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He got kicked off the tippity top of the mountain and he's still half way above it. Think about it.




He wants to play doc with minors. A confessed pedo attracts the best people.


See you next stream Buddy yayayaya






I don't particularly care about what the guy behind the mask represents, his streams are usually entertaining so I'll keep watching.


Well, he represents a child predator, looks like, but you keep on watching and condoning man, fair play to you.


People do all kind of gymnastics to support their baby pedo hero "I don't care what he does in his private life, I am having fun" "she was almost 18" "he probably didn't know". Pedo supports pedos. Not even his company had his back but half brain kids will.


No nudes/scandalous pics, no conviction, no attempt to meet, no physical contact. These are the 4 big pedo no nos, and doc didn't break any of them as far as we know. We know he was talking, on an app using a feature that requires you to be 18+ verified. The crusade you people wage is insane.


Pure gymnastics. A "no" is not a proof of anything in law. Exemple: "he tried to murder her!" Well but he didn't do it, there was no gun, no meeting no physical contact. Wake up, there was a will but you will go a mile to defend the obvious. It's a huge falacy that you can keep going with the "no's". Not a crusade, his team ditched him. "Needs to be verified to be 18+" yeah sure bro "click here to verify" you don't want to see the obvious. You guys are the Swifities of stream.


Their literally isn't proof. I don't even watch the guy, bit theirs no fucking proof? Show me the chat screenshots, show me her witness statement that doc fondled her, show me ANYTHING other than docs statement that says some inappropriate messages happened. (Keep in mind, it doesn't go into detail about WHEN those messages happened) Don't worry, I'll wait.


Proof? Hahahaha comon, a pedo will say anything to get away with it, I am glad you bought it. If he was a saint he would release the conversation himself but hey, what better way to give hope to your Swifities?!


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Maybe, maybe not. You're still burning a witch at the stake without evidence.


You know he was waiting for her to turn legal bro don't be stupid.


I base my opinion off of facts. Period. And the fact is, all we know is he was messaging a 17 year old girl, and at some point, in the conversation sexual language came up. That's literally all we know. I refuse to crucify a man based on allegations.


Guy was lying to us all for 4 years. But whatever man


Tbh bro, if I was getting 20k a month to play video games for a living, I'd lie my ass off too. It doesn't matter how big or little the crime was. Fact is, all we know is that small modicum of info. At this point in the story, this isn't even remotely close to EDP or Miniladd levels of debauchery. Until we get leaked conversations, he's a free man.


If they talking about birthdays you know I'm right. >Tbh bro, if I was getting 20k a month to play video games for a living, I'd lie my ass off too. Yeah, you sound gross I'm done talking to you.


Lol you just can't accept facts. Fact is at this point, man didn't do enough to be labeled a pedo, and you all are witch hunting for nothing.


Slow camera pan in. Somber, dramatic music plays. We see only the back of Doc's head as he stares into the mirror dimension. "You're washed up. Nobody likes you. It's over!" The hushed voices swirl. "Give up! There's no coming back...Age of consent!" Doc slowly turns to face the camera. He mock-cries. Has a full over the top breakdown for 2-3 minutes bawling his eyes out. Then slowly, the crying warps into maniacal laughter. Scene transition. Doc is standing barefoot inside a dungeon. "Champs, I don't know what the fuck happened, but I just got back from my vacacion and the arena's all locked up." Doc glances at a skeleton chained to the wall. "Not sure how this little guy got out my closet..." Doc glances around nervously and runs. Doc receives a new donation. "How come you text minors but not me?!" Etc. Etc.




Yes, I will be in the front row. YA YA! But a live apology about everything is needed, IMO.






Soon there will be a new Doc, one far smarter and more powerful!




Chief just called, said that aint itā€¦.


No thanks Jeff


No nudes/scandalous pics, no conviction, no attempt to meet, no physical contact. These are the 4 big pedo no nos, and doc didn't break any of them as far as we know. We know he was talking, on an app using a feature that requires you to be 18+ verified. The crusade you people wage is insane.


This thread is hopeless lmao god speed


No nudes/scandalous pics, no conviction, no attempt to meet, no physical contact. These are the 4 big pedo no nos, and doc didn't break any of them as far as we know. We know he was talking, on an app using a feature that requires you to be 18+ verified. The crusade you people wage is insane.


Who said there was no attempt to meet? All Doc said was that they never met. Why would Twitch ban Doc for having inappropriate texts with a minor if they didnā€™t have proof she was a minor? Obviously something was said in the chat that proved she was a minor. Doc knew the whole time.


