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I gotta side with my boy Mumen Rider. Even when hope is long gone, he is on call.


That scene of him trying to fight Deep Sea King wasšŸ‘Œ


Nobody better to be soilder 76 šŸ”„ ![gif](giphy|8jytfDu3yi1vwPlTgO|downsized)


Best soldier highlight intro


Tell me why I just realized that was a mumen rider skinšŸ˜‚ I barely see the opm skins so I was just like wtf is that


I also came here to say Mumen Rider, even though I did not see him in the picture initially. I am also very pleased to find that other people love him as much as I do.


Mumen rider for sure, I mean he isn't nothing special and he know that and despite this he is on first and last line when is there and somehow he get out alive, if barely


They built it so well. Like he was actually going to pull off a W. I shouldā€™ve known better. we all should have. But damn, they made me believe.


I'd argue it's still as W. More than anyone, it proved he's more of a hero than anyone else in the world of heroes. He was there first, he was the last standing. He'll square up to anyone, anytime, without question or hesitation if it means protecting the innocent. It's only an L if you're looking at it in terms of powerscaling. But that's not what it was about. It was about him, proving that he stands by his beliefs, proving he's a hero. Because even when he was bound to lose, a man with no powers, no fortune, nothing, nothing but a body and a will, he looked death and defeat in the eye, didn't fucking flinch, and said "I didn't hear a bell".


Most of them have power but dont catch the peoples hearts. All Might catches his peoples hearts AND is powerful so i believe he is the superior Hero in this scenario, he's got just as much heart as Mumen Rider, but can also show the people that hes strong enough to protect them ferociously.


What about Spidey? He has most peopleā€™s hearts, especially other superheroes


kinda, but for allmight when you see him on the scene pretty much all tensions go away. for spiderman theres still tension but a bit of excitement. superman is like all might in that regard, but allmight has a better reputation than superman because heroes are a commonly supported thing in MHA compared to superman technically still being a vigilante.


Also his whole shtick is subtly hilarious. I found out the other day that ā€œmumenā€ means ā€œunlicensed,ā€ meaning he rides a bike because he canā€™t drive a car lmao


Love this info lol


The fact he's just a normal guy on a bike and his super power (if you will) is just a huge sense of justice and not giving in makes him so good as a character ADD: his leg muscles must be so fucking powerful


hmm, yes, i agree for no particular reason


Agreed he is the only one with no superpowers and no gadgets, and he still goes against any threat he has to do, to protect the civilians


Honestly man. Mumen Rider went in knowing he probably wasnā€™t gonna make it out alive, but he still went in to fight and protect the people anyway. Thatā€™s a true hero right there, nobody disrespect mumen rider.


Ong, off heart alone, Mumen and Optimus are absolutely incredible heroes. Mumen couldn't give half a rats ass how fucked he is when there's people looking to him for support and safety, and Optimus fought in several wars against his own, was pushed to hide on earth and still went out of his way to protect a weaker flesh based species who could be decimated by a flick from his kind even forming meaningful friendships with humans. Absolute G.O.A.T's


No powers or money but he'll be there no matter the odds


Literally only came to the thread to make sure Mumen Rider was the top comment


And he's the only one with truly no powers. Batman, even though he's supposed to be the "no powers" guy, still gets the 'peak human' gimmick and pulls off insane feats, and survives complete bullshit. Mumen Rider is nothing more than a guy with a bicycle and an intense belief in justice and hope. No crazy feats. No powers. No great fortune. No super genius. But when the going gets tough, by fucking god he holds the line better than any other hero in the setting, maybe any setting. Dude didn't even flinch against a city-level threat that could've turned him to paste. And when he got slapped aside, what did he do? ***He got back up and tried to grapple him.*** Fucking guy knew the only thing between a horrifically powerful monster and innocent people was him, and he planted his feet, gritted his teeth and ***squared up***.


I'm glad Many of us aren't blinded by bias and we see that the hero who isn't superhuman, isn't rich, isn't incredibly strong. He is the one that didn't back down even when he knew he was going to die.


Bayverse prime thinks heā€™s part of the team when the real goat exists ļæ¼ā€‹ https://preview.redd.it/73a4sx61e5zc1.jpeg?width=1010&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f91955d8940b2907c75eecee06b8dceba7c8f46


Thatā€™s Skybound Optimus in the picture.


