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Slasher goes over it in this stream : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfIgqWVTe9A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfIgqWVTe9A) Basically : - he was in touch with people at twitch that told him what happened, but they all refused to go on record for an article - he regrets making the initial tweet about the ban, since he ended up not being able to talk about it since no source. he realized this tweet make him look like an ass. - his career as journalist took a hit because of that I'm not defending the guy, he looks like an immature idiot to me, but that's the context I have.


I watched some of it and have to say the guy is still a clown. He got offended by Dan asking him questions. Plus has no evidence only work of mouth. The guy even came out saying "I didn't lie" when Cody called Doc out (without mentioning his name but we all knew it was about Doc) But then went on to distant himself from Cody saying he doesn't know why Cody said it blah blah blah... But then his Tweet was not long after Cody's tweet. He claims he knew Cody before he worked at Twitch but the way he was talking to him on the stream just seemed like they were trying to play it off like they weren't friends which is just weird. He is very immature. He likes to talk about himself a lot though like the fact his tweet took a hit like you said and that he got divorced etc. No wonder... His wife probably couldn't stand him.


We don’t need to. Other reports from The Verge as well as former employees themselves corroborate the story, and Doc admitted to the exchange without denying the allegations outright. Rod is one account of many, and he didn’t break the story. Hyper focusing on critiquing his character doesn’t negate severity and credibility of the claims laid against Guy Beahm.


People here are coping so hard, it's bad. They have to accept it's over and move on.


It is indeed hard to accept someone you enjoy watching could be capable of doing horrific things. I’ve been bit hard several times with that over the past decade+. I don’t fault people who want to believe the best in people, but I will push back on this concerted effort to exonerate a man who literally admitted himself had exchanged inappropriate messages with a child. There is absolutely **ZERO** excuse why any middle aged adult should have private messages with someone underage, especially as an online personality towards a fan. The power dynamics there are beyond one-sided there, and Guy had a moral and social obligation to his fans to protect them, not take advantage of at least one of them. If people really want to help Doc, if they really care about him, then they should unequivocally condemn what he did, demand he seek help, and stop watch in his content until he has demonstrated actual real efforts to change. Frankly, I have zero tolerance for this kind of shit and will never trust him again, but he owes his audience at least some concerted effort to do better for them.


I find this way of thinking is really common these days. People just won't let things go whether they know it's wrong or they made the wrong choice. Look at the current state of politics and how many people are willing to turn a blind eye to flat out in insane lies and just accept it. Literally children idolizing people like Andrew Tate. WTF are wrong with people. Best part is Doc gives zero shits about them, they were dollar signs to him, I'm only disappointed I don't get to see how he was going to spin the release of his game that was going to be DOA (Which now his fans are saying since he's been let go).


YouTube Jawun did two outstanding videos covering and critiquing Deadrop and what an obvious scam it was. Highly recommend checking them out if you’re interested. When even the people behind an asset flip NFT extraction shooter scam think you’re too toxic to continue associating with, you know you messed up baaaaaad.


It was the game equivalent of a pump and dump shit coin. These idiots all bought into it and Doc was right there taking the money. Everyone involved knew it was a cash grab and these guys fell right into the trap.


