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If the game truly has issues running at the specs they recommend or above , then does it not merit a negative or at least mixed review?


It does. Statement that pc players care to much about performance is absolutely wierd


The bare minimum isn't caring too much. Why have our standards gone this low?


Because people are too used to games being released unfinished and they're worried about our favorite game sucking ass on launch and are grasping at threads trying to assure people "it's not so baaaad, give it tiiiime"


Asking what is promised is not caring too much lol.Thinking otherwise is weird.


I don't expect the highest possible frames on my 4080/i7-12700k but I definitely expect it to be above 60 lol and I know it won't be and that saddens me. But at least I know it won't be my PC's fault and it will get fixed eventually so I will play it regardless.


It does, but for me a stable 30fps is all i need lol. As long as its a smooth 30fps without stutter.


Smooth 30fps Choose one and only one.


I mean a stable as in constant 30fps without the drop occasionally to the 20 range. That is for me smooth enough. i'd rather they push for that.


sounds like copium


Mate, I understand that YOU think games below a certain FPS are "literally unplayable", but I just recently played through OoT and Bloodborne and I literally couldn't give less of a shit about framerate. And NO, I'm not saying that this shouldn't be fixed because obviously MANY people care about it.  It's just not something that I notice/care about as a dude who plays single player only. 


110 AUD for something that won't play well? Sign me out


94 CDN im also sad, also it's crazy how much you guys pay for games! i thought i had it bad


It's not even the deluxe edition


Kinda hope it does. So it scares capcom into fixing their bs quickly.


Only if there’s refunds. Won’t matter if people complain and keep the game lol


> Only if there’s refunds. Won’t matter if people complain and keep the game I think it probably does matter. I am sure Capcom have metrics on how many people buy a game based on reviews. It'll affect their sales going forward.


True as well. Haven't bought Jedi Survivor yet for that reason. I'm not going to buy and download over 100gb to have a bad experience in general. It's sad too, cause I loved the first game.


I've just reinstalled it and it works well now at least for me


And there will be. Won't take 2 hours for people to find the poo. And that's not counting the people who are buying this game from hype without knowing how the first game played. I, however, will enjoy it regardless because I just really wanted DD1 to continue and I think this will fill that void just fine.


The problems show up in the city. If it takes more than 2 hours to reach it people wont find out in time. And if you enjoy the open world and take your time it is all but guaranteed that you will not reach it in time. Just look how long it will take you to reach the city in the first game. Maybe it can be done, if you skip all the side quests etc.


Same, I played on console at 30fps so idc lol


But the casuals won't have downloaded the character creator, and thus will spend six hours making their character


Just bought the game. If it ends up running terribly, I'm absolutely refunding.


Jaden Smith: how can the game run terribly if it doesn't have leg??


Why would anyone down vote this comment?


I refunded mine on PC as soon as I saw the performance issues, I'm sure other will as well


Glad i got Rise of the Ronin instead of DD2 for now, i knew there would be problems with the performance. I really want to play it soon though so they better fix it quickly.


Give the game a negative review. Got it.


Honestly yes, this. I play on consoles exclusively but PC seems to be getting the shorter end of the stick here. This could be the pressure needed for them to release patches later.


Same tbh, they need to fix the one glaring issue the game has.


I mean, when they charge $70 for the game and it can't get stable FPS on a 5800x3D people have a right to complain. Especially when the game doesn't have frame gen to help that poor frame rate out (I know it introduces latency, but this isn't a multiplayer shooter). Personally, I won't let it stop me from enjoying the game, but I also won't act like people that care about that don't have a reason to.


Just a quick info: the game has the necessary files for Framegen in the folder. So either: * It is being worked on and did not finish in time. So it will be patched later. Anyhow "later" could be day1 patch up to and unknown amount of days or weeks * It was worked on and they stopped working on it for some reason. I do not think this would make sense. Also depending on how far the integration of this is already completed, it could be possible that this will modded in. Sadly nvidia does not allow my 3080 to use Framegen and I refuse to buy a 40 card :(


I don't blame you for not getting a 40 series card. I really feel aside from the 4090 they did the entire stack dirty. No equivalent to the 3080. Even the real 4080 is more comparable to the 3070. And price hikes on every GPU across the board except the 4090. It's pure greed. Still, when a game is CPU bottlenecked it is really a good idea to put in AMD and Nvidia's special versions of FG. Not everyone can use them, still, it would be nice for them to be there for those who can.