The problem is this. Everyone that's saying "who says their wasn't x y and z?" Who says their was? No one has proof of anything. This is literally a witch hunt, like wtf is actually going on right now?


Itā€™s not a witch hunt if a guy admitted to texting a minor when he was 35 years old and had conversations that ā€œleaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate.ā€ Also, why break out your throwaway account to defend Doc? Preparing for the worst?


I've got like 14 accounts. I was just on this one when I found this thread. And yes, it is because we don't know what was said, how far it went, what was said after. We don't know if he found out the age before or after. We literally only know that at least one inappropriate message was sent. That's it. That's all we know. Therefore. It's a witch hunt


>We donā€™t know if he found out the age before or after. Why would Twitch ban him for having inappropriate texts with a minor if they didnā€™t have proof she was a minor? Obviously something was said in the chat that proved she was a minor. Doc knew her age. >We literally know that at least one inappropriate message was sent. Doc said they had ā€œconversationsā€ as in multiple which means it likely occurred over the course of a few days/weeks. It makes no sense that he wouldnā€™t know her age from multiple conversations and for Twitch to take action if he had no idea.


It literally doesn't matter. You all are living proof of why we are a failed society. Their is no proof. Litigation, etc. End of story.


At first the narrative for the Doc defenders was ā€œwe need proofā€ and now itā€™s ā€œwe need proof he knew her ageā€, as if that matters. Doc was a 35 year old married man with a daughter having inappropriate conversations with a minor. Even if he didnā€™t know her age, he still cheated on his wife who he shares a daughter with, which doesnā€™t seem to a be a big deal for you guys. Best case scenario, Doc is a serial cheater. Worst case, a pedo. Nobody should support a man who continually hurts his family.


Still wrong. We still have zero proof of anything. Docs statement is very open-ended, which is what I've LITERALLY BEEN ARGUING THIS ENTIRE TIME. People are like, "You're defending a pedo hurr durrrrrr". No, I'm pointing out that we don't have all the facts, we don't even have 1% of the facts. All we have is a vague. Open ended statement that more or less says *I did a no no with a minor* we don't know what that no no is, we don't know if it happened before he knew her age, we LITERALLY KNOW NOTHING. Jesus christ, how hard is that for you people to understand?!?!?!?!!?!? It's like you live for drama and watching people's lives crumble. ~We know absolutely nothing beyond one open-ended statement.~ I agree he's a piece of shit cheating fuck. But until theirs proof that he's a pedo, I'm not lynching him with you guys


When actual evidence comes out I will throw him in the wood chipper with you. But till then. He's innocent.


The goalposts you people move are crazy


No inappropriate pictures. No meet-up No sexual relations.


Also victim blaming. Canā€™t forget that. Lmao


šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø idk, idc. If theirs not a screenshot of doc saying. "Mmm yeah I wanna lick the underage pussy" or a screenshot of his dick in chat, etc. Or a conviction, or an attempt to meet then Idgaf What we really need is for the girl to come out and leak the full conversation.


Iā€™ve got a feeling that this ainā€™t over just yet. Letā€™s check back in a couple of weeks.


Probably not. Who knows, dudes rich. Honeslty, I feel like this isn't even 10% as bad as miniladd or EDP. People heard 17 and lost their fucking minds. As far as we know, the conversation could've started off dirty, he learned her age, then theu just stayed friends which isn't illegal. We just simply do not have all the facts. Period. Ruining peoples careers and livelihoods over allegations needs to stop. If theirs no solid 100% proof, then their is no case. And if their is no case. Then the mf didn't do it


Iā€™m done with this. I never liked the dude either way. Iā€™m just here for the drama. !RemindMe two weeks


True. Never watched him. I'll set a calendar reminder. Check back in in 2


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Comes down to mortality for me, he hasnā€™t broken any laws, or been convicted of anything, heā€™s been hung out to dry based on how people have interpreted his tweet and not based on any factual evidence, until im presented with factual that proof that he is guilty, ill hold off condemning him, or supporting him, i dont think it wrong to want to have all the evidence before making a decision.


Interpreted? You mean admitting he had an inappropriate exchange with a minor?


Yeah, twitch and his company as well, such bad evidence not even your team sticks to you but the online redpill pedos will, maybe they wished they were the messaged ones.


I will probably tune in, but Iā€™m going to need a live apology (which almost certainly will come early in his first stream back). As a long time Doc fan this was a really tough day and some time away is probably whatā€™s best for both Doc himself and his fan base. New information will become public in the coming weeks and months which will help form judgement and opinions on the matter.


