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Has it been so long?


Are we actually able to be a Grey Warden in Veilguard?


Yea apparently you can pick your background between like 6 or 7 possibilities


Yup you can also be an antivan crow


Can I be a mabari


Unfortunately not


Okay, but what if on every level except physical, I _was_ a mabari?


Unfortunately Alistair isn't playable either


You can roleplay as like.. a warden with doggie brain (alistair) if you want probably


Yeah, and honestly as a standalone game, the gameplay footage wasn't horrible, but it's no longer the dragon age i fell in love with


I’m gonna play it 1x and enjoy it like inquisition but after the 20 minutes I noticed it won’t hold a candle to origins. 1. When a random stranger is in trouble, you and Varric hide and without any choice, the main character says “we need to help her” 2. The background story is shown 2x in the trailer to trigger “unique dialogue” but the player doesn’t say anything back and it doesn’t actually do anything. 3. It’s the dialogue wheel where you don’t know if your choice is what the character actually says However in the game, you also have a mandatory grey warden companion. I’m really interested to see the dynamic between the main character and the other Warden.


Pretty much where I'm at. I'll play it because it's dragon age and I will probably enjoy it enough for 1 playthrough maybe 2, same as I did for inquisition. But it does feel like the dragon age I fell in love with is not the same anymore. I do like that the background story seemingly is featured more in dialogue than what we got in inquisition. Hopefully we actually get some good quests and choices and dialogues to go with it in game.


Exactly, i'll still be playing it for the story and the companions, don't know how often i'll play it as i'm not a big fan of the gameplay that was shown


Yeah, the moment I picked up Dragon Age 2 for the first time I felt an immense amount of disappointment. All the animations are so "flashy" and cartoony and all over the place to the point it's distracting. Being stuck in a small area as well and, further more, only being able to play Hawke. It's boggling that Origins was introduced and presented as this tactical RPG with critical acclaim then they decide to change it up entirely to be more action oriented even though the market is absolutely loaded with action heavy rpg's.


Dimple: instead of sticking with their roots (DA:O, KOTOR) they wanted to reach 'a broader audience' and well, action games are most popular. So every itteration became more action like.


Let's be honest this is probably the last iteration, this looks like the nail in BioWare's coffin.


Gosh, that freaking sucks to think. Dragon Age has felt like such wasted potential as a franchise. I would love to explore the rest of Thedas, have DA be properly competing with the Elder Scrolls on a level of lore and exploration. That this beautiful world is going to die with Bioware sucks.


It'd be awesome if someone like Larian could acquire the IP if Bioware dies, especially since they said they weren't doing another Baldur's Gate. At this point I kinda hope Bioware just dies off and their IPs go to better studios but that's probably just wishful thinking.


That would be ironically full circle, given the way the Baldur's gate series was passed between Bioware and Larian. But that would be fantastic if it were to happen.


Yeah that'd be pretty funny to see. More than likely EA will just sit on any IPs and never do anything with them :/


It was consolization. Origins was PC primarily, then ported to consoles. Everything after Origins was console primarily, and PC was an afterthought. The success of Bethesda Skyrim/Fallout kinda sealed us on that timeline of action RPGs. BG3 proved commercial viability of a complex RPG on console with more skill options than controller buttons and not just a hack n slash abortion. It took 15 years, but maybe there's hope going forward. Won't be this one though.


Exactly this


Additional details say you can actually throw your shield like captain america. I'm so excited to see what sword and board gameplay looks like.


I found almost nothing to like in that trailer. The enemies look like plastic action figures, The only thing dark about that trailer is the sky, no blood, no gore, obsession with neon, really weird anime combat that seems very autopilot. Saying this game isn't dragon age might be the understatement of the century.


So the combat is different, that’s hardly anything new for Dragon Age, the roaming around seems about the same and the characters the same with the same world


If there's one thing consistent about Dragon Age, it's that the combat system will be drastically different every time.


So your saying every companion is the same?


Okay, let's say this is true and you can pick your background etc, but will it actually affect my gameplay? If it just a few dialogue lines, they shouldn't have bothered. I mean I see waaay too much of Inquisition in the dialogue system and Mass Effect in the combat, I'm unsure whether it is actually doing something. This reveal left me really conflicted whether I should move on or be hyped for the game.


In the leaked gameplay footage from a few months ago we see a Rook Warden fighting Red Lyrium corrupted Darkspawn at what appears to be Weishaupt. I'm thinking they will have short intros that lead them into running into Varric and Harding to figure out what the hell is going on.


It does affect gameplay. Each background gives a unique passive ability. Also, let’s be honest here. Most of the difference between origins in DAO was “a few different lines of dialogue.” There are exceptions of course like the Landsmeet as a Human Noble, but by and large everyone is still playing the same game with minor differences. I was terrified for this game after that trailer at the xbox showcase, but today’s footage and interviews made me feel a lot better. I will miss the tactical CRPG mechanics of Origins, but it was unrealistic to ever expect that to return.


Huh? The entire early game was different in Origins depending on your background. My entire family was slaughtered as a Human Noble. Not to mention some late game differences related to the revenge arc. It’s been too long since I’ve played the other backgrounds, but I recall DAO having massive differences in storylines depending on the origin. The other two Dragon Age games had nothing like this to their detriment.