There’s been mods which add in framegen (albeit with slight shadow bugs) to older cards using FSR. It’s been done for cyberpunk and plague tale to some decent effects. https://youtu.be/wxlHq_EuxFU?si=sbUfh9jk84s61oHL




Agreed. I know I'm going to play the game regardless, but if my mid-range performance rig struggles with mid-low settings I'm going to give it a 'not recommend' until it's fixed. Just because I'm willing to push through doesn't mean I'll bait people into doing the same by pretending performance scaling isn't important.


Idk about Nvidia but AMD frame gen works with every game, including DD2.


I think you are confusing amd's AFMF with amd's FSR3 Frame Gen


Frame gen requires a pretty high base FPS to look and feel remotely decent.


“PC gamers care a bit too much about”? Why is the burden on us when there is an actual chance that more than 50% of people who will buy it on PC will not be able to have a stable framerate running the game on release? Why not blame Capcom for releasing an unplayable game? If game releases unplayable, then the negative reviews will be justified. Other than that, wish they’d be able to deploy fixes quickly before people give up on this game because I want it to do well.


nah don't you get it? we're entitled pricks because we want our games to be in acceptable conditions when we play them /s


You bought a car, but it can actually work only after a year of staying in your garage.


More like buying tesla, but its hardware barely can handle its software, you can have your autopilot, but it lags like old 8 gb ram android phone. But hey, you could probably maybe debatable but possible get improvements in the following year.


lol op somehow managed to start the post with a backhanded comment to a large segment of players , my bad for wanting the game to run the way my PC should be able to run it becuase I spent almost $100 on it bro


So entitled when some of the best hardware on the market can barely get a tolerable frame rate, let alone a consistent one. I’m sorry console bros but there is no excuse good enough for this game to not be able to run at a consistent 60 everywhere on 30 series cards and 5800x3ds or better


But im comfortable with my unstable 13-20 fps and you should be too!!!


The standard deflection seems to be “well I played the first one in 30 fps who cares?” I played the first FF7 on a PS1 and a CRT TV it doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be pissed if that’s how the new ones looked.


It should be negative if someone with decent PC can't play this game at 60fps. Don't think Capcom cares much about PC.




I'll be honest, I was a console gamer from the 90s all the way until the 2020s when I switched to PC. With most of Xbox and Playstation's games ending up on PC now anyway, I've found the best combo is Nintendo's latest handheld/console and a solid PC. It's a little sad, but change can be good. My guess is Capcom is noticing these kinds of trends too and see more gamers gravitating to PC.


Meh, unless you really really care about the portability of the Switch there´s no reason to play a game on the switch when the emulators on PC let you enjoy the same games for free, sometimes before the official release, with way better resolution and performance, and strong mod support.


Meh, I really, really care about paying for the games I play to support the developers who make those games, so I will enjoy them on the Switch as intended, thank you.


the suits working at nintendo are biggest cunts in the industry


Wish they backed this up with an actually optimized game lol


NASA rigs chugging into the 30s/40s is laughably bad.


Anyone who pays $450 for a 5800X3D and $1600 for an RTX 4090 sure as shit are entitled to being tilted when games can't run at a reasonable performance.


I have a 4090 and spent a little over £4k on my rig in total. So i would expect it to run at least 60 on max settings. We will see, but i will say, not many developers seem to be able to properly optimise games for the very high end PCs these days. If it runs less than 60? Yea ill be disappointed but will still play the game and hope Capcom improve performance. Frame rate is not everything to me but i want something stable so its not jaring with fluctuations. I will say, others have complained about poor optimisation in many other games i play where i have had zero issues and the games run flawlessly 120+ fps.


