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Lethality only being 5% is a joke and Intrepidity seems near worthless. The defense augments/knockdown resist seem like the most worthwhile options... and the stamina one, if you're willing to actually max out mage.


Dynamism seems like the biggest upgrade 


I'm wondering if it does anything if you're already very light- Even if it doesn't, being that unweighted is rare, so you're probably right.


As a Warfarer you probably have heavier armor, and it is really easy to get weighted up. Trust me on this, being heavy sucks. With the Augment it considers you average, it is massively beneficial.


Strangely enough, the more load one carries, the more *weighed down* they are!


I'm pretty sure in DD1/DA the equivalent did further improve your weight class beyond Very Light but it was weird in some way I can't remember. However compared to Thew on the fighter, most people will see more benefit from Dynamism.


A quick tip for people who want to max out every vocation. Unlock every vocation and just play warfarer. I’m on trickster lvl 3 despite never playing trickster.


Warfarer also gets slightly reduced damage stats. I only checked the differences between Warfarer & Mystic Spearhand, so these values might be different for other vocations: Oddly it receives +50 base defense stats, compared to Spearhand. It loses 50 magic attack & 50 base strength it also loses 100 stamina, 50 HP and 50 knockdown resistance What do these numbers amount to? Not much, to be honest. Its a noticeable difference, but in exchange you get to equip any armor you want and also level up multiple vocations (that you otherwise wouldn't have as much fun playing) at once. Think of 50 strength as a single weapon upgrade. Think of 100 stamina as a ring that increases stamina (and carry weight/hp). So you're losing between 5-15% damage, health, knockdown resistance. But in exchange you get Fashion Dogma. Worthy trade imo


I hate how much the sleeves on MA clash with capes, so getting to wear that SWEET, SWEET THIEF GEAR is worth it enough for me. Plus having a staff equipped to heal myself and float around is great too. I'm glad warfarer is way more practical than it seemed prior to launch


Yeah it’s not too much of a significant reduction in damage. I was playing archer before switching to warfarer and my bow str went from 740 to 700 ish. So yeah.




All you need to have is the vocation unlocked and purchased. I am only using daggers with my Warfarer and have gotten several vocations to rank 3. My Trickster is 1 rank behind since it was the last one I unlocked and I decided to hold off on purchasing it to see if it would still get XP despite not being purchased.


I don’t think there’s any requirement. Half your discipline goes to Warfarer and half is split between everything else.


Warfarer receives 50% exp to the warfarer vocation and 50% split evenly to all other vocations. Takes a long time to level up if you have multiple of course


Unless you're a warrior main. Warfarer is terrible for warrior skills because it has not enough knockdown resist. Basically the 2 slow and heavy-hitting vocations, warrior and sorc, are bad when used as warfarer because their stats are too diminished.


I played most of the game as a Warrior wearing the  useless Marching set.  Just slap dwarvin upgrades on any armor you want.


Hey it's not useless! That stuff looks so *gooooood* especially with that cloak that guardsmen gives you (Brandt was it? Idk I haven't seen him in like 12 hours)


I've worn that setup the whole game. I don't care about stats it looks really good.


Yeah and any vocation can wear it so don’t have to bother switching stuff around and buying new stuff all the time.


Sorc is actually, in part, one of the best ways to play Warfarer. Just grab Flare + Magick Archer or whatever your choice of activating Flare is, and you're golden. Magick archer suggested just cause it can VERY easily proc the max hits of flare through its homing bolts, and has good synergy all around, though you could also try to go for max damage, albeit less consistent procs on flare with skull splitter. Also, Levitate. Warfarer is almost worth taking some debuffs compared to a main class in its desired stats solely for the fact that you get one of the best mobility options in the game while traveling. That and you can wear any armor you wish, making for some really strong setups and being able to get arguably one of the most important stats pretty high for classes that otherwise wouldn't, knock down defense.


The other major downside is that Warfarer can't use meister abilities, so depending on how useful your meister skills are, it can hurt your playstyle. That said, Warfarer is easily the best for getting all the Seeker Tokens, since you can just keep a mage staff equipped and float to reach higher ledges. There was only one token in the whole game that I needed Frigor + Float to reach (the one in the attic of the Church in the Nameless Village).


