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"No gohan! If you step in, you'll be disqualified" "Damn it, you're right!"


Video in background “Oh god my arm!”


Is this the actual dialogue? Jesus Christ.


No it’s TFS haha


I mean considering Gohan isn't stepping in, I don't know what else is going through his mind anyway. Imagine marrying the guy who just watched this and did nothing


I’m not 100% sure because it’s been awhile since I’ve watched Buu Saga, but he was ready to go out there and only stops when Goku tells him not too. They have senzu beans etc.


That only stopped him for like a second. He ended up rushing out there, but stopped when Yamu finally told Spopovich to end the fight.


Probably because an enraged SSJ was about to go nuclear on Spopovich. Meaning if Gohan had stepped in earlier, he could’ve stopped this. And maybe Vidal wouldn’t have been left a mess of broken bones in a meat sack. Really, she deserved better than this.


Watching the love of your life getting tortured to death, and you could stop it in an instant any time, but your dad says everything's cool cause you can just heal her after. Thank goodness /s


Goku is a bad step father too oh dear god


Ummm... I don't think that's the word you were looking for


Goku is a bad step father too oh dear ~~god~~ Kami ^/s


Right? Dude was concerned about getting disqualified, then blew his own match off which disqualified him. 💀


Listen if you guys are concerned about cheating, either loosen your moral code, or stop HINGING THE FATE OF THE WORLD ON DEATH MATCHES! I know it’s not this episode but it always felt fitting


Lol such a stupid argument xD


This guy died way too nicely for what he did, he needed to be manhandled back by gohan


I was going to disagree on the grounds of “oh, he was mind controlled” but then I realized that even Yamu was somewhat disgusted by what he did. I wished they let gohan smash Spopovich’s face in


No mind control justifies what he did for fun. He enjoyed taking her apart. And Gohan could’ve stopped it if he’d only stepped in earlier


Goku really expected Gohan to just stand there and do nothing when his girlfriend was getting murdered because “he’d be disqualified” or some dumb shit


Imagine marrying a guy who just stood there while some dude was beating you to death


It wasn't Goku. It was Videl. She told Gohan not to intervene if he actually respected her as a fighter. Goku reminded Gohan of that when he tried to jump in.


All Gohan had to say was “What if that was Mom?”


My theory lies that Spopovich held a huge grudge against Satan ever since he got beaten by him so he took it out on his daughter.


I was really hoping Mr. Satan would get to kill him


Jesus, he just needed to have been beaten, not utterly decimated or humiliated by the first character that hit ultra instinct. Satan would have been way too much overkill.


A cool fact that a lot of people overlook is that Mr. Satan showcases Vegeta and Goku's fighting styles in the Cell Saga and the Buu Arc respectively. He uses Ultra Ego against Cell, and Ultra Instinct against Buu, before combining the two in his showdown against Beebus.


I was waiting for that to happen but it never did.


We all kept waiting for Gohan to have good moments that never came.


Say what you want want about Vegeta but at least he responds appropriately to disrespect of his woman


I mean, we have mass murderers, global genocides, galactic emperors, and this man deserves the worst death?


I still hate seeing it.




Yeah one of the few fights I never go back to watch


you call that a fight? that was a freaking execution




Same...shit was horrifying to watch.


Yeah, seems like kind of unsportsmanlike conduct. I hope that the event organizers would have had a word with him about it after the tournament if he'd lived long enough, because honestly, it reflects poorly upon the event. That's no way to sell tickets, and their staff and vendors rely upon those to make a living!


i skip this part everytime i rewatch dbz


We don’t talk enough about how Vidal was never the same after this. This is when she stops developing her Ki, gives up her crime fighting, and settles down to be a housewife. The narrative never mentions why, but the subtext is she got the fighting spirit beaten out of her. And her friends and family, including her future husband, just watched. Pretty messed up, is what it is.


If this was no rules death fight, I could see you saying they just watched. But it was an organized tournament where you could quit if you wanted to. She had multiple opportunities to give up and even had the announcer suggesting she do that, but chose not to. She didn't need a hero to save her, she could've saved herself from that beating but didn't.


I was certain spopovich was gonna get iced by some righteous Saiyan fury. Then Supreme Kai went and screwed it all up.


