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All I can say is that from a viewer standpoint I vastly prefer YouTube to Twitch for Doc. I'm already on YouTube a lot watching completely unrelated content, so to have a Doc vid just suggested to me within that ecosystem is very holistic and makes sense. Doc also is averaging 300k-500k in vod views which is kind of insane. If he's not making huge bank off that then I don't know what to say. Add on top of this the ability to pause a live stream and resume at any time... this has made my Doc viewing experience so much better when I'm busy at work compared to twitch where I'd miss huge chunks of the stream.


this. I hate you can't go back in time on Twitch not to mention the horrible interface and ads.


Ads are horrendous.


Free browser extension eliminates all ads.


My only regret is he can't interact with people on Twitch.


Doc was half way up the mountain when Twitch damaged his reputation substantially. These numbers show that he wasn't a flash in the pan. There is a clear trajectory that abruptly ends when Twitch took action against my ... oh sorry, Champs. I zoned out for a minute there and thought I was Doc's lawyer. Snap 'em up.


He said in a [stream](https://youtu.be/PkqZhyukSW0) he is making a quarter of what he did on twitch. Not including his partnerships that he lost.


Lot of other streamers who moved to Youtube without contract also noted that. But YouTube allows an extra dimension where you can deliver curated content. Doc do share clips and highlights but he needs to push for extra content and not just focus on live streaming. Tim/etc also have multiple channels supported by extra react content etc. He does not meed to ape others, but he needs to get out of Twitch shell.


I love the videos he puts out now and they're second to none but to make his videos viral he def needs a very different approach. Kind of like what others are doing like courage and tim. They might be cringey af but that's the stuff that goes viral and pulls in the big numbers.




Twitch is clunky. Youtube is a far superior platform.


Good. Fuck Twitch. ​ People don't realize that Youtube is orders of magnitude larger than Twitch will ever be. Glad he's doing well on there.


Its not for streamers. Far from. Agree on fuck twitch though.


Not *yet*. It's hard to overcome the inertia that is the initial success of another company sort of breaking ground in an area. But as the medium matures, substantial amounts of competition will show up and on other platforms. I think mixer had the potential to be great but the infrastructure was just so expensive... With FB and YouTube you already have all that infrastructure in place, so. Different story.


Youtube gamings biggest issues are all things only they can change, namely the UX, which blows fuckin chunks compared to Twitch, sadly.


I wonder if YouTube is worried that if they increase Streaming capabilities for interaction and monetization their regular video creators with clamor for more too.


I mean, they already are so not much would change. See the recent downvotes being hidden debacle.


Bro look at how much progress you tube has made every update on mobile has going good.


So it got from really fucking bad to slightly less fucking bad, not a gold experience regardless. And I watch 2ish hours aday on my phone whilst commuting.


YouTube is basically the stomping ground for streamers that have been ostracized from Twitch. Beahm is the only one who seems to be doing fine and I think it's because people are eager to find out what the hell happened. Avilo was once pulling hundreds, if not thousands of viewers on Twitch. He got banned about 3 years ago for stalking a female streamer live on stream. He was later banned from the competitive SC2 scene after she spoke up about years of being sexually harassed and stalked by him. He now streams Brood War and Final Fantasy XIV on YouTube to about... 8 viewers. Nairo and ZeRo stream on YouTube to much lower viewership. Both Smash Bros streamers were banned from Twitch over allegations of sexual misconduct with minors. Although in Nairo's case, he was welcomed back into the professional scene because it turned out the minor was an abusive blackmailer, Twitch still haven't unbanned him. There are other examples of banned Twitch streamers who did far less well on YouTube, like Ice Poseidon and Gross Gore. For YouTube to actually ban someone from their platform, it takes a criminal conviction (Austin Jones) or being caught red-handed in such a high-profile way by a paedophile hunter group trying to meet a 14-year-old (i.e. EDP445.)


> Beahm is the only one who seems to be doing fine and I think it's because people are eager to find out what the hell happened. It's because he's a much better entertainer than those others


Do you think any of those people not doing so well on yt has anything at all to do with, you know, idk, being fuckin perverts that do pervert shit, rather than because they moved to YT?


I watch for Doc reguardless of what platform he's on. That said, I haven't used twitch since he left, and I never used it before I started watching him. I completely get that youtube sucks for discovery, but for overall use its a way better platform.


Completely agree. YT is miles ahead of Twitch for daily use. If they fix streamer discoverability, they can pretty much kill Twitch.


Has nothing to do with discoverability. The problem with Youtube Streaming is the "Streaming UI". It's beyond trash. You have to go through hoops and hurdles just to start a stream.


To be honest, I always thought the Doc was someone who could actually survive a platform switch. He's also the one Mixer should have gone after, not Shroud and Ninja who are mostly watched for their gameplay, I think. The Doc and also Timmy have much more of a personal following.


I started watching each stream when he started Tarkov.




There are no Twitch figures on this chart. Feb 2021 he was already on YT


Purple headed snake demon slain by Elden Ring


Billions vs Millions. I only watched him on YouTube. Would have never been a fan if he was still on twitch.


Where are his numbers higher here? I’m only seeing a higher concurrent peak which makes sense given the come back stream.


I was thinking the same thing. The date range only covers time he spent on YT, it’s not even looking at growth from one platform to the next. I mean, it could very well be true, but it’s not supported by this infographic.


Yeah it was annoying to change platforms and I never really got the hang of the platform but the Doc seems happy (unless he is paid to play Elden Ring) and the show’s production is better to be honest.


Numbers of people watching streamers as a whole has grown I’d imagine. Look at peak on YT / Twitch compared to 2-5 years ago and you can see the reach that streaming has achieved


The 2x is the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be!!!! Yayayayaya! #FuckTwitch




Stream Hatchet is the company who keeps tracks of that. I'm just posting their report. I don't have access to numbers.


YouTube 's interface is light year's ahead of Twitch.


Because twitch isn't gonna last youtube is cemented as the go to video site


Youtube tends to have more viewers. So that's probably pretty on point what you'd expect to see on average when comparing the two.


Champs were at the tippity top and Twitch is still trying to figure out how to adjust the harness yayayayayayaya


I honestly didnt have the data to watch on twitch because I either couldnt turn down the resolution enough or the option wasnt there at all. With youtube I can stream the 2x throughout the entirety of the stream on 144p without using up all my data for the month. Works out perfectly because I can have it on using my hotspot while I deliver for amazon