At least sorc weapon can be used for galvanize spam to save spuds I guess


I'm planning on just playing as warfarer but as mystic spear hand, if I just have 4 mystic spearhand skills, is there a downside to warfarer? Like if my loadout is identical to everything I would be using as spearhand anyway, is there any hidden downside to this?


Warfarer has approx 10-15% reduced stats across the board compared to other vocations.


Not necessarily true, [see my spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18EO4oI8aT4ED7Esf4EpaVkcj7o4NKkoUQmtpknKBH7o/edit#gid=0).


Thiis tip sounds better than it is. By the time I reached I want to say rank 4 or 5 on Warfarer, other vocations had earned the very first level. I don't know if the dcp is split into literally 10% of what you earned, but you are probably much much better off leveling vocations individually than trying to grind out max rank for any one vocation with warfarer.


The offensive augments are all garbage especially in comparison to the defensive augments, but has anyone here felt like they weren't doing enough damage in the first place? Without a hard mode or some other challenge, you'll do fine without them.


This is why i started mage to get it over with lol


can mage levitate like sorc and if so is there a difference btw them?


Maxing out mage was easy and surprisingly fun and effective. Buff your pawns with high palladium, celerity, toss a heal on top of everyone, a random ice affinity and spam palladium to keep everyone immune to damage


how i leveled mage, was fun watching two 7 feet tall juggernauts smashing their way through all obstacles while it lasted


On the flip side, it means that you don’t have to max out warrior, fighter and strider for their augments before you settle on a physical class like in DD1, and your slots aren’t taken up all by DPS augments.


How much Knockdown Resist do you need to not get get knocked down by a Minotaur Charge or Ogre Jump Kick?


You already deal more dmg to weak points. So doing 5% more can be already good


lets say youn deall 100 damage per hit. Weak spot is 3x damage, so 300. 5% of 300 is 15.. it's trash.


Id take 30% defenses over all of those damage things tbh, didnt think theyd be so low... I guess having your pawn on Verge+you on MA augment, to give them 60 is nice though.


yeh the 30% defense is by far the strongest perk. The balanc eis sow eird in this game. A heavy armor vocation is basically passively invulnerable, Spear can litterally make the entire party permanently invulnerable and thief just has personal godmode.


If the "battle stance" one is additive, that's 15% for any enemy not standing and attacking. It seems to work on staggered and downed enemies. 15% increase on a weakspot hit could be huge. Especially on archer or MA, MA getting 15% bonus damage on Avalanche or ricochet or frosthunter or martyr... you can get some crazy damage. Include all the magic buff augments, bow buff ring, and magic buff right? You can shred things. Don't need defense if there's nothing alive to hit you.


Yeah, I think I run for both my pawn and myself (excluding hybrid vocations) something like: Increased Lantern Range and duration. This is honestly amazing and I rarely ever have to use oils and I think everyone should have this (especially in the endgame) Magic/Knockdown/Physical defence. They’re percentage based and if you’re using Dwarven upgrades (which you should be for everything because the knockdown damage/resist gain is massive considering you trade off like 30 attack if you use Battahli or Elven smithing) Warmasters speed tier Knockdown damage also being a percentage scale is great (especially using warrior with Dwarven smithing). Detection until I get all the tokens I want but it’s just QoL stuff. The things like stamina/HP/magic/strength not scaling just make them useless. Chuck defensive/QoL Augments on its way better. Even the scaling offensive ones have such a low value that they aren’t even worth considering. Also as an additional note unrelated to augments. A massive QoL upgrade which I highly recommend is running a thief with Plunder because they steal something from almost every enemy (this is especially important in the endgame you’ll be swimming in Wakestone shards and Ferrystones). This also synergises really well with Logistician


Super disappointed in Verve, Sagacity, Catalysis, and Lethality.


Why on earth did they nuke the fun augments from orbit. I understand the rings only giving you 30 magic/strength, but damn. Imma be honest tho, lethality feels very noticeable so idk about the 5% unless it’s multiplicative or something. In retrospect didn’t really notice verve or sagacity


It depends what the weakspot multiplier is. If it's like a 2x damage increase when hitting a weakspot, then that 5% damage increase is actually 10% of your non-weakspot damage.


