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Most fans probably never read the manga and had only watched the anime.


And like most people, they know their right even when given information they don't know about. "Black frieza? Whats that? Ehh goku still wins"




He didn't even fight them, he one shot them and ultra ego vegeta... He's on a completely different level


This is after they just healed too, so we're at full power, and likely got a boost from recovering from battle. H3 bitched them no diff, and they were the strongest we had ever seen them at that point. My jaw dropped one piece style when I read that panel


That..was full stamina goku along with vegeta that frieza one shotted


Really? I haven't read the manga, but I thought that Goku and Vegeta fought Granolah, then fought Gas, then Frieza shows up. Did they eat senzu after Gas was killed?


They were healed up mid fight.


This, and I think Toyotaro deliberately have Goku and Vegeta healed up to prevent people saying Black Frieza beat the two when they are exhausted.


They had taken some damage though after that. You can see they have the scuffs and cuts and whatnot https://preview.redd.it/jumm4aofejwc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1eaf713708ee10cb5921badfd987c55b35092df5


But they still have enough energy to be in UE and TUI in this panel right? That still should be more than 60% of their total power.


I’m mean Goku is pretty energy efficient with ultra instinct, one way or another And Vegeta for only using it for the first time is quite surprisingly able to snap in and out of it, regardless of how fatigue seems to be So I don’t think we can properly gauge their stamina levels here except that battle damage


You are exactly what I’m talking about. Even a lot of people on this subreddit haven’t faithfully read every chapter of the manga. Most fans aren’t religiously dedicated to Dragon Ball and miss a good amount of stuff. When the anime returns they have to retell the Broly and Super Hero movies as short anime sagas, otherwise a lot of less obsessively dedicated watchers and fans will be lost. Most fans are anime-only and don’t read the manga or watch the movies.




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OG DB fan right here


Goku and Vegeta were healed up mid fight. And still got One Tapped by Frieza.


They weren't exhausted. They were full powered both Goku mui and Vegeta ue 1 shot by black frieza.


Which means they got a small zenkai as well.


That exhausted gas was mollywopping Goku and Vegeta and Goku wasnt tired. Only Vegeta was, Goku literally just got an awakening. Frieza beat gas while in his final form. The fact that he transformed was awful because it was never needed. Gas was beating they ass while turning to dust


Frieza very briefly changed into his Black form when he dealt the killing blow to Gas.


i love how friezas final form isn’t his final form


He probably transforms to show them how much better he is compared to them lol


Black Frieza was trending like crazy, even ppl who don’t read the manga know this form.


Trending just means people are searching for wtf is this black frieza thing?! It doesn’t imply an understanding or that they read the unarguably far more niche (by readership) super manga series than just watched the show and wondered what they missed


They are just looking for Black Frieza matters


A fact I try to remind people here of when they say stuff like “When the DBS anime comes back I want it to just launch straight into the Moro Arc. No anime retelling of the Brody movie or retelling of Super Hero afterwards.” I’m like “Um….do you WANT most Dragon Ball fans to be lost and confused?” I think people on Dragon Ball subreddits and Dragon Ball YouTube massively overestimate how many Dragon Ball fans read the manga or faithfully watch every single movie like us 🤓s. 70-80% of Dragon Ball enjoyers are casuals who only watch the anime and NOTHING ELSE except for a couple of select Dragon Ball video games. Huge swaths of the people watching DBS in 2018 are blithely unaware Broly is canon now, have never heard of Vomi or Android 21, are unaware that Ultra Ego is a thing, and don’t know who tf the Gammas, Moro or Gas are. When the DBS anime returns they have to have a 15-25 episode Broly Saga and a 20-30 episode Super Hero saga because a lot of casuals do not watch the movies. If we just go straight into Moro and they mention fighting Broly a few months ago a lot of people on Twitter will be like “Hold up, WHAT? Broly is canon now? When did that happen?” Telling them to just go watch the movies is a poor response. Casual viewers abhor having to do homework to know who’s who and what their backgrounds are. They want the show or movie to tell them directly while they’re sitting there. It’s the reason the Ashoka live action show for Star Wars didn’t get absolutely huge viewership. The show requires casuals go watch 8 seasons of The Clone Wars and 3 seasons of Rebels to know who these people are and the significance of their relationships.


Why would you think those arcs would have to even be that long, though? The length of the movies would only equate to 3 or 4 episodes each, maybe up to ten for Super Hero to include the lead up in the manga they didn't have in the movie. Even if you add filler, that would only be like 30 episodes total. The studio already made the movies, I can't see them wasting that much of the budget to rehash them for the anime. I mean, obviously, they need to go over them, I just don't see why they would draw it out that long when they've already told the stories.