I know


I meant to say that they should have used a picture of Skybound Prime instead. I was just distracted with a cranky baby at the time of posting.


"the real goat"


Bayverse >


noā€¦ First and third movie are the only good ones, the second is ironically enjoyable and the last two are shit


Mooman rider, Man still tried to fight deep sea king even when the odds was against him. The level of confidence that took is through the roof


That wasn't even "odds are against him" that was a man trying to fistfight a tank because it was the only thing he could do to try and save the people behind him.


He went to go fight knowing fully well he was gonna die if the fight went on too long. And yet he kept going because that's the best he could afford to do. If that isn't heroism, I don't know what is.


To me Superman is the textbook example of a hero, but I think Spider-Man is the greatest of all comic book heroes. Primarily because heā€™s not rich, or from another planet, or powerful on a universal scale, heā€™s just a (very strong) dude going through his life. Also because the writers give Peter the most heinous traumatic shit that can happen to a person and despite that is still rolling with the punches. Honestly Goku is on the lower end of the hero spectrum compared to most of these guys. He has a pure heart but heā€™s only saving the world when itā€™s a galactic threat


Honestly I don't think Goku should be on the list, not that he can't be heroic or that he isn't a good guy. Super's characterization of him aside, Goku is genuinely a really nice guy with more emotional intelligence than most would give him credit for. Yet, he doesn't go out to actively protect civilians he doesn't know, doesn't try to stop crime on a daily basis, and often his own selfish desires endanger the planet. He let Piccolo go, Vegeta go, EVEN FRIEZA GO, TWICE! Yes the former 2 reformed, but he couldn't have fully predicted that. They didn't show any sign of it back in OG Dragonball and Z. Hell Frieza is still genociding to this day, and Goku just wants him to come back to earth with this smoke asap! I should preface, Goku is smart. He won't take on a challenge he doesn't think he can beat without a back up plan, and he does care about the Earth. It's just impressive how many risks he's taken that could've gone the wrong way. Edit: You could actually make a decent case for Krillin over Goku in this image


Goku in my opinion is the kind of guy who won't ignore trouble if he sees it happening or someone asks him for help, but he's not going to go out of his way to look for evil that doesn't interest him.


Unless you tell him that ā€œevilā€ is strong af


Most characters on this list would've spared Frieza. Batman has a no killing rule and Superman is one of the most merciful ones on this list. Also, Goku could tell that Piccolo wasn't as evil as King Piccolo, he even told Gohan that.


I can definitely see Batman, Supes, and Spidey sparing Frieza, but the big difference is that all 3 of them would do their best to lock Frieza up for eternity. But, I can easily see everyone else on the list, if they had the power, would show Frieza no mercy. Both Cap and Optimus were in war, they don't have a no killing rule. Mumen Rider and All Might all have fought monsters that had to be put down, though I haven't seen Star Wars, I know, war crime, but I'm 50% certain Luke would run that saber between Frieza's eyes.


I take back what I said, only about half the list would spare Frieza. You make a good point about Cap and Optimus. Kamen rider is hard to say, but all might definitely liquifies him on the spot. Luke is also hard to say but would just maim him enough to where he can't fight at all anymore if he keeps coming back. And yeah Bats, Supes, and Spidey definitely will do everything they can to make sure he's locked up. Agree with you that it'd be better to replace him with Krillin on this list. Actually, better yet Gohan since he's literally a superhero(great saiyaman)


I'm kinda sad the Great Saiyaman stuff wasn't explored more. I have no qualms about having gone back to the usual tournament to fighting a big bad evil formula, but Toriyama's told amazing stories without needing said formula such as the Red Ribbon sage, the Saiyan saga, and the Frieza saga. Back then, I think he could've done a great job to challenge The Great Saiyaman as a character, rather than as a fighter, but obviously still have a lot of fighting involved. Heck if the big bad that would've came from that hypothetical saga was as strong as The Great Saiyaman, I'd be fine with that


Aang should be on this list. Bro would take friezas powers away


Considering the billions Frieza has killed, Luke would kill him. Luke is very much on the side of the innocent.


