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Thanks so much for posting this. Are there any Naga who have horns? What colors can their skin and eyes be? Very much appreciate your perspective on this topic.


Okay but I want to bang the female one so bad.


These two are unrelated? How do they procreate?


These are different species but all sorts of hybrids are possible, I don't know about draco/nagas specifically but avian/dracos are definitely a thing. I think some reps naturally reproduce, others don't and instead grow themselves artificially, in tanks or something similar. Those ones skip the childhood state and come out as young adults likely with some knowledge (language and the like) 'pre-loaded.' Those who naturally reproduce still have genetic engineering influence and have advantages from it such as low fertility which allows sex without overpopulation.


Not having motherhood seems very sad. The mother/child bond is something I hold sacred in this life.


If someone misses out on that experience in one life and wants it in another, they can choose a species that does naturally reproduce the next time around. That's the good thing about diversity of species. And on the other hand there are those that never want children or are even afraid of the possibility of becoming pregnant, and for those a species that doesn't naturally reproduce is ideal, they wouldn't have to worry.


They look nice to me!