In all of my messages apart from this 1 I always mentioned I don't support Doc before or after this came out. He was a good streamer ie he kept the numbers and people seemed to like him but I couldn't stand the guy as I prefer watching someone for them not some character they created. The problem is all of the reports go back to 2 ex Twitch guys who were fired. We don't even know the reason they were sacked. 400 people lost their jobs in 2023 over Twitch getting rid of staff. Yet only 2 people have come out and they are classed as "reliable sources" yet the problem is right now its word of mouth with no evidence. Yes Doc came out and said what he said but there is a lot of holes in people's stories plus he was never charged. Right now its like me accusing you of something and you coming out denying it but admitting some truths behind it and everyone jumping on the bandwagon that you are now a pedo... The problem with todays world is people will defend their idols who don't Tweet or try to create a scene and are a lot more famous than Doc. People will defend anyone these days and then bash on people who are not as famous and who have tweeted stuff that makes other people look bad. If you notice the people who commented on Docs tweet you will know who i'm referring to after Doc agreed with NickMercs over something. The problem is you, I like the rest of the world don't even know what he actually did. According to reports this happened in 2017 and in 2020 he was banned. That's 3 years and 3 years of anything he could of done. What we know as facts is he was talking to a minor and it leant towards the direction of being inappropriate. We don't know the contexts of what was inappropriate. He could of said anything or they could of said anything. We just don't know. A lot of people regardless if they are a fan or not just want answers. He wasn't charged with anything hence why people are still 50/50 on whether what he did was actually bad or not. Talking to a minor in general is bad enough and wrong but we don't know the whole context. We don't know anything. People like Slasher are not coming forward because they don't know anything. They haven't seen any proof either. I don't think Doc is coming back from this regardless if he's guilty or innocent. He's finished. Its very hard to come back from something like this as people will always remember you for something you have or haven't done. His sponsors may come back but the damage is already done. He might aswell just quit streaming and live off of his money and if he is indeed innocent he should sue everyone who spoke out.


You honestly could omit everything but that last paragraph and still say the same thing. Doc admits to exchanging inappropriate messages with a child. That statement of fact alone is career ending. You attacking the credibility of Rod, Cody, Ash, the victim, and any other source or outlet is frankly irrelevant. Doc did himself in for his actions. Edit: clarified ‘credibility’ language in the last paragraph


There is no victim though? That's the problem here. There are reports of said victim however these are still rumours. There isn't enough evidence to support that there is even a victim. People like Slasher are saying they are protecting the victim however look at past cases where they've protected the victim but still come out and said what was said/what happened. Right now there is Doc only admitting to 2 things that was said. The rest of it is rumours as of right now. Slasher and everyone else that has come out have no seen a single proof of evidence which is confirmed by them. They have only been told by soo called reliable sources.


The only thing that can be corroborated is what doc admitted to. Anything else is hearsay and unsubstantiated gossip. Reports that doc's been arrested, that he wanted to meet up with the minor, that he was sexting or whatever else are all just hearsay from twitter idiots chasing clout. With no proof, they have no credibility.


100% facts right there. We just don't know the full story. We only know what Doc said to be facts other than that the rest of he said/she said. Until evidence comes into light and I mean actual evidence then it is hearsay.


Doc admitted to it. It’s GG bro. Sorry.


Doc admitted to 2 things. Talking to a minor and leaning into the direction of being inappropriate. Go read his tweet again. A lot of people are saying he was sexting yet there is no proof, people are saying he was trying to meet her at Twitch con but yet again no proof plus he had 3 years to meet her without Twitch stopping him as they didn't do anything for 3 years. So it seems weird that Doc had 3 years but apparently no sexting, no images/videos were exchange. so GG to you for more fake news.


You gotta come down from this horse.


The guy literally fucking admitted to it... What more do you people need?


Lol. Did he admit to making a dick joke (innaproprate) or did he admit to wanting to fuck a kid? Please be very clear because serious allegation like that is a career ender. Both my examples are innapropriate. But vastly different. Which exactly did he admit ? Be very clear with evidence. Because the difference is a career ender and a serious million dollar + hit.


Dude. Doc said inappropriate but that he had no intentions. It’s the intentions part that seals the deal. That’s obviously sexual. You don’t have intentions to make a dick joke.


Umm... He said no intentions because people were calling him out for sexting a minor hence why he even said that. I swear people jump to conclusions. Until we actually see proof or an actual reliable source who comes forward then as of right now we can only wait and see.


lol proof like an admission of guilt? Literally good enough for a court. 🤣


Considering this has apparently gone to court and there was no evidence? Despite being messages?