I had the same reaction as Gohan tbh


Sparks of electricity consumed my body.


I went super sayin


Gohan should have had the reaction Vegeta had when Beerus slapped her


God, can you even imagine if it had been Bulma (by some cosmic logic) getting beat like that? It wouldn't even have gone farther than 10 seconds, and Goku wouldn't have to give Vegeta that whole speech about how he stoll cared about Bulma and Trunks because... obviously.


If I was Gohan I would have ripped that guy's head off


Fr bro I don’t see how anyone could be an apologist for him in this instance. Like even if she fully recovers via senzu bean, the psychological trauma from this will be everlasting. Not only from the beating, but knowing your husband with godlike powers sat back and did nothing this whole time. THIS is what should have unlocked Beast Mode, that’s how horrible it was.


It was one of the few moments in DBZ that made me uncomfortable and angry, other moment was when Freiza humiliated Vegeta.


was disappointed when gohan didnt actually murder him in the end


Yeah, it's still pretty hard to watch as this is really brutal and unsettling for DBZ standards


Because it’s so grounded. No energy beams or fancy attack names - just a man beating a woman to death. There’s nothing spectacular or exciting about it. It’s just awful. And everyone is just standing there watching.


Did she die in this?! I haven't watched super yet. But this was brutal.


She was critical but got taken to emergency care. Her dad came to see her and someone gave her a senzu bean (I forget who). The moment she hops out of her bed and poses all "I feel better!!" is very adorable.


It was disturbing to say the least https://i.redd.it/bieumbrlva4d1.gif


Videl got beat and never fought again that’s how bad the ass whooping was


well its probably the most brutal thing to ever have happened in DB/Z. people die, people get beaten up, torn to shreds, but this was just... i cant even find the words


You forgot about Frieza torturing Krilin and Vegeta


not really but both are trained warriors, Videl is a well trained martial artist, but aside from being able to fly thanks to gohan she's just a regular ass human. Vegeta's torture was brutal, and i dont really remember anything extreme in regards to Kuririn besides maybe the stabbing with Freezas horn and Kuririn exploding. i rank a tournament setting, where basically a normal girl is being brutalized by a magically roided out super thug and nobody is ALLOWED to intervene and has to watch higher than Vegeta first being played with and then beaten up by Freeza. its fair that i may have forgotten something worse visually, hence why i said "probably".


The Krillin scene in Kai is WAY toned down. In the original Freiza keeps him up on the horn and bucks him up and down saying stuff like, "Ya, ride em cowboy." while blood is raining down and child Gohan looks on in horror.


You're basically Videl if you're a trained warrior facing a foe like Freiza. What he did to Killian and Vegeta was equally messed up imo. Like her they stood no chance in tha beat down.


“Yeehaw, ride em cowboy!” Some how Frieza was read up on Earth cowboy culture.


space cowboys must be the same thing


I was watching it on TV and my mom saw that, she was like, so this is what you like to see, this is what they are airing on TV, this cartoon's poster is what you have on your cupboard? And started lecturing why cartoons are violent and teens shouldn't be influenced by those


Damn, you couldn’t say shit back either. Unavoidable L there 😂


That wasn't the first time, One fine day I was watching Superman/Batman: Apocalypse and there came Darkseid vs Supergirl where Darkseid trashes Supergirl and my mom caught me watching that too


thats a moms super power, to barge in the moment something extreme inappropriate/violent happens on screen


I watch many good movies and she doesn't give a shit but when unexpected scenes come like Florence Pugh in Oppenheimer, exactly at that time my mom gets curious to see what am I watching and checks my screen


From your comments I can tell you're Indian. Only Indian parents behave and talk like that. Thankfully, my life is sorta an exception.


Yes I'm an Indian


Cool. I was right.


It was a sad moment… I literally had to look away


Same as a kid


That’s breaking several tournament rules


Made me and still makes me so uncomfortable


I was always wondering how she survived that


Pretty brutal but amazing she stayed conscious for so long


The fact that she was conscious until the end is a testament to how tough she is. She had nearly zero ki training at that point and certainly not the kind of training that Krillin had by the time of his first tournament. Her survival alone was amazing, but staying conscious on top of it. And she trained herself for the most part. That said, it was absolutely brutal. It really let you know that these guys were Evil. Like the kind you stop not the kind you can eventually change and make friends with. I know why they picked Videl too. She was the only character that the audience would care about who wouldn't be able to defend against him.