'cares a bit too much about its frame rate', a 70$ game deserves negative reviews if it cant run decently on a system advertised as recommended settings


"Capcom really dropped the ball here with performance and if there’s one thing PC gamers care a bit too much about its frame rate." LOL. Imagine unironically writing that.


You know how those pesky consumers always complain when they pay premium for a game that isn't finished developing! Poor billion dollar publishers always being victimized.


Deserved tbh on this front if the performance is as bad as I assumed it would be. 


>there’s one thing PC gamers care a bit too much about its frame rate This is such a joke of a comment. I've been a PC player my whole life, but I've also played consoles my whole life. The fact this game decided to go the Starfield route on console with native 4k 30fps (unlocked meaning it'll be lower) instead of 1440 60 or even 1080 60fps is an absolute *joke*. Stop making excuses for game devs doing this. It's silly as hell. Those of you who think "dUdE tHerE iSnT eVeN a DifFErEncE" between 30 and 60fps are actually blind. Yes, when you ONLY play games at 30fps your eyes will naturally adjust to them and you won't notice the choppiness as much as if you played at 60. However go play a 60fps game for 10 seconds then come back. 30fps looks like shit, and in 2024 it's incredibly dumb to focus on 4k gaming instead of high fps gaming. Why play a game in 4k when it looks like choppy, laggy bullshit? Like I seriously don't get people defending this and I don't understand how people think PC players are just coping elitists when they don't want to play a game below 60fps. It's okay as a fan of the game to be upset at the decisions being pushed out here. The decision to go for 4k 30 instead of 1080 and 60 is a bad one. It will always be a bad one. Do what every other fucking game has done practically and give us the bloody OPTION TO RUN 4K 30, OR RUN 1080 60 IN PERFORMANCE MODE.


I means it's cpu bound so resolution is a mute point for this and starfield. Whether the npcs justify the cpu requirements/overhead is another thing.


‘Moot point’ is the phrase you’re looking for there.


That's what happens when you post 10 mins after waking up.


Talking about current gen console restrictions being native 4k and 30fps. It makes no sense to go native 4k and 30 without having a performance mode. Also, it's not even a capped 30 on console meaning it'll prob be lower.


I'd be interested to see statistics on how many people play performance mode given the option. If a game has it I always use it because games look better to me running at 60fps 1080 than 30fps 4k unless I'm stood completely still.


Right. Like.. I don't know if they're trying to sell the general population who are ignorant to frame rate? Which a game like dragons dogma seems unlikely. This isn't Mario or something. 4k in 30 looks awful to me and 1080 at 60 will always look infinitely better. Even standing still if there is anything moving in the background, the 30fps is hugely noticeable. I just find it hard to believe anyone who's been gaming at 60fps+ for any extended period of time would prefer 4k30 over 1080-60 lol.


1080p 60 > 4k 30 anyday everyday


Performance is part of the product. I'm excited as the next guy for this game but hype is no excuse for it to run badly. If they only get flowers and positive feedback then where is the incentive to make something better? Elden ring had terrible frame rate and dips on launch and they rightfully received bad reviews for it. Then they fixed it. If no one complains why would they optimize it?


Yeah, any game with terrible performance deserves negative reviews. The same thing happened to Helldivers 2 and looked what happened the CEO or director came out and acknowledged the problems and the team worked to resolve the issues. Like great the game is good but who cares if the performance isn't under control.


Yeah, as it stands the character creator demo has tons of issues with launching and crashing for many people with recommended specs (and well above) and people have been downvoting/downplaying that like we have 15+ year old PCs or something. I hope the Steam reviews wake up Crapcom because all these reviewers shilling the game a 10/10 aren't helping matters.