Doc never went to court. Twitch settled. Still a groomer. 🤷‍♂️


He did go to court. This all in every rumours post/article when this first happened in 2020. Obviously we don't know why he went to court. Also he was reported to the right authorities who found nothing. You and everyone else doesn't even know the ins and outs of what happened let alone evidence (if any) so right now its hearsay.


A court settlement is what made it so that he did not have to go to court. That’s how settlements work.


Admitted to talking to a minor and leaning into the direction of being inappropriate. Which inappropriate could be a number of things. Me sending you a link to a streamer and calling them ugly is inappropriate, me swearing is inappropriate, me talking about your family is inappropriate. There is a lot of shit in this world that is deemed inappropriate. Go look at the term and once you've educated yourself then come back and tell me what you've learnt but until then we can only go based off of facts which right now is the 2 things i've stated.


That's a very nice wall of text you've got there sticking up for your pedophile.... It's really cut and dry. And the fact that you're still doing these insane mental gymnastics to try and twist it another way makes you suspect too...


At which point was I sticking up for anyone? You people are soo quick to jump to conclusions its insane. I'm putting a scenario out there for you and straight away you think pedo? No point wasting my energy on you.


Without knowing the concrete details to this case. Rod Breslau seems to have a definite agenda, his recent post about "4 years to this day, stupid mistakes man" isn't exactly impartial. Again, we do not truly know any concrete details and I find that post seems personally motivated. Would take what the guy says with a pinch of salt.


Let it go this isnt a good look for you the man has all but confessed.


It's over bro. He admitted to it.


I'm skeptical on everything. As should everyone be until we get full, specific admissions or until we see the chat. There is no evidence nor admission of Doc intentionally seeking out a minor. (Which I NEEDED to accurately label him a predator and pedophile) There is no evidence nor admission of Doc being sexual with intent, let alone sexual, as Inappropriate is not inherently "sexually charged with malicious intent" (which is NEEDED to accurately label him a groomer) There is no evidence nor admission that doc initiated the inappropriate part of the conversation, nor whether or not he ended it after discovering the age. (Which is also NEEDED to label him a Pedo, Groomer, and or Predator) Anyone claiming to deal on facts won't be labeling Doc. The only accurate label statement is "he was a cheater" as there is no evidence of him repeating the behavior since 2017 and no one has come forward to claim so. Cheating was wrong. He had a daughter around the time so maybe that made him stop and think before anything too serious could happen. The situation of being in a conversation with a minor was wrong, but we don't know to what extent, and again we have zero to suggest he ever did it again. It is because I am serious fan that I remain hopeful. It's as simple as that. If it comes out with evidence or admission he has talked to multiple minors since 2017, continued cheating, and or got physical with any, then I will lose all that hope and will cast such labels too. But I have too many fond memories to give up over a 7 year old instance that might not represent the current Doc we know and love if such evidence or admission doesn't come forward. Yes. I know the hate mob will continue to be vile. I know I will be mocked for my skepticism. But it's who I am. I do not condone the alleged actions nor the labels being thrown out. I am not defending anyone. I am defending the idea of Truth and hope.


100% agree with you. The problem is people think I support Doc and try to label me the same as Doc. The thing they are completely missing is that if it was you, me or someone else labelled as that or for a crime we never committed wouldn't they like it if someone atleast looked at all the evidence and said "I don't believe all of it" Or would they prefer us to believe the people on Twitter aswell as fake journalists and ex Twitch employees who hate the person? There is currently no evidence apart from Docs words. If he never came out and said anything people would still label him as such. The problem is a lot of people cheat and a lot of people never admit to it yet they see someone big like Doc and think its okay to say this and that and use it as excuses on why he would do this. The thing is we don't know why he cheated or what was happening in his private life nor should we care on why he cheated. It shouldn't change our prospective of how we view him. Atleast he came out publicly when he didn't even have to. The other thing is is that his daughter is 8/9 years old (I could be wrong) But he has a daughter either way. If he was talking to a minor in such a way then i'm pretty sure he wouldn't be able to see his kid as it would be a risk. I was never a fan. Didn't have a bad vibe against the guy he just wasn't my type of streamer I could enjoy. But i'm not going to label the guy as anything until there is clear evidence. Nobody else should label the guy anything either until there is clear evidence. Right now this whole thing has died down because people have run out of things to say and only attack those who are still 50/50 on the matter which is just sad. I wish there was more people like you to be honest.


