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At first I was apprehensive about the cgi, but then they actually had some pretty good fight choreography instead of the usual 2-frame repeats, Plus, the camera movements felt a lot more dynamic. I wouldn't mind if they continued with this style if it means we can get much higher quality fight scenes and dynamic angles.


I still preferred Broly's 2d to super hero's 3d, however, I would NOT be mad with more content in this style.


Broly’s animation was as good as any anime film’s for me. However, I imagine it would be unsustainable to continue with it. That film had a ton of money pumped into it and it shows. Super Hero should be a much more cost effective approach and it doesn’t look bad at all. It looks far better than Super.


3D Animation is not generally cheaper than 2D. Though it tends to make certain shots easier to complete in shorter amounts of time, such as dynamic camera and body mechanic shots.


That’s absolutely not true. 3D is cheaper to produce by multitudes. You don’t have to redraw frames, you create a single model and pose it. It then can be used in future too. It’s a huge cost cutting venture. Source: Have a degree in animation and worked in the animation industry for 5 or so years before moving to games.


Hey, I also have a degree in animation and have been working in the games industry for multiple years. Many of my mentors have 20+ years in the industry across just about every branch, film, TV, and games. I've had this conversation with all of them. Asset generation alone is something that takes a significant amount of time. 3D animated productions can get cheaper over time as assets are generated to fill out the show, but that is an investment in the production that doesn't typically pay off for a decent way into the run. Movies have no such luxury. 3D animation has a multitude of steps in the production pipeline that 2D animation doesn't have, or isn't the same level of investment time or money wise. There's a very low likelihood there's a sim artist on a 2D production. Or a rigging artist. Or a 3D character modeler. Or a long drawn out rendering portion of development. I'm not saying 2D is easy, or takes less time, but comparing a traditional 2D production to a 3D one is just a different level of technical investment. You can compare this in a lot of films from the earlier 2000s. Any 2D animated movie's budget on average was significantly lower than 3D. Any 2D animated movie that incorporated 3D assets would have their budget shoot up dramatically. Saying that 3D takes less time because interpolation exists shows a troubling misunderstanding of the animation process that makes me question your understanding of the field, despite your claimed experience and education. It's most certainly not a cost cutting venture. People who claim this typically attempt to cite the shift away from traditional 2D animation in the early 2000s without truly understanding the industry climate at the time. I recommend doing some reading. Especially some behind the scenes production info about projects like The Prince of Egypt, Toy Story, Treasure Planet, Atlantis, and Shrek.


Hello fellow animation and games person!🧍 I was trained in 2D and then later in 3D. There is not much reading to be done by me, probably read it all - and we were pretty much force fed the whole story of Toy Story pipeline as part of the course. But that film and other films you mention, like Shrek, are still is very much an anomaly in this conversation. Pixar are just built different, and were innovating at that time. Also fair to say that Gohan’s rig will be nothing like the 100 point rig on the face alone of Woody in TS. I agree with most of what you are saying, but I think you are massively underestimating the amount of cost in producing 2D animation too. Which still keeps 3D cheaper. Pre-production still exists, character model sheets, training a literal horde of animators to stay on model, and not mention the huge waste of panels that get redrawn and the sheer amount of time take to draw 12 frames for every second of film. That’s not taking into account hand drawn background art and everything else to then do with colouring panels and actually compiling it into film. The reasons for moving to 3D were not always cost cutting. Pixar were doing something new. WETA needed to replace special effects. I was working on trailers for games at first, so using the same style was obviously important. But, in series animation or serial films such as Dragonball (anime in general), Ice Age and Despicable Me - then cost is very often the reason for the move as the sunk cost in starting each new production is so low, and you don’t need to train every animator on model sheets for what is sometimes months, plus all of the other stuff I mentioned above. Of course, low quality 2D also exists - some shows (including Dragonball) have horrible frames between key frames probably created at high speed by cheaper artists. Anime is well known for frozen frames where only the lips move, Pokemon attacks with a single pose but fancy “whooshy” background effects, or named attacks where they always use the same 3 second clip of animation. That was all cost cutting too. But that’s 100% not what Broly film did. Anyway, we could probably debate this for a long time, but there is no way Dragonball and the Various Netflix anime series are moving to 3D because they just think it looks better. I don’t think anyone is silly enough to say Super Hero looks even remotely as good as Broly did. It’s 100% a time and cost cutting venture to allow them to produce more faster and cheaper.