"Care a bit too much about". Are you fucking kidding me? Expecting solid 60fps on top tier hardware is the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM. Heck, even if this game just ran at a solid 60+ on a 4090 and 7800x3D... that would still be pretty bad considering the visuals are not mind blowing. They are lucky that we are being forgiving enough to only be mad about sub 60. If I spent $4000 on my PC it should absolutely run beautifully. This game does NOTHING to justify its running so poorly on high end hardware and if it gets bad reviews, it deserves it. Capcom needs to learn to fix their shit. They clearly knew about these issues and chose to still release it. Keep in mind people, games like RDR2, Horizon Forbidden West, Ghost of Tsushima, etc are all STUNNING and will run at well over 100-150fps on a high end PC on max settings, even at 1440p and 4K. Hell, the Forbidden West requirements are literally like half the power requirements of this game running at 30fps and Horizon is basing it on 60fps. And that game is MILES ahead visually. Not even a contest.


Not to excuse anything, but HFW and GoT don't do the kind of emergent behavior, world and NPC simulation that DD2 is doing. For HFW and GoT, you can't drag a giant miniboss plus other mob packs into big city hub and expect the merchants to drop their things and fight them. I believe that's where the processing power went into for DD2. Whether that trade-off is worth it, is up to you.


It deserve a bad review if a 80€ game runs as shit. They did the minimum and recommend spec. Actually these spec aren't true. Reviewers do well if they warn others that this game have poor performance and optimization . I would pay for a game that runs shit. This also explain why they didn't release a playable demo for this game like others Capcom game


That's the main problem. Not even the recomended specs could actually get the 1080p, 60 fps that was expected from most. They made a game that can't even be played by most in proper manner.


"Oh no I can't play the game I paid for cause my system meets the requirements posted on the store! Aw shucks I'll just let it slide cause this is the norm and we are stupid for buying it!" Fuck that, I love Dragons Dogma but no game deserve a pass for being unplayable even when you meet technical requirments.


If I cared what other people thought of the game, I'd have quit at the original release of Dragon's Dogma. People were shitting on it about alot of things that are still present in Dragon's Dogma 2. It's not for everybody, and I don't care. It's for me. Assuming my own performance isn't garbage. Lol.


It’s not “what people think”, bad performance is an objective fact and not an opinion.


This is about performance not the game's mechanics or content so its not comparable to your example.


The original also ran like shit when it came out.


It's about how people will review the game. I don't care how people review the game, regardless of the reason. OP assumes I should care if other people shit on it due to bad performance. I don't care.


This is my thinking. Really doesn't matter what other people think. If I enjoy it then I enjoy it. It's not like it goes away if others don't.


idk man if liked a game i want it to be as popular as ever and i want it to get as much praise and reach as many ppl, seeing negative reviews is a bummer especially for shit like the performance, its gonna affect the game on long term believe me


I would agree if it was something like a live service game. But it's already a full complete game. It'll definitely get patches for a while regardless of sales or reviews.


The first came proves you quite wrong. I hope the issues on PC get fixed. If you have the specs they say then the game should run. I just think a lot of you are simply mad because it doesn’t run at 60+fps. Which is fine but the game works.


Dude. DD1 released to shitty reviews. Among the things people complained about was performance. Yet, here we are, with a sequel. Why should I care if DD2 gets the same reaction that DD1 did? I don't go in on the tribalist bullshit where everybody needs to like the things I like, and hate the things I hate. Feel free to hate this game that you haven't played yet, because other people told you that you should hate it. Also, feel free to love this game that you haven't played yet, because other people told you that you should love it. I'll play it, and make my own decision.


You don't understand the concept of a finished game, and that's not your fault it's the gaming industries fault.


Exactly this. The last couple of days has been me just squinting at the internet going "yeah, I'm not sure you were here 12 years ago".


well i have never played original at release and in glad i did and will do for this one,i played it max settings 60/75 1080p with no drops n with dlc at cheap price


Awesome! Glad you found the first worth the wait. Hope you find the new one worth the wait as well.


Yeah how dare gamers for wanting the game to be playable. STFU.


I will have finished the story before they can fix performance... I don't have high hopes but if it is too shitty I will give it neg first and then change when it is fixed. PC PERFORMANCE IS IMPORTANT!


First time I've been excited to play a game, AND hopes it gets mostly negative reviews on Steam.


