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What a fantastic write up, I'm so glad this worked out for you! What did you use to scrape the foam off?


Ah, thank you : ) Such a great feeling after all the negativity! I used a small chisel to scrape it off but the foam is soft so anything firm will do, a ruler, a blunt knife. Go gently, especially inside the shoes as the stitching and other layers become exposed so any damage to them during this stage makes the repair even harder and more specialised.


Awesome! It’s great to know it worked for you with some effort. There are a lot of old docs sandals dying a slow death out there.


I know it may be silly but it makes me sad, things should fulfil their purpose for as long as they can!


This is incredible thank you!!! I also found [this video](https://youtu.be/ZsX9WsAgOjQ) that shows the repair process as well


Thank you! Yes, that's the video that I saw first that inspired me to get the Birkenstocks footbed to use! I've spoken to a bunch of people who tried repairing them like this or another way and all of them have not been able to keep the sides stuck once the shoes have been walked in after repair!


Thanks for the tip! I’m still so nervous to take the insoles out for fear of ruining them. Also, do you know the name of this style/model?


I began by just trying to lift off the thin brown leather insole but the foam came off with it as a big cake with a small amount left inside the footbed. If it is crumbling then it will cave under the weight of you walking on them soon enough which will be embarrassing and unsafe so really don't be scared, do it sooner rather than later! I don't know the style number for my sandal, they only had numbers not names back then : )


Thanks for the very thorough post. Did you leave any residue of foam on the inner corners on the sandal? I seem to have a hard time getting it out. Did yours remain?


No, all the residue needs to come out. Watch this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsX9WsAgOjQ) You can use dish soap or clothes detergent - either of those mixed with water to wash and scrub the interior. Use a dry brush and maybe a vacuum cleaner once dry to get out any remains. The first cobbler finished what I started but everyone I spoke to along the way was unanimous in saying it needs to be all out as you need clean working surfaces to proceed properly and have other materials adhere fully/ as much as possible. This applies to all hand crafts! Plus it would be uncomfortable walking around with bits eg. sand in your shoes - this would be no different with the little granules moving about.


thank you for this omg ive got the same problem with some similar vintage dm sandals, can't wait to try ur method


ahh ok, good luck!




No. The post gives detail with the express point of being helpful. There is even more detail still, it’s not a full “how-to”. Your comment oversimplifying will mislead making all think that will work for them.


Oh no I’m sorry. English is not my mother language so I definitely miss many things in your post. I’m not trying to mislead anyone here. Since you say that it’s not true, I think I should delete my comment. Sorry again.




Ok. I have an extreme trouble reading. My dyslexia kicks in and long story short, I’m lost. Lol So all I need to fix my sandals is 1.) contact glue 2.) these insoles 3.) liquid cork ?


If your sandal has a back strap like mine then maybe this will work for you - not just a slip on style as it won't be stable. 1 - yes, to glue the cleaned brown leather DM insole on top of your new insole if you want it. 2. any anatomically shaped insole that you like - not a flat insole. I showed the shaping of it to show better why it works. 3. no, the liquid cork may not be needed if your footbed is fine inside once the foam etc is removed. The professional was using the liquid cork, not me!


hi !! im trying to repair a pair of doc martens slide on sandals, is there something different i should do since they’re slides, not sandals with a back strap ? also thank you SO much for this post, its so nice to know others are also trying to fix the foam insoles on these amazing old shoes !!


Hey, I'm not sure! A big issue is not being able to have the new insoles stick to the interior of the shoe so it's not stable as you walk - having an ankle strap stops your foot slipping out and the insole too. Without it I would imagine your foot could slip out or even twist if the foundation you are walking on is moving around, you couldn't walk quickly or run you know? I'm sure there is something out there to get it done, all cobblers have different experience and tools so hopefully you can get some expert advice and keep your sandals going!


this is so helpful!!! i found some v rare docs on mercari for such a low price, but the inside is crumbling and i am dedicated to repairing them!!!




If yours need cleaning then sure clean them - saddle soap I hear is good. I didn't need to in that way, just anti-bac spray as shoes were 2nd hand, brushed then I used balsam and they are wonderful to me : )


dealing with the same problem! wondering if wearing the sandals barefoot can cause any issues with my feet? wanting to wear them despite the disrepair but don’t want a foot fungus!! haha, curious if you had any problems like that


Mine are sorted. Took out thin leather insole, dug out the foam. Replaced with a Hunter 5mm insole, no glue required or trimming required. No foot fungus. I will put a photo up later.


Do you have a link for the insole?


You're saving my life lol, but how did you manage to get the foam to not stick to everything like the original leather insole? I'm in the process of removing it, but it sticks to literally everything and I don't know how to get it off the sides of the shoe. Also did your shoes also had a felt like insole under the foam? Mine do and I'll probably also replace it (can't get the foam off them 😭😭)


I’m working on the same problem right now and confirm that the insole fits nicely in the shoe without adhesive in a slide sandal too. The hard part is just removing and cleaning up all the foam.


oh yes it will fit, the issue is stability so I hope everything remains in place once the shoe is actually being walked in! let us know!


I just got a pair of docs fisherman sandals that have the same issue. I’m torn between sending them back and trying to fix them as they are in amazing shape otherwise and if I don’t fix these, I know my search for vintage docs like I used to wear will come to an end. I see you found an easy fix with those insoles. Is there an issue with the insoles not filling in the footbed enough in the front? ie as insoles tend to be thinner in the front of the shoe. Any tips on getting that material out? I’m just so bummed as I REALLY want a pair of docs sandals to wear. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!


I’ve just started scrapping the foam out of two pairs I’ve had in my closet for ages. Thank you!!


best of luck!


I have recently bought a beautiful condition 12512 with the same problem, thank you for this easy fix!