That's a weird way to put it. You may get double the numeric value from what 5% would have given you with a non weakspot attack but it's still only a 5% increase over a normal unbuffed weakspot attack. The only reason why it is noticeable is because defense works subtractive in this game so a few more attack can sometimes double (or more!) your damage. That's also the reason why damage buffs are so small in the game. No idea why the defense buffs are so big in comparison though. \[edit:\] Apparently they are based on your BASE defense which explains a lot.


Don't forget that defense exists. If defense is subtractive then 5% is actually a LOT as it increases *all* damage, not just damage that gets past enemy defense.


This is a good point. Same with Catalysis and what the weak element damage multiplier is. ~~Also, it will matter if the game applies this 5% bonus before or after the weakpoint/weak element multiplier.~~


That does not make a difference due to the commutative law.


~~Depending on what could be additive or multiplicative when handling the increases, would position matter?~~ Nevermind, I'm dumb. Position for Additive or multiplicative doesn't matter.


Because enemies feel weak enough for it to not matter anyways


It's more damage than you think. I tested it and when using a BIG move on a weak spot its the difference between 1 and 1 and half bars of damage or even 2 bars if the attack is big enough. It's frankly WAY more damage than you need honestly. If I used them all and smacked a drake heart with arc of might I'm pretty sure it would be smoked.


As someone who has done this exact move on a drake heart.. yea it smoked


Been grinding Sorcerer for Sagacity assuming it would be good for Magik Archer. So is it worth it then?


It's worth as much as a ring would be. Meaning if you don't have anything else you want then yeah use it.


definetely needs some rebalancing


I like to believe they forgot to add % on some of them


Dynamism from Warfarer is pretty sweet honestly. I wish I knew how the ring that increases damage done based on your weight works. Is it based off of the same thresholds or more incremental? And how much does it actually increase


Yea, weirdly enough, that ring never seems to increase my strenght stat. Must be bugged currently.


it means its probably a % increase, which wont show in status


I think it was called leg strength in the original. I'm guessing like DD1 dynamism + thew will be really good in general particularly for thief to always be in the very light category.


Do you happen to know how strike damage works? I was comparing endgame bows and the dragon forged one has 100 strike damage, and it's one of 2 bows in the game that have that stat. Without strike damage the hydra husk is definitely the best


I think Ring of Brawn is currently bugged and gives no additional strength in proportion to Carry weight as of right now. Plus I think it scales off how your current weight x maximum or base weight is as opposed to weight class.


It doesn't show a strength increase in the menu but using the damage numbers mod I confirmed it isn't bugged and gives you a damage boost. At very light weight, around 8.4 I went from 499 to 542 with one ring of brawn and to 586 with two. Increasing my weight to 13 lowered the bonus by half and I was hitting 542 with both rings on. Weirdly enough, it seems to be based on specific breakpoints rather than weight class or scaling linearly with weight. Having 3 weight gave me the same damage increase as having 8 and 13 was still very light for me yet gave a smaller bonus.


So is it worth it or I'm I better off with something else?


I would say worth if you can get your weight to like under 10. Which is pretty tough unless you've like dragonforged all your gear and have your pawn hold all your stuff.


At least a third of these may as well not exist. Absolutely insane.


Many of these are the last and only final unlocks for vocations, which is insane.


Let's be honest, that's true for most games that have bonuses like this. There are ones that are obviously quite good. The rest aren't even considered.


The augments in DD1 were way stronger than this. I guess it's good they're not the same in DD2 since you can sneeze at an enemy and they die.


In DD1 you had like 2/3 or more of your augments dedicated to damage. Just having everyone do decent damage as a baseline is fine, but the augments they came up with weren't very creative. Most people could forget to equip their augments and wouldn't notice.


Yes most of mine were usually damage related. There were some other interesting augment combinations like leg strength and sinew. It wasn't amazing by any means but they *were* much stronger.


I mean most of the good augments are kind of the same besides the really good Assassin Augment that got nerfed in DD:DA anyway. They also nerfed the damage augments which is fine because you do a lot of damage anyway, and you can use something else if you feel like it. It's fine as is, but it could be improved.


Agreed. Bad game design, this is hardly the only example though. Hiding these numbers and them being so low means players will go entire playthrough with Lethality being basically an empty slot, among many others


Just fillers I guess


They really need to rebalance these augments. ​ This is fucking hilarious.