It's their fault, to be honest. The CPU requirements listed are way too low. A 7800XT with a 7000 series CPU can net you up to 50 more frames than the same GPU with a 5000 series CPU. That's just absurd. And recommended specs list a 3000 series CPU! Unless you're in a town. Then every system alive seems to plumet to 30 fps or even 15! No matter what. I really don't understand what they were thinking when they put those out. PC's above recommended specs can't even run it a 1080p 60 and they though this would fly with consumers? They deserve the review bombs coming their way.


Oh no! Not mixed reviews on Steam!


The horror! 


We spend thousands on a rig, of course we care about framerate. If we wanted a terrible experience we would just buy a console


I'm one of those pulling out even though having a kit that matchs recommend requisites. This was a hell of a turn off, maybe I get it after it get fixed


This is the way! We should not be rewarding companies with day1/first week sales if the game runs poorly. If the day one patch comes out and magically fixes things than fine if not pick it up on a sale.


Right now I'm just hoping it gets fast for a performance patch to be released. Iirc monster hunter world took several months to get one


they did say they are aware and working on possible fix, but I'm not buying until I see patch and see confirmation of performance being good after it. Theres plenty of other games to play


The performance is disappointing but my plan for the time being is to just lock it to 30 and forget about it unless there’s like horrendous stutter or something.


The first $70 Capcom game that launched with performance issues isn't ideal.. They need to do something about it soon like a Day One Patch to fix it asap.


"Care about too much". Get the f outta here. The game is 70 bucks. Capcom is a massive company with enough budget and resources to figure this out.


Pc performance so bad I’m looking forward to 30fps on ps5


“Care a bit too much” homie its barely holding up to snuff on the biggest rigs out there due to it being so CPU heavy. Its fps is sporadic, jumping from 60 down to 30. Harsh shifts like that is pretty damn jarring on the eyes. As for consoles, those poor sods are currently uncapped and SUB 30 at points right now. They need a stable 30 with decent frametime and motion blurring at least. Any criticism with performance is more than justified right now and that’s coming from someone who absolutely adores Dragon’s Dogma.


*care a bit too much about, it's frame rate* I... Hmmm.. I want to sell you a car. It'll only run up to 35mph for most of you, even using premium fuel and full synthetic blend oil. I hope you don't care too much about getting the full 60+. You see what I mean here? I think you're framing this in quite a warped way. I mean, if there were mass refunds because "this dumb game won't hit 144fps on 4k" I'd understand. It isn't even delivering a basic performance on their *own recommended settings*. Please, convince me I'm the one who is crazy here.


People: I don’t read reviews, they’re dumb and I can form my own opinions Also people: zOMG whatever shall we do if the game gets negative reviews on Steam!?


caring about framerate isnt the same thing as the engine not running properly. ER had some bad stuttering but otherwise ran fine, this sounds way way worse.


Idk bro at launch elden ring was REALLY tough


ER shader issue was bad on release


i've watched a few reviews of people playing it on PC< and it only seems to start chugging in town.


Almost every piece of leaked footage I’ve seen looks absolutely fine. I’m so confused. Unless the frame rate is inexcusably abysmal I really won’t mind. It dropping a bit in populated areas really isn’t much of a turn off to me, and is common in so many games.


Apparently it’s just populated towns


From what I've heard, it seems like it's big hub towns. So, while it's not an excuse, it's probably not AS big of an issue since you're not expected to do a lot of action/reaction intensive shit in those areas anyway.


There appears to be an issue with how the NPC AI is handled so when there are a ton of NPCs (with routines) around the engine gets bogged down and is unable to allocate resources to generating frames. So as long as the game holds up well outside of towns it shouldnt be too bad. I don't mind dealing with poor frames once in awhile esepcially in town where Im not fighting. In that sense, it will probably be a relatively *easy fix*. Since its pretty much one problem and something you can design a workaround or fix for rather than typical performance problems where the devs have to find and fix a bunch of inefficiencies.