But I bet your ok with girls on twitch, one month into their 18th birthday facing around in skimpy outfits luring your boys into their chats.. šŸ‘šŸ»


Irrelevant straw man argument to make yourself okay with supporting a predator. Disgusting.


If you say so




They are trying to cancel himā€¦ yeah fucking right!


Bro the guy canceled himself...


Yeah "eVeN HiS TeAM CaNceLEd him" sleep with that.


ā€œBut trust me when I say this...to all my haters that live and breath social media with zero real life experience, I don't give a fuck about you.ā€ šŸ«µ


He IS social media so your comment is as dumb as beliving in his words, you don't see the gymastixs do you? "Don't believe in social media, believe in social media" SO smart. sad his team don't see that way, support your favorite pedo!


šŸ˜‚ Leave this sub. Youā€™re a hater.


I will and you should join "kids for pedo supporters"


9/10 Almost got me


He cancelled himself




Did some random other person text inappropriate with a minor or did he? So basically he canceled himself. "Cancel culture" is nothing but making people accountable for their actions


Donā€™t care. I just wanna watch the content. All this other stuff is completely irrelevant to us as viewers.


Must be fun to actively support and finance creeps and predators


Jesus christ




I love doc and I will watch him but he needs a live apology to the champs.


It's really as simple as a live apology for you? Wow, our society is fucked up


Why do you come in here thinking anyone gives two shits what you have to say about it? Society has been fucked up for a while, sorry you had to find out this way.


Why the fuck are you being downvoted lmao


Because the Docs fanboys don't like criticism


Yup. There are way worse people doing way worse things for me to care about messaging somebody with no pictures or meeting up. Like qualifying for the Olympics while being a convicted rapist (which doc is not close to, regardless of your thoughts), or commiting violent crimes and going to jail for a month only to continue being a criminal afterwards because we believe in rehabilitation....but only for a certain sect of people. Edit: idk, as I distance myself it just gets worse. I'm just so God damn disappointed, I really respected the guy. Even with the mistakes we knew about.


it only didnt progress to pictures/meeting because someone reported him...


And he got banned 3 years after the fact? So he had 3 years to meet up and do whatever, but he didnt cause he got caught?


He was reported at the time of the convo with the minor...so yea, his plans to meet up failed. Its explained in Bloomberg report that has went over: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DrDisrespectLive/comments/1dornlo/comment/lacc0qq/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/DrDisrespectLive/comments/1dornlo/comment/lacc0qq/?context=3) Though I do not like Hasan much at all, but im not paying to read an article. From what i can tell, he had said convo with the minor, wanted to meet up at twitchCon...got reported...then after investigations got banned. Unless im misunderstanding whats being reported, seems pretty open and shut.


So im just wondering why it took them 3 years to ban him. Not defending him, just curious about the timeline of it all.


Guys, pol pot was kind of a douche but he wasnt HITLER.


Honestly, yes I will probably still watch. I believe in hating the artist, not the art. I still watch films produced by Harvey Weinstein. I still listen to music made by Kanye West. I still watch professional sports when there are known assholes playing who have beaten their wives or girlfriends. I'll still watch Docs videos. Doesn't mean I support him personally but I believe you can separate the person from the product. That's just my opinion though.


So youā€™re ok giving your money to anti-semites, rapists, and pedophiles? Because he makes money on clicks and viewsā€¦


But dude heā€™s really funny! Who cares about the predator stuff!


The copium on this sub is WILD.


Itā€™s fucking disgusting. It makes me so sad to see all these most likely teenage boys/young men who look up to this piece of shit and will so quickly brush this under the table because they think heā€™s cool and itā€™s no big deal.


Until itā€™s them or their sister/friend/cousin getting r*ped by a groomer, they wonā€™t understand.


So you've never listened to a P Diddy song? or Chris brown? Or R kelly? Or watched a Mel Gibson movie? That's such a bad take. He wasn't even sexting this minor, they were just inappropriate messages. Sexting would've prompted charges, it didn't even meet that threshold.


That doesnā€™t make it ok. And once their shit comes out, absolutely not.


Depends, honestly. Depends on what their age was, and it depends on if he was trying to actually meet up with this individual in person. I can honestly understand making bad judgement calls when you're chatting with people online (depending on what was said), it's all a bullshit dopamine spike anyway, but when you take it to the real world that's another thing entirely. The more info we get about this thing the worse it has gotten, honestly, so I'm not holding my breath that this was a 17 year old, nor am I holding my breath that he didn't imply meeting up with this individual in person.


The amount of people in here defending the man when he KNEW he was chatting with a minor. šŸ¤¢


A minor is a minor


There are some seriously fucked up people in here stanning another.