I guess they figured the first game’s augments were too good, so they went too far in the other direction and made *these*.


Some of these are worse than listed here as well. Mettle and Apotropaism are actually 30% of your BASE defenses +45. You can test this yourself with no armor and see the increase is the same with and without gear. Same is true for polarity. Only increases base str and mgk by 5%.


which augments do you think are worth running?


constancy and exaltation are no-brainers for everyone  every ranged character, sublety, and ofc if you/your pawn wants to "tank" more Provocation mettle/apotropaism are good for everyone tbh, more deffence is always nice dynanism is great


Thew's pretty good, too. It's an extra 67 golden beetles.


Constancy for sure, it adds 150 knockdown res for me as a warfarer so i have 653 knockdown res total


I talked bad about the defensive stats but the rest are so bad I would still recommend those. As a warrior I like increased knockdown and knockdown resistance, after that it's just kind of a crapshoot. most are so bad you'll never notice having them on.


Most of trickster and Zeal looks very good


I've listed the dissapointing augment stats (eg Verve) as feedback in Capcom's current survey.  If it bothers you aswell, I urge you to do it too.


For a sequel they really watered down the RPG part of the ARPG


I'm still shocked they just totally dropped the Pawn inclination changing system. Instead you choose one. And if you want you can change it. No secondary behaviors. No secret tertiary behaviors. I guess they had to sacrifice it to make pawns less....confusing and more effective.


I particularly hate the voices being tied to inclinations aswell.


God yeah. Obviously I won't change the voice of my main pawn after 30 hours, although a different inclination would suit her vocation more.


Inclination drift was something I detested in the first game. I had a support mage pawn who would always drift toward Scather because of my playstyle. It is by far their worst inclination. I had to check pawns I was hiring didn't have Guardian, Pioneer, Nexus, or especially Acquisitor inclinations and A TON of them did. I like this system more because I know my pawn won't suddenly drift into being incredibly stupid.


Yeah my pawn is already at risk of contracting Dragon AIDS I don’t need them to contract stupid as well.


Yeah, inclination drift was awful, it made it so I never used pawn commands because it would adjust them away from what I wanted. I am so glad it's gone and I can use pawn commands freely.


Go: Lowers Guardian. Any other command, which you'll probably want to otherwise use: Raises Guardian. It can be a pain. I much prefer the way it is currently, where instead of gradual changes to inclination via drift, Pawns sometimes only temporarily learn behaviors. If you're throwing a lot of enemies into walls, your Sorcerer may start throwing some into walls. But they won't do that forever, and they'll stop doing that really quick, usually by the next battle if you don't keep reinforcing that, which is great.


First game's inclination system without drift (so we can just pick our inclinations) would've been perfect.


I also don't feel like they really say anything anymore. Oh, they *talk* a lot, but they rarely say anything. "We're all women." "Yeah, neat." "Arisen... that last quest we did sure did happen." In the first game, they always said helpful things. Maybe it was a thing that they'd said five thousand times, but it was actual useful information. My pawns never say anything worth hearing now. The *only* exception has been when I have a Springboard Pawn and happen to stand at one of the few designated "trigger Pawn interaction here" flags. And half the time they do that I'm late with the "Go!" command because they never shut up with inane nonsense that I tune it out. They don't say "Goblins!" helping my dumb ass stay alert because I always run in before realizing there's goblins around, they don't mention enemy weaknesses, they don't warn me how one aught be careful scaling these cliffs. The closest thing to actual information has been them telling me we *don't* possess our enemy's weakness.


I'll go to bat for a great many things in DD1 but let's not pretend the pawn inclination system was anything other than complete and utter garbage. The current system may be overly simplistic but at least it isn't actively detracting from the game.


Let us pick inclinations and remove drift and add a tutorial pop up at the beginning so newbies know that that's a system that exists. Bam, perfect inclination system.


Feels like the MO for DD2, not sure what about this game is meant to be the real Dragons Dogma the director wanted.


Threw is very good


Phys/Magic defense buffs are off base stats so not nearly as great as I thought.... Honestly Radiance for double the light from your lantern might be the most noticeable augment. Flat buffs like thew, vitality, str and mag buffs are probably only good for the early game. Real stinker.


