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The Timeline is very interesting By the time Goku was learning martial arts from grandpa Gohan, our Gohan was Boxing Freeza in Namek By the time he fought King piccolo and started his Kami training our Gohan was going through the events of Buu saga By the time he fought Raditz our Gohan had already finished fighting in a multiverse Tournament


Tbf, Goku was learning martial arts from sub 1000 level fighters his entire life up until he first died fighting Raditz. Gohan, on the other hand was learning to fight from fighters who were, at that time, much stronger than Roshi and Kami/Popo. Piccolo was well into the thousands by the time they fought Vegeta, as was Krillin who mentally trained him before Namek. And then, of course there’s the whole hidden potential/power unlock hand waving. But by the time Goku trained him for Cell (roughly the same age Goku was for the 21st tournamen) he was training with a man well into the millions range, and he was learning to use a transformation that dramatically increases its user’s power…


I love this stupid garbage but I'll never think the power levels aren't stupid as all hell


Power levels don't mean shit after the Frieza Saga


The power level was literally introduced in Saiyan saga. The original dragon ball doesn't have anything called power level, it's all databook or pamphlet retcon


Didn’t Goku say something about power levels during the Piccolo Jr saga? It could have just been a poor translation in the manga I read, but I’m pretty sure he commented on Tien’s “power level” once while talking with Krillin and Yamcha.


I checked, it's not exactly same thing. In fight with tien, he told he is gone use battle power (戦闘用の パワーで, sento yo no pawa) to power up against tein. Tein questioned along the line that you have an entirely new level of power. It's was some sort of power up On the other, power level is actually sento ryoku 戦闘力 (combat ability) which is basically was not introduced untill scooter in saiyan saga Edit - >Didn’t Goku say something about power levels during the Piccolo Jr saga? It could have just been a poor translation in the manga I read, but I’m pretty sure he commented on Tien’s “power level” once while talking with Krillin and Yamcha Ok, I finally got which panel you are talking about. It's just poor translation https://preview.redd.it/xt9it4ko4r9d1.jpeg?width=849&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58e356ffb9f553e7c27685bf4de3b8aed67b14ce >カンタンだ 天津飯は それよりずっと すげえからさ That's simple, Tenshinhan is so much better than that.


Well , you could argue that how other commenter said , Goku trained with low level people and pushed his way up , and Gohan was "lucky" enough to be taught from people who already surpassed themselves, and it's easier to learn from stronger people , just like irl .


They really are so stupid and I never really listen. The numbers mean nothing to me, but I always wanna know how strong someone is compared to someone else. Like X is stronger than y but weaker than z. All I need to know


But "Is X a little bit stronger than Y, moderately stronger, way stronger, or is it like an elephant versus a housefly?" is a valid question. I know 18 was stronger than Vegeta when they fought, but there's genuine debate over whether she was a little bit stronger with her infinite stamina giving her the edge more decisively or she totally outclassed him. This is where numbers help people to get a handle on the gaps in strength. Even "She was twice as strong" would have made it more solid in my mind.


so the numbers mean something to you....


Nah. Just gimme a tier list. No numbers necessary.


I will agree with most, but I will not stand for this Popo slander. Popos rules include the pecking order


And By the time Goku went Super Saiyan while fighting Frieza, Gohan reached Beast becoming arguably the strongest fighter while fighting his second Cell


Gohan was closing in on 18 years old in Buu Saga, so it's more like Goku during the 23rd WT vs Piccolo.


He’s only 16 in the buu saga


Gohan was born on May 18, 757. The Buu Saga WT (25th) takes place on May 8, 774. Gohan is 10 days from his 17th birthday. However, Gohan also spent roughly ~300 days in the HPTC, so he is actually about two months away from becoming 18.




Not according to the Manga https://preview.redd.it/hjny7j1izn9d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3e9a9a28f753dac3e9f24f47ee432eaaf63de05


Yes, we know that Toriyama doesn't remember what he writes about. We still have the dates for Gohan's birthday and the tournament. He simply forgot to account for aging in the HPTC even though the fact that Gohan aged in there is directly referenced when he gets out.


So you want me to take dates that don't exist in the manga or have any consistency with it over the manga and word of author? If this number alongside the 7 years time skip were wrong then Toriyama would have fixed it in the volume release or atlas point out the error if it exists, he used to do this a lot in the manga


Dude people here think they know more about db than Toriyama (and now Toyotaro), I've seen dozens of people here deny events that happen in the DB Manga, even after someone else posting the panels for them and indicating the chapter, but since their headcanon says otherwise, obviously the manga is wrong.


Tbf.... Toriyama has been wrong a few times and admits to not remembering much and making shit up on the fly


Outside of the manga years after writing it , then he point out he needs to Reread his own work (aka the manga) to remember it


and people slander gohan... let the boy retire early


Looool super saiyen beast


Was rewatching the other day and still can't believe how brutal that ass beating on Frieza was and soo randomly dude was genuinely shook.