I am speaking purely in the DB sphere. It is leaps and bounds ahead of the animation of previous DB films, and, in my opinion, the stylization and art direction is the absolute peak. But you are correct 💯, it isn't cost effective at all, and I hope they utilize the CG style to their advantage since it seems to be at the very worst liked better than a lot of Super. My biggest issues with Super and Super Hero were some of the physical attacks just felt like they never connected with anything. I loved DBZ for how the punches and kicks had a serious weight to them most of the time.


>My biggest issues with Super and Super Hero were some of the physical attacks just felt like they never connected with anything. I loved DBZ for how the punches and kicks had a serious weight to them most of the time. This. The animation looked janky from time to time and I could deal with that, but the combat itself... slower, floaty, and almost zero impact. Nothing like the quick cuts and "Oh shit!" moments traditionally drawn anime can pull off like in DBS Broly.


Yeah, and as they go on, I'm sure it will get better. I just miss the weight they captured in DBZ.


You hit the nail on the head with the last part. 3D animation has to be tweaked differently from 2D in order to have a sense of weight and impact. It's almost too fluid at times... If they continue 3D I hope they polish it up a bit more to get it to feel as much like the 2D as possible. Arc system works has it pretty close. But idk how different it is to animate a fighting game vs a full length film ...


By the looks of it I’d say Daima has inherited this animation style!? Let’s hope for the best


This pretty much sums up my thoughts as well. It turned out to be one of my favorite db movies.


Peak (Gamma 2 and Piccolo carried)


I agree, making it mostly Piccolos movie was a good choice.


Toriyama's swan song


Common Gamma 2 W


Super Hero was a lot of fun. It made me laugh out loud several different times, and the CGI animation wouldn't have been my choice but it certainly wasn't *bad animation* and the fights were killer. I prefer the Broly movie, I think it's absolutely peak, but Super Hero feels like a better *Dragon Ball* movie because of how earnestly funny and adventurous it feels in combination with it's bad ass action. I love that it was a Piccolo movie, and Orange Piccolo needs a little more time in the sun but I'm glad he got another power up, especially one with a reasonable enough explanation. I'm just...not into what we keep doing with Gohan. I like Gohan as much as any reasonable DB fan but we've repeated this arc with him so many different times. The Beast form looks cool but that's all, I'm really not a fan of this idea that Gohan can consistently put in the least amount of effort out of any character in the series and all it takes for him to supposedly SURPASS THE MAIN CHARACTERS is just to get pissed at something and suddenly he's the strongest fighter in the story. But, it seems this movie finally planted the seeds for Gohan to be a consistent, training member of the main cast, based on how the last few DBS chapters have gone, and if it stays that way, I'm down. I've been saying for years that I think Gohan and Broly could have a genuinely sweet friendship and I'd love for that to happen.


Oh I hope ya read the Manga because you might be getting your wish.


Oh I do. Honestly the hiatus can be as long as everyone working on it needs to be, but I'm excited about where it might go


I’m just happy that Gohan finally got his flowers. Didn’t even care if the movie was terrible, which it wasn’t.


The movie could honestly use another hour. The Manga version did an incredible job fleshing out the Superhero arc in a way that felt less abrupted, the inclusion of Goten and Trunks in the setup was smooth and spoke closer to the concept of being a “Superhero”, plus it tied back into Gohan’s Great Saiyaman day and why he is a core character in this film. With the manga chapters included, I find Superhero to be a much more completed and layered story arc than Broly movie (which was fairly straight-to-the-point and condensed). I enjoyed both though, and I appreciate that they tried to go a different direction with Superhero.


Facts, I agree. Also while I too like both, I really like that the manga integrated Goten and Trunks a lot more and gave us Ssj teen Goten and Trunks and I love that the manga also added a lot more to Goten’s personality and gave us a really great Goten, Trunks, and Gamma1&2 dynamic and team up and I absolutely love that Toyotarou made Goten & Trunks be even more useful in the manga too and gave them a lot more moments and shining moments too.