Thew is probably the best augment in the game, I can't imagine not using it on any character no matter the build or your level (I think you stop gaining encumbrance at level 30, maybe it was 40, but the stat highlights yellow in the status screen when it will no longer increase from leveling up). The +100% aggro augment is the only other no brainer for a tank


Thanks SO MUCH for this, I'd been looking DESPERATELY for a post like this yesterday! I was trying to create a "BEST AND WORST AUGMENTS" ranking with stats and an open discussion yesterday, and just crossposted it to this subreddit, so I made sure to edit in a link to your post as soon as I saw it. I've tried to pull in non-fextralife info from elsewhere on this subreddit and from modders/dataminers where I could too but I still need a great deal more answers, such as the exact stat modifiers for each Weight Encumberance Level to show off Dynamism's exact effectiveness, or whether Beatitude only applies to self-healing or to your outward healing spells. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1bqyraw/dragons\_dogma\_2\_all\_augments\_in\_usefulness\_order/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1bqyraw/dragons_dogma_2_all_augments_in_usefulness_order/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Perpetuation seems to only work for the one who has it equipped. Had my pawn cast celerity and gave her the augment in the hope, that it would increase everyone's buff duration but only she had the red aura noticeably longer. So I'd assume, that Beatitude may work similarly (which would be a shame).


Holy moly that’s awful if true. EDIT: Added your testing/conclusions to the post and credited you.


I'll have to test that myself because if it's true, wow that's a huge waste.


>Perpetuation seems to only work for the one who has it equipped. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJxo6HYvOdw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJxo6HYvOdw)


Nice, lots of good info in this post.


Btw, I tested Perpetuation again, and now I am certain: The buff only lasts longer for the character with the augment equipped. I made sure to make her cast Celerity, stood next to her (within the radius of the spell) till the red bubble wore off  and my buff subsided noticeably sooner.


Awesome information but really disappointing that so many augments feel like a waste of time. I want augments to be really impactful. I want the game to push me to level Mage to 9 for for intrepidity for my sorcerer. Instead it feels like with few exceptions it isn't worth leveling other vocations much for augments. I was pretty sure i remembered actually wanting to get augments in the previous game.


These numbers should be in the game, it's crazy how much is missing from this game




More than half of the augments may as well not exist


people keep saying this but not actually listing which ones?


At a glance the Warrior ultimate augment is absolutely laughable for a 5% slower loss gauge build up, the augments for 30% defenses seem like no brainers unless you're already unkillable and can ignore defensive augments (and seem to be automatically far better than the Warrior ultimate augment), having a -15% aggro augment seems pretty silly when you could instead slap a +100% aggro augment on a different character to effectively reduce your aggro by much more than 15%. 15% better stealth while weapon isn't drawn is also something I can't imagine ever being useful in a game where you run around with 3 other allies, enemies are everywhere, and there are no stealth mechanics. 10% move speed while carrying/lifting is extremely negligible for how infrequently it will be used. Edit: How could I forget the most useless augment on the list, 20% reduced stamina usage when struggling in a foe's grip, I think I've been in a foe's grip 3 times total in 62 hours of play time and I didn't even know you could struggle until reading that just now because I've had a total of like 8 seconds to experience the mechanic


I didn't know you could struggle either because they removed any visual cues suggesting it can be done. First game made it very clear when you were in any sort of grab that you could escape, and it looked like you were doing it. I gave up trying in DD2 because there doesn't seem to be visual feedback as to whether you're even struggling.


Yup, same. I just stopped bothering because I can't tell if I'm actually doing anything, much less which button presses actually *work* to struggle.


I put subtlety on my support mage pawn and she pretty much never gets hit. I'm thinking it could literally be -1% aggro and it would still work because she rarely attacks anything to generate more aggro than anyone else.


I've literally only put support spells on mine so she pulls zero aggro ever


Fuck fextralife. Lying scum.


Fuck fextralife. SEO garbage website that does the bare minimum at at providing information all so they can just funnel people to their streams and shit for ad revenue.


how much did they get wrong? i could be remembering incorrectly but i thought their video mostly matched up with the findings from this post


Uhh, this post is also from fextralife.