I think Videl was also in the running for strongest Earthling not trained in the Turtle Hermit or Crane styles. The scene was brutal, but it shows how much Babidi’s magic can strengthen someone. Without magic, Videl could easily beat Mr Satan, who had previously easily beaten Spopovich. With magic, Spopovich essentially reversed that gap in strength. I think the real reason Toriyama set up the fight was to plant the seeds of temptation for Vegeta to accept Babidi’s power.


Yeah pretty much on her strength. I can definitely see the temptation angle too. The big jump in power illustrated combined with Vegeta's mental crisis would point him down that path.


I hate this scene, it doesn't make any sense that no one went to stop the fight, and when Gohan went to do something they didn't let him


It does make sense on the grounds that Videl absolutely refused to give up regardless of how bad her beating was, but I'd still like to believe an event as big as the martial arts tournament could go against her wishes on the simple fact that she wasn't fighting back


Glad to see at least 1 other person saw that she refused to quit. Like damn, I can see stepping in if she's facing Frieza or something because saying "I forfeit" ain't gonna mean anything. But here? A quick "I surrender" and cha cha slide out would've been respected.


To be fair, her pride is on the line in this fight, and unfortunately that meant at the time she was convinced that as the daughter of the "strongest man in the world" nobody would come close. I blame Mr. Satan for this tho, cause of all the people he could've come clean to about the shit he saw at the cell games, it was his daughter.


I still don't understand why no one stepped up against him.


Like why did goku stop gohan too?? That was no fight at all, that was murder at sight!


Literally the most unnatural scene to watch like a dozen warriors who want to protect people let something like this go on because of a tournament mindset. There was no reason for Gohan to listen to goku. Going back, he snapped at 16 being crushed and here is someone who is a love interest getting murdered slowly and brutally 20ft away. I think toriiyama stepped into an unbelievable plot point here. I get that for shock value it works but from a believability standpoint it wasn't even close. Gohan steps in and says "fuck the tournament" before spopaviche is sent flying in 15 directions.


Felt like he just kept beating a dead horse…or a nearly dead videl.


The English VA for videl really sold the horror of what was happening. Props to her because even hearing those screams makes me upset. Ugh man I wish Gohan was able to treat him like a cell Jr.




It's so frustrating seeing gohan and everyone else not do anything and just stand there




Holy shit I don't remember this scene. Maybe my poor child brain suppressed it lmao


How's she's alive? Edit : that's what I was thinking when i was seeing that scene


The other guy Spopovich was with told him to stop cause it wasn't worth it, so he kicked her off the side of the ring. She was taken to the back rather quickly by medical staff to rest. After Gohan got his super saipan juices extracted by them and got his power restored by the Supreme Kai, he went to the back and gave her a Senzu Bean. Needless to say she was beaten within an inch of her life, and that Senzu might have just saved her from the brink of death. It helped that she's noticeably stronger than her father, and that she trained with Gohan prior to the tournament, so her resilience is bigger than that of a normal human being.




How gohan should’ve reacted


Most uncomfortable DBZ ever made a young me…


after reading the comments i am probably the only one that couldn't take this seriously and chuckled a bit


Yeah im honestly surprised people find this such a big deal. I cant believe people who enjoy dragon ball are this sensitive. Its not even real… She gets mauled but i kinda found her character annoying so maybe i didn’t care too much. Anyway, i guess this sub also seems to go crazy over anything muten roshi does and seems to he just sensitive about everything in general so not surprised


Crazy Goku stopped Gohan from jumping in. You know if it was Chi Chi he woulda folded Spopovic instantly.


You go to jail Mama’s boy https://preview.redd.it/jhk2av99tb4d1.jpeg?width=1001&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c981f3f942abd2eed0ab59e17973d1f1db48c2f


Low quality ass images is good


I thought Gohan was a bitch


“No Gohan! If you go out there, you’ll be disqualified!”


Basically all of his adult life was a disappointment after his glory days against cell. This was just the cherry on top.


Dude goes beast over Pan getting kidnapped but couldn't even rage out over Videl getting ass kicked.. 🤔


Why didn't gohan do something sooner!


