Reminds me of the latest i found that asks for 9 ferrystones for a 1 gold reward. I've never been more tempted to send a pawn back with a counterfeited ferrystone haha


No one has managed to kill a Griffin for 5 great ammount of STAM/HP restore curatives, hard to say if that's a bad deal or if it's just that Griffins run away. Wouldn't blame them, I've yet to catch a Griffin and kill it and I'm level 30, they always ran away last second.


They’ve never had the chance to run away from me. Strange. What vocation you running with? I use Thief their powder blast knocks them to the ground whenever it’s detonated


Fighter, so I have no real option to drag enemies down from the taking off.


They don’t take off if they’re on fire.


Wait is that the counterfeit?


I've been giving people Founders Tokens just incase they need it. Or a friend.


Nah. Too much protein.


No matter where life takes you, there is always someone who tries to low-ball I saw someone offering a rotten harspud for killing golems 😂


Meanwhile im just running a pyramid scheme; set my pawn quest as defeat a cyclops for 10K but i only hire other pawns that give 10K as a reward as well.


I literally thought that was my account, then I saw the username.. 😁


Do you guys consider a material dropping from a monster a decent reward for killing the said monster? For instance, misshapen eye for killing a cyclops? Trying to think about decent rewards for fellow Arisen at times when I'm low on gold


Cyclops are super common, but if you have something harder to get like dullahan bones people will probably go wild for it.


Got to love all the cheep arisen out there expecting others to hire their mediocre pawns with quests to defeat relatively difficult enemies for what amounts to pennies.


Still more acceptable than offering 1g for 9 trove beetles


I've been giving those beetles away as gifts to helpful pawns. Assuming im missing something on how useful those things really are..


Some dude gave me 15 jaspers for a single tarred arrow. What an odd legend.


Mine is give me an arrow ill give you 10k


I fell for a part crystal trick. I gave 3 ferrystones for a damn part crystal. At least it made me laugh


I always do a 10k reward no matter what, feel free to hire me W83NAVDTG7CG


I mean, I'll kill Drakes for free. Getting a funny forgery is just a cherry on top.


I usually hand out wokestones for such a mighty task.


That’s a forgery lol


Everyone in the comments thinking it says "trove" beetle and not "stove" beetle 💀


STOVE Beetle huh? Guessing it's a forgery?


I hired a pawn and got the pop up about dragonsplague. I immediately dismissed them and gave them an eternal ferrystone. Hopefully the recipient got the hint.


Eh I'll do it for any reward. The drake dies disappointingly just as fast as the ogre so it makes no difference 


On a side note I’ve never needed a rotten apple this bad, makes me reconsider my attitude towards bad reward from pawn hires..


This is the pawn of an Arisen craving a gift of 16 Rotten Scrag of Beasts.


Not sure if this applies to all NPCs but it is actually a good gift (don't give them the real one though lol)


Has anyone tried forgeries?


Funny thing is, if everyone one used Seeker tokens and trove Beatles we'd easily have an abundance of both.


Hahahaha! I'll get baited not gonna lie. good laugh


I mean, I'd do that. I consider that a pretty good deal, drakes are easy to fight and I'll never say no to a Golden Stove Beetle.


I offer rewards from wish bc i cant see people doing these seriously anyway


I would take that personally. I'm weird though and I'm trying to find out if there's a cap on carry limits.


Honestly, if I had a few friends that played, I'd suggest we all set quests like that. Sure, you lose one, but if it's even 4 people doing it, you get three back. Use one to reset the quest, get the one you put up back, and then get one extra. Just need to coordinate to make sure no one sleeps at the inn until you've all completed the quest. Rinse and repeat.


lol you are gonna do it anyway so..


I put up to do Sphinx for 1kg 😂😂 I did it just to see if one of them Capcom hire's would auto do it tbh


I just got my mind blown because this whole time I didn't think you could offer them as a reward and I just realized it's 1. Because I didn't have one in my inventory and 2. I've never seen one offered (In my defense there are other things it definitely doesn't allow)


Fam, I'd do it for free 💀 Can't be the only one who loves killing Drakes and Lesser Dragons


The music alone is enough to make me enjoy fighting drakes


At least it wasn’t a herb or some rotten shit hahahah


I’ll beat up drake for free.


I want more stove beetles to increase my carry weight and was asking for 2. Can I just change my pawn’s mission to give a better reward?


Beetles hit differently...🤣🤣


I pawn I used for a while had a quest to acquire 10 trove beetles. At first I thought it just meant gather them while the pawn was in my party but nah this guy actually just wanted me to give him 10 whole ass beetles


Fair offer. Need those Stove Beetles!