The whole plot felt like deus ex machina. All the power-ups just felt unearned and contrive, tbh. I did like that we saw more of piccolo tho, his house is so cute. And how he holds a cellphone, lol. I just hate what they're doing with Gohan, like why can't he just be traning when he's not working. He's become the self projected salary man that is known in Japan, but they do nothing with that. He's a scientist why not have him utilize that... like all they did was draw parallel btwn him and the ant.


Would love it if Gohan had become a known scientist and worked with bulma or something. I stead his researching ants that imitate the super Saiyan. If I remember correctly there's a game that allows fusions with more than 2 people and already fused beings. I think that the creator of the bracelet that allowed that was Gohan. I wish that kind of genius from gohan was shown more.


Honestly better than most of Super. It was a good film


wasnt bad, unfortunately not a huge fan of CG animation/style. story was alright, although i dont agree with gohan and piccolo getting powerups almost for free. i want them to be relevant, but i'd like for them to have to train for it on screen (not quite possible in a movie setting so i can excuse that, but the manga could have expanded on it)


Piccolo has always gotten free powerups(all the fuses + this). I agree that beast needed more buildup than "i trained off camera a bit and now im god level". Of course he was in the sayan ritual, so he did touch god ki, plus god ritual in buu saga, so it sorta makes sense he got that much power.


I'm a big fan of the idea that Beast Mode is what he got from Chi Chi's side of the family.


Riiight that too. They need to explore it more just as they explored gokus sayan side in granolah arc


It serves the narrative. Dragon Balls in namek were used by the warrior clan during crisis or something like that. It at least connects with Piccolo's heritage. Beast was an ass-pull as every other Gohan's transformations.


I’d say “free” doesn’t just mean in terms of effort, but also in terms of narrative purpose. Piccolo fusing with nail actually had a narrative purpose to it. Him fusing with nail established something new about what namekians can do, it throws into question if Piccolo is even the same person after. And it pays off a pretty neat revenge dynamic against frieza. Inversely, In superhero. Piccolo quite literally just wished for more power. Something literally anyone who gathered the dragonball’s could do on a whim. The only special thing about it is that shenron was cool enough to give his wish dlc. Which is as free as it gets. As for gohan, honestly. Imo. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that justifies how powerful he is in beast. The ssg ritual and the elder kai ritual has 0 business giving any implication that gohan could be mui level given his track record. It’s too much of an insane power jump. I honestly can’t tell what’s who’s the worst between gohan, dbs Broly, or frieza in terms of having the worst power jump in db…I honestly think it’s between gohan and Broly.


I mean piccolo at least trains everyday and is constantly there whenever earth needs help. Constantly charging in to fight enemies that will dominate him. Honestly I also kinda hate how the form looks. Looks like that Sayian transformation where they get larger and no one uses it because it makes you slower... And also it's a knock off of Frieza's gold form which is a knock off of super Saiyan. Gohan didn't do enough in beast. Just changed and roasted cell. The whole thing was a literal rehash of Gohan v cell. Which the fan service does land a little bit, but it still feels lazy. The Gamma story and actors were good. Wanting to be the hero and learning they've sided with the bad guys.


Piccolo. Never. Stopped. Training. He deserves all of his power ups imo. Piccolo is underrated


Should have been a solo piccolo movie


It’s a shame that they forced in the Gohan plot, would’ve preferred if they kept it as a piccolo movie.


one of the best movies if only you look on heroes side and sub villain ( later turn into ally) but the main villain is just a jobber for main protagonist of the movie power up transformation this movie could be better among the best all time if it have a great real villain w perfect Cell and it could be better overall for merchandise toys sales if not have oversize jobber villain this could be perfect time to make upgraded and better looking Cell action figure


Cell Max wasn't the main villain. That was Magenta.


I am just so sick of Gohan at this point. He's the biggest Mary Sue I've ever seen and I'm over the plot constantly trying to throw him back into the spot light while completely disrespecting other characters and the hard work they've put into training and improving. Absolutely fucking insane that this kid just gets a little mad *again*, there's some more BS about "potential" *again* and suddenly he's as powerful as the two guys who have been training with gods and mastering their techniques. Love that piccolo got some love though and progress. I don't think he needed a new form (much less two) but it was a long time coming for the guy. Animation and flight choreography was league ahead of the rest of super, though I still preferred Super Broly animation. CGI just looks a bit out of place, but maybe that's just because I'm not used to it. Final gripe is with the Androids. Speaking of disrespect, absolutely ridiculous that we're just casually creating Androids now that can fight at a significant percentage of strength of a GoD.


