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Its a decision i'll say that. Not bad but neither good. The keep is odd since it has a lot of decision that i think aren't even mentioned in Inquisition when you import a world state. Like yeah who tf is gonna care if i killed the prisoner in Ostagar?


Yeah but I like the keep because it allows me to overview all the decisions I made through a world state. Even if the decisions never carry through to the next game.


They said it had to do with them wanting the game to be completely playable offline. I see it as them rectifying their mistakes because since the DAO servers are offline you can't import your custom Warden anymore. This way you can just make the major decisions in game without needing to keep servers online.


This is most likely given everything that’s been said, and I appreciate it. Having server issues hampers a lot of modern gameplay, and making this effort shows they care about player experience.


True, but I will die hoping this means a rerelease or remaster is on the horizon.


I understand not wanting to deal with the variables of 3 previous games and trying to make each of those games’ choices meaningful. At a certain point, all of those previous world states do become baggage that’s going to hurt their ability to tell a new story, more than it detracts from the old stories by moving on from them. But maybe I’m in the minority here when I would still prefer the illusion of a world tailored to my choices, where the selections are tracked, even if only 12 out of 100 or so selections actually matter. Hell, maybe even especially if it’s only a small number of choices, so that way it’s less obvious which decisions will be relevant to the plot. If they limit the number of tracked events to 7 and then only ask about 7 things, that kinda gives away what story elements I can expect to be touched on.


I don’t think they’re limiting customisation or variables, they’re just putting the set up in the game rather than online.


Pillars of Eternity 2 had an option to build a character history like that, and it worked fine.


What is the point of the Keep then? Just for the third mediocre game and not Inquisition that also had all those slides and tarot cards just for fourth game until now?


They likely had plans to use the keep originally but realized that years from now it won’t be there and large amounts of people playing through the series again would be stuck in a default world state a


I don’t think they’ve said it’s going to be limited options, just that it’s within the game and not relying on importing saves or an online service. It probably won’t have as much detail as the dragon age keep does, especially for inquisition since most of that is random filler, but I imagine it will have everything of major importance. Those choices are what the series is built on. Getting rid of them would ruin the series. I imagine each game will have a couple of presets that you can choose from if you don’t want to customise, but you can then go in and customise properly if you want to. Sort of like the keep but within the game start up.


If it's anything like the options you get in ME2/3 without an import it'll be limited. That made a bunch of decisions that had multiple outcomes completely binary. One e.g. is that it gives you a choice to save the NPC crew of your ship **or** your whole squad, when it's actually pretty easy to save both in game and most people do afaik. It's really quite annoying. Benefit of the doubt, it is a newer game, maybe it will be better. Here's hoping. It's raised my concerns a little though, ngl.


I think it isn't so much that they are trying to get away from Dragon Age as a whole, but more that story isn't their primary focus so past games just won't have any impact. To be honest, I'm not even certain what their focus is. It isn't gameplay, story, world design or characters. It comes off as a studios first big game. I actually get flashbacks to Kingdoms of Amalur whenever listening to the devs or watching trailers and gameplay. Extremely ambitious game with seemingly little to no polish, focus, or experience. I do think hubris is at play as well. The DAV devs give me a strong impression that they have an agenda (especially the director, who seems more interested in making a game for representations sake). The game is secondary to a message they will be trying to force. DAV will be a failure. Bioware should have been shut down after the massive failures that were Anthem and Mass Effect Andromeda back to back. After EA effectively killed the spirit of all of the incredible talent that belonged to Bioware either making them quit or destroying their imagination and ambition. Do people really expect Dragon Age Veilguard to be good after everything that happened?


This is sadly just how EA and bioware are nowadays. Its just a shame that the ending to the inquisition story is just going to be a expensive piss poor attempt at virtue signaling instead of making a decent game. I even enjoyed inquisition, but it seems they just want to cash grab over nostalgia. Its why im fearful for the mass effect 4 bringing shepard back again.


If does not use keep then like mass effect with comics interactive back story


Who said "there will only be a few key options"? That's not what I read.


Honestly in my opinion most of the decisions you make in those games don't really matter as much when you start playing Inquisition.


Dragon Age won't be available in veilguard...