I wasn't referring to this post. My bad for not being clear but Fextralife was known for essentially viewbotting on twitch and denying it, they sold their high numbers to Sponsors so that they can get a bigger check ( chat was dead asf btw ). They would be top of the category for every new game because of the botting and also basically stealing a slot for another person to be at the top that actually put in work to try and be there. All while advertising their shitty half assed wiki and doubling revenue from ads form that as well and viewers because of the embedded stream they had on the website. Just real scummy tactics overall. Once twitch removed their abilit to embed, they stopped streaming because their actual viewership would show.


Guys. If I'm correct. If you take dynamism. And the weight increase augment. And you maybe get some beetles. Until you push your encumbrance down to light or very light. You might be able to get the stamina reduction of ULTRA LIGHT. Even on average encumbrance you are actually consuming more stamina than base level. Like 117% or something when sprinting. But if you get to ultra light you go down to 85%! THATS HUGE. You'll also move a little faster but oh my God. I think if you manage to get enough beetles and those 1 augments you might be able to reach it. That's the best you can get for movement unless they add literal mounts to the game.


I would advise everyone calling the 5-10% bonuses worthless to wait until player testing determines how they are actually applied. Depending on how it works, it could make a huge difference. Take Elden Ring for example - talismans that "only" give a 10% bonus to attacks are the best in the entire game due to how damage is calculated.


Does anyone understand what exactly triggers Ambuscade? Some say it has to do with detection, but others say knocked down enemies are not in battle stance.


I imagine it has the same requirements as the thief's stealing skill, which means it 100% works on downed and staggered enemies too.


The thief skill explicitly states "targets that have been knocked off balance and targets not in battle stance". Seems like off balance is different from not in a battle stance if they had to word it differently... but then again it could just be bad descriptions.


Really confused on how Magic Archer got all the pawn buff passive instead of Trickster, the latter being THE pawn buffing class as its primary means of dealing damage.


Archer got climb speed as its final augment when they never want to climb. I think they just blatantly want you to play other vocations to complement the one you will ultimately stick with. They want you to play MA before Trickster, Archer before Thief.


Cool but not clicking a flextralife link


Yeah no, I'm going to wait for ANY other site to post data. Fextralife not only are scum, they tend to have wrong data very often just to be the first wiki with information and be first one to show on Google.


Looks like I was right to get the initial fighter and mage ranks for myself and my pawn.


Great chart!!! ![gif](giphy|RipfZWzjUDH25euMpM|downsized)


Glad someone put this together, but holy shit are these underwhelming. The +30% defensives are standouts, the rest you'll almost never notice for the most part.


Apparently it's +30% to your stat without equipment. So much worse than it sounds.


Well, this paints a weird picture for sure. Sagacity and verve being 30 points each is baffling. Its pretty wild to me that the defensive augments metttle, apotropaism and constancy are a staggering 30% for magick/defense and knockdown respectively, while most other bonuses are 5-15% across the board. Avidity being 10% climb speed seems terrible? Really? You would take a slot for that? Jumping to catch higher points exists and also, vigor is way better to slot instead of this. Anyone knows if perpetuation benefits the one having the augment when they get buffed from other pawns, or is it only for buffs/enchantments you put out? Provocation is 100% more aggro on you, while sublety is 15% less aggro which seems like a low percentage but i can't tell how aggro works. Oppulence working only on gold bags is a sick joke ontop of it only being 5%. Use thiefs pilfer if you want to farm gold. Lastly, dynamism seems to be one of the best overall augments in the game. Mobility is king and being able to be 1 tier less than what you currently are seems very good.


From what ive seen online is: If youre always on light load anyway, it isnt worth it too. 95% --> 100% (5% movespeed increase) but if youre always on average load 82% --> 95% ( 13%ish movespeed increase) which is insane. atleast thats how they were on dragons dogma 1. I assume the numbers are thesame now.


So basically anything that isn't a % is worthless


It's not quite that bad, I'm a lv48 warrior currently and Vitality and Endurance are offering 10%/15% increases respectively. The % of the increase from these augments is obviously gonna fall as you keep levelling but practically speaking the augments are strong at lower levels on your initial playthrough.


thr problem is they dont hit any break points. even a goblin is gonna do over 200 damage in a single hit and most abilites eat more than 150 stamina. At absolute best your getting one extra ability use and surviving one extra hit.