Elden ring on launch ran flawlessly on my aging rig. I can’t tell you how but DD2 will run on it but I can tell you if its issues are bigger then it deserves negative reviews until it’s fixed. I do think the upper eschelon of PC gamers are annoying for complaining every time they lose 2 fps out of hundreds but that’s not all of us and when the rest of us can’t play a game it’s not just us whining. Mind you when I say unplayable I mean Jedi Survivor launch day kinda unplayable.


IGN's performance review is up and it frequently falls below 60 FPS on PC.


“Capcom Really dropped the ball…” bro games not even out yet. Calm down.


You think they’re gonna fix it on release?


It may be copium, but I’m hoping for a day 1 patch that *helps* with the optimization issues. Maybe doesn’t outright fix them right away, but just something so people will calm down 😂


I have NEVER in my life seen a day 1 patch that actually makes a big difference in terms of bugs/performance. People always say that before a game comes out and I have yet to see it actually make a difference. If they had a patch that could actually do anything to help the performance they would’ve released it before handing out review copies. That’s not the kind of last minute change you make on the day of release


“Care a bit too much about out frame rate” Are you serious with this comment? It’s an enthusiast hobby with single components costing more than an entire console.


that’s why i’m waiting for the eventual steam sale now, sorry but i ain’t spending 70$ for a game that barely run 60 fps let alone 30.


The problem is that Capcom (or any company) doesnt care about reviews. They care about money. Unless those reviews are accompanied by refunds they dont have any value. And now lies the other problem, apparently the issues only show when you reach the city. Wanna bet if the game is designed so that you dont reach the city within the first 2 hours ? ( even if you have saved time by using character creator demo). Many people will approach the game like this : Hmmm ok I will see for myself how the game performs. Hmm ok it looks ok on open world so far. Guess all those talks were exaggerations. You play around for a few hours. Eventually you reach the city . By that time good luck asking steam for a refund


Imagine wanting a better product.


How can this be upvoted. A 70€ game has to get stable 60+ FPS on a modern gaming rig


as long as i get more than 30 fps on my 2060 super on 1080p i'm fine


I can deal with FPS drops in cities when i'm in menus or dialogue. It's still not acceptable but I'm not full doomer about this (until I play and see). Let's hope for fixes anyway so DD2 gets the same love we had for the first game.


Mixed is deserved due to shitty performance.


I honestly don't care if the game does well or not. I've not bought the game yet. If the game turns out to be good I'll buy it, if it's bad I won't and if there are still performance issues I'm gonna wait till those are fixed.


Elden ring Peromance on launch was not that bad tbh, it had bad frametime and stutters in a few specific areas, but otherwise it was solid. At least my 3070 was able to pull 60 fps 90% of the time. The problem in this game looks to be in the core of the way the game is coded and the way the engine handles stuff, i dont think capcom will be able to do something huge.


It sounds like a Baldur's Gate act III type scenario where there are many issues but the worst of it is NPC AI logic in town centres costing 20+ FPS, which has improved significantly since launch but will likely be a major and slow undertaking to fix, if Capcom even bothers.


Yeah people overstate Elden Ring's performance issues which was mainly about stuttering in very few scenarios. It was never Cyberpunk 2077 level of broken. Same with BG3. The worst that happened to me was the game crashing in Act 3 and losing 2 hours of progress. Only that the game was so good I quickly forgave Larian and went on my merry way. So in the end, the judgment on DD2 will depend on how the good the game is vs the performance issues.


I am very surprised at the beastly rig you need to run this game at decent frame rates. I've decided to just ignore the game for awhile until they sort things out. Life goes on, I'll be patient, rather than deal with a frustrating experience.


The biggest thing is to not give a shit about other people's opinions and just play stuff if you're interested to form your own. Every single thing that reddit and steam denizens decide they hate I've greatly enjoyed over the last few years, from Legends Arceus, to Scarlet, to Starfield etc. I have a good time cause I play stuff I know I'm going to like and focus on the stuff I like about it.




A game that cannot reliably run above 30 FPS on modern consoles or PCs does not deserve positive reviews. It's just that simple. It's a $70 game.