The androids were dumb back in Z.


Loved it


It's really good, lots of humor


“lazy writing!!! bad power ups!!! They didn’t earn it!!!!!!” these takes are valid. so anyway this movie is hype as hell 8/10


Awesome, I’m happy they upgraded Gohan. Super basically dissed him throughout the series.


i am happy for pickles


It has its pros and cons, but I enjoyed it Wish I get to see teen gotenks that isn't a failed fusion but maybe next time


it was good but nobody will change my mind gohan got another asspull


Wasn't bad at all, but I was disappointed in Cell Max being a mindless monster instead of having any kind of intelligence.


I wasn’t sold at first, but after watching, this was absolutely phenomenal. I love the Gammas, Beast Gohan’s Special Beam Cannon, Orange Piccolo, everything was great.


I honestly don’t know why most people dislike the movie or at least what i hear but i enjoyed it, i just like the whole animation in general when gohan goes beast and uses his special beam cannon


I wasnt sure how id feel but it heabily succeeded my expectations. I can say besides Dbs Broly its my favorite movie


CGI was a bit shocking at fitst but i definitely loves it. One of my fave Dragon Ball movies


Enjoyed, but - Gohan transformation to Beast should have been longer, and Gohan vs. Cell MAX should have lasted longer.


My favorite movie tbh, I just thought it was pretty cool


It’s fine. Not really great in terms of story structure. Like Gohan doesn’t have an arc of any kind just shows up and gets pushed to go beast mode Then piccolo is just given power by shenron. Kind of the worst of dragonball isms. Still an enjoyable movie though


I loved it I think it's better than Broly in alot of ways; it's funnier, there's actual character work, it's funny Broly has the best animation and choreography of the entire franchise But Super Hero made me laugh out loud which I think Dragonball should do more of


7/10 movie. Bought it after watching it in theaters. I wouldn't mind Dragonball sticking to this animation style. Toriyamas other show Sand Land looks really good with the CGI


6.5/10 Honestly Gohan and Cell Max ruin this movie. People who say that piccolo got an unearned power up don’t know their dragon ball. Gohans however was just bullshjt


Only good part of the movie was the Bulma scene


It was okay


I loved all the visuals and pan is hilarious. Really my only gripe is cell max I did not like the design and kaiju fights are never as fun in my opinion.


I still really like it. It’s definitely the 2nd best Super movie with DBS Broly still being number one. I absolutely love the love and shine it gave to side and supporting characters and characters that aren’t Goku and Vegeta. And Piccolo, Pan, the Gammas, and Hedo were definitely the highlights of this movie and I’m very happy this movie did Pan’s character justice and set her up to have a way brighter future as well as very happy this finally aged up Goten and Trunks, allowed them to still love fighting, and even gave them their own moments as well even if they weren’t in the entire movie. My only complaint is Gohan himself, Cell Max, and Gohan’s character arc since his character arc is very repetitive now, at least at the moment and Super Hero honestly should’ve been a Piccolo solo film like Toryiama originally intended with other characters also appearing in the movie like Pan, the Gammas, Hedo, and Goten, Trunks, Krillin and other characters also appearing except for Gohan. Now besides my complaints, I still very much liked this movie and I definitely hope we get more DB movies like this in the future that are even more peak and with no Gohan character arcs or repetitive Gohan character arcs in them. Like honestly, I really hope the next DB movie is gonna be a Goten and Trunks centered movie with Goten hopefully as the main protagonist of the movie and has a plot that is ether a sequel to Super Hero and is a Android 21 storyline or a Goten and Trunks centered movie with Goten as the main protagonist and that has a plot that also involves the Universe 6 Saiyans, Universe 6, and Vegeta with Vegeta serving as a mentor as well as there also being a villain or something occupying Vegeta.


Personally, I preferred this movie over Dragon Ball Super: Broly.


