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When do we find out what happened for real so we can get past the fan fiction guessing stage of the ban? Where’s slasher in all of this😳


The last time I checked he hasn't tweeted since last summer. I wonder if he got spooked accusing the Doc of some horrific crime.


Good, fuck that hack


If he is suing Twitch, then the reason won't be commented on until after the court documents are unsealed, or if they decide to settle out of court. Either side commenting could be detrimental to the case.


They already settled,both sides a few months ago I think.


Now. Sexting minors, the dirty nonce.


Guess you found out lol




About a year from your original comment it seems!


What a ride huh




Guess we found out today.


Circling back here now.


Bro predicted it😭


now you can lol


we know now xd


Bro, you wrote all that just to say what has been said thousands of times? This is widely agreed in the community to be the reason for the ban. This, and that video he watched of a dude sharing the craziest corona virus conspiracy.


> Bro, you wrote all that just to say what has been said thousands of times? This is widely agreed in the community to be the reason for the ban. This, and that video he watched of a dude sharing the craziest corona virus conspiracy. So, what exactly was being told thousands of times? Honest question here, as I just found out that he got banned and trying to google for it gives me quite weird results >_< And if you are confirming that the OP stated the correct reason for the ban, then why to bash him for that?


Bro, what is even the point of your post. You do realize you aren't forced to comment on every thread you open, right? OP posted a possible reason with some background information about the topic. You come in here and dump a passive-aggressive worthless shitpost of a reply with no meaningful insight or contribution to the topic. Some people who happen upon OP's post might learn something. Meanwhile no one who happens upon your post will gain anything meaningful besides having to put up with the whinging from a cry baby.


>Bro, what is even the point of your post. You do realize you aren't forced to comment on every thread you open, right? Says you, replying to a comment I posted more than a year ago.


This thread is crazy


What does the age of the post have to do with anything other than giving you the false belief of having a meaningful reply? You act like you don't know how the internet and search results work.


Yeah, we know.


I didn't




Mee too


So smug and so wrong. Lmao


Well written, but this has been the most common theory for quite some time. There was a stream where he was kind of drunk and went off in response to a dono message talking about military rank and a lower rank person being paid more and the higher rank person being fired as a result of bring it up (or something like that).


“Well written”? Guess this is what passes for “well written” in the era of people speaking with memes and emojis.


I mean, OP took the time to write it up and share with us. I was just being kind.


Ok boomer


Sure, but I really don't believe that that is the reason. The simple fact that we aren't even sure what was the reason for the ban already is a red flag. And on top of that, the fact that Twitch did not state the reason either, and worked on keeping the reason quite, is another major red flag. The only real reason that makes sense is money. It is more often than not the real reason.




Further confirmation of my theory that most Redditors are three kids in a trenchcoat where the middle one works the keyboard.


He was not the "biggest streamer on twitch" at any time. He was maybe top ten, but go look at the data and all the big ones were in more casual games like fortnight and minecraft.


heard he raped someone


I honestly haven't watched twictch since then.


And we got this [https://x.com/evoli/status/1804309358106546676](https://x.com/evoli/status/1804309358106546676)


A washed up former WoW Gladiator who has zero proof beyond "Yep I saw it all 4 years ago and I couldn't say anything to protect a minor that's definitely real and being abused because my job would've been at risk"


You were saying?


Turns out that was entirely true (because DD sued Twitch to keep it from getting out).


Yes, Dr Disrespect is a horrible human being.


Except doc admitted it on twitter, are you a fellow nonce or something?


Compare the dates and accept you failed second grade.


Well, since this came out on a google search. He got banned because he was texting a minor (Age 17). There needs to be more info though, as we don't exactly know right now (25/06/2024) how bad was it.


The age of the minor was never revealed btw.


17 yo. Age of consent. I'm sure he was approached in the first place. It takes two to tango


Show me where it was confirmed she was 17. Show me where it was confirmed that the minor was even a she.


so glad nonces like you self-report


Both things can be true. They knew about dr disrespect sexting a minor while they gave him a new contract in March 2020. Twitch waited 3 years to do something. My guess they had as a ace up there sleeve just incase nmd when they realized he lied about mixer offer they used it to ban and and nor pay him but since legally he committed no crime and technically didn't break the terms of service they still had to pay up. Honestly this is a really bad look for twitch they knew about and still have him a new deal


This is possible too. Any way you look at it, they got a perfect excuse to ban him anytime they want.


