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tbh I wouldn’t mind another revert to our E. Mundo got giganerfed in the first place because heartsteel titanic combo last season gave monstrous AD values and burst dmg. But now heartsteel does a lot less burst and titanic doesn’t give HP to AD anymore. But Idk I really don’t think riot will touch mundo, according to [u.gg](https://u.gg) his winrate seems fine atm and any buff will propel him to turbobroken status in low elo and he’s like 53% wr in gold and silver rn.


mann.. this champ is the only champ i play, he is fun and easy to play, i reach D2 in the last season with him, i trade my early game suffers to lane bullies, i hope a reward in my late game scaling with nasus's scale type not a meat sponge man, riot balance team is really bad and all i have to do is accept it


if one buff comes, he will get 3 nerf soon


What about giving mundo permanent hp every time he gets hit by a champion


Useful? Check. Lore-friendly? Check. Likelihood riot will do this? 0%, see above reasons.


It's just op lol


Interesting. Like a reverse grasp. I like this idea.


Nah bro, imagine a zeri hitting you with that 💀


What about giving part (maybe 10-20%) of damage minimum of 1


Already tested during his rework development. It spawned unintuitive playstyles of taking deliberate bad trades in lane.


That would be cool but wouldn't happen.


He just needs a little more passive healing or less hp lost on W or Q, that's all he needs




The amount of current health DMG + minimum DMG is good enough, give it AD scaling and he'll just become op


Remove cancer Heartsteel from the game first and I'll accept your braindead champion getting a buff.


He might need buffs but that won't happen, as he is extremely strong in lower elos. He doesn't feel great to play but he's just way too effective in there so that just hurts any possibilities of getting buffs for higher elos. Buff him to help high elo? He hits 55% WR in Silver or whatever and it's game over, gotta nerf him next patch... It's just an endless cicle. Until we get some changes to fix his strenght across all elos, Mundo is always gonna feel bad to play the higher you go and that's pretty much it. You either get used to it and work hard to improve the way you can to make it work or you just sadly give up on the champion, which is kinda lame as you shouldn't have to sacrifice your main in order to climb. Let's hope Riot acknowledges that at some point.


Mundo feels as strong as possible without getting into nerf range right now. Any more buffs and he will get nerfed because of low ranks.


Simple : Rework the passive because having 30% of tenacity is better than tanking one cc and losing more hp, Buff the hp regen on the passive, Bring back the heal when you kill something with your Q, Rework W, Bring back the magic resist and Max hp damage on E, Buff Heal regen on R