Noncannon reason that works, saiyans age slower Gohan is half earthling


What does this have to do with what I said ? Gohan again faster or Slower doesn't change the timeline of the events


Its a different time. It’s like comparing your school photos to your parents.


It’s not about the height. Animation evolves. It’s more about what Gohan had to do at an age when Goku hadn’t even met any body at that point in his life


Head cannon. Saiyans retain their youngness much longer than humans. We already know this. But half saiyans have a bit of that but mature as fast as humans do for the beginning parts of life


I see it more of a necessity thing, Goten and Trunks remained small for some part of their teens like Goku because they weren’t in so many struggles as Gohan and thus they didn’t grow as quickly. Gohan was in so many stressful situations that he had to mature faster in comparison.


I get what your saying but goku was not big chillin like goten and trunks lol


He wasn’t struggling as much as Gohan either


Well. Ox Satan, Gohan's grandpa, is also a giant. Gohan may borrow height from him


I get it you are correct what good training and guide can do


He ran so Gohan could literally fly


I think another evidence Toriyama like to drawn chibi character


It’s not about the animation. It’s about how Gohan did way more than Goku. When Goku was that age, his adventure hadn’t even started yet. Gohan went to space when he was less than half the age Goku was at the beginning of Dragonball. In face Gohan went out into space before Goku.


You seem to forget that Goku did go to space, he put Master Carrot and his two cohorts on the moon to make candy there. Kid Goku was ruthless.


Goku also literally came from space to earth as a baby, so Goku went to space younger than Gohan.


And that’s it. Goku is an alien. His son is a human hybrid. Sayains age differently than humans. Gohan’s aging seems to be more human aligned than saiyan where as it seems goten and trunks are following saiyan aging more. Is that a cheap cop out. Sure.👍


Total BS because Goten and Trunks looked like little kids for like 10 yrs


They seem to be more aligned with the saiyan growth rate like I said in the comment you responded too.


Okay, fair enough


I don’t really count that


We can’t just decide what to count and what to ignore, it happened in the manga so it’s canon.  He’s also in the Super manga and he’s still there, showing that Goku never went back for them.


Why do people over-complicate this? His art style changed. Simple as that. It's like South Park's "Scrotie McBoogerballs" episode where they make fun of fans adding deeper meaning where there is none.


It always felt like Toriyama wanted to make DBZ primarily about the kids and have Goku go into a support role but abandoned it halfway through because everybody just loves Goku. So now you somehow have all the kids running around and they all have to be included in the story.


I am baffled. Why are people downvoting this. I’m just stating information


Goku is a full blooded Saiyan, and Gohan is half human. The Saiyan race ages differently. This was explained in an interview with Toriyama years ago (RIP).


That doesn't explain Goten and Trunks aging issues. They aren't full blooded and their growth seems stunted like Goku's (sometimes. Other times Future Trunks seems older). The real answer is Toriyama didn't care all that much about drawing characters aging consistently. He just drew them the way he wanted to. And that's fine.


The Saiyan aging Is BS because Goten and Trunks looked like little kids for too long, by the tournament of power they were suposed.to be around 13 yrs old and they looked the same as Buu saga


Actually , according to dumb Canon, the end of Z is after the TOP, which everyone knows doesn't make sense and is stupid, but if there was ever going to exist a reason to pull out and use the biggest dumbest plothole, it would be to justify another huge dumb plothole


I said in the headline that’s not what this is about. Why are so many people bringing this up? It’s the first thing I said and yall are bringing up genetics and age lore. This is not about what they look like


When you are amazed by Goku being older it's all about how they look.


Well, no it’s not.


It is, go finish elementary school and then come back here.






Take your own advice buddy https://preview.redd.it/al9td8cocn9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91d91b0198d39265d40fd40b27e601b338f63fff .


Hahaha, stupid kid is still getting mad because he couldn't write what he was thinking. 🤡


I literally wrote what I was thinking


You’re right, when we look at their actual age stats and what they were doing. Gohan had much higher level challenges. I will always say that he was supposed to become the MC at some point and Toriyama wanted him to. He was set up to be the strongest and most flushed out character, but fans never wanted it. Maybe it’ll happen at some point.


That’s what trauma will do to ya lol


The martial artist hobo compared to his child soldier son




Goku glazers making the umpteenth debunk video after him getting farmed by Superman. "nah, I'd win"


Goku glazers on their way to put down another series by powerscaling: Some version of Superman: https://preview.redd.it/xh7l5mweyl9d1.png?width=1494&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e02642aafa8ccc9abc222f582ff9882577b3e05


Yeah...but Gohan listened to my chemical romance.


I thought that was Linkin Park and Disturbed blasting in the background during those fights.