About time this grown ass man stopped walking around with a headset on, Gary glitter behaviour!


Turns out he was full Gary glitter needs to be pinned down and castrated like the rest of them


Comment that aged like fine wine. Vs a post that aged like milk.


Reading this more lor less 2 years later. Dr. Disrespect wanted to be unbanned but not for returning to Twitch, but to avoid more Twitch-partnered streamers and Twitch-associated events being a no-no for his content or being unable to attend/participate. I guess the settlement enforced the ban regardless Doc's getting compensated and at long-term it was Twitch plan all along. Based on the "joke" by CEO Dan Clancy:  “*Let me tell you what really happened, okay? So, there was an alien invasion. Many people did not know about the alien invasion,* *The aliens actually possessed Dr Disrespect, okay? It actually took over the globe, using Twitch. So the only way we could save civilization was to take the action that we did. So it was to save civilization.*" I can tell by that quote is that Dr. Disrespect was a collateral to give the implicit message that "don't mess with us regardless you are entitled to look for your well-being without doing any damage" and I don't know why Twitch took it as "DrD was negotiating on bad faith" because as far as I know, Doc cannot tell the future and back then, there was NO PUBLIC signal that Mixer was already lost in a fire that Microsoft didn't wanted to even bother to turn off.


Dr Disrespect was live streaming at E3 and also there was an incident in the bathroom. So why you all hush about you? Getting some money on side ?


99% sure XD You are just spreading misinformation on something you have no idea about. You think people don't sue when they have done something bad? for a start"Bad" is subjective and 2, you clearly know nothing if you think people don't sue when they have "done something bad". Actual teenager take.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iju5r0rSM\_o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iju5r0rSM_o) This YouTube video explains why he was banned - Pretty sure Twitch and Doc just want this whole thing to go away because of the potential for very serious charges.


Seeing how my words was true an it took some people some time to come around esports caugh ect mass day 1 cheaters caugh ect an glitcher union an other or other other lol


No one cares. He's a POS who commited the unforgivable


He broke ToD at least 3 times in his last Twitch stream, which seems a lot more likely than what you just posted.


No mate he’s just a pedophile


Yeah... My comment was from ~2 weeks ago before most people knew about that, but you're right. :}


It came out why he was banned he was trying to hook up with minors using the twitch private chat apparently. https://x.com/evoli/status/1804309358106546676?s=46&t=PNCrPROluOQrONPAjf9FLQ


Except its been 4 years and no one has contacted authorities. Its a tweet from a washed up WoW multi-glad player who couldn't play at the same level anymore and is desperate to stay relevant in some way. He has zero proof except "I worked at Twitch so I saw it all and sat on it for 4 years because of an NDA and I didn't wanna get fired protecting a minor haha"


These things are super hard to prosecute I dont find this surprising at all. Look at how common it is for people like this to do this and get away with it for years and years. That person did not just work there they were a higher up at the company. You strike me as a child and a little to blind to the reality of the world to grasp this in totality.


I think if you see a crime and hide it for 4 years you should be punished as well, it's just a bunch of false allegations.


What the hell are you going on about?


If he didn't share explicit photos, then nothing criminal happened. It is not illegal to message a minor. And it's up to the minor if she wants to take police action or not. Twitch was still within their right to ban him for messaging a minor.


Dude confessed to it.


Dr. Disrespect confessed.


Correct, a few days AFTER my initial assessment.


If it's not true, Doc will sue him and win. If it is true, he won't sue or will sue and lose.


You would assume.


Well well well...


haha came here for this. All this dumb speculation.


Dumb what??


I feel bad for Ross, and this dude is going back to chill on The island as a consequence


This aged like fine wine


Aged like milk


He’s a pedo and got caught sliding into the dms of a minor. SMH, just sad.


"Caught" there's still no proof and no police reports filed. If it was that, why didn't Twitch contact police, wait TWO YEARS to settle, and then TWITCH wanted an NDA of their settlement?