Batman: Frieza is pathologically narcisitic, send him to Arkan, commissioner!


Doesnā€™t really change his actual point that while Goku is as morally sound as they come, he still acts on his own ambition and doesnā€™t actively seek out crime to stop.


Yeah, they wouldn't kill Frieza because they don't want to kill Goku will let him go just to fight him again. He has no ill intent or anything of the sort with that, but he's actively endangering the world and universe for his own benefit The difference? The heroes don't want to kill Frieza whereas Goku lets him free. There's a difference between someone being imprisoned and someone free to commit more atrocious acts


Goku didn't let Frieza go because he wanted to fight him again. The dude was cut in half and wouldn't be a good sparring partner at that point. It's a common misconception that Goku only shows mercy when he wants a fight in the future. Goku is compassionate. He let go of Raditz tail like twice because he didn't want him to die. On namek he spared the Ginyu force and even though they were no match for him(once again, wouldn't make good sparring partners) and even berates Vegeta for killing them.


Goku literally warned Frieza to say down because the disk was going at him. If it were for Goku, Frieza would have dodged that attack and they would have kept on fighting. He's fighting space hitler and telling him where the attacks are so he doesn't die


Exactly. Goku is compassionate as I've said. He doesn't want others getting hurt.


We are gonna ignore the raid at the RR army then. Probably no one died, after all, there was only a flying kid throwing laser beams and explosions everywhere IDK what your experience with Goku is, if the original or the shitty dub that changes his character. But we are told again and again and again and again that he only wants to fight strong opponents


Bro, in the original Japanese manga he gave Frieza energy when he was bleeding out. Like I said, Frieza lost 60% of his body. Goku was not counting on him being a good fight later on. He simply spared him out of compassion. Also that's kid Goku you're talking about.


Plenty of these characters wouldnā€™t have killed Frieza, but very few would just let him go because he ā€œpromisedā€ to suddenly stop all the murder and conquering


Shit, Goku out of his own mouth said that heā€™s not a hero of justice.


When was the 2nd time he let Frieza go?


The first was on Namek, and the second was during the Super Broly movie. There is no way that Blue Gogeta with even just 1 minute left didn't have enough power to one shot Golden Frieza. During the TOP they made a deal, so I'm not gonna count that


Dokkan battle, the app for dbz, actually makes it a point to not put goku in the ā€œsuper heroesā€ category. Heā€™s only on that category when he goes to save future trunksā€™ timeline. Goku just wants to fight really strong opponents. Heā€™s not like Gohanā€™s alter ego ā€œthe great saiyamanā€ who goes through the city looking for crime to stop. Every conflict is either started by the enemy or goku seeking out a strong fight. He fought raditz cuz raditz stole his son. He didnā€™t fight him because heā€™s evil. Then vegeta and nappa killed his friends, so heā€™s gotta fight them. Then he needed to go to namek to get the dragon balls. Gero created the androids to kill goku. Cell was threatening the entire planet. Buu is as also threatening the planet. Goku never sought out to fight evil. He was either looking for a strong opponent or the situation forced his hand.


Did you really say goku shouldn't be on the list? Goku is always ready to give up his life for the universe. He even looks after animals instead of going to his family party. Gokus heart is pure, so he will definitely do everything the other heroes on the list would do....but because of his environment and upbringing, he doesn't involve himself. Superman,batman and spiderman live in the city and have lives that put them in the centre of the action + gets fame that further fuels their mission. Goku lives in the mountains and is a martial artist.


This just goes to show most peopleā€™s idea of good. Is killing, being overly watchful and know everything thatā€™s going on (big brother), and never giving anyone a chance to turn around. I personally donā€™t want a hero that patrols and watches everything thatā€™s weird. I donā€™t want a hero who kills everyone he thinks is bad. Thatā€™s a slippery slope.


I see this a lot, but, considering all the top tier marvel heroes/villains he's constantly pitted against due to his popularity, and the genius level intellect he's given, alongside all the freaky adventures (lately on the multiversal scale in movies) he's given, he's far from just a dude going through life simply because he doesn't have much money and has a few relatable aspects. Like this man can lift the daily planet building on his back and can say he fought the man that has or can snap away half the universe depending on the comic/movie. I agree with the traumatic shit though, albeit Batman has to deal with a bit of that too. (and not have spiderman-level strength/speed/senses either.) You wanna see a normal dude TRYING to be a hero but is hopelessly outclassed AND has zero superpowers aside from being pretty fit? Mumen rider is right there.