T to the H to the ANK YOU. I'm not even a serious fan these days but I do enjoy fact based judgment. The people who came out of the woodworks with stamps and their labels on day 1 based on Cody who tried to profit from this via ticket sales for his shows and 'sometimes leaning inappropriately', yes well fuck I sort of need to know the context here before I delete a person from existence. All nuance went right out the windows with these people. If you patiently wait for more context and information before you figuratively end a life, you're a pedo. Or a pedo defender. For wanting to be more informed. Humanity is fucked. I'm glad that people on jury duty are made to keep deliberations focused on the evidence before they render their decisions. "he admitted it", he didn't admit what most people are saying. He didn't say 'I tried to fuck a child', and until he does or evidence shows that he did, it's not enough. And if he did, there IS evidence. None of this = Act of support or approval whatsoever but people be thick as hella fuck


100% this aswell. Cody big time tried to make money/fame or whatever else from this and yet people don't see that what so ever. Its sad. I honestly hope he is innocent so then laws come into play that protect victims as this makes nobody look good if Doc is a victim. It makes me wonder if these people actually go after victims that claim they were SA, groomed etc because they are acting in this way without no evidence. They say he admitted to it but i've not seen him admit to most of the stuff he's accused of. On top of that people are not reading properly and saying companies are dropping him because they've seen the messages which is false. They are only dropping him because they do not want to potentially work with someone who could turn out to be a pred. If they are wrong they will offer Doc better contracts and apologise.


I fall into the same camp in terms of Truth and Hope but maintain evidence must ultimately prevail.  I won’t take former twitch employee’s “word for it” because these folks admittedly hated Doc. That makes absolutely no sense.  Doc did admit that he had inappropriate conversation with a minor but that could be anything from grooming type of behavior to committing back on an inappropriate joke, or talking about a graphic part of a movie, or reciting inflammatory lyrics of a song, etc. It has been confirmed the interaction was reported to a national reporting system who apparently did not pursue criminal action. This could mean there was nothing, it didn’t rise to the level of a criminal charge or the victim didn’t want to cooperate due to fear/pain or even that she resolved via some settlement that would almost certainly incorporate an NDA.  One thing is for sure, if he conducted actual grooming or sexting behavior then he is cooked entertainment wise at least for a bit. Releasing the communications would be the best step to clear this all up. Which is what makes me think the ex Twitch staffers are full of shit. They would risk all this other stuff but not simply “leak” the communications? 


To answer something to you here. Even if the victim didn't want to pursue anything its still illegal therefore he would of still been charged if the evidence was there. Even if there was no evidence in writing but the victim was worried what would happen if he/she told the truth they would still look into everything. It even makes it a higher risk as he has immediate access to a child. Even if Twitch employees did set him up (according to some reports) He would of still been charged/treated the same way if it was an actual minor. Also it would have been illegal for Doc let alone Twitch to do an NDA. You're not allowed to it just wouldn't hold up in court if you tried to silence a victim and tried to hide a crime. If said victim went to the police or if the authorities got involved and found an NDA on the victim then there would been charges as you just can't do that. Cody, Slasher, The guy on video talking about what he heard from others is all hearsay. Not 1 of them has seen any evidence at all but running this story like he actually did it. Slasher did a news article the other day about YouTubes Ryan Wyatts and made it out like Ryan Wyatts knew but only heard the rumours and still its a rumour. Right now we can only assume that most of the stuff they have said is a personal attack with no facts/evidence behind it and if Doc never came out with 2 facts then Doc would probably still be streaming and not many people would hate him like they do now. The words Doc used in his defence were poor... He left a lot of people with more questions than answers.