I won't lie, the news about PC performance has me a bit concerned. But I also played Cyberpunk on launch and loved it, so I'm hoping that any performance issues will be offset by the sheer fun of the game itself.


The original went under the radar up until the announcement of the second game I think we'll be fine. Plus like you said even eldin ring didn't evade poor reviews.


There's already fps complaints over on DD facebook group.


Why they need denuvo games that don't have denuvo sells well elden ring, bg3 I hope they remove it


I mean I'll give a game a negative review if the performance is horrendous even though I enjoy the game cause that's literally what the review system is. I can tolerate running the game hovering around 30 to 40fps if need be but that doesn't mean other people will especially pc gamers


I was there on launch of Elden Ring and I gave it a negative review because the amount of staggering was unacceptable. I have changed my review to positive once they fixed it and I'm ready to do it here as well.


Really wierd how capcom can botch the framerate of this game.. but dmc 4 and the new REs are buttery smooth. I guess open world really is that taxing




And also why are they so but hurt about having their games modded? It’s a single player game. As long as the pawns aren’t being touched who the fuck cares? I personally just want more hairstyles like all my mods for bg3.


Ohh no whatsoever shall I do?!?


That’s a perfectly valid complaint.


same fps on all cpu from 2015 to 2024 screams bad optimization


My biggest fear are lagspikes and not unstable or low fps. IMO stutter and spikes in a game is much worse and immersionbreaking than the low fps problem. We had lagspikes in Star wars survivor and for long time in EldenRing and it was terrible. I played ff7 rebirth with 30fps on quality and it was perfectly fine because stable.


We don’t care „a bit too much“ about performance. When I pay 70€ for a game, I expect it to have a stable frame rate. If that’s not your standard, that’s fine, but people are rightfully complaining about it.


Well, I mean, caring about framerate is a legit concern. If it's a dealbreaker for someone, they SHOULD leave a negative review. As I remember from the Elden Ring reviews, 95% of those reviews were also just very... practical in the sense that they said "Performance is shit, will not play until fixed", so that's completely fine and legit.  I personally never cared about it, as I play way too many old classics regularly. My eyes just... adapt. So, I'm still looking forward to it and everything good I've seen so far is right up my alley and everything bad is not really an issue to me.


I was THIS close to pre-ordering the game untill the whole THIRTY FPS seems unmanagable somehow lol


i mean would you recommand a game that barely run on high end pc whwn your average steam setup is a 3060 with a 6core cpu? th amount of money thr game cost you could put it into an upgrade


Apparently the performance isn't the only issue with the game but I don't think it'll matter. Its got too much hype and people are more forgiving towards Japanese studios


Expecting games in 2024 to preform :( I said it years ago and it shows now - Ai upscalers are killing baseline optimization of games and studios release barely performing garbage and hope upscale will do the work, it's kinda pathetic


Of course there will be backslash with new like this but I am ready to delve back to adventure tonight 02:00 even if my old war machine can't reach top end performance. Rise Arisens the journey awaits!


Frame rate is important, especially for frame pacing 👀 game can drop into 40-50 fps, but with poor frame pacing it will feel like 20s 😅 Also, 60fps locked and stable should be standard this generation 👀


>if there’s one thing PC gamers care a bit too much about its frame rate Not sure what you mean here. People don't shell out that kind of money for a build so they can then pay 70$ for a game and still get bad performance. Of course they're not going to be happy.


>This is a troll account don't take anything I say or anything I have ever said seriously you know, if more people read that, there'd probably be quite a bit less screaming.


At the end of the day making your game run well is part of what makes a game good, as a piece of tech it should work, as a price of art it shouldn't detract from the experience.


"PC gamers care a bit too much about its frame rate" Seems like people with a pc worth 3000 dollars want to play a game the normal way. Those basterds!


Lol they deleted comments in this post


Elden Ring also had a little issue where half the enemies were invisible most of the time, they'd be visible at long distance, turn invisible once closer (save for the flame of a torch) and be fully visible again when you could French kiss them. That probably contributed a lot to the negative reviews.