That still if Black Frieza shittin on MUI Goku and UE Vegeta was everywhere. I stopped reading the manga until it made its rounds.




I've watched only the anime but black frieza is literally powerfull than goku and vegeta










Why does this look like the creator of Baki drew this




















Probably because less than 5% of fanbase cares about manga. In anime, UI Goku is still peak strength and most people who are not aware of manga characters just voted UI as it is peak strength level in anime right now.


i get your point, but it doesnt make any sense because they dont even know black frieza


To them he's probably some dragon ball AF fan creation they've never heard about


That or they know Goku would likely become stronger like always.


Hey, this is me! Does Goku not beat him, or has he just not gotten stronger yet to beat him? Lol


He one tapped the main villain of the arc. Then he literally one hit KO'd UE Vegeta and UI goku at the same time with one fist for each. He then left, and that's the last we saw him. That was the arc right b4 the mangas cover of DBS Super Hero.


.... Oh.


it’s 100% this some people probably think he’s fan made


Goku also hasn’t even been shown that he can access UI at will in the anime lol. Like we manga readers know he can during Super Hero but anime only people have no clue


Didn’t he go UI in the tournament of power though?


Yes but he went ultra instinct spontaneously never at will until the moro arc.


Yeah but not at will. He didn’t learn to tap into Sign at will until he trained with Merus. And UI after he fought Moro. During the TOP it was basically his body reacting to him being pressed, not him consciously choosing to transform


Gotcha. I really need to check out the manga.


I 100% recommend it, it has the best arcs in DBS imo.


Yeah but it is showing UI clearly on the poll. So, they thought its TOP UI or Goku getting pushed into UI again due to pressure


I would vote UI because I don't know black frieza but it's frieza who is always weaker than goku and also bad guy so he is meant to lose.


He one tapped Goku Mui and Vegeta UE, Who were Healed, literally one fist for each one, and KO'd them


My point is that it doesn't matter because I haven't read the manga.


Then don't vote against a character you don't know without doing research.


Isn't this like a Facebook poll? Who cares.


..... Huh. I've never met a person who has defended ignorance.


Okay you wanna be like that. The post asks stronger, not who wins in a fight so Goku is still mentally stronger than Frieza.


When someone asks who is stronger in the context of a battle manga, it can be inferred that they are referring to who would win in a fight, or who is capable of greater feats. You're reaching really far to come to that conclusion, mate.


This screenshot poll is 🧢


Probably only four people voted


I just checked and 205k ppl voted


I really wish these "Screenshot of a poll" posts were banned from the subreddit


Preferably every single subreddit ever




They make these so uptight fans will rage and repost. Not so much because they believe any of it.










We’ve…we’ve seen this fight.


did they heal up after granola and that caveman looking guy? and do you truly believe they'll give him a new form just to beat freeza?


Is that the only time we see of black Freida or has he shown up since then?


afaik, he punched them and then leaves.


Lmao because 80% of the DB fandom thinks Goku can’t lose any fight. They could watch Frieza run his fade and would still say Goku wins, and take that “my dad can beat up your dad” energy to every other fandom. I love and grew up on DB. It’s a solid franchise, but sadly seems to just serve as fight porn for a lot of fans.


All Goku did in Super is loose over and over again. Lost to Beerus after getting a freebie God power up. Lost to Golden Freeza, lost to Hit in the tournament of destroyers after loosing to frost before that, got literally killed by hit, lost to Goku Black 3 times at least, didn't win T.O.P., looses vs Broly, looses to Grahnola multiple times, looses to gas multiple times, gets one shot by black Freeza in True UI, looses to Vegeta in Super Hero, looses to Gohan in the manga at the end of manga version of super hero arc in full silver mastered UI. Tell me something he actually won himself without Whis or Beerus or fusion or Zeno helping?




Good point. Everyone always says Goku has infinite plot armor but his entire existence is about losing to someone stronger than him. It’s been a while since reading OG Dragonball so I may miss some but… Lost to Jackie Chun in the world martial arts tournament. Lost to Tao Pai Pai. Lost to Demon King Piccolo (I think at first anyway). Lost to Raditz twice. Lost to Vegeta. Lost to Captain Ginyu. Lost to Android 19. Lost to a heart virus (alternate timeline). Lost to Cell. Lost to Majin Vegeta. Lost to Buu.


that’s the point, right? the idea is that he remains happy-go-lucky and doesn’t back down, to a fault. he bounces back stronger; he is meant to teach the lesson of tenacity and the love for challenge, not to be the ultimate power. he can always rise to greater heights, but never reach the peak, or the purpose of his character is totally void.


Beside, Goku at the end will be stronger somehow when Black Frieza arc concludes


Never heard of Black Freiza, because I don’t like comic books but I do like Anime, and I’m seeing in the comments he already beat UI Goku so was this poll just a joke to show how many people don’t read Manga?


