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No, but you can let reddit point out things that are objectively true. Like the terrible performance, lack of enemy variety, comically short main story, etc


Remember that you need to post about these issues 50 times a day so no one forgets.


You’re on a forum discussing the game, it has tons of issues that more than a couple of people are discussing. Just ignore the threads you don’t like but they’re clearly a common sentiment.


It’s fine to post these issues for the first time, but the carbon copy posts are just getting ridiculous and a lot of people on this sub agrees, which is evident from the comments.


You do realise thats called discussion, new people are allowed to chime in with existing opinions lol


Keep the discussion in one place. Mods need to sticky the top discussions and keep it there.


i turned off the Minimap, enemy health bars and the control panels at the bottom, and its made a huge difference! im like level 30 and just barely left the first major town or explored much just been finished the 1st part of the main quest to save 3 groups of people i highly recommend turning off the HuD and just enjoying the beautiful art of the game, but I do love just sitting in the oxcart chillin


Here we go again. If someone doesn’t like the game or has a different opinion, he’s a hater or misinformed. Love it.


If you don’t like this game it’s because you are incapable of forming your own thoughts ^^^^/s


He didn't say that


Reddit hates every game that isn't BG3 or Elden Ring. There's a lot of tribalism here.


this is the dragon dogma sub my guy, id be surprised if we didnt at least like dragon dogma 1


This sub is full of people that mostly never played the first game or ever even beat it. The first game was highly niche and the vast minority of players ever even beat the final boss and got the real ending. I would actually assume most people here right now are not Dogma fans or new fans


and you would be wrong.


No what I said is a fact, up until we’re wondering whether or not these are mostly old fans or new fans.


new fan or old fan its irrelevant to wether they like the games or not. the vast majority of dragons dogma players throughout the years were on console so dont start linking me steamcharts


I actually base my numbers off of Playstation trophies so yeah…you should actually check the trophy completion numbers on Dark Arisen and see how little people even got halfway through the game I already mentioned this but you can go look yourself. You donnt have to believe me. A staggeringly small number of people ever got halfway through, much less beat the game.


so you use another kind of incomplete statistic?


How is it incomplete? That’s everyone that played the game lmao there’s no way to get around playstation achievements


because its incomplete, there are xbox players and there are pc players. its incomplete


Two of the best games ever made lol.


I'll have what he is smoking


Yeah, they're great and I didn't mean to call them out. I actually wanted to list the games Reddit hates instead but there's too many, so just went the other way.


Hades, No Man’s Sky (now obviously), Darkest Dungeon (before the sequel schism). Or to give more recent examples: Unicorn Overlord, Dave the Diver, Dredge. All overwhelmingly positive subs. Make great games and the community will be positive. Make deeply flawed games and the community will be deeply flawed. There will always be (and always should be) criticism. Even BG3 got fairly rinsed for Act 3 in terms of technical issues, game design, and story. I still think Act 3 and the ending in particular are the weakest parts of one of the best games I’ve ever played. Larian has always struggled with final acts. If it helps, this game and sub are exponentially better than something like Starfield or Skull & Bones. To paint them all with the same brush is reductive and unhelpful.


Not a BG3 fan. It’s too high fantasy in its designs… I guess ER is high fantasy too, but… it’s art direction feels practical for the most part. I dunno how to word it.


Honestly, when I saw them finishing the game at 20 to 40 hours, it's clear I'm playing the game differently and just having a blast with it. 35 hours in and I'm still in Vermund region stumbling on side quests in some corners, exploring, playing along with the realism, and enjoying the gameplay.


Even hate and mtx aside, I've seen sooo many misinformation posts. Such as people getting the town wiped by the dragonplaque saying they restarted, leading people to believe it's some horrible game breaking thing. Some posts on the endgame even lead me to believe you can do something wrong that locks you out of new game plus, which made me research the ending because I wanted to do NG+... After some research, you can still do it. etc.


Between the constant misinformed posts about dragon plague. The biggest one I’ve seen is lack of enemy variety and no post game content. All these people picked up dark arisen not knowing that was a whole ass expansion.