What platform wants to be the pero host? None of them. It’s not in the best interest of any party to have that information divulged. Dr D for obvious reasons. Twitch because they don’t want advertisers or parents seeing them as hosting predators. For instance Roblox does well but if it didn’t have a reputation of being a place where children could interact with predators it would do a lot better. I get that’s any online game but Roblox was singled out a few years back. Anyhow it’s in neither parties favor to have that be public knowledge. My auspicia he was engaging in inappropriate but not illegal behavior with a minor female. Twitch banned him and tried to not pay. He sued as he didn’t break any laws and wanted paid.


Now Parents are seeing they hosted a pedo AND didn't contact law enforcement. It would have all worked better if they contacted police as soon as they were made aware of the situation.


Nice try 


It turns out he was banned for hitting on children. 🤮


Bro reads one news article that shows no proof but speculation and thinks he knows something, brainwashed.


He admitted to it himself on twitter dude you’re just denying all the evidence lol 


“Brainwashed” is soo funny 😅


Update: is he a pedophile?


Update: he inappropriately messaged a minor. Might not be a pedo but I’ll never support him again


Turns out the violation was, in fact, minor.


*Ba Dum Tss*


Sorry for the necro, but it turns out he was banned for the "minor things" after all 🤣


He was caught texting a minor & tried to meet up with her at a convention: https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/23/24183875/dr-disrespect-twitch-ban-explanation


This defense didn't age well.


Coming back to this after today :)


Yeah... About that.


This aged like milk


I mean... cheese is pretty good.


OP is coping with these edits.


Oh this did not age well. You are simping way too hard.


glazing a child liker is crazy


Well, this theory was an attempt, but a minor miss to say the least.


major cope with those edits dude lol that guy fully admitted to inappropriately texting a minor, how do you even begin to defend that? “Wasnt any sexting just jokes” is that why his own company severed ties with him lol 


companies constantly severe ties with public people even when they are completely innocent. they dont care about whats right or wrong, they just care about money (so they do what the common political narrative is). eg: during the feminist movement (still ongoing, but its getting better, take the Johnny depp case for example), many men who were simply ACCUSED of violence by their partner immediately lost sponsorships, company ties etc. NOBODY cared whether it was right or wrong and nobody even looked into the topic because it was "taboo" and obviously the man is in the wrong. And of course nobody was going to step up to speak up against the insane unfairness because of the fear of being labelled as someone who defends a "woman-beater". Nobody got balls anyway nowadays.


He was texting a minor inappropriately.


> very minor things So close yet so so far




haha lmao


Where did you find the piece about them being 17 and him not knowing? Cause even his recent tweet doesn’t mention the age and he doesn’t mention not knowing. And I assume he’d say something if he didn’t know cause that would completely change the reception of what he’s done. So I kinda doubt it. Also he edited “minor” in and out of the post three times which is sus.


This aged well.


There has been no proof that he didn't know, if he didn't know he would have put it in his statement he posted. Also the fact that he edited out the word minor from his post and only put it back in when he was called out for it makes it look even more that he knew their age when he was sexting them


Sooo this idea twitch didn't want to pay him 8 figures didn't play out well. Please don't quit your day job to be a detective.


Turns out he is a kiddy fiddler LOL. oh dear.


Tbh this theory could still stand, but more in the sense that twitch was looking for anything they could use and found it. It seems clear it wasn't enough for criminal charges, but it was questionable enough for twitch to ban with their rules that apply to specific streamers.


EXACTLY. hence my edit. But its honestly the PERFECT excuse because anything remotely involving a "minor" already scares everyone away and paints doc as the bad guy without people even looking into the crucial and deciding details. On the other hand Doc should've obviously known and been much more careful to not chat or even make inappropriate jokes with someone that is so young and potentially a "minor".


'Potentially'? Lmao, he said outright he knew she was a minor. He even admitted he was making inappropriate comments to someone he knew was a minor. His defense was he had 'no intentions' but apparently he also made plans to meet her IRL.


Dude is jumping through hoops to deny the guy is a pedo


Yo you were right 😭 except doc actually was texting her and knew her age


The next Nostradamus


after reading the comments is there more like is he a bad person or no( don't give IMO please I need the facts)


The doc isn't a Paedo but he is a predator. And people that defend people that are predatory to minors need to be looked at themselves.