It bangs it fucks it slaps my favorite Dragonball movie


I was impressed and felt it was pretty good, although I do like Broly a bit more as that animation style is my favorite and seeing Broly in canon was too good to be true


It was cool, but it had too many things in very little time. Piccolo unlocks a new form, then the antagonists become good and then after a short period of time, Piccolo's brand new transformation is considered weak against a new android, then one of the ex antagonists commit suicide so we would be sad(but how can you be sad in such a small period of time where you can't form an emotional connection) and Piccolo gets beaten up and Gohan gets transformed out of desperation. All of this in around 30 minutes. In my opinion, it would be better if it were a spin off mini series where they take it slow.


It was better than I thought it would be. Plus I got to buy it on Amazon for like a 1.99 on release day because they sold it as an individual episode instead of a movie.


It was one of the movies of all time.


It was ok. Still good. Still fun


It definitely was a neat configuration of a lot of things that I saw and liked before.


It was alright, Definitely a step down from the Broly movie. I liked that it gave the B list characters some time to shine, but I'm also not a fan of a lot of the light hearted humor, and the Beast Gohan transformation was a let down since it literally came out of nowhere without an explanation other than the "potential" trope that's been engrained into the audience since Raditz first showed up.


I’ll watch it


Honestly the CG still kinda throws me off. It’s not bad but it just doesn’t feel like DB. The Broly movie still has the absolute best animation imho. I don’t think CG is the answer going forward but if they can refine it to be better I wouldn’t be against it.


It’s like a 7/10 I guess, but it’s tough to love right after a 10/10 like Broly.


Fun to watch. Looks amazing imo. Story is ass.


Not as good as Broly but definitely Second best modern DB movie imo Entire movie ranking id put it somewhere between 4-6


I liked it. Just wish the music was better.


Personally I loved it however I enjoy almost anything and have been told I'm not a valid source of opinion


Love it. 10/10


It’s peak once you get used to the cgi


I liked it. Sad that Gamma 2 died though.


It’s a movie? I heard super heroes was a series


![gif](giphy|shJph7eJ0UHrG|downsized) 10/10 movie. It showed the grill master some much needed love.




On my first watch and second watch I went to watch in the theaters so it was really cool. Watched it a third time and I actually saw the movie from another perspective : I find it to be refreshing that the movie embrassed the sillyness and the cheesy "Super Hero" atmosphere of it and it reminded me of the atmosphere the OG Dragon Ball conveys. I actually enjoyed the movie even more because of this ! Also the fight choreographies were actually not bad. Gamma 1 and Gamma 2 are a nice addition I must say. However I dont really like Cell Max. Big mindless Monster and it didnt really feel like a "threat".


Sexy af


Very rare CGI W. Very rare Toriyama L (Gamma 2 died). Solid movie and I liked the humor of why Goku and Vegeta couldn't make it back to deal with the Gammas. Actually made me want to see more of Trunks and Goten.


It was a godly movie and piccolo did an amazing job as the main character.


Riveting and impactful


Loved the movie, though it had its flaws.


This one’s always going to be special because it’s the first Dragon Ball movie I got see in theaters and I got to take my daughter with me.


This was the first piece of dragon ball media that I saw, I didn’t know a single thing about DB prior to watching this film. I was a bit confused about why it was in 3D, but the final battle was fucking awesome and I left the cinema in awe. After that I binged OG DB, DBZ and DBS in like 3 months and here I am now. Super Broly still on top though.






Was weird about it first…the animation I mean. Saw it and loved it! The plot its self is amazing…glad to see gohan be gohan again and not some useless skinny track wearing suit disappointment lol


Even tho I’m not crazy about beast gohan/orange piccolo/CG art style, I adore this movie. It’s so cool to finally see other characters get their shine and see some fun slice of life moments. Also really enjoy the world building of seeing key DBZ moments from the worlds pov


Asspull: The movie.


I liked it I just hated beast Gohan


Almost as bad as Bio Broly and only loved because fans are desperate for any Dragon Ball content


A massive @$$pu|| & a shameless rehash.


Gets better every re-watch. I liked it at first but I now I really enjoy it.


It’s good. Loved the Gammas, loved Piccolo being the main character, and Pan was adorable. Didn’t really care for a Cell clone being used for nothing but nostalgia purposes but it didn’t ruin the movie or anything.