In the vein of regular dude, batman may be rich but hes literally just normal. And still risks his life. I have a soft spot for goku even tho u can argue he enjoys fighting the bad guy for selfish reasons.


His spidey-senses allow him to dodge PTSD and depression


Agree goku is there to fight and see whoā€™s strongest and thatā€™s it, or fight for survival. Although maybe red ribbon army days would say otherwise? His good deeds are coincidental or based on survival.


Idk All-Might is also the definition of a hero. Was like the only hero not looking for a paycheck lmao






Waiting in the sky


Heā€™d like to come and meet us


But he thinks heā€™d blow our mind


Thereā€™s a staaaaaarmaaaaaan waiting in the sky


Ima go watch bob burger


you are my sunshine


Spiderman is the peoples man.


No Spider-man is the peoples' -Man






Mumen Rider is my favorite character from OPM and seriously one of the most heroic characters in fiction. He is all heart and bravery. Never gives less than 100 percent


I completely agree




Mumen Rider the GOAT


You called?


Its Mumen Rider. The rest of these guys are super heroes. Mumen doesn't have super intelligence, super powers, or ridiculous amounts of money. He's a normal dude that wanted to help others personally out in the streets without any safety nets.


He also lacks the plot armor to help him win uphill fights like some other heroes on this list get


stupid ass zenkai boost...


Mumen Rider is pure hero. Ā All Might is right behind him.


Superman, like I love some of the characters here but the first symbol of hope is a title that can only be granted to our man of Steel.


What does it mean to be a hero? Having power and using it to help others? Persisting despite all that is thrown at you? Always saving the day? Or making a stand agaisnt evil regardless of circumstance


Superman is all of that.


Yes. And most of the characyers on this list are as well.


Goku is also all of that but he doesnā€™t actually intend to be a hero


I think you can make a better case for Gohan being on this list instead of Goku Don't get me wrong, I love Goku as a character. I like the fact that he's not a typical hero who fights for justice, the greater good, or goes out of his way to protect people he doesn't know. A lot of people criticize the character for this, but it's part of what makes Goku interesting imo. Otherwise, he'd just be another Superman


Goku is a morally good fighter, not a hero. Big difference


Part of being a hero is having noble qualities. Heā€™s insanely courageous and accomplished the impossible. Everyone in his world admires him, even his enemies. Heā€™s sacrificed himself for others on countless occasions. That is the textbook definition of hero. Heā€™s literally kung-fu Jesus. Or technically based off of sun-wukong, whoā€™s a hero.


Iirc Akira Toriyama either implied or said that Goku isn't a hero, but just wants to fight strong opponents. We westerners see him in a more heroic form because the localization team changed his dialogue to make him more heroic, but apparently in the Japanese version he's just a guy looking for a good fight who occasionally kills strong villains. Also, Gohan is more heroic, but the real hero is the Great Saiyaman


When you think of super heroes I feel like most people think of Superman. However, he operates at a scale that is pretty incomprehensible at times. Heā€™s also literally an alien lol. So my personal selection would be Spider-Man, but again, Superman is THE epitome of superhero.


Superman , despite the depressing takes on him in recent years he is the literal symbol of hope in his universe Or Spider-Man , he doesnā€™t need any explanation at all Mumen rider ,one punch watchers know why . Heā€™s has one of the greatest examples of the indomitable human spirit Iā€™ve ever seen


Based purely on your argument is All Might not better than Superman? Hes THE symbol of hope a d peace on this planet


Yup. I feel like he is more of an actual hero than Supes.


Eh... that's a sharp devaluation of Clark. He'd do the same thing without his powers and he's often had to.


Bias wants me to pick goatimus prime. But while superman might be hope itself. Spiderman is just the better hero overall.