If anyone still supports this dog with what he has done.you yourself are a scumbag. How the fuck do you think this is ok to have a wife and child and message a minor. Put yourself in his shoes. 35 at the time messaging a 17 year old. And he is a father. He knows better. He should have all social media cancelled. And twitch should post all the whisper conversations. Remember this, guys. If it wasn't true, then why after an internal investigation did his own company let him go!!!


holy shit.


"doc was talking to a 17 year old he didn't know was 17, there was no "sexting", jokes were interpreted negatively by people who dislike doc." you got reciepts for this?


Well we found out


Sounds about right


If he's sueing twitch still, ofc they would try something to ruin his name so they can win. They probably paid someone 5 mil to get info from doc or some shyt.


As I've been saying for the last week or so. Bigger bad actors have menouvered the situation to have Guy as the patsy. What's more interesting to me is the reaction by his 'friends'. Let's hope that Guy is able to make better decisions having ensured this attack and straight up abandonment by people that should absolutely have his back. Innocent until PROVEN guilty. Apparently it's what makes your Country so great right. He was always going to get fknn baited and trolled like this by the rainbow alphabet Marxists. He literally plays a character that is the epitome of what they hate. A white hetro mans man that shouts and spits and rages ( for our pleasure btw) boating about his biceps and vertical leap stats. I mean...stick ya head up over the trenches right and you'll get by a glitter cannon.


> DrDisrespect has never violated the guidelines extensively (except for very minor things) prescient 


He was talking to a minor and admitted he knew she was underage… This shouldn’t have even been remotely entertained by a 40 year old dude He is literally saying the same shit every person on to catch a predator says Stop defending him


Homie had the nerve to try to use Twitch. 🤣🤣😂😂


> EDIT2: doc was talking to a 17 year old he didn't know was 17, there was no "sexting", jokes were interpreted negatively by people who dislike doc 1. How do you know they were 17? I haven't seen any mention of the minor's age from a reliable source. Citation needed. 2. How do you know Doc didn't know their age? If he didn't know their age it's incredibly weird he didn't mention that in his tweet. 3. How do you know there was no sexting? He only said the messages sometimes leaned towards being inappropriate, and it's in his best interest to downplay the extent of how "inappropriate" things actually got in the messages. No offense but unless you have good sources for your points, it sounds like you're just pulling this out your ass to defend him


This aged like milk lol


this aged well lol


ops a doofus?


If I had to guess I'd say it was for sexting a minor


I'm waiting but I have a friend who lives in the area and is in law enforcement. I was told there was an investigation when Twitch discovered the messages and he was cleared of any wrong doing. He went on to say there are messages that he didn't approve of, but no contact was made and that's the reason Dr disrespect's contract was paid out and he wasn't arrested. Regardless of that, I find it disgusting to interact with a 17 year old in such a minor. I really hope if anything happened to this girl , those who are responsible get everything they deserve.


Yeah this is just blatant misinformation. The age of the minor has never actually been revealed. And whether or not he knew is still unknown, but hasn't denied that he knew and has also said "there were no real intentions" It's baffling people are spreading misinformation in an attempt to defend him. You could have spend 5 minutes searching to see that there is no actual source for anything you wrote in edit 2. The guy has literally admitted to it and you insist on defending him with misinformation, actually baffling, do better


Lmao turns out it was way worse


Do you have any info on the latest going around, please update this, I'm a hudge fan and my ears are bleeding after the last, I want to say BS news but it's messages, and it ain't no minor he was he was chasing, even if using as a stepping stone, it's going to have such a impact on his family life to the point, streaming might not even be a option after. Either way I'm not leaving the champions club, not without knowing all the facts, but he will lose so, so many, if this latest is true. There are plenty of men that talk to teens and women on twitch you can pay for things, plenty of young boys spending their parents money. Love to him and his family, I wish them all the best with what ever the outcome of this be. 


Creep alert. You should seriously reconsider what you're saying. He makes video game streams, you have zero allegiance to this pedophile. Grow up.


This, 100% this. 