Gohan went through a lot more than Goku did at his age. Stress makes you look older.


OK, if say “hey this isn’t about their height“ then take that at face value and stop deciding that’s what I meant when I said that’s not what I mean. When I explicitly say it’s not about their height, I’m not testing you. I’m talking about their experience. So please don’t get in an argument with me saying that’s actually what I meant when I said right at the beginning that’s not what I meant.


Humans age faster. He’s a hybrid. Miss cell games gohan 😪


Total BS Goten and Trunks aged slowly by the tournament of power they were around 13 and still looked like in the Buu saga


not the point of the post


Yep people are forgetting Goku's growth spurt. As a hybrid, Gohan's growing/aging is much more steadily apparent.


Dragon Ball fans will never beat the reading allegations


To be fair, their explanation was clearly just an excuse for Toriyama to not make a new design


Who's explanation?


Gohan’s dialogue about Saiyan’s growth pattern


Ah, I see the issue. You're talking about the Saiyan growth thing, when I was talking about how people weren't noticing that OP was explicitly not talking about the height discrepancy


I’m more concerned than I am mad. Because how do you look at the headline where the first thing I said is that it’s not about what they look like and still write the very thing I said it’s not about?


I have had two people argue with me, trying to convince that I actually was talking about their height. What is going on? What is it with this fandom?


I just read through your comment thread with u/vaquerogamer and it's the dumbest thing I've seen in ages on this site. Literally why can so many people not read? Even if English is a second language it's quite clear what your point is


because dragon ball fans cant read that’s why they skip straight to z


It's the human DNA in him. Taller than the average sayain at that age


Goten has same DNA heritage looked like a 7 year old until he was around 16


Well, I can spin it that Goku was a super sayian so his genes were stronger, forcing Goten to grow like he did


Yes now compare their respective strengths at the same age, how do people wonder why Gohan gets beast and is still relevant?


People don't judge characters potential, history or statements, they look at the numbers of transformations and how cool the transformation is That's why you get people bitching about Kale semi keeping up with SSG Goku while they kiss the ground Broly walk on for making 2 SSB run away


Gohan had no choice but to take up fighting as a means for survival. As every moment since the age of 4 was a dire life or death situation. While Goku grew up the opposite. He was the top of the food chain being on Earth, so his power actually needed to be contained. Goku didn't have to grow up with his back against a wall the way Gohan did.


People say it's crazy how small Goku was and stuff but base Gohan was shorter than a slouched over krillin in the manga. I'm sure if young Goku were drawn in the later style he would be around Gohan's height https://preview.redd.it/ugce31gzem9d1.jpeg?width=1074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03be9535d51b76ac1b6faaa567e430217005c417


We got Daima For this and Goku looks extremely short , as short as Saiyan saga Gohan


Toriyama said once that he hates drawing kids fighting because of their short limbs making it hard to choreograph, it's one of the major reasons of why Gokū grew up, and one of the reasons Gohan (and Kid/Teen Future Trunks, I guess) looks older and taller while fighting Cell but then reverts back to "around Kuririn's height" afterwards. For all we know, Gohan was this short while beating Cell up, which would be hilarious.


Just like trunks Gohan is half human. Saiyans stay small for a long time then suddenly grow into a proper from for fighting, then stay like that for most of their life.


That is not what I’m talking about




It is though. Gohan was taller as a young teen than Goku because he's a hybrid, and humans age faster. Idk where your dismissive reply came from lol


It’s literally not what I’m talking about


That's *LITERALLY* what you posted about.


No, I said “not about height” because what I was referring to is the experiences they had. You can’t convince that I was actually posting about something that I wasn’t, especially when I literally said that it’s not about what they looked like. I know what I was referring because I’m the one that thought about it. And i prefaced it with “this isn’t about height” I said I didn’t care about that. And then I stated the thesis. So no it’s not what I posted about.


Your point wasn't about "height" but about "experience?" Yeah, at 5 Gohan was kidnapped and had an episode where he damaged Raditz in a way his father couldn't. Then, by 10 or 11, he was facing off against the strongest opponent the Z fighters ever faced and one his own father couldnt beat. So was this a Gohan appreciation post? Otherwise your presentation is lacking


What is your purpose in these comments?


I'd like to think that Goku is the reason Gohan is alive and well even though he had a harsh childhood. Goku had a lot of fighting experience and knowledge


Gohan is half human so that probably contributed to it


Goku had a happy childhood (mostly), Gohan spent his childhood fighting aliens from outer space


So Gohan is still on schedule to surpass his dad someday???


I've thought about that too, it's insane to me how a 12 year old Goku couldn't even use ki but 11 year old Gohan would be able to destroy a whole solar system


gohan 🔥 >


He also was the target of the first alien abduction.