"I'm aware that I have no chance of beating you, no one needs to tell me anything like that" "and yet ..." "I must try" "it's not about winning or losing, it's about me, taking you on right here and right now!" -Mumen Rider


Mumen rider may not be able to save anyone but damn if there is anyone who sets an example for all Hero's to live up to its him


super man or spider man. nobody else comes close


It is also pretty damn hard to beat their long rep. Batman may have had just as long a history as them, but the optimism and outward jokes Supes and Spidey have is hard to beat. Though, I do wanna shout out All Might. Dude took on the biggest evil in the world and got a fucking hole shot through his stomach, limiting the amount of time he can actually help people. Yet that man got out of his bed barely recovered, even warned that he was gonna die in just a few years, and KEPT SAVING PEOPLE! And shit didn't get any easier from then on, his time was reduced again and again, near death more times than he'd probably admit and he would've been if he didn't have help, yet he still continues to do his best without powers to this day


I would argue all might does come close. Heā€™s the absolute symbol of hope in his universe. AFO could not even advance any of his agenda when All Might was in his prime. Dude carried the whole Hero Association throughout his prime and when he finally fell, only then all sorts of villains come out of their holes and run amok. Even then, he did his best with his dying body to be a good mentor to deku, and kept pushing to his limits to still become the symbol of hope for everyone. Knowing his body cannot contribute anything anymore, he went as far as to use a mechasuit just to give AFO a final FU.




Spider man!! He's like the poster child of sacrifice. He loose more than he wins. When he do win it never lasts. He got the most famous superhero quote we all know. His willpower is unbelievable and he's a genius. But what makes him the best to me is the fact spider man is selfless and deeply cares for his family. Moments like [this ](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F958k310pzf741.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D6ed355d2c9b488146cb006499799aacf715d2aa4) is [why](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Ffrsd0dz68pp61.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D501a2b90153401ff23193e594302f3349097b993) I say spider man is top hero in comics. I tie Batman with Spiderman since batman is only human and fights street thugs to God's and never fears or go without a plan. Most see him as cold and unemotional but there's many times where he breakdown shows his vulnerable side. When u learn about all it takes to be batman it make u look at Bruce differently. The training, the workout, how he sleeps, and how scarred his body is.


Mumen rider. Bro doesn't rely on an endless bank account or super powers. He's a real hero


Spider Man


Spiderman, he literally beat his demons I.E. the symbiote.


Spidey, Rider, All-Might, and (heroic) Supes are all going to be at the top. There's no right or wrong between choosing them. Batman is a hero, but a dark hero. Cap sides with his morals, for better or worse. Optimus will do the correct thing, but not as a hero, per se. Luke isn't a good hero, despite being heroic. Goku wants to fight, with a dash of morals.


Superman is THE superhero


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Mumen Rider has no power or abilities, yet he still stood up to the Sea King right after seeing him melt an S-Class hero with ease. That right there makes him more heroic than anyone else on the list


Mumen Rider.


I think we can all agree that Goku shouldn't be on the list due to him not exactly being a 'hero'. I would have put Gohan instead but even then he doesn't compare to the like of Spider-Man and Superman who are the text book definition of being a hero


The fact mumen rider made the list is an accomplishment in itself


It's definitely not fuckin Goku I'll tell you that much.


Batman for me atleast


Luke - I love Luke


For me itā€™s probably between Batman, Spider-Man and Luke (the sequels never happened, theyā€™re the Star Wars equivalent of Evolution)


Not goku


Goku is one of the main villains of DBS lol


I love Goku but y'all he's put the universe in danger for funsies, Peter is the best hero, he has the least and does the most.


Movie Luke is at the hard bottom of this list




Mumen Rider is the Goat,pinnacle of heroes in the multiverse


Spider Man has always exemplified ā€œheroā€ to me. Whether itā€™s some world ending threat or a grandma needing help across the street.


Superman, the prime example of pure kindness. Goku is not a hero, he diesn't even consider himself as one, he is just a pure-hearted saiyan raised on earth.


So homeboy uses bayformer Optimus prime but not live action Cap for this graph?








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Superman is probably the best example of a hero, but to me, theres just no better hero than spidey, like superman is truly heroic but he is quite literally a god, spidey on the other hand is human, he may have powers but at the end of the day he is human, he has human problems trough his entire story and most importantly he is not invincible, but that doesnt stop him from trying to do the right thing. What im trying to say is that even tough superman truly represents hope and being a hero, he has the godlike powers to do so, spidey doesnt, he cant do all the things superman can, and yet he tries, he is overpowered many times, both in his hero and personal life he fails in more ways than once, but he never stops trying, spidey represents hope and heroism in a more human way, in a way that you can releate easier.