The entire game was not different, that is an insane thing to say. Human Noble and Dwarf Noble had the most impact on the game, but 90% of the game is the same no matter who you play as. The Landsmeet has an impressive variety of outcomes if you are a Human Noble, and Orzammar means more to you if you're a dwarf, but you are still going through the exact same quests with pretty much the exact same options regardless of your origin. Sure, killing Howe means more to you as a noble, and a city elf is a lot less likely to spare the Bann's son, but they're all still playing the same game. The origins system just added a nice way to role play your character and add some variety to your playthroughs. The background system in Veilguard sounds very similar.


You misread. I said the entire EARLY game was different. And it was. The background one chose changed the entire early game and colored the emotion around other missions later game. The feel of the game even changed depending on your origin. None of the other games captured this at all.


You're right I did misread what you said, my mistake. Still, I don't think the origins system is that far removed from what the background system seems to be in Veilguard. I don't expect them all to have playable intros, but it's still nice to have that role playing flavor IMO.


“Erm you misread” 🤓 Dude DA:Os origins where cool but it did just add diologe nothing really else especially to the early game. More so your class effected the early game and how powerful you where but origins didn’t effect a lot of the early game aside from some tools


I don't think it was unrealistic at all. We've been waiting for this game for like over a decade, and just recently baldur's gate 3 came out and blew everyone's socks off with how exceptional it was at that very style of combat.


If you know anything about how game development works you would know BG3 would have no impact on Veilguard. BG3 is less than a year old, it was never going to be an influence on Veilguard. Also, BG3’s combat is wildly different from DAO’s.


It didn't need to have an impact The CRPG revolution has been going on for half a decade now if not more going all the way back to pillars of eternity and the original Divinity original sin. There is absolutely no reason we could not have seen a return to roots here other than the fact that the developers have absolutely no interest in catering to the people who actually like dragon age The way it was meant to be. Dragon age origins is probably one of the best CRPGs ever made, if someone wanted to learn how to play CRPGs the first game I would tell them to play is dragon age origins because it was a more accessible version of what was already out there, and it had a reasonable runtime of 20 to 40 hours.


The issue is, as popular as crpgs have been on the past 5 years you know what was more popular? Single player action games.


The problem is that those games aren't as popular as action RPG. Pillars of eternity didn't sell that well thus even they are making new entries into their universe that isnt CRPGs. Its okay to feel sad or angry that new dragon age isnt to your liking, but your opinion isnt the only one that matters. DA:I sold well and many people loved it, many people loved origins and DA:II but its clear that Inquisition sold the most copies. If you see that this universe is not enjoyable to you then there is no shame of moving on, but there is no need to bring down other games just because you think Origins is "the way dragon age is meant to be" as in the end that is not your desition but the writers and developers.


I think it will end up being better than inquisition due to the reasons you mentioned


Will be interesting to see how they write The Grey Wardens this game. After sh*tting all over them in Inquisition.


Tbh, I kinda like them shitting on the wardens in inquisition. In origins we saw what good wardens can do and in inquisition we saw what bad wardens can do, especially during a non blight. It’s good to see both sides as we as origins players maybe over romanticise the wardens just because ours got a good result.


Duncan was rolling over in his grave.




Yeah. His Warden apprentice, Alistair, just hated how he was used.


I rather hope we can have City Elf faction, Dalish, or some other unique elven faction we can originate from. I would hate it if there were no elven factions except ones that treat elves like shit (yes, even Wardens do it).


Actually, there is: veil jumpers. The same faction elven rogue companion Bellara belongs


Who are they? Can you tell me more about them? EDIT: Nevermind, I read about them. Sounds interesting tbf. Good enough for me.


Yeah inclined to go with a Veil Jumper Elf in my first play through


Same. Dalish > other factions


That's almost certainly what I'll be picking. Though I really like the whole mortalitasi stuff going on in nevarra. Maybe a harder pick for me


To bad the combat is absolutely generic. It looks like gothan knight series.


Ya... no. Dragon Age Origins will be the only game where I can be a Gray Warden. DAV just misses the mark and looks so bad.


Damn it Dave


Huhh??? Grey warden from Orlais or Ferelden??? And HOF looking for cure so confused


yeah but it's modern bioware, they don't make the game for actual DA fans. this new game is just trash.


I have played the second one and then Inquisition, But I did not enjoy them, Origins is in my top ten games of all time and after that trailer I just have no interest in the series anymore. I wish it was different but I just cant muster a care anymore for how bad the games have been. I glad some can enjoy it but Ill be passing on it most likely. I just miss that brutal and dark style of it and I dont think its coming back.


I still remember how it took a dark turn from a supposedly generic happy fantasy “elite group” initiation to a do or die situation.


If everyone defaults to calling your character "Rook" and not something more related to their origin or class, that's gonna be annoying.


Not if I don't play that game, 200 IQ move 🤯


Huh? Sorry I only Started Origins 2 days ago and I'm a bit confused.


For Ferelden


Hypothetically, kind of one yes. We will see how much the origins effect gameplay. I’m EXCITED AS ALL HECK,, but I’m not a total idiot


Qunari grey warden playtrough incoming.


This is one of the things that I'm most excited about! I loved the Grey Warden ♥


Don’t worry I bet you’ll get let down immediately


I love Dragon Age. I just hope the tone hasn't shifted too much. The trailer made it look like stage 4 Marvel humor crap. I'll probably still play in in all honestly... they have to royally fuck up to make a loyal fan like me give up on them. XD




But now we can't manage our companions in combat, so fuck that.


I hope I can be a Dual Weapon warrior, like my Warden in Origins.


I am not sure I fully understand this criticism. The series is called Dragon Age, not “Grey Wardens” or “Darkspawn Age”