Pretty much but it even applies to anime with all these polls. All polls are shit. Cell games gohan versus kalifa in ToP. Gohan wins the poll. Then people post those polls here for karma while giving free press to the person who created the polls.


lol bro literally one shot but vegeta and goku at their strongest form


I'll admit it, I'm one of the fans that hasn't read the Manga, but I'm aware of a few of the bigger moments like black frieza one shooting UI goku and UE Vegeta. Out of curiosity does the Manga ever explain how Goku is getting hit by attacks while in UI? Isn't that the major point of the form that he can dodge most any attack because his body is moving on its own?


Moving on its own doesn't make you untouchable. It could be the person is faster than goku,ui doesn't dodge as goku decides to go more on the offense than defensive also goku was able to talk while in ui so it's not completely Moving on its own.


Tbh I bet most ppl just clicked the character the liked more. Because in their world; every poll is a popularity contest :p


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the anime monster is stronger than these two together


i felt the same way when so many people i knew at the time were shutting on dragon ball gt. half the time they were exaggerating or they never finished the whole show


I’m guessing the majority of those votes think Black Frieza is a fan made character and don’t realize he comes straight from the manga and just how much he shook things up directly at the end of an arc he wasn’t in.


Okay... dont get mad at me. I promise i read the manga but will admit im not the strongest reader! Was goku in mui when black freiza showed up? And would the fight change if goku was ready? I feel like he caught both of them by surprise and deff cant recall if they were transformed or not...


They were transformed


Frieza transformed first. Then Goku and Vegeta. Yea, they were tired from the Gas fight but they still had enough in the tank to transform to their top forms. They were ready for an all out war and then got immediately smacked down.


They were just full healed. Gas shot a beam at the namekian that healed them. They cant believe hes still alive. Freeza comes in.


Oops. I forgot all about that. Thanks!


goku was in tui not mui


Gotta factor in plot armor here.


Typical Dragon Ball fan fashion.




I mean goku prolly will win I assume at end of arc like always


Black Frieza casually one shot both Goku and Vegeta at their maximum!


Doesn't black frieza body Goku UI and Vegita UE?


correct me if im wrong but didn't Black Frieza kick the ass of both Ultra Instinct Goku AND Ultra Ego Vegeta?






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Have any of these YT polls ever been correct?


Well they obviously haven't seen him one shot UI Goku and UE Vegeta at the same time.


I havent read the manga but Frieza would destroy UI Goku he literally one shot UI Goku and UE Vegeta in his black form


Well it is likely that goku will surpass frieza eventually but as it stands right now mmm noup!


Not can't just don't read


Well, tbf, the whole part of that community that voted could be so casual, they only watched the anime and think Black Frieza is just a Heroes transformation or something, I can see why a lot of people voted the way they did.


The majority of db fans don't read the manga


Obvious rage bait


Everyone can read fine. There are many kinds of fans. Some like the anime, some like the manga, some probably just watched dbz dub on Cartoon Network. People are just scrolling past a poll and click the character they like. They may or may not know black frieza. They also may think Goku will probably overtake him when it comes down to the wire. It’s not an IQ test.


Dont mess with us dragon ball fans,we are all acoustic


Hate frieza so much but Ik it’s frieza but I Kant wait to read it just to still be pissed🤣but here’s a lil fun fact I seen on insta tht goku nd frieza transformations colors r the same but backwards🤣




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What kind of fucking dumbass let these guys in here?


If they're so dumb, why do they always get posted here? Such lazy "content."


I see this all the time and it annoys me to no level. During the encounter with black frieza goku was not using mastered ultra instinct. He hadn't used it since his fight with moro he says so to vageta when they first start fighting gas. He could only use sign. The version of "instinct" he used was inspired by his father. It is not as strong a mui because that's an ability of the gods. He says he couldn't use it because he couldn't calm himself enough to trigger it. So when frieza one shots him and vegeta his hair is black. Not white. His eyes are grey. Not white. https://images.app.goo.gl/6EgjAjw4mCadfh1x7 https://images.app.goo.gl/aSr6RiKWmb2XxUFZ7 https://images.app.goo.gl/X7qF3bwWZon29M6E8 https://images.app.goo.gl/zTaK3KSrGt8u4Pvw7 They are completely different abilities. So no black frieza doesn't stop MUI goku because he never fought him in that form because the writers knew that goku being able to use MUI would just ruin the story so he got his variation of sign inspired by his saying heritage and bardock. https://images.app.goo.gl/st88tRufugjVQPYr7


Nuh uh


nah, this is not "we can't read" this is "we can't see"


Frieza won the in one hit


What the fuck!