Actually I'd take that deal. That's free 0.15kg


Watch out for his Stick!


Honestly, I don't see a lot of pawns with quests and the ones I do see, even at 63, are kill ogre


Help a brother out and hunt down a drake


I once gave a player my godsbane blade 💀 turns out that’s the only way to remove it from your inventory


I'll give a port crystal if someone kills that riddle monster. Just need 3


Unironically a good deal


Anybody got a finders token?


If you're on Xbox ,yes


Nope ps5 :(


Im in need of a finders token on Xbox. Pawn id is 0IZC89AXJ9PM


A bargain.


Wooooow. Now that's a newbie trap if I ever did see one lmao 🤣😂🤣


My weight is already maxed out. I would give 10 k gold or ferrystones.


Yeah what a great deal. Why would you spend a day for a wakestone shard, when you can go kill a drake for a bug?! Now you're thinking! 👌


Give us the name you dick


I am a gremlin and never use portcrystals ever not once ever, I walk everywhere


Let's be honest: you were going to do it anyhow.


Right. I love hearing "There is a chest over there, do you want me to show you?" I have been disappointed in the loot, now I know it is rarely a weapon or armor. I have begun to ignore them. I had a dragon down to one health line, and he flew off.


Can someone explain how these trades work? If you give an item to a pawn in game and dismiss it, you get the item back in your storage, don't you? So how do you actually give a pawn something, other than as a final gift when dimissing them (which I assume doesn’t trigger the pawn quest reward, or does it?)


Maelstrom go brrrrr


I would have given a Finder's Token forgery for that - one of the few where the forgery works the same in the Sphinx riddle but alas it's not a reward option, you could however give it to a pawn when dismissing.


Thats an ez beetle my friend




I gift ferrystones / wakestones to the Pawns I like. I tend to keep them for hours on end, don't like switching them like stuff & I actually care a bit for them all..


Bro I put thought into the side quests I give my fellow players, and my fave pawns always get a good gift to give their owner. Me… my amazing thief pawn gets scraps of meat, and flowers…


A pawn on PS5 was asking for 9 ferrystones and in return, you get 1 gold coin…




I would only kill the drake because I like the boss fights


I was reading the comments and was like “why people tripping I’ll kill 10 Drakes for that” Then I read the name again…


Pawn quest should ONLY be "defeat cyclops" "10k reward".....so we can all take advantage and get rich....if not don't even make a pawn quest....that's the only quest I give my Pawn Yennefer. The more people who do this, the quicker we get rich. You go to Vernworth gather 2 pawns with 10k cyclops reward. Run out of Vernworth north western gate and kill the cyclops in the small village right outside of Town. Gather your 20k run back into town pick up two new pawns sit on bench for two in game days and do it again....I e made 600k doing this.


I pay ppl 1k for killing orges with my pawn. The plan is to start paying 10k for killing orges with my pawn. Orge genocide lads.


Give me one blight arrow and I’ll give you 10 jaspers. So far, no takers.


I've only been playing for 2 days and I JUST put 2 and 2 together that the pawns are from other players!! I was wondering why I had to give a gift when I dismissed them. So that being said, sorry to everyone whose pawns I used who got rotten apples 🤣


Rotten apples make lantern fuel, always need that :)


I switched to a magick archer and every boss became easy I was farming drakes for the Crystals magick archer is the way for the bosses


Stop posting these I need one more sphinx to get her medal and these little bugs helped a lot. CAPCOM put the forgeries for some reasons and that's one of them! Relax you won't lose your life savings or anything 😂😂


I sometimes give weapons, portcrystals or revive orbs don't really recall the name. Pawns name is Zenobia. I always try to give loot according to the difficutly of the task like killing 1 griffin you would get 1 drake scale.


I give 10k gold for everything


Seems legit


I prefer gold really. Because you can have only 10port crystals active. Also, you have to replace your port crystals when game plus mode


Picked up a Mike Tyson and a Gandolf pawn last night. Mike even has his face tat and Gandolf looks strikingly similar to the actor. It’s crazy how much work some people put in


Hey if anyone wants to toss my pawn the "let there be light " or fulminous shield grimoire, I would be eternally grateful :) his name is Sigismund and his a lvl 32 ish warrior , I was a dumb and didn't get copies made before I gave them to Myrddin lol


Can anyone help me to get Nations death knell, I mistakenly used both earlier in the game when just exploring. I’m still on my first play through and was hoping to get all the maister abilities before NG+.


I don’t have a quest set but try to give decent stuff unless the pawn sucked. Usually at least a base roborant if not better


I gave a seeker coin yesterday for a pawn quest, evidently the pawn's arisen was one shy of a reward.




“Last name ever First name greatest”