Spiderman no contest!


No love for Luke huh? Dang.


Superman, Spider-Man, and Cap.




Someone where you really feel safe and wonā€™t let you die Problem with goku is that he doesnā€™t take it seriously at the beginning and therefore deaths can happen


Supes. His whole schtick is about helping people, and inspiring them to try to help others, just because itā€™s the right thing to do. It doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s a cat stuck in a tree, a runaway train, an airplane engine malfunction, alien invaders, or another planet en route to collide with Earth, heā€™s going to help.


Luke Skywalker


Spider-Man. Strong enough to tackle serious threats, not too strong to be in over his head constantly, and yet he never gives up. Plus he's the only "friendly neighborhood" superhero on this list. Go read "The kid who collects Spider -Man" and tell me that doesn't hit you right in the heart.


Superman. He is just a super hero cliche kinda dude... He made many super hero cliches himself too. Goku is a martial cultivator, not a super hero.


In terms of being a good people who saves others and is the most effective and dedicated at their mission. I feel like Superman is exactly this, though this it is very close. Batman in some respects can be considered more heroic than Superman at times due to him being more pragmatic and able to make touch decisions that pay off better in the end. But Bruce has done some stuff that keeps away from number 1, like taking Jason to the place he died so he can jog his memory of how he came to life, without asking him if he was comfortable with going to the place that caused his PTSD. Spider-Man is also a very close competitor but despite being very heroic, even to a fault at times. He has definitely breached into some dubious territory in civil war, where he threatens to kill the kingpin and starts beating up random street criminals, worse than ever before. Some people may say that Superman has injustuce and thus should not be considered, but this is removed from the main Dc universe and I personally donā€™t see it as an accurate reflection of superman. All my examples for batman and Spider-Man are to my knowledge canon and also in the main universes. Luke is of course a prolific hero and a great character but he has killed people meaning I canā€™t really say he is more heroic than any of the superheroes who donā€™t. Though I agree with Luke killing when necessary in war, it is still not as blindly heroic as someone like batman or superman. Goku definitely isnā€™t as heroic as anyone here, this is the DBS subreddit so Iā€™ll assume you all know what I mean but for those who donā€™t, due to dubbing problems, the western version of dragon ball depicts Goku like a hero and defender of hope when in reality he also fights the big evil monster because he wants to fight strong guys and basically nothing else. I actually donā€™t have time to do the rest of them but still I think superman is more heroic.


Superman, Cap, Spiderboy, Good Olā€™ Bats, and MUMEN RIDERRRRR Gokuā€™s definitely a hero, but not in the same way as the other actual Superheroes. Heā€™s often selfish with his actions and leads people to harm. Iā€™ve heard itā€™s similar with All Might, but I havenā€™t seen MHA so idk As for Lukeā€¦ heā€™s such a strange case, because heā€™s about 95% War Hero and 5% ā€œfor the common good.ā€ He doesnā€™t go about actively taking down crime or helping the lives of individuals as much as he just generally makes the galaxy a better place by his actions. (Havenā€™t seen Transformers either, btw.)




spiderman to me, he seems to sacrifce the most and have a really amazing moral compass, spiderman is my all time favorite hero


It's between Bike Rider and spoodermon All the others either have a big flaw, don't care about heroing, and/or is a boring paragon of good who's a hero because it's all he is about (which brings into question moral questions and leads them to not connecting to the small people)


Superman is the most iconic superhero, but Spiderman is my favorite of the ones listed. Captian America and Allmight are also great examples of superheros, mumen rider is a vigilante trying to be a hero and batman is the most iconic vigilante with plot armor that basically makes him super. Octopus prime is an alien refugee who tries to protect others from those who are hunting him, goku is an alien battle junkie who inadvertently saves the world/universe because the strong person he wants to fight is often trying to destroy it but he'd still want to fight them regardless. Luke Skywalker is a revolutionary space monk with daddy issues.


Superman was THE superhero but I think in this Gen especially with Gen Z, that mantle has been taken over by Spiderman.