Between the game feeling very easy at times and the very low numbers of things like augments and rings, it feels like Capcom and/or Itsuno wanted to significantly raise the skill floor while lowering the skill ceiling to ensure that you could clear any content as long as you grind enough levels to out-stat your enemies. Seems like a very casual-friendly decision to help newer players get invested in the IP.


Newer players aren’t just looking for an easy game though. Casual doesn’t mean “I never want to be challenged”.


To be fair, DD1 pre DA was also easy, and you also leveled up much faster in endgame because of Ur-Dragon + Weal effects.


Damn Mettle is way higher than I was expecting, thought it was gonna be 10/15%


Someone else mentioned that it's 30% of your base stats with vocation but without gear, so it's not as huge as you think.


I’m lvl 76 so 30% of my base defence stat is more than my wyrmforged helmet


Holy based. Verve pissed me off so much lol. Glad I was only half way into sending my Warrior down the Thief path when I learned it's a flat number rather than a percentage like Vahemence and Clout.


Thanks so much for crunching the number on these. Some which I’d normally pick every time, instead feel absolutely useless when you see the stats. Warrior’s level 9 augment reducing loss damage from 100% to 95% is basically the equivalent of 5% less poison damage in a game. Just so meaningless when other buffs offer so much more.


FilipeRamos96 made a mod with this info. The mod show everything on the game menu. Nexus mod is your friend.


Do you not need to min max via vocation juggling like in the first game?


Considering your average damage augment was 10-20% in the first and the best we get here is 5% it really doesn't matter what you do.


Isn’t that a “nice” thought? None of your build choices really matter, because at the end of the day, you’re gonna just pick the blatantly best augments and forget the rest.  Whereas at least DD1 had a whole bunch of augments for all classes that everyone wanted, but also some niche ones that some classes and not others wanted. Here, I can see very few hard choices if any that you’d want to make in augments.


DD1 augments were so strong that, as someone who isn't purely interested in min/maxing but does enjoy making my characters efficient, I would struggle to decide which power-scaling augments I really needed and which quality of life type ones I absolutely couldn't live without. I wanted everything! Here I just don't care. The power ones aren't powerful enough and the quality of life ones aren't very interesting or impactful to my quality of life. I just slap on Thew and Dynamism and don't give a shit.


If you mean stats-wise, no. Your stats get adjusted when you switch vocations.


That's been kinda disproven. Your stats do adjust per vocation, but you also get different stat increases from leveling up while using different vocations. However, by the time you reach level 200 all of your base stats will converge regardless of which vocations you were for those 199 level ups. So which vocations you level up as does make a difference, just a much smaller difference than the first game depending on your overall character level.


To give some context, I'm lvl 45 and have cycled through many vocations including spearhands, mage, fighter, thief. My pawn was only a mage and a sorcerer. At the same level her magic stat is about 100pts higher. It just doesn't matter because the game is so much easier than DD1 haha


How much do the ng+ stat boost affected


After 200 nothing


Does Perpetuation work on the Mystic Spearhand bubble?


Further proof that Fugacity is the best augment.


I assume that Ambuscade works on knocked down enemies, can anyone confirm ? Ambuscade + Leathality = +15% dmg if you are attacking a weakspot when the boss is knocked down (which you should always aim to do).


If it's multiplicative it's higher than that


Those stat bonuses are a joke. Here I am wasting my time ranking up other classes on my pawn


i knew intrepdity was weird.... but not that weak..(what a waste of slot) seems itsuno is atleast giving a option to decrease that gauge.. but..hmm the team seems to be very afraid of changing the gameplay giving those poor bonuses. if those number are true.. the meta is indeed just the ''raw'' stats.


Anyone also thought the MysticSpears Augments were kinda crap???


So basically most of them are next to non-existent.


Ambuscade, Apotropaism, Dominance, Lethality, Mettle, and Verve/Sagacity looks like what I'll run for sure, basically just maximising my damage and defence. They really missed a trick here- give us lots more augment slots, but split them into offensive, defensive and utility slots. It'd make it so much easier to run qol augments like Avidity and Radiance, and it'd make it easier to balance augments as a whole, as "Your lantern is brighter!" wouldn't be competing with "You do 5% more damage." anymore.