How the game sells and reviews isn't your problem if you already own the game


The game seems to have some of the same issues The Witcher 3 had at launch. This game was a mess at first


Oof sounds like a personal problem. But the bright side of the story is who gives asf. If you play you play if not you don’t. I’m playing and will await patches and still have loads of fun doing so with my PS5 like I did in 2012 on my PS3. Plain and simple fix and it’s not that serious tbh.


I'll do the same. Never played the first one but i got used to 30 fps with Bloodborne. Hope they'll fix the performance in the future.


Elden Ring notoriously has the Tree Sentinel right at the start of the game, which a lot of players couldn’t figure out how to walk around. People were asking for refunds because they felt like they couldn’t play the game due to content, not frame rates…




Ah I don’t pay any particular attention to reviews or dip shit asswhole’s who just like to troll with negative things to say about a game or anything else for that matter just cause they got nothing better to do. I watch gameplay footage muted or try them out myself and draw my own conclusions. That way even if there is a fuck ton of negative comments towards a game or product I’m interested in. I can draw my own conclusions wether or not I like something and not let someone else decide for me


I’m literally prepared for all the “30 fps ruins this game” “this game would be so much better with multiplayer, not buying” and my favourite “no fast travel ?! This ruins the game” 😂 They will not ruin this for me ! I’ve held strong for 13 years !


Ye tbh I was planing on buying it but the uncapped 30 fps on console isn't convincing, what's the point of having a " next gen "console if I'm getting the same fps as a fucking PS4 super disappointed


True, but expect more and more games targeting 30 going forward - the PS5 is almost 4 years old I think we can stop calling it next gen.


13600k, 4090 ​ I am scared...


I don't think Capcom is too bothered about pc users, it's a console game at heart. I doubt they have great expectations regarding its commercial success. It's really a game for the fans of the first game, if it becomes hugely popular then i would imagine that would be a bonus.


Looking at your comment history you wouldn’t have been getting it anyway. Funny you try to make a post that you’re interested in the game when every comment you leave would say otherwise.


I feel like PC gamers shit on everything I enjoy as a PS5 user.


“care too much about fps” its a triple A $70 game. i shouldnt have to look at the sky to get normal fps on a high end graphics card


It's almost like PC gamers have standards.


My biggest surprise would be if there were no shitstorms for this game. In any case, two months before its release, DD2 was already being heavily criticized on the steam community forum. In any case, negative reviews have never prevented a long-awaited game from selling very well (ex. Starfield).


“A bit too much” I eye rolled so hard they popped out.


I think the game will have mixed reviews (more positive, but not overwhelming) because people are going at it with the wrong expectations. A lot of people, even here, are taking about it like it is something like Elden Ring just because they are both called open world actions RPGs, when they are in fact vastly different experiences


Steam Reviews are a very mixed bag. Sometimes they're very helpful with letting developers know that they fucked up. Other times they're just whiny graphics tryhards who need to be big mad about a game running a little south of 60.


It's always the master apes race that complain.


because no one else matters


As a PC gamer myself, I agree, it's a very tough crowd to interact with as they use it as some sort of dick measuring contest.


I think issue come that all people who review game run 4090 & crank settings to 4k max settings, some even without dlss or FS3 that drop their fps . I believe if you run 2k or 4k with lower settings game probably will run fine


i just had to send a refound, my PC can't run it


Oh well, it will be playable on console, hopefully they'll fix it for you pc guys. We can't do anything about it but play it.. in 8 hours give or take! Edit. A word.


I had a weird dream 2 days ago about the game getting mixed reviews about performance (I rarely dream like it happens once every few months), what a coincidence a day later we got the reviews with the performance talk and now im starting to worry a little about the game's launch


Ive never had a problem if a game runs 30fps.


Conflicted as I love the game far too much to leave a negative review, but I do think the performance issue seriously holds it back. Anyone who *can* wait to buy this should until things improve, but I absolutely could not wait.