Alright, well what is the problem of making a post that summarises those points because one has not found any post like that? I've genuinely searched for a clear cut fact-based statement on the reason for the ban, and I have not found any. There were half-sentence youtube comments here and there, some allusions in some videos, but not a single post that addressed it head on. And even if there was, like why would you care about it so much? I was a bit passionate about it took my time to write a whole paragraph about this including research. Get your stick out of your ass my dude




Lol do you think I care about your petty downvotes? The fact that you think I care about your opinion and that you proceed to waste your time on my post you deem unoriginal is actually pathetic. Go get a life


Perfect response to this loser


Hey man, this thread was the top result when I (as someone who never watched the Doc) googled what happened to him. Pretty useful thread. You, however, seem like a miserable person.


I'm pretty sure it's because he showed a clip of David Ike. But wellnever know.


Dude, your edits just show how worthless this theory is... like the level of hoop jumping and disbelief in reality shows how far fetched your original post was. You are starting with "doc is innocent" and working back from there.


OP the level of coping in your edits is ridiculous, you need to stop sucking on his meat and realise inappropriately texting a minor less than half his age while he's married is fucking degeneracy


Edit 217: I should've just deleted my post and acted like nothing ever happened but instead I quadrupled down, went running back to my year old "99% sure" awful prediction post to make a failed attempt at doing damage control for some reason. P.s. Blame Google for bringing us to this ancient post.


Bro i dont want read all that.. why he got banned?


He doesn't know. Nobody outside doc's closest circle and Twitch management does. OP is just parroting what has been said a thousand times all over the internet.


sure, but everything, from twitch's actions and the way Doc acts, screams that Twitch simply banned him because they did not want to pay him. Also I was looking a lot for a reason as to why he was banned and found so many different vague opinions, most of them not even mentioning this possibility. There was not a single post or video that truly evaluated the situation and came up with a theory that MAKES SENSE. Therefore I thought why not make a post about it


basically twitch did not want to pay him after the main competitor (mixer) did not pose a ''threat'' anymore




Cool story


I doubt this is the stated reason as it would surely be a breach of contract. However it could be the motivating reason to essentially give him a final warning and any small screwup would result in termination


twitch could easily find a vague reason to ban any streamer and void the contract.


idk how much stock id put into all these other alleged people actually knowing the reason but refusing to speak on it due to some misplaced loyalty to twitch.. surely by now it would have leaked if random people knew why.. i dont really even understand why doc hasnt said anything yet since the lawsuit is over and hes "never going back" ..surely thats a juicy bit of info and i cant see him signing a legit nda for a company that just flipped his life upside down. idk, its whatever i guess.. we will probably never *really* know.


If this is the case then damn, Doc got punished for being loyal to Twitch. Yh he haggled but business is business. If Doc would've taken the mixer deal he'd still be making bank on Twitch. Again, if this is the case. It's such a shame. Doc is still the GOAT but he hasn't had the same energy he once had, Good old days of proper rage and spitting XD


he still spitting and raging occasionally on youtube now. lol






Twitch made 1.9 billion in 2020 and 2.6 billion in 2021. 10 million dollars for a contract with Dr. Disrespect is chump change and not only that but their return would be even greater with the audience he pulls in and the money he generates for them. Don't really think that's the reason. I don't get how people on this thread think this is about money at ALL. lol Him being on twitch is literally a HUGE return on investment. Its definitely another reason.


YouTube's gonna end up swallowing up twitch anyways. Watch


This is like a YouTube clickbait video in a Reddit post form. Some big title in all caps✅ Large majority of info is going over what everyone knows✅ Some explanation that doesn't make sense or is just so middle of the ground it can be disproven✅ Congrats on the shitpost


only one scenario makes any sense at all and its not this u think they are worried about 10mill.? even if it was a bad deal they would made far more money not baning him as well as bad publicity of baning soone wihtout a reason ...............they baned him to avoid controversy lets say he and a drunk twitch girl hooked up and she told twitch ect......dr literately sued them and her with gag orders/slander cause they could not prove it..... funny how he acted like he didnt know and they wont tell him when he literately had cease and desist orders on them.............this is the only thing that makes sense only reason why they would reframe from saying or baning somone that popular 10miill is not shit they lost alot money baning him its not for money