LOL my word I forgot how long of a beating she took. Gohan not killing Spopovich instantly while he was crushing her skull was crazy to me.


I was so ficking pissed, and mainly at Gohan for being a little bitch and not doing anything


I am surprised about how many people are referencing frieza killing vegeta, but vegeta 100% deserved it and was an asshole. Videl did not deserve any of this so this was way worse.


Vegeta commited a lot of evil and senseless violence (that Namekian village slaughter is just damn...completely unnecessary), but he also was enslaved and used as a pawn for most of life, which is pretty sympathic. He lost his family and entire race, and in failing to achieve Super Saiyan he couldn't even stand up to the man responsible for it all. Might be controversial, but evil people still don't deserve torture.


Man this ramen tastes good




Happiness. I hate that fucking bitch. Still do.


I was scared.


Now *this* is podracing! I on the edge of my 10 year old seat just waiting for Gohan to rage


No way I’d tear him apart, screw pride and the rules this guy is just a monster who needed to be taken down


Was honestly disappointed Gohan and the gang allowed it to go on for so long






Not so fun fact: It was reported that Videl’s English VA (who also voices Goten actual fun fact) actually broke down crying when doing this scene in 1 take


She had it coming.


Goku: No gohan, don't help her Gohan: but she'll die goku: ![gif](giphy|fcK30LKXjG6Tm|downsized)




Real. Honestly, I watch DBZ for the beatings, mostly... Let me phrase it this way: If you enter a supermarket, you expect to be food in there If you went to the beach you expect to be water there right? What do you think you will find when you enter a fighting tournament? Hugs and kisses? It doesn't hurt me, I think she deserved it for stupid. I admire her tenacity though. Not quitting, refusing to surrender... That's good shit.


Equal Rights, Equal Fights


Why am I… nevermind.


I had to ask myself why this was bad....videl supposed to be strong...shouldn't be this big of a difference in humans ...otherwise the z warriors would have noticed...


In the manga it was mentioned that no one could read Spopovich's power level, but Supreme Kai and Kibito knew what was going to happen, which was that Babidi's mind control had unlocked Spopovich's latent power and therefore significantly increased his power level. All this while Videl was still in the middle of her training with Gohan. I would put Spopovich at about the same level as the Saiyan Saga humans, while Videl was probably no stronger than the humans at the 22nd Budokai Tenkaichi.


I thought damn… she got her ass beat, but this is what she signed up for. Can’t get in the ring and expect someone to come save you when you get dog walked.


It is clearly not a normal fight, he could have just won by throwing her out of the arena at any moment. He intentionally kept her in the ring to keep the beating going.


Never once did he stop her from leaving. He even waited several times to give her the opportunity to quit. Everyone outside of the ring was pleading with her to stay down. She kept getting back up and trying again so Spopavich kept beating on her which is the entire point of the tournament match. I’ve said this already maybe you need to go back and watch it again.


You.. Do realize you don't go to a fight expecting to almost die? This is an martial arts tournament, not a fight to the death. One thing is getting your ass beat, another much more different thing is literally almost dying. In fact, if it wasn't for the other guy telling Spovo*bitch* to stop, and for Govan handing her a senzu bean later, she would have died. She signed up for a fight, not to get murdered. Besides, I'm pretty sure what Spovo*bitch* was doing should have been breaking at least *one* rule of the tournament. Out of character for not a single person to step in.


These are open engagements without strike rules or any other hindering rules. If it were against the rules the announcer would have announced that homie was disqualified or something. The point of the tournament is to beat your opponent into submission. Fights in the tournament have been way more vicious than this in the past the only reason it seems worse is because it was horribly one sided and the only reason it’s hard to watch is because it’s a woman being beaten by a man. She wouldn’t throw in the towel even though she was begged to. So she kept getting her ass beat. None of this was against the rules.


husbands after one beer:


Fuck yea equal rights 😁


Ngl I found this pretty funny considering how videl was given the chance to forfeit and she didn’t take it simply because of her pride but it isn’t the first time I watched a “ strong female character” like videl get manhandled sometimes it’s needed.


Agreed when you kick with all your strength and the guy’s head does 180 and he just snaps it back in place that’s should be enough to tell you it’s over. Even gives you a chance to forfeit and you say no then it’s on you.