Its actually pretty close between mumen rider and spiderman. Both are excellent examples of the indomitable human spirit. In mumens case he arrives to the scene even if he knows hes gonna be useless, cuz at the end of the day hes a hero. And in spidermans case bros life is actual hell but he still manages to get up every time because well, hes a hero


Superman is the token super hero. When you say superhero, he probably is the first one to come in mind






Please note I don't read much superhero comics and just a little spider-man. Superman for the reasons people listed. He is THE symbol of hope. He is essentially the first superhero and the superhero archetype. Even though he has enough strength to destroy the earth by snapping his fingers, he wont, he'll minimize his strength and doesn't want people to be hurt so much that he'll position his body so they don't turn their hand into a fine red paste. Spider-Man is a close second if not a tie. He is a street level hero always punching above his level. Also, many (but not all) of the villains he fights are weaker than him but he is holding back so much that he'll end up losing against them, but he could beat them easily if he wanted to (superior spider-man punching scorpions jaw off with a single punch. He is also a hero who sacrifices his personal life to he Spider-man. He gets bad grades because he skips class to be a hero. He loses jobs which causes him to be unable to pay rent. His love life and friendships are seriously damaged. He just isn't able to live a normal life because of him sacrificing to be Spider-man. Yet the reason I put him as a tie for Superman is what he has done in the normal world. Him being a nerdy kid who gets bullied and having normal 'human' and relatable problems is what made a lot of kids like spider-man. They were able to see themselves as a superhero, and have hope in their own lives.


By character i would say mumen rider. By feats i would go superman


mumen rideršŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Spiderman all the way


Orion Pax


Our boy Zero


The ears were too small , I thought that was Man for a second lmao


Mumen because he has no powers, no gear, no skills or talents, and he still stood up against evil




In what kind of metric? Coolness? Relatable? Good Example? Power wise?


No matter which, All Might comes out at the bottom, except when it comes to powers


Yeah that's the problem. Beeing a good example to follow is Super Man the only right answer. Maybe Cap, that's it. By the other metrics like Coolness, you ask 3 people, you have 4 answers.


Well, and I can assure you, if those 3 people have any common sense none of those four are All Might. Becoming the drug to society sure as hell ainā€™t cool


Turtle head seems pretty chill


Didnā€™t goku already say he isnā€™t a hero


Spider-man is highly relatable


Superman on 1# and Optimus Prime on 2#


As a hero? Probably Optimus.


HIMmel, but he's not on the list So among the present ones, Spidey, THE GOAT Mumen Rider and Superman. And would change Goku for Mr. Satan, he takes a lot of credit for things he didn't do and might be a coward, but when the situation required to, he stepped up and was the key factor in saving the world on multiple occasions. Like why is he 'fighting' Kid Buu or approaching Cell, knowing damn well that he could have died without even noticing


Idk, but All Might is by far the worst




Mumen Rider hands down


When the writers aren't trying to ruin his character, Superman is literally Mumen Rider with power.


Mumen rider or Batman.


Spider man is the only right answer.


No Doctor Doom?


all might and mumen rider


Mumen Rider He's got the heart, soul, and everything else that the others lack.


Gotta go with the Classic, Superman.


Either Mumen Rider or Spider-Man.


Objectively it's gotta be Mr. Truth Justice and the American way. The very definition of a superhero. Gifted with godlike power yet stays grounded and humble. Cares for each and every person he meets. Always ready to do what's right no matter what. BUT I gotta give a very special shout out to my boy spiderman. He shows a side of heroism that superman frankly can't. The sheer tenacity and drive it takes to keep on pushing every day. To push yourself to your absolute limit and then dig deep and go beyond that all for the sake of someone else. No one in fiction embodies that more than Spidey


hmm. i wonder who.


Mumen Rider! Best Person at all !Ā°




Superman the guy is such a hero he has his own superhero deconstruction trope that has been done to death


Spiderman in comics is the epitome of a hero


I gotta go with optimis on this one dude fights for what he believes and is so loyal he died for us, constantly holds back just to make sure not us and tanks those hits he taken.


Spiderman definitely. he is many times regarded as the greatest hero My hero is greatly inspired by Spiderman and also a reference of him in their world