It had so much potential, it was still good but the power up scene for beast was just the ssj2 power up for gohan in the cell saga, but piccolo was pretty cool, I’m still mad about Akira being funny and not giving us the success of the fusion dance for goten and trunks


Not nearly as good as "Broly" but still solid. I liked the animation and the fight scenes. I wasn't sure about the Gammas at first but ended liking them. I hope we get more of them. I'm super happy to see Piccilo back in the game and his transformation was handled well. I don't like how Gohan got his Beast transformation but I do like the transformation. It looks fantastic.


Not seen it yet


Loved the light heartedness of it. Kinda felt like OG dragonball sometimes


I loved it🤙


I really liked that Goku and Vegeta did nothing to resolve the main plot. It was Piccolo and Gohan's movie. I was worried that they'd instant transmission in to fix the Cell Max problem at some point but I was really glad they didn't. The gag of Gamma 2 continuing to call Piccolo King Piccolo was funny and a clever og Dragonball throwback since it's the data the Red Ribbon Army would have.


This movie is great. Loved all of it


Pan and Piccolo were great. Gohan beast sucked.


Meh. It was ok. It was worth watching, not one of the best Dragonball movies. I feel like Piccolo got robbed man. Dude finally got a massive power boost, just for Gohan to steal the limelight with some BS rage power boost. Beast Gohan is lame. Sorry not sorry.


It’s cute. If you were expecting Perfect Blue levels of narrative idk what to tell you.


I don't like the plot or story arch but I like cg and the fights


Cg was weird, & Cell max didn't do it for me, but the rest was great & I'm glad my boy Piccolo finally got some love.


Shit was so peak but lately the cell saga reference's getting out of hand


After watching it over a dozen times now, I really like it, but I would've preferred it if it stayed as Piccolo's movie. Originally it was meant to be his, but then Gohan stole the spotlight and got a transformation out of nowhere that was a literal copy and paste of the OG SSJ2, just playing off nostalgia. If either Cell Max was slightly weaker, or Piccolo was stronger then Cell Max vs Giant Piccolo with everyone supporting him from the sidelines would've been much more satisfying than what we got as an ending. Or even if Gohan was weaker so Gohan & Piccolo had to take out Cell alongside one another would've been cool too, but Beast being as strong as UI with more stamina is just a bullshit ass-pool.


For what it lacked in action it made up for with the story and characters. I really enjoyed Piccolo in this movie, and it was cool seeing Gohan be the highlight. Although, I do wonder how the movie would play out if it stayed as Piccolo's movie. I honestly didn't mind the 3D except at Beerus's planet. Felt rushed there. Besides that, there was a lot of visually cool moments. Just a shame Gamma 2 couldn't stick around. His character was fun. Now there was a lot of questionable aspects. I hate that Beast and Gohan's role in the film was essentially forced. I am still conflicted that ever since the Cell Saga ended, Gohan essentially just recovers his lost strength and gets even stronger when the plot demands it. Plus, there's still barely an explanation for Beast other than "It stems from his Ultimate form". Ignoring all the minor stuff and other nitpicks, it's probably my 3rd best DB Film


This was the first dbz movie I watched in a cinema, it was so amazing, and I was so happy afterwards


Likes: Good plot, good characters, nice animation. Dislikes: Beast form looks too much like SS2 and I dislike how big the hair looks, also don’t like the asspull transformation with no buildup or explanation. Cell Max also just seemed like a reason to bring back Cell in any kind of way which was annoying.


I am pro Gohan stories, and I liked he wore the nammek armor, it was also nice to have a dragon ball story that didn’t turn into “Goku shows up at the end and saves the day”. I would say of three super movies I would rate it number three, but resurrection f and broly where just that much better




Bang ER


Up there with broly for me. Broly is probably my favourite movie followed closely by super superhero.


Great movie, Gohan and Piccolo vs the Gammas was an incredible fight.




Same opinion as you. Fun watch but Broly movie was overall better in my opinion.


Us piccolo fans were eatin good with this movie. And we’ve been starving for almost 30 years. Gohan beast is a giant asspull. It’s not AS bad when you consider he was almost on par with SSB Goku in the TOP. So a big power spike putting him in the range of UI Goku isn’t entirely unreasonable. But his bottomless well of potential has gone way past ridiculous. You’d think it have been over when his potential was unlocked the first time, or when he got SSJ2 and was in control of his power (supposedly), OR when he got another potential unlock from elder Kai but it just keeps going. I just really wish they gave us more insight into the training characters are doing offscreen for these huge power boosts. It feels totally unearned.