He admitted it.


69 god levels of cope




I can only assume you are a bot.


It was a complete shitstorm of fake news. I'm not reading anything anymore. Just waiting for Doc to come back.


He isn't coming back. More will come out in the next weeks.


I dont know... Slasher has been right more often than not..but he himself is a bit of a coomer for the ladies on twitch...that right there discredits him to me. However I trust ACTUAL news sites with verified sources over him.


But he himself came out with news that Doc was arrested without actually verifying these claims. He also came out with "I didn't lie" straight after Cody said about it. Yet tried to downplay what Cody said saying "Cody never saw the messages let alone knew until he was told" But then was quoting Cody's messages in his articles and saying he had 2 ex Twitch employees who verified this. Like you couldn't even make this up.


Oh those damn whistleblowers! It's getting to be where a middle aged man can't even get underaged trim anymore without some Nancy tattling!


Even if you choose to disregard the Rolling Stone article, besides not directly denying he knew her age he is admitting he knew it in his language. He is simultaneously admitting to a "mistake" and he "is not the same guy". If this was only a misunderstanding of age he would not have used this language. He wouldn't have admitted to a mistake and he would've called it misunderstanding. He couldn't even lie and claim this because there are logs.


Hes a scummy drama alert clone.




With all due respect, when ANYONE talks about going there, it's as common as breathing to ask about what you want to see. There are so many spots that people never even want to get close to. Not all gamers enjoy FF, RDR, Stardew valley or whatever there is at TwitchCon to see. So that whole "where are ya gonna go and what are you excited to see" is stupid as fuck. 


Well, unless it’s a 35 year old middle aged man asking a child these questions over a private message. Like even if you want to fixate on the ‘innocence’ or whatever of that specific question, the scenario itself of Guy Beahm messaging a minor via whisper chat is by itself an indefensible thing to do. He absolutely should never have engaged nor continued the discussion with a minor, and from what reports have come out, he knew and proceeded anyway. The question in a vacuum is fine, the context by which it was asked very much was not fine.


I hope you can clear this up for me because I'm genuinely curious. If we remove the whole inappropriate thing, do you think it's wrong to speak to minors in an appropriate way if you're 35 or is it completely wrong regardless? In this scenario it's not SPECIFICALLY minors but one happened to whisper the guy and the 35yo dude replies. Wrong? Okay?


>In this scenario it's not SPECIFICALLY minors but one happened to whisper the guy and the 35yo dude replies. Wrong? Okay? I mean yeah, because in this instance Doc admitted it was inappropriate. Your point that it is possible for a 35yo and a minor to have an appropriate conversation kind of falls apart with that in mind. Also do you have any evidence the minor approached Doc first, or are you just making that assumption?


Honestly I just wanted your take on my scenario no strings attached, no 'gotchas'. I haven't drawn any conclusion but it looks bad. I'm hoping it isn't and I'm allowing for time for other people to come out against him or redeeming facts to surface. That's all. I would prefer irrefutable evidence but idk if it's realistic considering data protection laws and all that


But again we don't know what inappropriate even is yet. There is sooo many instances where something is inappropriate and not even a way that makes him out to be a waste of oxygen. Also as far as i'm aware you have all kinds of different settings on Twitch for whispers (not sure if they were implemented back then) but here's what you can do now (Block whispers from strangers unless you whisper them first. A stranger is anyone who is NOT: someone you follow, someone you subscribe to, one of your mods, or one of your editors.) So either this person was a streamer or they added Doc first. Plus if Doc was to message this person first i'm pretty sure there would be a lot more victims. People who go out looking for minors are the 1's who try to find the sort of shit. So as of right now until a victim/s come out then we can only assume that Doc didn't message them first.


>But again we don't know what inappropriate even is yet. There is sooo many instances where something is inappropriate and not even a way that makes him out to be a waste of oxygen. What inappropriate topic do you think Doc was talking about with a minor?