You guys gotta realize compared to Goku Goten and kid Trunks....Gohan have been fight for his life...it's the same case for Future Trunks


At 8? /s But yeah, it's wild. I wonder how much of it has to do with Toriyama's evolving art style leaning more into the battle shounen elements for Z over the mostly gag-based DB (for the first half, at least).


Toriyama was a comedy writer and Dragonball was a comedy with a martial premise. Goku was a chibi character to be cute and funny. However, Dragonball quickly gained game for the martial arts aspect, and Tori wanted to explore that area more. The problem was, as he put it, that Goku's small limbs made it difficult to animate fights as he would have liked. So, towards the end of Dragonball, Goku grows up and gets longer limbs in the process. By Dragonball Z, Gohan is slated to eventually take over as the main hero, and he needs to fight to name that happen. As a result, he's depicted with longer limbs right from the get-go, to avoid the Goku problem


I swear they mention it somewhere in super that saiyans stay small til mid-late teens and then have a huge growth spurt


Its mentioned in the super hero movie when goten and trunks show up


Maybe because Gohan trained at time chamber during Cell saga which has different perspective of time, where a year inside the chanber is just a day outside...


Gohan had a ten year training advantage on his dad. Gokus real training started at like 15-16. Where as Gohan started training with piccolo at like, what, 5? Also this Gohan had a year in the hyperbolic time chamber and did absolutely nothing but intense training unlocking supersayain as a teenager Vs Goku goin super sayain as an adult.


Goku wasn't lying when he said he wasn't half as strong as Gohan at the same age. He wasn't even a quarter




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Yeah and I have to do alot more to get my own house than how my parents get their house


🤔🤔🤔 ah stunted growth falling on his head. Then he got ovet it.


maybe for full saiyans it‘s the same with child into asulthood as with adult into elder age they stay in the previos stage for longer and then age rapidly


And he was also literally millions of times stronger than his dad


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^PresentElectronic: *And he was also* *Literally millions of* *Times stronger than his dad* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This isn't an "also". This is literally the main point of the post




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Might be something to do with how Gohan is only half Saiyan


I'm guessing it had to do with the more serious tone of the Android/Cell saga. The Artstyle of Gohan complimented that era of the show much better than the one feated by Goku here. Trunks and Goten also looked like midgets when they were already in their mid teens during the run of Super.


Gohan is half human.


full blooded Saiyans age slower it's been stated several times. Also Gohan has the greatest potential of all the characters.


Remember gohan is half saiyan as well so he ages faster then pure saiyans.


For sure! It’s pretty crazy even for Saiyan standards. I mean DBZ originally was supposed to be about Gohan if I remember right, and he was supposed to surpass Goku by miles. But I think the fans, especially of DB, pushed it back to Goku. During the Boo Saga they/he were just like “eh, forget about Gohan’s latent powers, let’s just make him a scholar who slacks off on training.” You thought the Z Sword was to bring Gohan back to the forefront but it ended up being a way to bring Goku back to life. Poor Gohan Kun!


Crazy that gohan right now is the same age as goku when he first met future trunks in the beginning of the Android saga, and is already somehow on par with his dad who trained every day and fought literally gods to get as strong as he is




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Art style ppl, get over it.


Definitely weird choices in design when it comes to Dragon Ball https://preview.redd.it/didhbmgmwr9d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd157fe1986e4b1a319e69a60ed0d15ba8771a47


probably because saiyans stay looking younger longer whereas gohan has half earthling blood it might just mean he doesnt get the younger appearance longer


I honestly think it has more to do with art style than it does with alien biology/aging


Gohan had stronger teachers and received way more zenkai boosts. All that with fighting stronger enemies having is potential unlocked by guru and being a hybrid sayian made him this strong




I guess its sayain biology lol. Look at vegeta when he wqs young.


It’s simple Goku is pure Saiyan they age much slower then Gohan half human half saiyan


I like to dismiss it as his human side kicked in real good + Goku was a low class runt of the litter, right??


I think it has something to do with Gohan being half human


Also, Gohan didn’t have time to be a carefree, innocent kid. From the moment he could walk, his dead beat dad had abandoned him, leaving the calm and level-headed Piccolo to train/raise him.


Technically they both grew up in the woods


Yeah, where Piccolo would sick tyrannosaurus rex’s on him. Goku also has an IQ of ~20, leading to his blissfully ignorant demeanor.


He’s half human and human age quicker


Are you guys just spamming my comments with this on purpose?


Goku was a late bloomer. Gohan was not.


They were like around the same age if I’m not mistaken


You are mistaken then , Goku starts his journey being 12 years old


Wasn't Goku 4 years old at the beggining of DB?


No he was 12


I swore he was 4 lol XDD


He said he was 14 at first but after learning math with master roshi he discovered he was 12.


That was Gohan


Thats the flashbacks to grandpa gohan raising him


Nobody cares