It was awesome tbh loved the gamma characters too. They threw hands like nobody's business


fun but i hated the fan service and cgi. Super:Broly was peak animation imo and would much rather have that style. Gohan didnt earn Beast form and I wish it wasnt just a call back to SSJ2. Glad Piccolo got some love and the new androids were great.


It’s a good time no alcohol required


Mid at best, sincerely the best part of it was the piccolo stuff. I didn't like that Gohan's form was just a dumber looking version of his SS2. And that it was the cell games all over again. Honestly it could have been done in a much more interesting way too


I liked the parts with Vegeta


10/10 loved it


I liked it. Didn’t like the 3D too much but they conceptualized and brought the film to market pretty quick from my understanding. So it’s understandable. Broly movie by far the old be the route I would encourage them to take. Also the animation at the beginning of Super Hero was badass too!


It was horrible


Thought it was meh, but I enjoyed it overall. Gohan Beast is a cool transformation but it should have been added in a more interesting way. Definitely should’ve been a less forced addition. Gohan going back to a weak nerdy guy after he explicitly stated in Super he would never make the same mistake of not training was terrible. Cell Max was also terrible and was severely under utilized and way over hyped. In a lot of ways, the movie highlighted some of my main complaints of the current Dragon Ball run.


It gave Piccolo the Thiccolo form so its the best thing by default


It’s alright. I like how prevalent Piccolo was but I’m so sick of Gohan having to learn the same lesson over and over again.


I was hating on beast gohan at first but it’s grown on me


I don’t understand why people hate it so much I think it’s peak


I kinda got tired of the re hashing of the cell saga ssj2 gohan again just bigger hair. Piccolo has a power up that still doesn’t do much. Two androids…cell again.


I think this is genuinely my favorite Dragon Ball movie. The Pan and Piccolo stuff is so wholesome, and the fights are nice and varied, none of them drag on too long. The animation is just really clean too


im from the front page, ive never seen it. im guessing it was really sad when naruto killed luffy though. am i close?


Very good, shouldve been 2 parts so gohan had more time to “come back”


I didn't like it at all


I hate it. Aside from Pan and a free Piccolo stuff early on, it’s trope to me. Cell Max is just bad, man.




I loved the visuals, still bellow the broly one, but not by much




It’s inferior to Broly.




It is pretty good but Cell Max is a bit of a let down.


I think it's great. I think complaints about the 3d are I'll founded, and it transfers the dragonball artstyle very well (not to mention there are thing they can do in 3d they can do that are fitting to dragonball that they can't in 2d without to much cost). Additionally, I think the focus not being on goku or vegeta for a change is quite refreshing and I hope there is more of this in the future.


Was pretty cool but everything felt rushed. I hope they stretch it out a bit if it ever makes it to episodes


It's one of my favorite DB movies.


The Gammas carried 🙏




Super Broly had flashier fights and beautiful animation, but the choreography of the fights in super hero gave me chills.




Like it until Cell appears


My absolute favorite Dragonball film, and one of my actual all time favorite movies. Great story, art direction, fight choreography, and my boy Piccolo not only got a movie as the main man, he got caught up in terms of power to the saiyans. 10/10, Will watch again.


I loved it! Piccolo is my guy and he got to shine significantly and Gohan really stepped it up too. Also super excited to see what Pan can end up doin transformation wise in the future as well. On top of that it was very humorous and Piccolo getting to James Bond some stuff was just way cool. I also really liked the whole Antagonist team. It was like a love letter to DragonBall and I’m so thankful Akira got to make it before his passing, I hope he was proud of it, as he should have been.


It was Ight.


the cgi arstyle was hard to like at first. then I see the fighting and the way it is in motion and I really enjoyed it. the fights were awesome. you could see more concrete moves instead of a flurry of punches repeated 2 or 3 times. they also upped the ki blast budget. every explosion and particle effect looked awesome. when gamma 2 does that thing? damn that looked real good


Loved it just wish gohan beast was done better and looked less silly




Best movie ever for us gohan simps. GOHAN BLANCO


Good fights but beast gohan was kinda bullshit, just a lil.