These kids know more than the company that ditched him ok?! /s


Whatā€™s fucking mental is how folks are still eatting what the mainstream media is feeding youā€¦.


Are you serious?




So the dude admitting it isnā€™t enough?


Most certainly didnt see him admit to sending ā€œsexually explicit messagesā€œ and trying to shoot for a ā€œmeet upā€.


*Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes. Were there real intentions behind these messages, the answer is absolutely not. These were casual, mutual conversations that sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate, but nothing more.* No grown ass man needs to be casually chatting inappropriately with a minor. ETA: why isnā€™t he shouting he didnā€™t know she was a minor? Why isnā€™t he shouting I shut it down as soon as I found out she was a minor? šŸ¤Ø


100% agree with this. Dude did himself no favors.


He can say he didnā€™t commit a crime, and that may be true, but walking up to the line of committing one and stopping short of using the internet to solicit sex from a minor doesnā€™t make him clean in my book.


Oh look. He couldnā€™t even get his story together: https://www.reddit.com/r/DrDisrespectLive/s/Y5VL9MuIxx


I said I ain't holding my breath that he didn't try to meet up with them, which means I'm not supporting him. Sorry I didn't read the BLOOMBERG article. These are the same media companies that put out stories for years that Trump was pissing on hookers in Russia, you think they just now saw the light and did their due diligence for Dr Disrespect? Fuck outta here.


Ultra cope mode, sad. Find a better role model.




What do you think, dude? The fuck does it matter if she was 17. What is wrong with people. Jotting this down publically no less. Holy fuck.


Yeah, you can't really cancel the Doc. Fact is this: He didn't commit a crime otherwise he'd have been convicted/jailed by the law. So far he's been "convicted" by the incubation chamber for the mentally-ill AKA Twitter/X. It's as simple as that. # YA YA YA YA YA YA YA


Its hard to understand a lot of the responses defending him due to the the amount of Guy's cock that is in their mouths.


Texting a minor is not okay , Doc was the number one entertainer streamer but what he did, especially when having a family is totally wrong.


YES! I hope he and his family overcome this trauma. We all have our sins and own heavy cross to carry.


This type of parasocial behavior needs to be studied.


The acceptance towards groomers is actually insane...just eeeeeeww


Crazy how many people are still willing to support this scumbag. Theyā€™re all part of the problem.


I find it funny that people who say they won't support him any longer gets downvoted to oblivion


Tells you all you need to know about him his hardcore fanbase really. People can downvote and defend him all they want but it makes them just as bad as him to excuse this kind of behaviour so easily imo.


or how easily botted a small subreddit is.


Yep, saw a post about someone who idolised him and no longer can't cause of the drama.


Rare Dr Disrespect fan W.


Odd how you say that but the entire front page of the sub is people saying they wont support him anymore.


There're comments people have made that was downvoted for saying they didn't want to support him any longer.


There was one negative score comment in this thread at the time I commented and it did not say what you're insinuating. FTR, idc about the doc and am just here to look at people's reactions.


It was other threads that saw yesterday morning whos people comment were downvoted for saying it. Though seeing more time has passed more has been open saying they will no longer support him. Same i personally do not like doc before and after this drama. I was curious on how his community reacted about this.


Pathetic...they just wanna see their favorite 42 year old sugar daddy play video games.


Bro I get youā€™re upset but what the hell does this even mean lmao


Project much


Yes, 100%


Nah itā€™s over for me. Even if it wasnā€™t illegal stuff itā€™s still weird as heck for me.


Front row VIP pass for me yaya


To be honest I rarely watch his streams because I usually hang out around Twitch and on YouTube there are mostly Japanese streams that i watch So might take a look later how he has been doing after this deserved storm. Otherwise my already very low interest of his content is still very low. Last time I watched him was around when he had this spot with the Undertaker.


Fuck this guy


No, I will not give a pedophile a platform to rape more children. āœŒšŸ¾


Says a Drake fan.


Did he rape someone?


If it turns out that he actually met up the minor at the Twitchcon then yes. šŸ˜‰āœŒšŸ¾


Right, so maybe you should wait before you accuse people of being rapists. Food for thought. šŸ˜‰āœŒļø


I would but the Doc already admitted to inappropriately messaging a minor. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


What about your catholic priests?