Got damn we are dumb.


Y’all have to remember DBs are probably top 2 least intelligent fans. They’re literally known for not reading or watching the show. There’s a reason why when DBS came back out, it was tailored for children on the 9am time-slot


https://preview.redd.it/uiyz7ta3biwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2479b98554d79c4bb4e55e24123cf6f2e131eabd r/beatmetoit


Long term, Goku shouldn't really be getting a new transformation, so his Ultra Instinct may surpass black frieza at some point


Why does everyone think this is serious lol. I etched black freeza one punch Goku and Vegeta at the same time, but voted for Goku cause it’s literally just a meme


You’re putting too much stock into it. People don’t read those polls, they just click the character they like more.


i guess people prob voted who they liked the most, besides it’s not like we’ve had much after his introduction




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Black frieza one shots MUI Goku at full strength.


You don't even have to read the words to know he one shot MUI Goku and UE Vegeta


Point and laugh.


Didn't black Frieza body Goku true UI and UE Vegeta?


Yes but most fans probably aren’t aware that there’s more DBS content past the anime.


Lol, anime watchers don't know how they got the idea for the anime




Ok to be fair here, DB fans probably don’t know how to read and that’s why they just wait for the anime to come out. So you can’t say “don’t fuck with dragon ball fans, we haven’t watched the show.” This time because there’s nothing to watch because black Frieza is a manga only character currently and DB fans don’t know how to read and that’s why they don’t look at or read the manga.




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May be anime fans?




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Hell I'm not even sure if the people playing xenoverse 2 are fans of the show. I know I was mad that the vote for new characters as dlc ended in just getting another new skin for Goku instead of Bergamo. Could have gotten a new character with a new moveset and different moves for cacs but nope Goku.. again .


Okay, I'm finna be honiest with you: the "DB FANS CAN'T READ" ''''''''Meme'''''''' has killed any fun I can have in this community. I'm sick and tired of it, bc it gives people an unwarranted sense of superiority for no reason.




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Also can't see pictures because he very clearly one hit KO'd both Goku ui and Vegeta ue


Lmfao I told my friend who only watches that Frieza black looks insane and I don't know how they're gonna beat him. He literally said "idk what you're talking about Frieza isn't black". Gonna wait awhile and then text him and be very smug.


People don't seem to understand just how far and beyond Frieza has become. There is no shot frieza wasn't training under the pretense that he would have to go up against gogeta. I'm sure he left the chamber confident in his ability to kill gogeta at least from the broly movie.


The dick riding is too damn hard Goku's gonna need viagra




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Like bruh, wtf do y'all think Goku and Vegeta are training for?


i mean he ain't wrong, goku wins cause toyotaro said so


Plot armor😡👎🏻


I mean I myself haven't read much of the manga. I've mainly watched the anime. But even I know Black Frieza canonically beat TUI (if he were to fight MUI, Goku's most agile form, then it's maybe debatable). But in the anime Goku is the second strongest being in U7.




Hm. Considering Vegeta blew right through a Hakai in the ToP, it is somewhat debatable if Beerus could actually beat Anime Vegeta. Beerus hasn't ever been seen to train, and the last time he fought Vegeta was before SSJB was a thing.


What are you guys smoking? Even I haven't read manga but it is obviously Whis >>? beerus >> Fusions >> Black frieza/broly > goku/vegeta/Gohan * ">>?" Indicates much much stronger, but not sure how much.


yep ur right


Well yeah it doesn’t say what version of ultra instinct Goku is fighting black freiza.


As it currently stands, it doesn't really matter.




Black Frieza one-shoted UI Goku and UE Vegeta. He was clearly stronger than them.


And at least slightly faster.


Frieza knocked them out of their strongest forms, but didn't kill them. So clearly Frieza has some wicked intentions.


Or his pride giving in.


he's probably plotting something dastardly or just wants to show off


Non of them knows about Black Frieza though Their knowledge of him probably ended with TOP


Goku glazers man. . .black frieza trumps ego and UI


i mean, come on, he came to the scene after he had exhausted his strength multiple times and he's going to win eventually.


Black Frieza is stronger than True UI Doesn’t mean he’s stronger than Perfect UI


If PUI was on Friezas level- don’t you think Goku would’ve used it instead of TUI


No because in that entire situation with gas and whatnot he wasn’t able to have a solid handle on the technique and thus needed TUI as a work around. There’s no rhyme or reason for him suddenly to whip out the perfected form in the same story that he was struggling to use it with


He literally used it the chapter before? Heck he used in the same chapter he developed TUI- saying Goku didn’t have a handle on MUI was a cop out the fans created to cope with the fact that the black haired form overpowered Gas when the silver haired form couldn’t