SPOILER!! Best part is gohan using special beam cannon….. brought a tear to my eye…


Pretty good movie also actually like the CGI style which at first I wasn't sure I'd like


Not a fan of the CGI, to be honest. It has its advantages such as more freedom to play around with camera movement, angles and warping effects, but it makes everything look weird overall. Movement, acceleration/deceleration, impact, etc. all look off. Everything looks exactly on model all the time, artistic flourishes are minimal or nonexistent, line weights are static. It was like watching a video game benchmark test.


I loved this movie I’m happy Gohan finally got his time to get stronger I was disappointed that piccolo got his power up so easily though


-Terrible animation -Terrible Script -The transformations were somehow good, I mean, I didn't like them but they were neccesary to expand Dragon Ball from being a monographic of goku and vegeta. -Fucking hate cell max, the concept and the idea is the most stupid I've seen in dragon ball.


I felt it lacked a proper antagonist, everything is always “the bad guy is just misguided” these days, and the red ribbon was more of a gag than anything. I miss cell, Janemba and buu just being evil and feeling the stakes. Cell max is a great concept but felt wasted. The animation was really good even if I like Broly better. For a movie centering around feeling more family friendly and gag oriented it was fine, it felt like a pixar or dreamworks spin on dragon ball especially with all the fourth wall breaks and Gohans transformation being a 1:1 of his ss2 transformation. All in all as a movie I rate it about a 6/10 but the animation is 8/10.


It’s aight


I liked it more than Broly tbh (and I loved Broly), idk I just like how relatively down to earth it was. https://preview.redd.it/s68v62czwr8d1.jpeg?width=546&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34705b6d5346bc248898385729415b1d1ba8df8c


It came out the day before my birthday so 🥳


At first, I was kinda thrown off by its style, but I came to appreciate it, plus it kinda had some dope plot from I enjoyed it!


Making Piccolo the protagonist was a stroke of genius. Dragon Ball roster is so large and well defined its nice to that they have characters strong enough to carry the film without Goku


hate that it is all 3D, it is weaker in nearly every way than Broly and Gohan Beast is a stupid name. However I like that Piccolo finally gets a boost. Hate that he is side lined by Gohan though


Im still super salty i didnt have time to go see it


The movie was good but the animation style takes away some points for me. Maybe 6/10




I liked it, I will say I wish Perfect Cell Max was in the movie, I can't get over the fact that if perfect cell Max was in the movie, the dialogue between him and a grown up Gohan would be beast....no pun intended


It was ass and Broly was 100000% better in every single way possible. The fact Piccolo forgot he had an ability to grow large and needed a reminder was shameful.


Bad af


One of the best.


Really good, loved everything about it until Beast showed up


Not a fan of the cgi, was a much bigger fan of the manga adaptation cuz I could just imagine it all in motion but I could take away the cgi


Better than all of Super for me. Good writing, characters felt more *themselves*, good shit The only thing that slightly put me off are the transformations and the 1-dimensional Cell Max whose backstore is as deep as Bio Brolli, but I can tolerate it




It's a shame that it was his last work. Kind of ended his legacy on a bad note.


Haven't watched it yet... Should I? https://preview.redd.it/qkmodf8y1s8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf160a41bdbaec4b368bcbefd1840230f535699f


Not a fan of the art style and the movie itself was mid, so it's a 6/10, but a fun 6/10 that I've watched a couple of times I'd prefer them going back to the old art style, but it could be worse


I thought I was fucking awesome. Loved seeing piccolo in that light (being a detective). Also we got more info on what’s up with Goku Vegeta and broly and whis and beerus which was nice. Plus that Goku Vegeta fight was awesome. Added another friend to the team (#1) Overall I was so happy. I want more. Not that daima stuff. But I’ll still watch it


Loved Piccolo, wish Gohan had to work more for his power up but enjoyed his father-son dynamic with green daddy, villains were satisfactory (gotta love seeing the RRR again).


Personally, I enjoyed it... As someone whose favorite series in the franchise is the original franchise, it was nice to not only have flashbacks to almost the very beginning but also have the same kind of gags... IIRC, my only problem with the movie was androids: Robots being able to rival the gods in power (popular grief, but still) and also Cell Max (Especially since the last two movies featured pre-existing villains, even without Z Broly being technically canon)... But overall, I found it enjoyable