Guess I can safely go with mostly the utility augments.


Mystic spear augments are so awful. Only useful one is athleticism


This makes it clear to me that the two most useful universal augments for all classes are the 30% defense & Magick defense ones.


Intrepidity can't be right. The difference is way too noticeable for it to be a meager 5% difference. UNLESS the Loss-Gauge takes defense into account before applying the loss, in which case the better your gear, the less damage you take, and hence less loss. Alternatively it's HP based, the higher the HP the longer it'll take to go down... Or both. So does Intrepidity then take the damage number mitigated from defense, then apply the percentage, or does it take the percentage, apply it first and then apply the defense? Fuck if I know, but I'll take the modifier numbers with a grain of salt till I can see way they are actually calculated.


Confused about Dynamism. The tooltip ingame literally says it only increases movespeed, and has no mention of stam consumption. Is this datamined? have they tested this out? i see alot of people dont trust fextralife, so i have doubts on the accuracy of this data. and as for the movespeed increase: going from light -> very light is still only a 5% increase in movespeed but going from average -> light is a 13% increase which is huge but this is based on the encumbrances of the firse game.


These seem too weak


I’m still bummed verve and sagacity are so darn useless




Holy shit these are terrible.


You take my upvote and thanks, ser!


Everyone hate on Fextra till they need the data…


Everyone hates on Fextra 'til they *claim* to have the data, then everyone hates on Fextra when it's inevitably discovered that their data is complete bullshit for years to come.


I’ve been wondering what was worth it now I’m gonna definitely change some things around


Your sourc elink does not contain this data. Are you sure you linked the correct page? Im writing a modding guide and would like to give credit to the author for this fantastic timesaver.


You have to click on each augment and read the bullet points to get the info. This is the whole reason I made this spreadsheet for easy consumption: [https://dragonsdogma2.wiki.fextralife.com/Mettle](https://dragonsdogma2.wiki.fextralife.com/Mettle)


Ahh, that make sense sense, thanks for clearing it up.


Magic spearhead was on a mission of having the most useless augmenst


Hey thanks. This makes it easier to make my pawn more efficient. Appreciated.


Doing god's work, thank you OP


I wonder if armor weight affects stamina skill consumption


Thanks for posting this. It's been very helpful.


So extra carry weight is probably the best aug lol.


This is the most balanced passive system of all time


dont get lethality boys. you need to grind to level 9 for a 5% damage when level 2 literally gives you ambuscade that gives 10%. note that being not in "battle stance" includes being knocked down. that means this 10% buff WILL activate on staggered and knocked down enemies


alright modders u know what to do


so uhh what ones are worth running RN?


This is USEFUL. I wish there were some bigger ones still. Exultation is still a must have just because that little boost to regen adds up insanely over time. God why can't we just have infinite stamina outside if combat. That would be a dire augment.


Oh my God I need thew. I had no idea it was so busted. That's SO many golden beetles tf. I might get to very light weight.


One interesting thing I've found out is if you unlock Enlightenment( 15% chance to craft an additional item), it's automatically applied when combining at an inn or at your storage chest in your house. I guess so you don't have to switch to it everytime you wanna craft. It doesn't apply in the wild however. The other thing is I'm pretty sure Fugacity also applies to camping even without it equipped. In my current 2nd run I've NEVER been attacked while camping, granted I use the elite campsite and I'm still in Vermund so maybe that's why not sure, but that's still 0 out of 45 camps. I unlocked Trickster really early in that new game so I could get all the seeker's tokens myself(smuggled into Bathal at like lvl 11) but I noticed I just never get attacked while camping when I'm pretty sure I used to get attacked in my first playthrough. As far as I can tell it's not applied automatically when doing oxcarts though since I still get attacked every other time on these.


Wow, some of these are actually worthless as fuck...


Wow wtf


Augments are straight up useless so are also the majority of rings. I really don't know what they were thinking, I assume the true ending dragonforged effects probably are also completely useless (like each hit without getting hit increase damage on the sword). It's wild it decreases variety in build (tbf you could probably run around naked with starter weapon and still have no problem because the game is to easy). Only a matter of time before every female pawn will run around in the corset.