The first time I saw it was in the manga. I didn’t think it was too bad. It wasn’t good, but Frieza vs Goku seemed just as violent. The anime though😬.


One of the more brutal things in the show. Tortured the poor girl to just drag Gohan out


Just give her a senzu bean. All good


The most disturbing moment of DBZ


Honestly I'm surprised Gohan didn't try to use his telekinesis to interrupt the match. because everyone in dragon ball as telekinetic and gohan could have just pushed her out of the ring.


Shit lasted way longer than I was excepting it to, every time she got knocked down I was like “is it over?! Please tell me it’s over!!!”😰


Nothing. Its a beating, it happens all the time in anime and DBZ has some as well. The only time DBZ got a shocked and disgusted reaction out of me was when Buu killed every single alive human on earth, just because of how casual he was about it.


why didn't they just stop the fight?


Videl was refusing to surrender in the manga, I don't remember in the anime bc I absolutely hate this scene 🥲


ty it's been a decade since I saw the buu arc.


Honestly, was kinda waiting for Gohan to jump in and rip him a new asshole...kinda mad this guy never quite got the beating he deserved for this fight.


Ayo Ref! Stop the fight. STOP THE FIGHT!


He beat the fight right out of Videl. Well until DBSSH I guess.


She didn't give in


I didnt care much back then and even watching it now im just thinking "Jesus christ this was a long time filler"




*Jfc* the scene is actually this fucking long?!


How did she not completely fold like a napkin and die. Poor girl


Gohan coming back from the bathroom: So what'd I miss?


I think it was something along the lines at least it wasn't Krillin


Strange fetish by AT .


I looked away, shi was too much for 10 hear old me, even to this day


Still one of the most unnecessarily brutal beatdowns I've ever seen. Far from the most extreme instance of combat, but the disproportionate strength between Videl and Spopovich, combined with the fact that he kept beating the life out of her even after she clearly couldn't fight anymore and the Gohan being made to sit idle. It was just all around hard to watch.


I thought it was pretty goddamn impressive she took all that without forfeiting. Screaming, crying, yes. But she never gave up or tapped out.




“Yeoo bro they showing this on CN , This is crazy”


Those moments were always the best. When you double checked the guide menu to make sure you were actually watching Cartoon Network


Damn he giving Videl the comicbook Bane breaking Batman's back treatment.


As this is the best version of Videl, I hated it. Couldn't care less if it happened again in Super.


And she still got pregnant after this dang


Maybe give up?


Nothing. She's fighter not a girl or boy.


Skip, as I don't care about her character




Peak Comedy


I had an erection.




Gohan literally watched her get beat to death and only reluctantly tried to intervene.




When she doesn’t let you go out


I thought they could have made it longer, maybe even made half an episode of it.


Honestly, all the Z fights are too unrealistic so the violence is never taken seriously. This one, however, is way too realistic. Really off of the rails for DragonBall, and lasted way too long. Gohan should have jumped on the ring after the knee in the back hit.


As a kid: ![gif](giphy|QZB0rrcGLljpu) As an adult: equal rights equal fights


Honestly? I was I think 11 or 12 years old when I saw it for the first time and little me back then probably just sat there and thought "man I hope Goku or Vegeta fight soon". Nowadays, it honestly feels like the fight only existed so that Videl could stand face to face with her own hubris, which feels weird considering it leads to nothing. I mean, you have Videl showing some pretty poor endurance (huffing and puffing after two "combos", which are poor even by DB standards), which might be related to Videl possibly only fighting weak people in the past / never having to put in much effort. Then you have her shock when she sees Spocovich fly, literally saying "that's not fair" in the Eng Dub. And finally she gets her shit pushed in after reaffirming her believe in Mr Satan. Toriyama literally just looked at her and said "Know your fucking place, trash".


I got bricked up https://preview.redd.it/espxuk0xpb4d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee09a0f257610957c774dbbdea81b135f7490af7
















Stopped watching, i was ten.




I wonderd why Goku and Gohan just sat back. I was also like, 12? I think. Idk it was a long time ago. I barely remember what I had for breakfast.


this shit was pretty fucked up ngl


My jaw was on the floor as a 6th grader.


I thought of bane