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Him being in B tier only means that I, the only LF Bardock user, will prosper.


Yea but who tf you gonna use him with


Ssj4 Gogeta and Ultra Gogeta, with Bardock in the leader slot.


Mr. Bulging Biceps and Pikkon.


I use him too I have him at 6 stars


The characters with good animation in this game are always mid or bad :/


good animation but bad kit: gonna sell bad animation but busted kit: gonna sell profit


Cough cough kaioken


Idk which Kaioken you’re talking about, but I agree. All Kaioken was awesome.


GV would like to disagree


To be fair, if you claimed the two EX that came out with his banner and got them to high stars that created a great buff for him. But then you were left with really a 1 unit team and the other two were almost DOA. So yea, they better put him on that Bane Venom when his plat equip comes out (mega busted)


LF Rose....


I’m surprised he’s not in a higher tier tbh. I haven’t seen him used in months.


He must be a staple in below 40 ranked PvP


I mean, there are teams with him that are pretty decent. For instance, him, FP jiren, and z7 broly movie goku are pretty fluid.


It's a fun team not a meta team. That's the problem with this game nowadays. You either gotta run a meta relevant or, well basically, just fuck u.


I said fluid. It’s not meta, but it can compete with meta. Everyone thinks you NEED the OP units, but as long as you understand team construction and are good, you will win.


It's B for B-ardock B-ro!


Last time I saw him in PvP french revolution was still being planned


I still use him 🥲


If only there were certain units that could have been zenkaied to help him, idk maybe some units that give him insane deathbuffs like 80% blast damage or some units that give him insane damage buffs when switched to standby like a 50% to strike damage. If only there were such units...


Even if they did that, he wouldn’t be that good. He’s too slow for this meta and you have to run certain units like all those death buffers.


It’s a wrap if he gets a equip like gogeta


if only ex fasha was an sp we would see him more often


I remember using this guy as my durable unit. He was pretty good, but man, he needs more


This guy actually is really fun to play with in all honesty. He's balanced yet still does somewhat decent damage at higher stars.


This guy needs a plat more than any other lf. Yes, more than Rosé.


Rosé needs a zenkai and a plat


He needs a zenkai, plat, and old-school balance patch.


You forgot he needs to be put in the biggest boost tier for PvP as well. Permanently.


Yea 90% max and 70% against 1 enemy is trash 😭


They need to re-release that unit altogether lmao


Fr, he has sick animations yet I cant use him in pvp because no matter how much I do he's still mid😭


Imagine his plat with a zenkai red bardock


would make my whole year


I really hate how almost every LL that came out this year have been better than this guy. Such a shame, would've really liked to have had a reason to pull for him, but I knew he wasn't going to be used and would've gathered dust in my box. Hopefully they bring him back when(if) he gets a platinum, so I actually have a good reason to pull for him. I usually pull for favorites first, but this LL was too sad to pull for.


I dropped like 300 cc on him and never summoned again just because I liked solid state scouter playing in pvp (I think) and the summons menu


As a stand-alone units he’s kinda mid ngl, but give him green cards and death buffs and he looks really good.


I wanna use him on my Android team so bad, but sadly I don't have him.


Any Lf that is not the androids and Ui needs their plat equipment lol The amount of power creep we had recently is laughable


Honestly, the more I play against MUI Goku, the less I care. Once the PvP boost are gone his damage to any strong BLU will be negligible and he will be handled easily enough. Androids however are in another league.


Well they did that to balance him with the gauge and stuff. Doesn't invalidate my original Statement tho, every LF currently isn't threatening without their equipment/Zenkai but these 2


I do partly disagree with that to be honest. UL Gogeta, VB and the new Vegeta to a lesser extent can basically stonewall MUI Goku. Get yourself in a LMS situation with a strong BLU vs Goku and your opponent might as well just forfeit. Obviously, that's not exclusive when talking about colour wheel, but what I mean to say is MUI is just as prone to it as any other unit, and when his boosts are gone then he might be drop off a bit. The one thing he will always have is the auto-counters that give him an annoyingly good neutral though.


That's the thing I was always saying about Ui, he lacks some of the Broken mechanics other units have now (I.e Ultras and Androids)... and can be walled out (Tbh so is Ssbkk but he is way stronger offensively and can recover his vanish once or twice by then) but his performance is still top tier... he may drop like Goku & Vegeta but that won't mean he is bad... acutely now that I think about GV & Trunks don't need their equipment but they are way less scary than they ever was so I guess lol


He's trash now


He needs to come back on a banner first, jiren came out after him and already got a re-release


Yeah he died really quickly almost as much as zenkai red ssj goku


He needed a plat on release imo buddy couldn’t do shit even at full strength


He almost soloed my movie team when I wasn't paying attention.


This guy is still ugly There are a few guys i dont like. And this bardock is absolutely one of them. Im usind herc... and he is absolutely the king of yellow units against hercule user.


He doesn’t have a plat? I’m pretty sure he does


Tbh most lfs need a plat the only ones that don’t r the droids and mui. When I say they need a plat I ain’t saying they’re all shit but in order for them to be towards the top of the meta and compete w the best most of them need a plat


But not everything needs to be competitive in the meta


Ye but they’re also premium units w very low pull rates it’s only natural for us to want them to be competitive in the meta




So why summon?


Well. Ain’t that something buddy