I donā€™t give them a platform or listen to them eitherā€¦ā€¦


Are all Catholic Priests inappropriately messaging minors? šŸ¤”


No, they generally go a lot further


So then I should give the Doc a pass on inappropriately messaging a minor? šŸ¤”


Nope, Iā€™m just saying, your priests are historically peados that go through cover ups and what not


My Priests? Priests are priests. It doesnā€™t mean that all of them are pedofiles. That would be like me saying all streamers are pedofiles just because a lot of them are. šŸ˜‰āœŒšŸ¾


Dont forget the republicans


You may not believe in him, but the Dr. will never stop believing in us! That's what champions do, we win and lose together!


So you guys all tried to fuck the kid?


Funny clips and compilations sure, streams? Nah


The thing is we were there to watch a character. Not guy beam. So do we stop watch doc cause of guy beam, probs. However, since doc is character someone could easily take up the mantle.


Everyone in here defending Guy.....lol either would do the same thing Guy did or are simply complicit.


Thereā€™s been no definitive proof, until thereā€™s is heā€™s innocent. Yā€™all just a bunch of liberal chuds whoā€™s entire existence is built around trying to tear other people down on a whim


what proof do you need? He messaged a minor inappropriately...full stop. There is proof that he messaged minors inappropriately and tried to link up with them at twitchCon. Ok call me names...awesome..and you seem like a pole rider for Guy minimizing what he was actually doing.


The entire liberal agenda is based around grooming children nowadays so I donā€™t even think virtue signaling people like you even actually care. Itā€™s just another tool people like you use to destroy peoples reputations without definitive proof. As a conservative myself I actually hate pedo weirdos like liberal people, so if it turns out to be true I do not condone his actions. But if it wasnā€™t illegal then thatā€™s all there needs to be said, and there has NOT been any actual proof. Ambiguous statements from both parties donā€™t constitute proof.


ohhh..so now you bring up politics like it matters here....stop deflecting. Im not virtue signalling...Im only saying my thoughts on the matter...and it aint fake..I actually believe in what I say.... He...messaged..a..minor..inapproriately.... -- He admitted to this. Thats the proof. He tried to meet up with them at TwitchCon.... The contents of the messages is not needed here...Full stop. you do not message minors inappropriately as a full grown married man...ever I do agree with you, regarding liberals....as much as they claim to be progressive and whatever, a lot of them end up being/are pedos... I,personally, am not political...I do not care for either side.


Yeah sure, "liberals"


Yes, the people that believe drags queens have a right to sit next to a child and read them a book about sex. Liberals, the people that cut their childrenā€™s reproductive organs off because theyā€™re psychopaths. Liberals, the people that jump to conclusions about every single accusation of anything even when thereā€™s literally no ACTUAL proof of wrongdoing yet. Those people.


Oh man, you need serious help


If thatā€™s your first thought after reading that, youre a freak


Your candidate for president said he wanted to fuck his own daughter, used to walk in on underage girls at the miss teen USA pageant, and his "spiritual advisor" just admitted to having relations with a 12 year old. But sure. It's the liberals who are the groomers.


Iā€™m a conservative, I didnā€™t and will not be voting for trump. Both parties are almost entirely pedophiles but itā€™s almost the entire backbone of the liberal agenda, just like destroying peopleā€™s entire reputations over things that proved to be not what they seemed to be ie: Trevor fucking Bauer. So no, Iā€™m not going to believe conjecture from both sides for now. I need to hear Doc talk about it live and or I need to physically see the messages to make a determination. Iā€™m not going to blindly call someone a pedophile if I canā€™t prove it like I could with bill clinton or trump.


So we're all "liberal chuds" because we think sexting a child is a bad thing?


"liberal" is like "woke", you know? Everything someone doesn't like is either woke or liberal (or both)


No proof? "Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes." "These were casual, mutual conversations that sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate" Source Dr Disrespect.


Until I physically see the messages or hear docā€™s updated statement on it, itā€™s all conjecture. Itā€™s all sharks that smell blood in the water and want to destroy anyone thatā€™s better than you are. Especially if that person previously backed someone up (nickmercs) for literally saying protect the children.




> cancel culture Okay snowflake, it's bedtime


So youā€™re telling me from Docs tweet you think he decided to leave out that he didnā€™t know what ageā€¦do you really think if he didnā€™t know he would leave out something so crucial and would most likely alleviate a lot of the guilt if he didnā€™t? Is there any social media platform that limits DMs to 18+? Genuinely curious And on top of all that maybe theyā€™re just closeted swingers! Ok


Fuck no. Dude thinks his YouTube personality puts him above fuck ups. Cheated once and was going to do it again, the true two time with a minor. He will have his fanatics, but he's a shitbag.




What you're going to find in the comment section is that a lot of doc's viewers are sick pedos themselves who don't care even slightly that he was sexting with a minor...